• Published 27th Feb 2015
  • 3,300 Views, 59 Comments

And Thus, I Became the Tatzlprincess - Miss Marionette

When Discord revealed the Blue Flu to be a big fib, everypony thought that that was water under the bridge. Little did they know that he needed the tea for another reason. To turn Princess Celestia's life upside down.

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Sisterly Bonding

I would like to take one moment to reiterate something. Making it perfectly clear, if you will. I love Luna, with all my heart, mind, body, and soul. That’s the exact reason why I sent her to the moon when she became Nightmare Moon. I dare say that next to my student, Luna is the one pony that I love above all others. Now, with that all out of the way, let me make another thing clear. Luna is, like everyone else in Equestria, a Pony. Therefore, a tad bit xenophobic. So, with those two items out of the way, I believe that my next actions should be completely understandable.

When Luna came bursting through my door, I gave her no time to think. Like a whip, I spun about, smacking her into the wall with my new tail, before she fell unconscious. Were my actions perhaps a tad rash? Would it of been better to sit down and maybe try and talk things out with my sister instead of knocking her unconscious the moment she came into my room? You don’t rule a kingdom for a thousand years, uncontested, without being a trifle paranoid.

I moved quickly after that, not wanting to waste time. She was an alicorn, after all. On top of that, she was also rather energetic and robust. She would not be down for long. So, acting quickly, I sent my tendrils to work, while using my magic to focus a sleep spell onto her. Just to buy me a little more time. The first two wrapped around my dear sister, pinning her wings to her back, and she in place. The other grabbed a piece of cloth, before resting it over her eyes. I would rather not have her freak out the very first thing.

With all the preparations I could think of in place, I lifted the sleeping spell. With that done, I reached up with my free tendril, and gave her horn a quick rub. Luna woke up with a loud gasp, a blush on her face from the very brief stimulation. “C-Celestia? Where art thou? Why do we ache as if struck by a tail like appendage, before slamming int a wall? Why is it dark when we’ve not raised the moon? Most disturbing, why art we being held by strange appendages!?” Luna asked rapid fire, and anytime I saw her trying to start up a spell, I gave her horn a quick tap. Imagine striking a dog on the nose. It is the same effect.

“Luna, I need you to make me a vow. When I remove the cloth from your eyes, you may not scream, shout, let it all out, try to end me, call for help, or a variety of other things that do not include sitting in this room calmly, discussing things calmly, with NO smiting whatsoever. Deal?” I asked, wanting to be totally thorough with my sister.

“We suppose so. We still see not why any of that is needed, but we will make it our vow. Now, please, remove the blinding cloth from our eyes so that we may see our sister sunbutt.” Luna said, and I gave a small breath, before tossing the cloth from her eyes.

Luna looked around herself, before her eyes finally rested on me. I sat there at first, trying to not look too strange, despite my eyes, tail, and tendrils coming from my tri-split jaw. You know, no pressure in that at all. At first, Luna could only stare at me, and I at her. I had no doubt in my mind that had I not made her make that vow she would be freaking out quite heavily at the sight of me. I know I almost had, and would if I saw Luna in my condition. I worried that I’d hit her to hard for a few moments. For a monster slayer, she was taking this a bit easier. Of course, I was restraining her. Perhaps there was a natural calming agent in the tendrils I didn’t know about?

“Sister..if not for the vow we just gave, we would be reacting much more harsh. Please give me a reason not to lash out besides that vow...if you even are our sister.” Luna said, and she was not happy. I can’t say I’d be very happy in her position either. I was a strange creature entangling her in tendrils after all, and while I am quite sure there is more than a few out there who would find it greatly alluring, my dear sister was not among their number...I hoped.

“Discord dosed my tea with the petals of the Tatzlflower that Twilight Sparkle had to cut down for him.” I answered, and that seemed more than enough to appease my sister. Discord had that effect on ponies, and my sister was no fool. She knew that this form, and me in it, would cause mass problems. Something right up the new ‘reformed’ Discord’s alley.

“Thou had me when thou said Discord...So, Discord is the cause of whatever affliction thou is now suffering, and he had not provided thou with any method as to which thou can cure yourself?” Luna asked, and all I could do was sigh and shake my head. Now, that actually would of been something unpredictable of Discord, giving me an easy way out of his pranks. Alas, for being a spirit of chaos, Discord wa surprisingly predictable in his pranks. We were at stage three, where he would sit back and laugh and laugh at the fruits of his brilliant planning, which he enacted in step one. Then was step four, of him laughing at us trying to find a way out of it, before finally came step five. Discord pouting that we got out of the prank till he could enact his next prank. Oh yes, for a spirit of chaos, he was predictable in many things.

“Well, we simply must find a way to turn thou back! Consult Starswirl’s library! Call on Twilight Sparkle! Make a national announcement and a call to arms of the people to find the cure!” Luna declared, and I blanched a bit. “No, Luna! We really do NOT want to call attention to my change among with people!”

“And why should we not? There may be some miracle cure! This might be a common affliction!”

“Sister, they had to battle a giant worm with their alicorn magic after they pulled the flower from the ground, which in of itself was as large as a building. I doubt that this is a common affliction. Discord even said himself that there are no spells to cure this.”

“I see thine point, but it still begs the question, what are we to do? Should we even trust his word that there are no spells?”

“We must simply…keep calm, and flutter on. We will act like nothing is wrong, find a way to hide my tail. I will say my eyes is just an alicorn exclusive illness, and I will keep my mouth in it’s natural state. During that time, we will hunt for a cure. If there is a spell, and Discord lied, we’ll find it...Do you think you can keep this silent for me, Luna?” I asked, looking to my dear sister with pleading eyes, while finally retracting my tendrils back into my mouth. I was kind of getting tired of tasting Luna the whole time I was speaking to her.

Luna looked about, stretching out her legs and wings, seemingly debating something in her mind. The chance to lay me out? Maybe. She did spend her night’s on various adventures, after all. This whole thing might of been a front. Finally, she just sighed, and saluted with her forehoof. “Thou can count on us, sister!” Luna nodded, and I let out a relieved sigh. Well, that was one giant conquered. I don’t think I would be able to pull the wool over Luna’s eyes. Things would be much easier with her on my side, anyway. “Oh, and Luna, please don’t drink the tea in the teapot. We need to study it for it’s properties. Try and find a way to cure myself with maybe what caused it. Just, whatever you do...Don’t drink it.” I warned, and my sister nodded. The clock was getting around that time, and I knew I’d need to lower the sun soon.

“Very well, sister. On our exploration of the night and of dreams, we will be ever vigilant on the hunt for a way to cure thou! Worry not sister, thou shall not suffer long!” Luna declared, before suddenly bursting from the room at a gallop, on her latest mission. I sighed, shaking my head before reaching forward and using my tendrils to tug the door closed. Didn’t want anyone stumbling in on me like this, after all.

I glanced outside, focusing a bit of magic and helping the sun back down over the horizon, before watching the moonrise up as well. It was actually a bit of a relief, no longer needing to rise and lower them both. Even I have to admit that there’s been more than one occasion where I slipped up and, well, rose either the wrong celestial body, or both at the same time. I was ever so thankful for when I could just pass them off as eclipses.

I sat down on my haunches, considering my options for the moment. I couldn’t simply go out as if nothing had happened. The ponies would notice in an instant, and I would have mass mayhem and chaos on my hooves. Probably declare either end of days, or a brand new world order. That, of course, was bad. So I scratched that off the list. I ALSO couldn’t just hide my head in the sand and wait for someone to find a cure. I tried having Luna rule both the day and the night once. She did not like it, and neither had Kibitz. So, that was also off the table for things I could do.

So, there was only one course of action left that I could honestly take in this condition of mine. I would need to bamboozle all of my subjects into thinking that everything was just fine. As much as I didn’t like the thought of it, I also didn’t enjoy the thought of mass rioting in the streets and ponies hurting themselves while bumping their heads into the walls. I was amazed how that was the cause of many injuries during the Changeling invasion. It was a trifle embarrassing, but of course, that whole event was...Luna didn’t let me live down being fooled so thoroughly for weeks. Twilight’s air of ‘I told you so’ had been rather persistent for sometime, and even know I get the feeling that she would whip out the event at a moment’s notice to prove a point.

Eventually, I turned my eyes to the teapot with the vile mixture inside. The mixture that had caused this. I stepped up to it, looking down at the thing. Tea. If I drink it, this happens. If I didn’t drink it, a large portion of Equestria trade and commerce would collapse. I hated moments like this. Ah, the many things you do for national stability. My brain began to go to work, thinking of how I could study this thing. Find a cure. Most of the time, I would simply have Twilight Sparkle write me a research paper on the topic I needed to know about, and that would the source of my knowledge.

Then, it hit me. Twilight Sparkle, my good and faithful student! That adorable mare that I’ve known since a filly, that glorious egg head! If there was a mare whom I trusted, and had the brains to solve such a conundrum without freaking out, it was Twilight Sparkle. “I’ll write Twilight a message, calling her to Canterlot...Claim it’s a test or something? Possibly…” I spoke to myself, before trotting over and writing a message, calling Twilight to my side.

It didn’t take all of five minutes before a message arrived, from Twilight Sparkle. I opened it up, and found that she’d be exhilarated to visit, and had a rather important matter she needed to discuss with me. I smirked a bit to myself. I wonder which one of us had the more important matter to discuss. I let me tendrils out, and wrote a swift reply to let her know how I looked forward to her visit, and that she should only bring herself. Princess business. I sent the message, and looked down at my tendrils. “Alright, Twilight...You’re my only hope.”

Author's Note:

Chapter 2, with sisterly bonding and thickening plot!