• Published 25th Feb 2015
  • 600 Views, 6 Comments

Tumult - Shattered Heart

My very first original story, starring original characters. About a Young 'Being" that has no face only eyes, and most of all no memories

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Chapter 2: Adaption, the requirements?

As I awake the first thing I see is a bright light... as a matter of fact I think that light is what woke me up. It's that... thing up there, that is shining... before I know it I hear a voice

"Oh! You're awake..." the yellow one from before states. I raise a hoof, Sign language page 1. Raise hoof for Hello... waving also works... "You seem to be doing well. Do you... remember who I am?" I move my hoofs to signal that I remember. I look around the room, it was a simple room... not much inside, I look out the window. The sun looks high... "Oh well... Mr...Tumult? Is it? Just to let you know once more, my name is Fluttershy... you can call me that...if you...want could you tell me why you chose that name specifically?" The yellow one requests. I feel as though my stare may be causing her to hide behind her hair, but I am not sure. Looking at my hooves I don't think there is a way to sign my name... Maybe I could... make one? I don't see how I could possibly do so... I see a desk... Getting out of the thing I was laying in... I take my stand, but somehow wind up on the floor. The yellow one comes to me, “Are you okay?!"

Bringing me to my feet I fall yet again. I sign at her with my hoofs "Pen" and "Paper. Leave me here." Being given what I had asked for I write on the paper," Tumult: Noun: confusion or disorder. a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of ponies. This name was chosen, due to all of you ponies." The yellow one looked shocked, stating that I should change my name to something easier to remember, but I shake my head refusing her idea. She then made a face I did not recognize, but then again I can't tell what kind of face she is making at all. "Uhmmm could you... please not stare...if you...would be so kind... if you want..." The yellow one asks.

Suddenly the room becomes loud, and a lot of paper starts falling from the ceiling. "WE HAVE TO DO A WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY! GET OFF THE FLOOR SILLYPANTS TUMULT!" It's that pink one. She threw me onto the... bed... confused as to what is going on and why she suddenly started to yell I stare at her. "Ohhhh lookies! You're all wide-eyed! Well you haven't seen anything yet! Welcome, welcome, welcome! I fine..." She began to sing. Suddenly I am bombarded with confetti as she told me to wait for something. "Awww he's not smiling! SMILE!" the pink one shouts. The yellow one looking asks her to quiet down... "Smileee! SMILE!!! SMILE" Suddenly the pink mare began to shake me...
Suddenly I hear a voice in my head, “Adaption. You who needs to adapt... need this most... this pony will not leave you alone, unless you adapt," Suddenly behind myself I see a book shining in a bookcase. I stare at the book, then back at the other mares... it appears they don't see this shining book... or maybe shining books are normal? I look at the cover of the book "Facial expressions. The quickest ways to understanding what a critters or animals face is says." Suddenly my eyes feel like they are shining again... "A new road has been traveled. Many more roads are now possible," The pink pony who had been chatting with the yellow pony began shaking me again.

"SMILE!" her face startled me... Wait... hmmm? I can recognize that she is angry... smile? Smile: a pleased, kind, or amused facial expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed... I had no face, but suddenly remembering photos from the book I closed my eyes, in a way to show a smile similarly to the photos I saw... wait... I didn't read the book... how do I remember what was in it? How do I have memories of pages I have no seen... or read? Before I can continue my thoughts the pink one hugged me, "AWWWW YOU MADE PINKIE PIE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!" The yellow one questioning how she could tell I was smiling looked confused... A face I've seen before, but only now see what it means confusion... I guess this means this is 'adaption.' To survive whatever situation I am in I suppose? But my life wasn't in danger... This can only mean that I don't need to adapt in order to survive. "Waitaminute.... you didn't smile until you disappeared that book!" The pink one states, "What did you do? What was in that book? DID YOU CHEAT PINKIE PIE OUT OF A SMILE?!" I used hand gestures at the pink one and explain to her my theory of my cutie mark... She signed back to my surprise, "Alright. I understand." I honestly didn't think that it was so easy to understand... maybe my explanation was very good? Or maybe she is really smart. “We need to take you to Twilight! Let's go! Up and at ‘em!" Being pushed out of the bed I fall on my face, attempting to stand I fall onto my chin. I am suddenly thrown into a red wagon. "You aren't very good at walking! So you can borrow Gummy's Gummymobile!" the pink one... I think her name is ... Pinkie Pie? She latched a saddle on Fluttershy as I was carried outside the yellow one's home. I should memorize her name as well...

As we were heading to some 'Twilight" Pinkie had signed with me on the way there, she signs really well... Maybe sign language is common in this place... As we arrive at Twilight, Princess opened the door letting us in. Wondering why I was in a wagon, Pinkie Pie explained that I couldn't walk. My legs seem to work fine... so why can't I walk? I look at the Twilight as we enter it, a giant crystal like structure. Seeing many books, a lot of them were shining, some were shining brighter than others. I reach for a book... the one that is shining the brightest, but cannot reach. Suddenly the book that was shining began to glow purple then it was in my hooves. I turn and see it was Princess who gave me the book. I sign to her, "Thank you."

She signed back... maybe sign language really is common. I stare at the book title, "Physical Education: The guide to Hippology: The study of ponies and The Guide To A Healthy Body"... Hippo? According to the dictionary I... adapted to... Hippo is a Hippopotamus, Hippopotamus: a large thick-skinned semi-aquatic African mammal, with massive jaws and large tusks. I don't understand, suddenly my eyes glow yet again... "A new road has been traveled. Many more roads are now possible." Suddenly my legs and hooves began to glow, the glow disappeared rather quickly, but my legs and hooves suddenly felt stronger. Feeling like it is possible I step off the wagon, and stand on all four legs. A little wobbly for my tastes, but I feel better now that I am not falling face first.

"Oh no! My book! What happened to it?!" Princess seemed very upset... I don't know where the book is either. I sign to her my apology calling her Princess. "Oh you don't have to call me that, you can call me Twilight... and it’s alright... I think I have a spare or two of that particular book..." Looking at her in confusion I sign to her, asking why she had the same name as this house... "Oh no, this place is my home, but it has no name as of now. However, as you may recall my name is Twilight Sparkle! Princess isn't my name hahaha." I nod in understanding.

I sign to her what PROBABLY happened to the book. "I am not sure completely. I adapt, using books to become able to walk roads. Right now many roads are available to me, though I cannot see them." I explain to her, “The book disappears, and suddenly I can remember all that is inside the books." Twilight, wanting to test this, brought me a book... a book that wasn't glowing. I read the book title, “Algebra" ... I attempt to adapt using the book, my eyes glow and words begin to echo in my head "This road is too far for you to travel. Turn back, this road is not currently possible,"... Looking at a book that seems to be glowing brightly, I pick it up, “Basic Arithmetic: Pre-K, Grade 1-6 Arithmetic problems and solutions." Suddenly I my eyes glow yet again "A new road has been traveled. Many more roads are now possible." Suddenly the Algebra book began to glow... but other books that seemed to glow grew brighter. I held the Algebra book, and attempted to adapt, suddenly as I attempted to adapt, everything went black... the next thing I knew I was on the floor... again... Twilight & Fluttershy helped me up asking what happened... To which I reply, "I don't think I fit the requirements to adapt," I sign. Looking throughout the bookshelves I notice find a book that had been glowing earlier, but suddenly began to glow very bright, bright just like the previous books. I pulled the book off the shelf and read the title, "Pre-Algebra: The beginning of a long painful journey," the adapting process then began. My eyes began to glow and the words I always hear rung in my ears, "A new road has been traveled. Many more roads are now possible."

Suddenly my eyesight grew dark. Total darkness had enveloped my eyesight. "OH NO! HE COLLAPSED! Pinkie, Fluttershy, help me get him to the hospital! Put him on the wagon!" Twilight's voice echoed... Why? Why did I black out? Maybe... I thought I can adapt Five times? Maybe I was just lucky? Wait... no that isn't it... I failed to adapt to that Algebra book. That must mean that I only get five attempts a day... Maybe I can only learn from books that have been glowing the way the books I adapted to were glowing... But why did I faint? Maybe if I adapt 5 times I wind up fainting like this... So 4 is the amount I can adapt before collapsing... I suppose these are my requirements to survive... These are my requirements to live... Twilight's voice begins to become a lot more quite... "There...No pulse...help...take..." I... I can't hear her anymore... I'm sleepy... so, so sleepy...

Author's Note:

Alrighty then! Done with the newest chapter! Hurray! I hope nothing is too confusing! I think I explained everything very well! If I didn't explain something, or you saw something odd like a grammar mistake or anything else, please do let me know so that I can make the change! Thank you all for liking! For those who dislike please do tell me what in particular so that I may improve! Have a nice day!