• Published 24th Feb 2015
  • 11,835 Views, 46 Comments

A Chance - elmago02

Fluttershy finds herself with nothing to do for the weekend. But that can be easily fixed.

  • ...

You're the Worst

The bell sounded in the halls of Canterlot High, leaking inside the classrooms, informing the students that today classes were over. Students left their classes, filling the halls of the building, and talking to each other about their plans for the weekend. Six friends gathered nearby the school entrance.

“So Mr. and Mrs Cake are going to Manehattan this weekend to participate in a bakers competition. The’re leaving the twins with me. Maud will obviously help me take care of the babies. We will take them to the new amusement park. This will be such a great weekend for the twins, it’s a pity they won't remember any of it in a few years. Oh well, that means I will have to plan another great weekend for them in the future!” Pinkie Pie finished with a determined nod. “So, what are you guys doing this weekend?”


“My dad got tickets for the Wonderbolts’ show this weekend!” Rainbow Dash shouted, interrupting Applejack.

“That’s great, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy said with a smile, happy for her friend.

“Great? Great isn’t enough to describe it! This is incredible, amazing, so awesome! I can’t wait!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she started to jump around, making a good imitation of Pinkie Pie.

“Jeez, Dash, calm down a bit.” Applejack said with chuckle. “As Ah was saying, harvest season is getting close, so Ah will be helping out in the farm this whole weekend. What about you, Fluttershy? Going to the animal shelter to help out again?”

“Actually, no.” Fluttershy said with a sigh. “Mr. Keeper, the one in charge of the shelter, forbid me to go there this weekend.”

“What?” All her friends asked at the same time.

“Darling, what happened?” Rarity asked, concern evident in her voice.

“Don’t worry girls, it’s nothing bad. Mr. Keeper just told me that I spend too much time there. He really appreciates the help, but he told me that I should spend the weekend doing what other teenagers do. Enjoy life.”

“You know, Shy, I have to say that I agree with Mr. Keeper. I would plan the biggest and craziest party for this weekend, but, you know, I already have plans with the twins.”

“It’s okay Pinkie.” Fluttershy said, allowing another sigh to escape her mouth. “You know what, I also think Mr Keeper is right. I will find something fun to do for the weekend.” Fluttershy looked at Rarity. “It’s been a while since you and me went to the spa, we could go this weekend if you want.”

“That would be fab-” Rarity suddenly stopped talking. A grin showed on her face but quickly disappeared. “Sorry darling, I already have plans for the weekend with my family. We are traveling to my grandmother's house for her birthday. Again, I’m sorry.” Rarity told her with an apologetic smile.

“It’s okay, Rarity. I’ll find something to do.” Fluttershy turned to look at her friends. Everyone already had plans.

“What about you, Sunset, any plans for this weekend?” Rarity asked the last member of the group. “If not, you could spend some time with Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy froze at that moment, her heart skipping a beat.

Sunset seemed to be deep in thought, she then looked up at Rarity, then at Fluttershy. “I… I have plans for the weekend.” She looked away as she put her hands in the pockets of her jacket. Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel a bit dejected while the others remained silent for a moment, waiting to see if Sunset would elaborate on this plans, but it was obvious that she wouldn’t.

“Ok, that’s cool… I guess.” Rainbow said as she rubbed the back of her head. “Well, I’ll see you all on Monday. Bye guys!” Rainbow waved as she ran away to her home.

“Ah gotta leave now. A long day is waitin’ for me tomorrow.” Applejack tipped her stetson and walked away. One by one, the girls went their separate ways.

Fluttershy said goodbye to Sunset and Rarity as she left them and walked back home, deep in thought, wishing that Sunset had actually been free that weekend. Just another dream to add to the pile.

“Hey, Fluttershy.” Someone said from behind while placing a hand on the shy girl’s shoulder, causing the girl to jump away in surprise, a small meep escaping her mouth.

Fluttershy turned around, heart still hammering in her chest even after seeing person who had touched her wasn’t some stranger. “S-Sunset, you scared me.”

Sunset rubbed her head. “Sorry, hehe.” She waited for Fluttershy to calm herself before speaking again. “Hey, Fluttershy, I was, um, wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow, maybe go see a movie.”

Fluttershy felt a surge of happiness burst from her heart and spread to every part of her body. “I-I thought you already had plans, Sunset.”

“Oh! Well, those are plans that can wait, nothing big, really.” Sunset got a bit closer, while Fluttershy partially hid her face behind her hair. “So what do you say? Wanna hang out and have some fun tomorrow? We haven’t talked much, just the two of us. And since you and I are both free, and the others are busy, this is the perfect chance for that, right?”


What Sunset had said was right, the two of them hadn’t spent time together without being in the company of at least one of their friends. The idea of spending the day with just Sunset sounded a bit… Okay, it sounded completely incredible. After Sunset had reformed, Fluttershy had started developing feelings for the girl.

They had been a bit confusing at the beginning, but eventually, she had admitted to herself that she was in love with Sunset Shimmer. She was beautiful, smart, brave, and most recently, a caring friend. So Sunset asking her to hang out was completely amazing, so amazing that it scared her a bit. It was so sudden. What if she screwed something and Sunset never talked to her again?

“I… I don’t know…”

Sunset shoulders dropped a bit. “Oh, that’s… okay… I guess I will talk to you on Monday… Bye.” She waved as she wore a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes and slowly walked away.

Fluttershy watched her friend go, and with her, the possibility of a happy future. ‘What are you doing? You have dreamed of a chance like this for a long time, and now that you have it, you are too afraid of taking it? But… She’s one of my best friends. I don’t want to ruin it by doing something stupid. What if I tell her how I feel and things gets all awkward because she just wanted to spend the day with a friend and I screwed it and...’ Fluttershy shook her head again. This wasn’t the time to be shy. Fluttershy took a deep breath and steeled her nerves.

“Sunset!” Fluttershy called out.. “Actually, that sounds like a…” A great idea. A perfect idea. An Amazing idea!’ “A good idea.”

Sunset smiled brightly. “Really?” Fluttershy returned the smile and nodded. “Great! Umm, what do you think of meeting tomorrow around… three?”

“S-sure, where are we meeting?”

“Let’s meet at the White Tails park.” Fluttershy nodded again. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye Fluttershy.” Sunset waved as she walked away with a big smile.

“Bye.” Fluttershy looked at the retreating form of Sunset until she was lost from sight. Tomorrow will be fun, “I… I have a date with Sunset.” Fluttershy whispered before walking home with a giddy smile on her face. Life had given her a chance, and she would happily take it.

Fluttershy was running towards the park as she looked at her watch. Quarter till four, it said. She couldn’t believe herself, she had already screwed this opportunity of spending some alone time with Sunset.

Fluttershy had planned to leave her home about twenty minutes before the accorded hour, enough time to walk there without the need of rushing. It was a pity that Angel Bunny had decided to cause a mess around the house at that exact moment.

The park was just one street ahead, so Fluttershy pushed herself to run a little bit faster, mentally praying that for some reason, Sunset would still be waiting for her. When Fluttershy finally reached the park, she stopped on her tracks.

There she was, Sunset Shimmer, looking as beautiful as ever, sitting on a bench. Fluttershy took a few breaths, mentally bracing herself for what was to come. ‘She’s going to be angry with me for arriving late and will never want to hang out with me.’ Well, she deserved it for screwing the best chance in her life. She slowly walked towards her friend. “Umm, Hello, Sunset.”

Sunset quickly looked up, her expression changing from sad to surprised, then to happy. “Fluttershy, you came!” Sunset said. It seemed like Sunset was holding something in her hands, but Fluttershy couldn’t see what it was as the other girl quickly tucked it in one of the inner pockets of her jacket. Sunset stood and got closer to Fluttershy, who couldn’t help but hide her face again due to the proximity.

“Y-yes, sorry for making you wait, I had to take care of something at home. Please don’t be mad, I’m really sorry.”

“Hey, Fluttershy, it’s fine,” Sunset said with a shrug. “I… I actually arrived here a few minutes ago. I, umm, I got here and didn’t saw you, so I thought you had left.” She explained, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Fluttershy felt goose bumps forming under Sunset’s touch. “Uhh, Really?”

“Really. But that doesn’t matter now, we’re here, so, what do you say if we go watch a movie?” Sunset asked as she pointed her index finger towards the largest building, right in front of the park.

Fluttershy smiled brightly, Sunset wasn’t angry. She still had a chance to make the best of this date. ‘No, remember, this is just two friends hanging out, not an actual date… yet’.

“Umm, sure, what movie are we going to watch?”

Sunset was silent for a few seconds, presumably thinking of something. “There is this movie I really want to watch. Came out not long ago. You… you can handle horror movies, right?”

Fluttershy hated horror movies.She remembered she had attempted to watch one of those movies when she was eight years old. She had only watched fifteen minutes of it before running to her room. That night, she had slept with more than a dozen lights in her room for a month, making sure that there wouldn’t be a single shadow in there. That was actually the last time she had tried to watch one of those.

“I think I’ll be ok.” Fluttershy said, trying to sound brave. If Sunset wanted to watch the movie, then they would watch the movie, even if it scared her so much that she would end up afraid of her own shadow.

“Great, come on.” Sunset said as she walked to the theater ticket office. Fluttershy followed her, but kept her distance so Sunset wouldn’t notice how much she was shaking.

Fluttershy wasn’t able to handle it, running out of the theater room while covering her ears, trying to muffle the screams of the second victim whose limbs were being severed. But she had to admit, she had beaten her personal record. She had managed to stay in her seat for half an hour, putting to shame her previous record of fifteen minutes.

But Fluttershy didn’t care about that record, she just wanted to get away from that place. She found an empty bench at the park and sat there, trying to think something more cheerful. School, puppies, her friends.

“Fluttershy?” Someone said, placing a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder, causing the scared girl to scream faintly. “Hey, relax, it’s just me, Sunset.”

Fluttershy looked up. “S-Sunset. Why are you here?”

“What do you mean with “Why am I here?”? I came to see if you were alright.”

“Oh…” ‘Great, Fluttershy, you screwed up again. Sunset really wanted to see that movie, but she’s stuck here watching over a crybaby.’ “You shouldn’t had bothered, you… you’re missing the movie.”

“It’s okay,” Sunset sighed. “I wasn’t liking it as much as I thought I would. That part with the cut throat looked so fake.”

Fluttershy cringed. “C-could we not talk about that, please?” She said, trembling at the mental image of blood splattering everywhere.

“Oh! Sure, sorry.” Sunset said, sitting right next to Fluttershy. They were silent for a moment, waiting for Fluttershy to completely calm down.

It didn’t take a long time for that, Sunset being next to her made the scary experience of the movie turn into nothing. Fluttershy inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. “I… I think I’m fine now.” Fluttershy said.

“You sure?” Fluttershy nodded. She actually was still a bit distraught, but she wanted to continue with her date -‘Not a date’- with Sunset. “Okay, Umm, you want to go for something to eat?”

“Um… Can we go for a milkshake?” Fluttershy loved milkshakes, they were sweet and her father used to buy her a milkshake whenever something scared her.

“Yeah, sure. You know what? My treat.”

Fluttershy looked at Sunset. “W-what?”

Sunset smiled, standing up and offering her a hand. “My treat. You know, after making you see that movie, It’s my way to say sorry.”

“You already said sor-”

“Come on!” Sunset said, grabbing Fluttershy’s hand. Fluttershy face felt warm, she couldn’t believe that Sunset was holding her hand! Had she passed out after the movie? Was she just having another of her happy dreams? No, she could feel the warmth of Sunset’s hand in her own, this wasn’t a dream. She happily let herself be guided towards the nearest candy shop.

‘I want to tell her.’ Fluttershy thought, entering the candy shop. ‘She could reject me… But what if for some reason she accepts my feelings! We could become girlfriends, Sunset would become my girlfriend! We would spend the afternoons together, snuggled against each other in a couch. She would have her arms around me. She would plant a kiss in my head and I would look up in her eyes. Our faces would get closer until our lips met and-’

“Fluttershy, are you there?” Sunset shaked Fluttershy's shoulder.

“I’m sorry!” Fluttershy said in a high pitched voice.

“Hey, calm down Fluttershy.” Sunset said with a laugh. “I just wanted to know which flavor you want.”

“Oh! Ummm, I want chocolate, if it’s not a problem.”

“Of course not.” Sunset turned to look at the girl at the other side of the bar. “A strawberry and a chocolate milkshake.” The girl nodded and went to prepare the milkshakes. “So, Fluttershy, what was on your mind? You seemed deep in thought a second ago.”

Fluttershy hid behind her hair as she felt her face burning. “Oh, nothing really important. Just me thinking some silly stuff.”

Sunset was about to press in the subject, but Fluttershy got lucky as someone said:“Two milkshakes!” The girl at the other side of the counter had just saved her.

“Thank you.” Sunset said, paying for the drinks and taking both milkshakes to a nearby table. Fluttershy followed her and sat in front of Sunset. Sunset slid the chocolate milkshake to Fluttershy.

“Umm, thanks. You… You didn’t have to pay for my milkshake. I… I have some money with me-”

“Fluttershy, please. I said it was my treat, so just drink it already.”

Fluttershy smiled at her. “Thanks, Sunset.” Fluttershy took the glass with both hands and took a little sip. “This is really good.” ‘It would have been even better if we had shared one.’

“Yeah, it is, but not as good as the ones from Sugarcube Corner.” Sunset leaned to whisper to Fluttershy. “Well, with the exception of Pinkie’s milkshake experiments. I mean, you still remember that time she prepared me that “Shake of the sea”, with sardines and anchovy?”

Fluttershy remembered perfectly Sunset’s face and reaction after tasting that horrible milkshake. Everyone had laughed so hard. Just thinking of it caused her to laugh, however she was currently drinking her chocolate flavored beverage.

Fluttershy coughed the beverage right into Sunset’s face. She looked at her friend with wide open eyes. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Sunset.” Fluttershy stood to go grab some napkins from the counter, but in her rush, her waist hit the border of the table, knocking the two glasses, spilling its contents on Sunset’s shirt and skirt.

Fluttershy just stood there, looking at the mess she had caused. Sunset looked down at herself, then turned her head to look at Fluttershy. Fluttershy felt her eyes filling with tears at that moment. She had royally screwed everything in that moment. All those dreams of spending her life with Sunset crumbled in an instant. Why would Sunset want to be with such a dunce like her?

Tears now streaming freely, Fluttershy turned and ran out of the shop and down the street.

“Fluttershy! Fluttershy, wait!” Sunset yelled as she chased after her friend. “Fluttershy!”

She didn’t stop, she just kept running away, silently mumbling “I’m sorry, I’m sorry”, not paying attention to her surrounding. If she had just looked up to see the red light that signaled every pedestrian not to cross the street.

“Fluttershy, watch out!”

The events that transpired after this may well have happened in fast or slow motion, depending from your point of view. Anyone watching the scene just saw a girl being hit by a truck. To Fluttershy, everything stopped: Her breathing, her thoughts, her body.

Fluttershy stopped right in the middle of the street, frozen in fear as she saw a truck approaching her at a good speed. Was this it for her? Everyone says that when a person is about to face its end, they will see their whole life flashing before their eyes. That must have been a lie, because the only image that flashed before Fluttershy’s eyes was the face of Sunset Shimmer.

Fluttershy felt the pressure of a pair of hands at her side, and after that, she found herself lying at the other side of the street, looking with wide eyes as the truck hit Sunset.

Sunset laid a few feets away from the car that had finally stopped. The driver got down from the truck and looked at Sunset. “Fuck.” He said as he took his cellphone and called for an ambulance.

Fluttershy remained in her place, looking at the motionless girl. “S-Sunset?” She whispered as a tear traced down her cheek, thinking the worst.

Fluttershy was sitting alone in one of the corridors of the hospital. They had arrived there quickly. The medics weren’t letting Fluttershy go with them in the ambulance at first, as Fluttershy wasn’t related to the girl. But after some begging, with a tear filled expression, the medics finally allowed her to come, with the condition of not touching anything. Sunset had been quickly unloaded from the ambulance and moved to a room to be examined.

Fluttershy mind was filled with the image of Sunset unconscious. She had hit her head against the asphalt after the car hit her. On their way to the hospital, Fluttershy took a quick look of Sunset’s injuries. She could see that Sunset presented various abrasions and a few lacerations on her arms and legs. Fluttershy was silently praying that Sunset hadn’t suffered any further injuries.

She covered her face with her hands and began crying anew. This was all her fault. She shouldn’t have been so dumb to run away like that. Sunset could have been-

“Fluttershy?” A quiet voice interrupted Fluttershy’s thoughts. Moving her hands away and looking to her left, Fluttershy saw Rarity standing a few feets away with a worried expression and a little disheveled.

“Rarity? W-what are you doing here?”

“What do you mean, darling? You sent me a message saying that Sunset was in the hospital, so I came as fast as I could.” Rarity answered as she got closer to Fluttershy.

“But… I thought you were away with your family.” Fluttershy had honestly not expected any of her friends to show up that same day. All of them were busy or lived far away, and It was getting really late.

“Oh…” Rarity sat down right next to Fluttershy and rubbed her arm. “Fluttershy, I… Well, I lied. I didn’t go anywhere with my family.”

“You… lied? Why?”

Rarity sighed. “I wanted to help you, give you a little push. I’ve known how you feel towards Sunset for a while and she has also been f-”

“I wish you hadn’t.” Fluttershy interrupted as she covered her face again and started to cry anew. “Sunset is in there because of me.”

“Fluttershy, darling, don’t say that.” Rarity placed a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder, the other moved Fluttershy’s hand from the way so she could look her right in the eyes. “Fluttershy, what exactly happened to Sunset?”

Fluttershy looked down at her hands. “It was my fault…” Fluttershy began telling everything that had happened. From the moment she had met Sunset at the park to the accident, even the part of her being scared of Sunset. At the end of this, fresh tears filled Fluttershy’s eyes. “It was all my fault. If the truck driver hadn’t been quick to brake, Sunset could have...”

“Fluttershy, this wasn’t your fault, it was an accident.”

“But It could have been avoided if I hadn’t reacted like that. I mean, it’s stupid, I just felt like I had ruined my only chance with her, certainly that chance doesn’t exist anymore, and will never exist again! She must hate me now.” Fluttershy covered her face again with her hands. It hurt so much, just the mere idea of Sunset hating her….

Rarity tsked, rubbing Fluttershy’s back. “Darling, Sunset doesn’t hate you. I mean, Do you really think that the girl who jumped in front of a truck to save you, without thinking, would hate you?”

“Of course she’s going to-”

“Fluttershy! Do you really think that Sunset, the Sunset we have gotten to know for the last three months, the Sunset that has become one of our best friends, could ever hate someone?”

Fluttershy uncovered her face, but kept her eyes fixed on her feet. “You’re right, Rarity… about everything. But I still can’t help feeling like I have lost my chance, that I’ve lost her.”

Rarity gave Fluttershy a small smile. “You haven’t lost anything, Fluttershy, you’ll see. She’ll just be happy that you aren’t injured.”

Fluttershy looked Rarity in the eyes. “I… I hop-”

Fluttershy’s sentence was interrupted as the door of the room they were sitting in front of opened. A doctor that seemed to be in his forties came out. One nurse came behind him, but quickly walked down the hallway.

“Doctor, how is our friend?” Rarity quickly asked.

“Miss Shimmer? Well, Why don’t you ask her yourself? She woke up before we began to put the cast on her arm.”

The doctor moved away from the door, and a third person came out from the room. She had a plaster cast on her right arm, and a few bandages in her leg.

“Well, Miss Shimmer, you’re really lucky to walk away from that accident with just a broken arm and a few bruises. Remember, if you start to feel any other pain, don’t hesitate to come back.”

“Sure thing.” Sunset smiled and the doctor walked away in the same direction as the nurse. Sunset finally looked at the two girls standing not far from her. She just looked at Fluttershy and walked towards her.

Fluttershy was relieved to see that Sunset was fine, but… She looked at Sunset’s right arm. “Sunset, I-I’m really sorry.” Fluttershy said, her gaze falling down to her feet, not daring to look at the beautiful girl anymore. However, Fluttershy felt herself being pulled into a hug.

“It’s okay, Fluttershy. I’m just happy that you’re okay. I was worried about you.” She said in a whisper.

Fluttershy was stunned by Sunset’s actions. Instead of being angry at her for what she’d done, she was hugging her and saying that she was worried. Fluttershy cried again. Sunset really was the greatest.

“I’m sorry, Sunset, I’m really sorry.” She repeated, feeling Sunset rubbing her back. “Thank you.” She whispered.

A few seconds more passed before they broke the hug. Fluttershy had a small apologetic smile, while Sunset had a reassuring smile that said everything was okay.

“I think it’s time to go home. It’s quite late and I’m sure Sunset wants to get out of those.” Rarity said, pointing at Sunset’s shirt and skirt that were covered in stains.

Sunset looked down at herself now conscious of them, she felt the urge to get home and take them off. “Yeah, some fresh clothes would be great.”

The three of them left the hospital and walked together through the silent night. Rarity had been happily talking about some new dresses she was working on while Fluttershy listened. Sunset just kept quiet, looking to be deep in thought, lagging behind her two friends.

“Well,” Rarity started, stopping at the end of the sidewalk and turning to look at the others. “This is where we part ways. I’ll see you both on Monday.” Rarity got close to Sunset. “I’m happy that you are okay, Sunset.” Rarity gave her a light hug that Sunset returned with no problem.

“Thanks.” Sunset answered simply before pulling away.

Rarity walked away, and in no time, she was out of sight, leaving Fluttershy and Sunset by themselves. Fluttershy turned towards her friend, a smile on her face. Now that they were alone, this could be her chance to tell Sunset how she felt… But she wasn’t brave enough.

“Come on, Sunset. We should keep walkin-”

“Fluttershy,” Sunset interrupted suddenly, startling Fluttershy a bit. “Can I talk to you… just for a moment?”

Fluttershy noticed that Sunset was avoiding looking at her, and she couldn’t help but feel a bit worried by this behaviour. Sunset had never acted like this. “... Sure.” she finally answered.

Sunset brushes a lock of hair away from her face. “You know, today didn’t go exactly as I wanted it-”

“Oh!” Fluttershy interrupts, looking at Sunset’s broken arm. “I’m really sorry, Sunset. That was all my fault. If there is something I can do, anything, I will-”

“No, Fluttershy, you already apologized, and I told you that I’m just happy that you’re fine, I really mean it.” Sunset places her left hand over the cast. “This… I consider as karma taking its toll, and I have to say that it’s actually a low price to pay for all the things I’ve done.” Sunset chuckled. “So you don’t really have to do anything.”

“I… I don’t care about what happened in the past. I still want to make things up to you, anything…”

Sunset finally looks Fluttershy right in the eyes. “If you insist… There is one thing that you could do.”

“Anything, just say it.”

“I want you… to just listen to me.”

Fluttershy lifted a brow in confusion. “What?”

“I just want you to listen. There is something I have wanted to tell you for some time now.”

Fluttershy’s heart rate went up. ‘Is she...’ “What is it?.”

Sunset breaths deeply. “Fluttershy, I… Would you go on a date with me?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widen. Had she heard correctly? Was this really happening? “W-what?”

“I… After you said that you weren’t going to the shelter and the others being busy, Rarity… She convinced me to finally act on my feelings. She created this opportunity for me.”

‘What? But she did this...’ Fluttershy stopped, trying to remember something Rarity had started to say before she interrupted: ‘I have known how you feel towards Sunset for a while and she has also been f-

“She knows that I have liked you for a long time. I promised her, and myself, that I would tell you how I feel at the end of the date.”

“D-date? Today was supposed to be …” ‘Today was a date… Today was really a date!’

Sunset nodded, rubbing the back of her head with her left hand as she chuckled. “Yes, sorry for not telling you, but I was kind of… nervous. I really like you… I have liked you since I first saw you.” Sunset smiled warmly at her friend.

“Since… Since the first time?” This was one of her dreams, right? Sunset had loved her since day one? That was… Strange. ‘But at that time she was...’ “But you were so mean to me…” With eyes wide open, Fluttershy quickly covered her mouth. Why had she said that out loud?

Sunset’s smile fell. “I…”

It was clear that this was something hard for Sunset. Fluttershy had ruined the moment. Why had she said that! She didn’t care about what had happened, she only cared that now Sunset was the greatest person ever. “Sunset, you don’t have to-”

Sunset interrupted, not looking at Fluttershy. “I’m really sorry for that. Those are… those are the times I regret the most. I was really stupid.” Sunset answered, regret clear in her tone.

With her eyes down, Sunset spoke. “Those days... I just wanted to control the place, to rule with an iron fist. You… you caught my eye one day. You were… You are really beautiful, but you were barely noticeable to the others, and I thought you were weak. I couldn’t get to my goal with you, I couldn’t gain the popularity I needed as I could with Flash… But I just couldn’t stop thinking of you… I wanted to hate you. That’s why I treated you worse than the others, because I thought of you as a distraction, something that would hold me back, something that would make me weak. I never could get you out of my head… I… I’m so sorry Fluttershy.” A few tears were now rolling down Sunset’s cheeks.

“I’m really an idiot… After all I did to you… Now I’m asking you out, hoping that for some weird reason you’ll accept…” Sunset chuckled sadly. “What was I thinking? I don’t deserve a chance with you. This was stupid, I’m stupid. Sorry-”

Sunset was quickly silenced by a single finger pressed against her lips. “Please, don’t call the girl I like stupid.”

It took a few seconds for Sunset to understand what Fluttershy had just said. “What? You...”

Fluttershy just smiled at her before looking down at Sunset’s lips. In a quick motion, Fluttershy leaned forward, finding her target. This was incredible, she was kissing Sunset. How could this moment get any better? Her question was answered when Sunset started kissing Fluttershy back. Now, it was perfect, better than a dream.

A few seconds later, Fluttershy pulled back, with a bright red coloring her face, smiling brightly at Sunset, who was wearing a smile just as big.

“Does this mean that there will be a second date?” Sunset asked, her smile turning into a smirk.

Fluttershy giggled. “And a third, and a fo- hmm!” Sunset interrupted her with a gentle kiss and a caress to her cheek. This one was shorter than the first, but no less passionate. Sunset broke the kiss this time.

“So, Do you want to continue our date tomorrow? I had a lot of things planned.”

Fluttershy leaned forward, her face had returned to it’s normal color, and pressed her forehead into Sunset’s. “I would love to… Just no more scary movies, if that is okay with you.”

Sunset chuckled. “Hey, I just took us to that movie because I was hoping that you would get a little scared and would cling to me. That would have been my chance to hold you close to me.”

“Oh… I… then I guess we could go see that movie again.” She said with a sheepish smile.

Sunset laughed. “Then I will see you tomorrow at the same hour.” She kissed Fluttershy softly on the lips. “Bye, Fluttershy.” She turned to walk away, but something pulled at her jacket and kept her in place. She turned back to see Fluttershy looking down at her feet.

She looked up at Sunset. “If… If you want you could spend the night at my house...”

Sunset smirked. “Spend the night? Aren’t we moving a bit too fast here?”

Fluttershy blushed furiously. “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it like that! I-I was just worried about you. I didn’t mean anything strange, I swear! I was just worried because of your arm. Are you going to be fine on your own? I mean, I know you’ll be fine. But I was worried that-”

“Hey, hey, calm down, Shy. I was just joking.” Sunset lifted her left hand and brushed away a pink lock that was covering Fluttershy’s face. “I could use some help with this.” She said, looking down at her arm cast. “Is it really okay if I spend the night at your house?”

“Of course. And I could use the company, my parents are in a trip this weekend.”

Sunset smirked again. “You naughty girl! We’ll have the house all to ourselves?”

“Sunset!” Fluttershy looked away in embarrassment as Sunset broke in a full, hearty, laugh.

“Sorry, sorry, it’s just that -haha- you give me so much material to work with.”

Fluttershy pouted at Sunset. “You’re the worst.”

“And you’re the best. Come on, Fluttershy, we should get moving.”

Fluttershy kept her pout for a few seconds before extending her right hand to Sunset.

Sunset took Fluttershy’s hand with her left one and the two of them walked home.

A few blocks back, Rarity looked at both of them from the shadows, a big smile splitting her face in two. “I knew they would look cute together.”

Author's Note:

I have always thought that Sunset and Fluttershy would make a good pairing.
I would love to add some bonus chapters, add more fluff to it, maybe go for something a bit more mature?:raritywink:
If more Sunshyne ideas come to me then I will write them as bonus, short, chapters.

Comments ( 46 )
Comment posted by 2D deleted Feb 25th, 2015


You don't have to bully them either. Everyone is free to write whatever they want.

Comment posted by 2D deleted Feb 25th, 2015

Hey, thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind.
Thank you.

5665431 Did you even bother to read the story? I don't think so.

I thought this was a pretty cute story. I do have some criticism, though. There were a few spelling/grammatical errors that you may have overlooked, but my biggest criticism on this topic is in regard to the story and chapter titles. In short, the first word should always be capitalized, and all subsequent words should be capitalized, with some exceptions (such as articles or short prepositions).

As for criticism for the story itself, I felt that the climax was too rushed and came out of nowhere. I mean, we had the scene in the cafe, Fluttershy goofed and spilled her and Sunsets milkshakes on Sunset, Fluttershy runs out feeling embarrased, and then BOOM! Sunset is hit by a truck. There was just no buildup to that event that it seemed put in just to add some unnecessary drama. Maybe that's just me, though, but I felt that scene was unneeded.

However, that aside, I still enjoyed the story overall.

5665545 You are right, I need to fix that part of the story. The thing is that I did some drastic changes to the original idea and after that, that scene got really... messed? I have to take a look at it.

5665550 I'm glad that you're taking my points into account. There is one more thing I forgot to mention about story/chapter titles. Don't punctuate, at least with periods. I've seen titles with question marks or exclamation marks, but periods are rarely, if ever, used.

5665566 Well, damn, I guess I have to fix all my previous stories.

5665592 Yeah, I looked and saw that. Sorry about that. I'm glad you took my advice with this story, though. It looks much more professional now, which should hopefully attract more readers.

Comment posted by 2D deleted Feb 25th, 2015

5665431 How dare you suggest that someone should commit suicide simply because you don't like what they wrote. You are scum and you disgust me!

5665600 I added an extra paragraph to the climax, I think its a bit better now, but I will keep thinking how to improve it.


5665431 Hey now. There's no call for that kind of comment. Lighten up a bit.

You are a sad sad person...
may you live forever... in misery

Comment posted by Moka Mcdowell deleted Feb 25th, 2015

Sooooooo cute... i love it, SunShy is a fav pairing.

Then why is your icon SunDagio?

5666588 I agree. It does flow well into the climax without seeming too rushed. I noticed a few typos here and there, but overall, the addition seems to be a good one. Good on you, and thanks for being a good sport about our constructive criticism. :pinkiehappy:

5668020 I prefer people telling me where I made mistakes than those that just dislike the story without saying why. Thanks for your time!

5668036 You're very welcome. You just gained yourself a follower, my friend!

I said Sunshy is a fav, i can have more then one fav paring.
many of them just happen to be lesbian Sunset

Comment posted by 2D deleted Feb 25th, 2015

I had a cuteness overload because of the picture you used.

Then two more because of the story.
Would love to read about the aftermath of this story - maybe the sequel should focus on Sunset's recovery at Fluttershy's?

5776995 Thanks for the comment. I have been thinking of writing a sequel, maybe a bunch of short stories of their daily lives as a couple, maybe what you suggested, or something like that, still have to sort a lot of ideas for this.


I understand. Greatness takes time, as they say.
In the meantime, you've gained a follower.

And now, there is a reading

6035099 Wow, this is amazing! I can't believe there is a reading of one of my stories. :yay:

That was absolutely adorable :rainbowkiss:. My favorite part was the back and forth at the end, with Sunset embarrassing Fluttershy. In general I think you did a great job on capturing their personalities, and how they'd likely play off one another. All the actions were really spot on, everything felt organic.

Some of the dialogue felt a little weird though. You got most of it pretty good, but there were some parts that seemed either slightly out of character, or just awkwardly phrased. Like Pinkie talking about having the babies for the weekend, you used a lot of really short sentences always ending in periods, made her seem kind of bored. Pinkie is generally excited about everything and would definitely be with watching the kids, some exclamation marks would have made her seem like she was looking forward to it more.

This was a very good story to read:yay: I'm very happy to have come across this and now Sunshyne is now a fav pairing:twilightsmile:

6332338 I wish more people loved this pairing, that way there would be more stories from them.

6332488 true true. But the possibility is there. Once people start reading about Sunshyne stories the stories will keep growing and growing:yay:

This is pretty good shipping couple and story.

AWWWWW…I love them together :rainbowkiss:

Listened to the reading. Quite cute. And Rarity's bit at the end was pitch perfect. ^^

This was cute, but I feel the wreck part could have been implemented better.

Still, I enjoyed seeing this fine example of Sunshyne.

Why does the plot synopsis suddenly say "Sunshyne" all of a sudden?

Ummm, I was just making sure people know this is a Sunshyne fic. SUNset x FlutterSHY = SunShyne.

This was a beautiful store. I'm heading straight into the sequel now!:yay:

just so every one known the reading video is gone

A Chance and Six Months are really great, I've read it many times ^^.
I hope you noticed the sequel that andrizzi is doing ("Other", even if there isn't new chapters yet but as a good story, waiting is worth it), and that gives you credit too ^^.

I'm glad to hear you really like this story.
andrizzi asked me for permition to write a sequel to these stories, and he allowed me to pre-read the chapters before he uploaded them.
I do hope he writes a new chapter soon.

Adorable. Glad I read it

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