• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 2,313 Views, 298 Comments

Cutiemark Crusaders 10k: The fourth deity - The Psychopath

In this dark future of Equestria, the CMC have become the guardians of the remaining ponies against the chaos demons, Nightmare Luna, and the crystal ponies of the formless King Sombra. Three deities, but an unknown fourth comes for conquest

  • ...

Into their mind

Abstract used his magic to phase through the land to the checkered pink grounds of Discord's domain. Multiple 'demons' wandered the lands, talking about their plights from the claws of the chaos lords, and it was something that Abstract couldn't care less about.

"Where are they?" he pondered.

Every hop in vision was towards shattered pieces of glass on the varied ground, letting Abstract see twisted and mutated trees ad floating land masses. Much was it like chaos to be as simple in thought patterns then to simply reverse everything. Trying to remember the details of how they looked, the crystallion first looked for the serpents. They would stick out the most from this crowd of bipedal and quadrupedal pony-turned-demon. Abstract could feel the semi-sentient cloud of darkness within him bubble and jitter with a feral aggressiveness the closer Abstract got to something blue hanging around the other side of an assembly of large boulders. An orange demon, clearly exhausted, was using a huge leaf to fan someone. Luckily, there was a piece of glass lodged in the stones, so the crystallion could see and hear a small portion of what was lazing about. It was the blue serpent known as 'Rainbow Dash'.

"Rainbow Dash..." the orange demon gasped. "Can I take a break?"

The chaos lord was resting on a hammock attached to to large boulders. She was disturbed from her rest by the mewling of the demon. Pinkie Pie would've crushed her and Fluttershy would've eaten her, but Rainbow Dash?

"Yeah. Sure. Do whatever," she sighed.

The demon dropped the fan and collapsed onto her back, gasping for air. Knowing that apathy was her single personality trait, Abstract tried jolting something in the chaos lord using what little magic he could get through to her. Her complete lack of energy would theoretically allow the magic to affect her.

"Hey, servant, do you remember what it was like to be sent into the pit?" the chaos lord asked.

It worked.

"What? Where is that coming from?"

"I don't know...I'm just bored, I guess. I feel like there's something missing..." she looked at her tiny claws. "Something I used to hold." She flexed her fingers and let her arms drop back to her sides. "I need some fun. Maybe I could just, like, write something? Nah. That's too hard..."

"I honestly don't remember, Rainbow Dash. Do you remember what happened?"

The demon lord scratched her chin and stared at the fighting shades of pink and blue in the sky. "I remember that feeling of weight pressing on me the further and faster I approached the put. We were all angry at Twilight for some reason. I honestly didn't care, but then I hit the lava, if it even was that. Molten rock engulfing me yet I still felt mildly cold, and so I sank further into the pit."

"Then what happened?"

"Then a voice called to me within that dark embrace. It told me 'Rainbow Dash, your speed is the greatest in Equestria, but what about the world. I will grant you a gift, and in return, you need only do a few select things. When you awake, you may laze about to your corrupted heart's desire, but do not forget the deal'. I accepted, of course. It was almost like I was in an egg, as something warm enveloped me and I felt my body stretching and slimming like I was made of taffy. Then I...I don't know. I felt a tremendous burst of energy and erupted from the lava. I don't know how many times I circled Equestria, but by the time I was tired again, barely an hour had passed, and so Discord took me and explained stuff I didn't listen to, because whatever, right?"

"That was almost like a story. You could be a story teller for us, no?"

Rainbow Dash waved a hand. "Too much work."

"All you have to do is talk. You don't need to move from your comfortable spot, and your stories could motivate everypony around. Then the others couldn't say you're being lazy."

"I don't care what the others think, but..." The chaos lord rolled onto her side, pondering the request, but Abstract left before she gave an answer. He didn't care about it. A few more hops led Abstract to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy currently fighting each other and destroying the surrounding areas. They were arguing about who had the better transition into a chaos lord which would equate to who was better.

"Stupid logic," Abstract hissed. "What is in your minds, mewling ponies?"

Pinkie pie cracked her warhammer over Fluttershy's head, causing the dragon to slam hard onto the ground below. "I had a better transformation than you! All you do is yell and stomp around!" Pinkie yelled while stomping around.

"How convenient..." Abstract grumbled.

"Oh yeah?!" Fluttershy roared and flipped her opponent onto her back by grabbing her legs and pulling them upwards and towards her. "When I was transformed, my skin was torn off my body and filled with a better, more muscular and strong form. It hurt, but it was worth it! NOW I'M THE STRONGEST AND SCARIEST, and there's nothing a puny little Pinkie Pie Party Pony can do about it." Fluttershy crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at her opponent while taunting.

Pinkie Pie slammed her fists into the ground with enough strength to propel her upwards and back onto her feet. "DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT!"

"Pinkie Pie! Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy danced.


The pink chaos lord barreled into her opponent, lifted her up, then threw her a few feet away towards a hill with a large barn holding a few as-of-yet uncorrupted animals used as food. Abstract's 'eyes' glowed brighter as he observed the unusual events that happened before his eyes. The yellow dragon, after noticing her trajectory, changed it with a wing flap and slammed into open land next to the hill. Had the crystallion an eyebrow, he would've raised it.

"When I was changed, I was given a better body to crush anypony who thinks fun is...fun! I HATE fun! I even felt and saw some strange pink thing getting ripped out of my chest as I grew taller and taller."

"That's quite the party," a demon commented in awe. It was close enough to the mirror shard for Abstract to make out the words.

"Party?!" Pinkie shouted. Her voice warped briefly into somewhat a mixture of low-angry and high-happy, and her eyes, for but a flicker of a second, lightened and softened. "WHO SAID THAT?!" she bellowed angrily.

She didn't have time to stomp on the demons that Fluttershy breathed a torrent of flame at her, forcing Pinkie to dry and protect her face despite wearing armor. Abstract looked away from the window and pondered.

"Those were some bizarre behavioral 'tics' they just had, and feeling something pink pulled out of her chest? What does...Of course! The fool demon thinks it can pull souls out of their bodies, but that didn't work. They behave this way because of their warped personalities, but just a fragment of their original souls persist, and for these two..." He looked back at the two chaos lords fighting and saw Pinkie Pie bashing a large stone onto Fluttershy's head multiple times. "Geniuses, these tics occur more often. Hate and rage are the weakest of negative emotions. That's why they're more in tune with it but also display unwanted traits of their past lives, but the blue one...her memories seem...compromised? I must search for the others to better understand this."

Unfortunately, he couldn't find any of the chaos lords talking about the changes again, so he waited patiently. The next few days had Abstract hopping through more shards of glass and mirror, and he eventually found himself viewing Twilight Sparkle again. She was busy wringing dirt out of her hair as if it were water and was surrounded by floating mirrors hanging on small walls of dirt.

"Twahlight. Ah see you had fun over at Apple Bloom's," Applejack hissed gleefully.

"Yeah, but there was this weird guy who trapped me under the land."

"Why didn't ya just teleport back here?"

"Those ponies did something to it. I couldn't use my powers."

Applejack slithered around and pretended to nod understandably. "So ya had ta climb outta there on your own?"


"Reminds ya of stuff, yeah?"

Twilight raised a brow. "What kinda stuff?" she asked.

"Like when we came outta that pit." She looked at Rainbow Dash sleeping on a drifting cloud and faced Twilight. "Ah overheard the others talkin' 'bout their awakening from the pit. Thought hard about what it was like again."

"I noticed too. You think it has to do with that crystal thing that beat Pinkie and Fluttershy? I mean, aside from our inner circle, it's never happened before..." Twilight looked off to the side. "Much."

"It also trapped ya underground 'n wasn't affected by yer magic. Ah'd say it puts what it-they-them promised us into perspective."

"That reminds me," Twilight said. "You never did share how you saw your change."

"Ah can't quite remember what happened, actually. Ah just know it took some of mah mem'ries away and gave me my current...abilities."

"Oh." Twilight frowned. "That's a shame. I was really hoping to know what everypony went through."

"Can't say ah can help ya. All of us remember things a little differently." She smiled pitiably.

In truth, Applejack could remember ever minute detail of the moment. In fact, it was the only thing currently vivid in her mind. The terror that wracked her corrupted soul upon seeing the vibrant and violent shades of yellow, red, and orange swarming around her and engulfing her. The others were given the choice of joining and being corrupted, but Applejack wasn't given that opportunity. Instead, she had claws wrap around her, promising her the greatest power a shift serpent like her could wish for: A body to match and the ability to slither amongst any people. She would receive incredible acting talent to become believable anywhere, but her 'superfluous' memories would be replaced by this knowledge, all to help further the 'thing's' goal that are as-of-yet unknown. Applejack could remember crying intensely as she tried holding on to something precious to her, but whatever it was, she had forgotten, and it wasn't necessary anyways. Thanks to Twilight, she recovered the one thing that would allow her to remember her past, but Apple Bloom still eluded her.

"Stupid serpent!" Abstract bellowed and punched the wall, shattering several crystals. "She does remember but she refuses to say it!" He sigh a guttural noise and composed himself. "Her lying and needs to trick others seems to be as much as I'm going to get out her. There must be other information from the other one. I already know enough about the lavender draconequus to know how to confront her."

Twilight later left her 'bathing area' and ended up encountering Rarity working on several papers placed on her table. Several more demons were lined around her working on them to help her out as well, something Abstract found interesting, surprisingly.

"You're working outside?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. I thought the fresh air would be good for my complexion."

Twilight looked at her ex-friend with a disinterested expression. "Uh huh..." she mumbled.

Rarity continued calculating all the documents and costs that came with them and stopped suddenly. She groaned and looked up to Twilight. "What is it? What do you want?"

"Well..." she scratched the back of her head. "Applejack reminded me of something I'm curious about."

"And what is that?"

"What was it like for you when you went into the pit?"

The chaos lord spun in her seat then crossed her hind legs and leaned forward. "Well, I remember that 'thing' there waiting for me and following me the further down I went. "I suppose you were 'afraid'," Twilight grinned.

Rarity brushed the comment off. "Of course not, sweetie. Why would I? It's just a big eyeball. I just thought it looked...unusual is all" She passed a paw through her hair and fluffed it up. "Anyways, it said it had big plans for me and that I was a very important part of its 'big picture'. That's when snakes came to me and laid down on me."

"That's what the stripes are?"

Rarity nodded. " They bit into me then started stretching and expanding me like I was bread. I thought I was going to became a sagging back of flash, but as you can see, I became so much more, and then some. I was going to have everything I desired, and in a way, I got it. As soon as I came out, Discord put me to work, so I've been managing with that foal can't be bothered to do despite being our 'leader'," she huffed.

Before she said anything else, Abstract cut the spell and started analyzing the new information. "The two anger-driven ones are no mental threat. With proper preparations and the testing of new magic, I could deal with them. As for the other four, the orange, white, and purple demons can be a threat. The orange one has no true physical attributes, the blue one won't intervene and can be left for last, and the purple one has a deep connection with chaos, but the abilities of the white one remain a mystery. She has yet to do anything." He looked back at the window and stood there. "Or are they? Their bodies always indicate what they can do, for the most part. I can deduce perhaps a fraction of her abilities." He looked back at the crystal where the mass of magic coiled and twisted. "No. Data insufficient. I'll attack the two imbeciles when they're exposed and dig deep into what remains of their former selves to get more information on chaos. So many things to do. So much time."