• Published 7th Jun 2015
  • 2,933 Views, 35 Comments

H₂Orse: Just Add Water - VitalSpark

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Dashie become mermares for very little reason. Also Flash Sentry is randomly a rich kid that nopony likes.

  • ...


Rainbow Dash swum through the water like a fish, kicking her legs and using her wings for extra propulsion. She reached the end of the pool and stopped. She looked up, treading water. "How'd I do?"

Fluttershy looked at her stopwatch. "Three minutes, forty point six seconds."

Rainbow hoof-pumped. "Awesome! That's point two seconds faster than my personal best."

"Yay!" Fluttershy whispered.

"You were like a speed boat out there," Rarity, who had been watching Rainbow practice, said. All the mares nodded and mumbled their agreements.

"But I can do better." Rainbow was brimming with confidence, as usual. "Just give me two weeks, and I'll be ready to win the Equestria Games."

Applejack knew what it was like to set unrealistic goals in competitive events, and didn't want her friend to suffer with shame like she had. "However you do, I'm sure you'll make everypony in Ponyville real proud!"

Rainbow dove back underwater and started swimming towards the other end of the pool.

Celestia's sun was beating down on the pier mercilessly. Fluttershy wiped her brow with a hoof and took a sip of water from her bottle. Flash Sentry looked up from the boat he was working on. "Fluttershy! Hey, Fluttershy! I'm having some trouble here, can you help?"

Fluttershy looked at him. "I-- I don't think so."

"Come on… please! The good ship Shimmer won't go. All I need is for somepony to pass me some tools."

Fluttershy nervously approached Flash. "I'm not good with boats. Or goats."

"You'll be fine," the stallion said, downing his tools. "It took me a while to realise that someone's taken the spondoolit."

Fluttershy was confused by the technical terms Flash was throwing around. "The spondoolit? So will the boat work without one?"

Flash stood up, wiping his hooves on a rag. "No. No spondoolit means no magic, means no power for the boat. I was getting sick of this thing anyway."

"Why me? I didn't steal your spondoolit."

Flash shrugged. "Because you're here, Fluttershy. My dad can buy me another boat any time he wants. I tell you what, if you can get this one working, you can keep it." He laughed.

Fluttershy got the impression that Flash was teasing her. "That isn't funny."

"Are you kidding? Seems pretty funny to me, right, Thunderlane?" The two stallions laughed. Because Thunderlane was there.

Fluttershy's ears drooped and tears brimmed in her eyes. "This… Th-This isn't happening," Fluttershy said to herself.

Twilight walked over to see what was going on. She nudged Fluttershy and showed her the spondoolit she had hidden in her hoof. "You took that?" Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight responded in a hushed tone. "Flash Sentry's a pig! Anything I can do to get under his fur can't be a bad thing, can it?"

"OK, thanks Twilight." Twilight passed the spondoolit to Fluttershy. Fluttershy took the magical device and inserted it into the slot in the boat's engine. The engine sprang to life. "So the boat's mine now, right? I mean, if that's OK with you…"

The stallion's jaw dropped open. "Wha—?"

Fluttershy got onto the boat. "Yeah." Twilight got onto the boat with her. Fluttershy turned to her other friend, who happened to be walking past. "Hey, Rainbow, want a ride?"

Rainbow approached them sceptically. "Have you got a licence?"

Twilight answered sarcastically, as she did from time to time. "Are you her mother?"

Soon the three mares were motoring along on the Shimmer. "Let's go out to sea!" Twilight suggested, grabbing the wheel and turning the boat away from the shore.

Rainbow Dash was wary. "Isn't that dangerous in such a little boat like this?"

"Chill out!" Twilight shouted as the engine started spluttering.

With a groan and clunk the engine came to a stop. Fluttershy started hyperventilating.

Rainbow face-hoofed. "Is this chilled out enough for you?"

Twilight was relaxed about the matter. "So what? It's not like we're sinking."

"Not yet," Rainbow said.

"I think we're out of fuel," Twilight said, stating the obvious. "Hey, why don't we paddle to that island?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Knacker Island? Forget it!"

Fluttershy explained, "nopony goes there ­— it's surrounded by sirens and sea serpents."

Twilight shrugged. "Well, I can't see any there now. Besides, it's all we've got."

"Err… girls? Don't we all have wings?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course you do," Pinkie Pie interrupted, springing out of nowhere even though she wasn't even in this scene, "but for the purposes of this narrative, we have to ignore them. Otherwise the entire story falls apart." She disappeared back to wherever she'd come from.

As the sun set, the three mares secured the boat to some rocks with a length of rope.

Fluttershy looked up and down the small beach they'd landed on. "How will we ever get back home?"

"Good question, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said. "Ask Princess Smarty-Pants."

Twilight looked cross. "Don't pin this one on me!"

Rainbow Dash's response was dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, it was somepony else's fault? I suppose somepony else took this thing miles off shore?!" She took out a magical communications device. "You two are lucky I've got this!"

Fluttershy smiled. "Rainbow's always prepared."

"Oh, I'm so happy for her," Twilight said, eliciting a dirty look from Rainbow Dash. Though in truth, Twilight was genuinely relieved.

"Urgh! There's no magical signal here on the beach." Rainbow tapped at the device with her hoof. "We need to get to higher ground."

The mares walked through the jungle, up a steep slope, just as the last light from Celestia's sun was fading.

Twilight tripped on a root and stumbled, but managed to regain her balance. "Do you have any idea where we're going?"

"Just… up!" Rainbow held her communication device in front of her, inspecting its screen. "Still no magical signal."

"Maybe we'll never get a magical signal, and then we'll never communicate with Ponyville, and nopony will find us… then what?!" Fluttershy was always the voice of optimism.

Twilight shrugged. "Then we'll draw straws and decide which pony the others will eat."

Rainbow looked sternly at her, knowing how much Fluttershy tended to worry about things. "That's not funny."

"I'm relieving the tension, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy shook her head. "You're making it worse."

"Come on!" Rainbow pressed on up the next bit of hill. "Watch your step."

Fluttershy tried to catch up with the blue pegasus. "I can't — it's too slippery." She ruffled her wings. "There has to be another wa--" Fluttershy fell down a slope, sliding through vines and mud and landing on her flank at the bottom.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight lost sight of her. "Fluttershy? Fluttershy?!"

A voice came up from the ravine. "I'm OK. I'm fine."

Rainbow peered into the dark crevice. "Can you climb back up here?"

"I don't think… no," came the voice.

Twilight was impatient. "Are you sure? Can't you at least try?"

The voice again. "I can't — it's too steep and slippery. There's no way I can climb up."

Rainbow looked at the slope. It didn't look too hard for her to handle. "I've got to get down there!"

Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash like she was out of her mind. "Are you crazy?! Then you'll both be--"

Rainbow Dash screamed. Twilight looked over to see that Rainbow Dash had been trying to climb down to reach Fluttershy but had slipped and fallen herself.

Rainbow was now at the bottom of the ravine with Fluttershy. "Are you OK?"

Fluttershy rubbed her back hoof. "It hurts a little here."

"It's probably just sprained."

"Whee!!!" Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked up to see Twilight careering down the slope like a foal on a playground slide.

Rainbow shouted at her. "Just what in the name of Celestia do you think you're doing?!"

"Well, you came down," Twilight answered.

"You were meant to stay up there and throw us a rope!"

Twilight took a defensive pose. "Do you think I'm some kind of telepath?! Like I've got freaky mind-reading skills? Besides which… what rope?"

Fluttershy interrupted. "Can we please stop arguing and just concentrate on getting out of this ditch?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yep." She tapped her communications device. "It's no use. It must have been damaged in the fall." She threw it onto the ground.

Twilight looked around. "There's no way out."

Rainbow pointed a hoof to an area that seemed a little further down hill. A small stream near their hooves seemed to be trickling in that direction. "Let's try this way."

The mares wandered a little way until they came to an almost perfectly round pool of water, surrounded by a beach of black sand. Further away from the pool, the beach was surrounded on all sides by a cliff. There didn't seem to be any way up. Twilight ran her hoof through the sand. "Wow! Is this a volcano?"

Fluttershy squealed. "It's… umm… not going to erupt, is it?"

Rainbow stated authoritatively, "the Knacker volcano has been dormant for a thousand years. I think we're safe." She noticed rings around the beach. "Look! Tidal rings!"

Twilight looked at her blankly. "So what?"

"It means that this pool is connected to the ocean. There might be a way out!"

Fluttershy looked worried. "I'm not going to like this, am I?"

"Rainbow? Rainbow?!" Fluttershy called, staring at the black surface of the water.

"Relax — give her time," Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash's head splashed out of the water, her wet mane framing her face, the colours of her hair muted in the dim light. Ripples broke up the reflection of the full moon in the surface of the pool. She shook her head, and her mane was restored to its usual style. "I was right. It's about a twenty second swim to the beach. There's plenty of room — we can all fit."

Fluttershy backed away from the pool. "Through there?! No way! I can't do it! I can't swim!"

Rainbow came out of the water and put her hoof around her friend. "Come on, Fluttershy, there's no other way out. You can do it."

"Everything will be fine," Twilight said.

"But how can you be sure?" the nervous yellow mare asked.

Twilight attempted to reassure her. "Listen to Rainbow, Fluttershy. When has she ever let you down? Besides, what's the alternative? Are we supposed to stay here for ever, ever, ever, ever?"

The surface of the water started rising. Fluttershy marvelled at it. "Wow!"

"Spooky," Rainbow Dash said. The three mares stepped into the water. "OK… now take a deep breath."

The three mares' heads burst out of the water.

Fluttershy looked angrily at Rainbow Dash. "That was a lot more than twenty seconds!!"

Twilight patted her on the back. "Relax, we made it, didn't we?"

Rainbow smiled at Fluttershy. "I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you, Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy's initial anger dissolved and she smiled at her oldest friend.

A voice boomed out of nowhere, and spotlights lit the water around them. "Royal coast guard! This is the royal coast guard! Please swim to the ladder at the rear of the vessel."

Rainbow pointed towards a ship. "Come on!"

The next day Rarity was knocking on Fluttershy's front door. "Come on, Fluttershy, you can't stay in there forever. Our appointment at the spa is in ten minutes — we'll never get there in time. You know how Aloe can get when she's kept waiting — it's not pretty."

Fluttershy looked at her tail. There was no way she could answer the door looking like this.

Rainbow Dash arrived at the pool early for training. She always loved to get there really early, when she was the only pony there — it was like she had a whole private pool just for herself.

She dived into the pool, swum a few strokes and then stopped, treading water. She dipped her head under the surface for a moment to look at her tail.


Twilight walked alone through the castle gardens. Suddenly the sprinklers turned on to water the grass — they were on an automatic timer. The droplets splashed Twilight and suddenly an amazing transformation occurred. Her back legs disappeared and her flank and tail turned into a purple fish tail.


Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy were gathered at Fluttershy's cottage.

Fluttershy continued explaining: "… it was pink, and covered with scales!"

Twilight interrupted. "It happened the minute the water from the sprinklers hit me!"

Fluttershy was panicking. "I was a fish!"

Rainbow was confused. "What's going on with us?!"

"Yes, that's what I want to know," Twilight said, flicking through the pages of a book she'd brought with her. "Have you told anypony else?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, I was supposed to be going to the spa with Rarity. She turned up here, and I refused to open the door."

"What's happening to us?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight sighed, putting down the book which seemed to offer no answers. She splashed her flank with water, waited a moment, and sprung a fish tail. "About ten seconds after we touch water, we grow these." She gestured at her tail.

"And it vanishes when I'm dry again," Fluttershy said. "That's the same for you, right?" The other mares nodded. Twilight's tail was already beginning to transform back. "The tails are like…"

Rainbow interrupted, "… exactly like…"

Twilight completed their thoughts. "We look like mermares!"

Rainbow shook her head. "I told you before, that's not funny! Mermares don't exist!"

There was a knock at the door. Fluttershy looked at her companions. "Oh no! That's Pinkie! I totally forgot she was bringing Gummy here for his check-up today!"

Pinkie's excited voice came from outside. "Fluttershy! I'm here! Or did I get the time wrong?"

Fluttershy opened the door a crack. "No, I said ten o'clock. But, sorry, we're a little busy."

Pinkie pushed the door aside and bounced into the room. "Come up? What's come up? Are you girls having a party?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no… just something important." Then she remembered how keen Pinkie always was to help her friends. "Not so important that you need to worry about it, but sorry, Pinkie, I have to cancel."

Pinkie was disappointed. "Oh, maybe some other time."

"Pinkie, you're smart — do you know anything about mermares?" Fluttershy asked as she was showing Pinkie out.

"No, not really."

"Oh, OK, sorry, bye." Fluttershy shut the door and turned back to see her two companions staring at her.

"Do you know anything about mermares?" Twilight asked, doing her best impression of Fluttershy's voice. "Are you crazy?! You know how intuitive Pinkie is — she'll guess!"

"Fluttershy," Rainbow said, "we need to take this seriously. We don't know what this strange thing is that is happening to us. How has it happened? And why?"

"We need to find out more," Twilight stated.

"But how?" Fluttershy asked.

"We need to get back in the water," Twilight answered.

Fluttershy shook her head. "No way. I am not getting back into the water."

"In the interest of science," Twilight said, "I'll go. But I don't think I should do it by myself. Any volunteers?"

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle were standing on a secluded part of the beach.

Rainbow approached the water nervously. "I'm still not so sure about this."

Twilight strode towards the sea. "That's OK — I am."

"That gives me no reassurance whatsoever."

Twilight stepped into the water and the waves lapped at her hooves. "About ten seconds, right?"

The mares both started counting. "One, two, three, four, five…"

Twilight wailed as her back legs disappeared and were replaced by a fish tail.

Fluttershy walked into Sugarcube Corner and saw Pinkie Pie bent over a book. "Pinkie, what are you doing?"

Pinkie looked up from her reading. "Well, you asked about mermares, so I thought I'd look through some of Nana Pinkie's books on Equestrian legends."

"That's really nice of you, but you didn't need to do that."

Pinkie closed the book. "I know, but I've got way too much time on my hooves. Anyway, I found out some really good stuff." Fluttershy looked at her expectantly, and Pinkie continued. "Mermare myths have been around since the time of the three tribes…"

"Did ancient ponies really believe in that stuff?" Fluttershy interrupted.

"Sure! Sometimes they were good omens, but sometimes they brought trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" Fluttershy asked. "Sometimes trouble can be really troubling." The bell attached to the door rang as a customer came in — Flash Sentry. "Oh no, here's some trouble."

"Just ignore him," Pinkie Pie cautioned. "Oh no, he's coming over."

"What do you want, Flash?" the yellow pegasus asked.

"My father didn't appreciate having the royal coast guard knocking on his door in the middle of the night," Flash said with a hint of anger.

"Well you shouldn't have said that I could keep the Shimmer," Fluttershy suggested.

"I don't like ponies making me look bad, Fluttershy," Flash said, "especially fillies like you."

"Sounds like you're scared of your dad, Flash," Pinkie said, leaping to Fluttershy's defence.

Flash Sentry squared up to Pinkie Pie. "You think you're better than me, Pinkie, is that it?"

"Everypony's better than you, Flash," Pinkie answered dismissively, "if you haven't learnt to live with that fact by now, then there's no help I can give you."

"Tough mare, huh?" Flash said to Pinkie. He turned to address Fluttershy. "Got yourself a protector, have you, Fluttershy? It's not going to do you any good. You know, one of these days, with or without Pinkie…" he muttered as he walked away.

The three mares were in Twilight's throne room discussing what they'd discovered so far. Rainbow was recounting to Fluttershy what she and Twilight had discovered at the beach. "… So we came out of the water, and once we were dry, everything went back to normal like nothing had ever happened!"

"But it did," Twilight said, "Squee! This is the best experience of my life! First: wings! Now: a tail! I mean, I've always had a tail, but not like this! It's so exciting!"

"Calm down, egghead." Rainbow passed Twilight a glass of water. The princess took a sip and regained her composure. She put the glass down. Rainbow huffed. "I don't think it's so brilliant. How am I going to compete in the Equestria Games now? Everypony will see! I can't--"

Fluttershy uncharacteristically interrupted. "Did you see that?" She pointed a hoof at Twilight's glass of water, which was now miraculously full. She held a hoof over the glass, and it started to fill even more. "Look, it's starting to spill over now."

"That's just not scientifically possible," Twilight said, "You're not scientifically possible. Where's all that water coming from?"

"I don't know," Fluttershy answered.

Rainbow looked at the glass. She held her hoof above it too, and again water started to spill out of it. "Did I do that?"

"It wasn't me," Fluttershy said.

Twilight announced, "this… is… awesome!"

Rainbow was confused. "But all I did was…" She held her hoof over the glass, and again it started to overflow.

"OK," Twilight laughed, "why don't I get to do cool stuff like that?"

"This isn't funny," Rainbow said, "we've got to keep this a secret from everypony so we don't end up being studied and dissected by some secret royal institute."

Twilight scoffed. "Princess Celestia would never do that!"

"All the same," Rainbow cautioned.

Fluttershy looked at her friends, "so this secret is just between the three of us, right? We're not going to tell Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie?"

Rainbow nodded. "Our secret. Whatever happens, we're in this together."

"That doesn't mean we're married does it?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow laughed. "Now that actually was funny."

Author's Note:

Sorry. Please don't hit me!

Comments ( 35 )

Please, let this be more than a one shot

6066773 It's a one-shot for now, unless it somehow proves outrageously popular, in which case I might continue it, though I would probably diverge more from H₂O's storyline. There are some aspects of the story that I like, like snarky Twilight, and Flash Sentry's characterization — they're quite fun, so I'm kind of tempted to continue because of those.

I remember this show! Long time since it was in my mind!

SHOO BE DOO SHOO SHOO BE DOO. Oh eh... Actually no. As always you made your usual amazing work. And also made everyone hate Flash Sentry, that's bonus :trollestia:

Everyone hates flash.
Snarky twilight is best twilight.
Side note: I fic with twilight and flash that does involve shipping, sorcery!


oh how i remember the show this is parodying, I completely despise it... WELL LETS START READING THEN!:pinkiecrazy:

Edit: ok first of i feel like this is just the first episode of H2O with different characters and locations, second of you could have fixed some of the problems by changing the characters up a bit like instead of twilight, Rainbow and shy, you could have used applejack with her near incapability of lying, Rarity being dramatic about the situation and Pinkie being.... well pinkie (also that would have fixed the problem with the wings:ajbemused:)

also this story feels a bit too rushed and characters behaving a bit out of character (excluding flash, this story has much better character development than the show).

I am sorry but this gets a thumbs down from me.

btw not fact checking my first statement in the edit, like i said i despise that show

Well, Twilight and Flash fulfil the roles of Rikki and Zane in H₂O. In the series, Zane starts off as an antagonist, but does eventually become an ally and has an on-again-off-again relationship with Rikki. So if I did continue this story, they would eventually get shipped I suppose, but I'd like to hope that my Flash would be a slightly more interesting character than the canon Flash, so wouldn't invoke the usual FlashLight rage. But I don't really imagine that I'll continue this cross-over.

Hah! What a strange thing to make a crossover out of. I like it.

Some time after I started this, but before I published it, somebody else wrote an H₂O crossover. They've taken the concept a lot more seriously than I did, and the results so far are not bad.

Must have MORE!!!

... Huh. Not who I expected the characters to be, but I like it. Was certainly interesting - and hilarious to boot. I kinda thought it would go like this:
Twilight - Emma
Fluttershy - Cleo and
Rainbow Dash - Rikki


Surprised they didn't become sirens, what with the whole "surrounded by sirens" thing.

I have my reasons. In H₂O, Rikki is new in town, whereas Emma and Cleo have known each other for a while. This matches up with Friendship is Magic, where Twilight arrives in Ponyville in the first episode, but Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have known each other since fillies. Also in H₂O, Emma is the champion swimmer, which matches up with Rainbow Dash's athleticism.

Also, it's funny with Twilight being the sarcastic one. She does occasionally show sarcasm in Friendship is Magic, but not enough for my liking!

So don't go thinking I didn't think this thing through. I spent literally dozens and dozens of seconds on it.

Very true, very true. I can see it now! And I see what you mean about Sarcastic!Twilight - I wish she showed that side more too, it's always brilliant.

One of my pre-readers did suggest that I should have swapped Rainbow and Twilight around though, so you were not alone in that thought.

Overall, not a bad concept, but it really just felt forced in a few places. Outright ignoring (but still lampshading) certain details, made it feel off. Instead of Pinkie appearing to point out the wings bit, Rainbow could have cramped her wing, Fluttershy is too timid to fly the distance, and Twilight doesn't want to leave her friends alone.

Another thing that felt off is suddenly making Ponyville a costal town. Its essential for the plot, but was still a little jarring.

It was a decent first chapter, and I would be interested in more as long as is diverged from H2O's storyline.

Just more thoughts on the story. I was on mobile last time, so I couldn't really comment well.
I guess the setting and the source material didn't really mesh well. We have a Ponyville on the cost, speedboats in Equestria, and rich stallion Flash. If some of it was at least explained, it would be better. For example, Death Note: Equestria bothered to explain how and why broadcast crystals (essentially TVs) became so common.
On the other hoof, the magical boat source was a nice touch.
For most of it I was thinking how it would be better with the EqG counterparts rather then with Ponies. Since MLP is already a fantasy setting, the discovery of 3 mermares wouldn't seem so unusual. There doesn't really seem to be a reason to keep quiet aside from keeping a secret for the sake of it. I suppose Dash doesn't want to be treated like a freak, Fluttershy doesn't want the attention, and Twilight doesn't want to alienate her teacher. Perhaps if there was some kind of bad stigma on Mermares, there would be some incentive to hide it. Perhaps hearing some Siren mythology from Pinkie could reinforce their resolve to keep this on the down low.
Where was I? ... Oh Yeah.
With the EqG setting, there's still enough trace magic in the world to distinguish itself from the H2O setting, while keeping the idea of Mermare powers unique. It would also justify boats, jerkface Flash, and Rainbow entering a swimming competition. Canterlot is also a fairly unknown setting, so making it a coastal city doesn't seem so unusual.

6070957 This could be taken a step further if you used the EqG setting with Human!Twilight. She's practically unknown at Canterlot High. I could also see her as the 'Lewis' of the story, or alternatively, the main antagonist that keeps trying to expose the secret.
If you insist on using the Pony counterparts, you could at least ignore the canon from the show and write in your own setting instead of trying to cram the FIM set pieces into the H2O setting.

Again, I still think this is a cool concept. I'm not trying to bash this at all. I'm just stating what I did and didn't like about it.

Ponyville being on the coast is actually the main reason I added the AU tag to the story. In canon, Ponyville has a river, but is quite far inland.

The story is actually intended to be silly, and random, and weird, and seem a little forced. I don't plan to continue this story any further, but if I did, it would probably get sillier, and randomer, and weirder, rather than becoming more sensible and better thought out. If you want a sensible meshing between H₂O and My Little Pony then you want H2O: Just Add Friendship. I do feel slightly guilty that my little story has gotten more attention than it.

Also Flash Sentry is randomly a rich kid that nopony likes.

HOORAY! :yay:

Awesome, another H2O MLP story! :yay: I just discovered H2O recently and love it. Your story was fantastic and very random and funny. I know you said you wouldn't be continuing this story, but even as it it's a great read. And if for some reason you ever did decide to continue it, would love to read more! :heart:

Did Rainbow and Twilight switch bodies or something?

Rainbow looked at the glass. She held her hoof above it too, and again water started to spill out of it. "Did I do that?"

"It wasn't me," Fluttershy said.

Twilight announced, "this… is… awesome!"

Rainbow was confused. "But all I did was…" She held her hoof over the glass, and again it started to overflow.

"OK," Twilight laughed, "why don't I get to do cool stuff like that?"

"This isn't funny," Rainbow said, "we've got to keep this a secret from everypony so we don't end up being studied and dissected by some secret royal institute."

Twilight scoffed. "Princess Celestia would never do that!"

"All the same," Rainbow cautioned.

Fluttershy looked at her friends, "so this secret is just between the three of us, right? We're not going to tell Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie?"

Rainbow nodded. "Our secret. Whatever happens, we're in this together."

"That doesn't mean we're married does it?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow laughed. "Now that actually was funny."

Yeah, this part is a major switch in Twilight and Rainbow's character XDD

Great job! <3

Yeah, I know, I know. I must confess that writing the ponies to be as close as possible to their canon characterizations was not at the forefront of my mind when I wrote this. :rainbowlaugh:

In fact, I have no idea what was going on in my head when I wrote this. :pinkiecrazy:



They're mermaids! WHO CARES?! XD

Oh well XD

Can you do a sequel?? Please??

Fluttershy as Cleo is good. But rainbow dash is more of a Rikki then Twilight. And twilight is more of an Emma too. Emma is a bookworm. Pinkie as Lewis is okay.

Second problem is the powers are wrong. Cleo moves water Emma freezes it and Rikki boils it which wasn't found out until episode 2 pool party

Flash as Zane? Seriously? I know people don't like him, but he has literally done nothing to deserve that hate. Wait, now I remember that Rikki and Zane have a rocky relationship in season 2. Now it makes sense. But wouldn't it have made more sense to make Flash Lewis, Twilight Emma, and Rainbow Rikki. I'd go by personality, not just preference.

You're using the word "seriously" with regard to this story? Seriously?

7388892 You just did as well. Whether or not it was used to emphasize a point, it's still hypocritical.

And that is just a taste of a debate I wish not to take part in.

Dislike Flash much? Just curious

I don't write about characters I dislike.

I think this is weird enough to qualify as Random. My biggest problem is that a lot of the dialogue is copied word-for-word from the first episode of H2O. Also:

"Of course you do," Pinkie Pie interrupted, springing out of nowhere even though she wasn't even in this scene, "but for the purposes of this narrative, we have to ignore them. Otherwise the entire story falls apart." She disappeared back to wherever she'd come from.

This made me wonder why you decided to focus on tje characters you did.

"Of course you do," Pinkie Pie interrupted, springing out of nowhere even though she wasn't even in this scene, "but for the purposes of this narrative, we have to ignore them. Otherwise the entire story falls apart." She disappeared back to wherever she'd come from.

Wow. Just wow.

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