• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Sir Hat

Comments ( 41 )

Huh. Coherent minds floating free of their damaged vessels? Interesting. Not sure where you're going with this, or how Smalls's occupant will be able to fill Steely's request.

I can appreciate the coherence here. Makes the madness tolerable in the characters.Also Im drunk; free booze ftw yo

Get some rest dude...

Oh and check out Ballad of Glass: Summer....

Contains your favorite...despite the aversion the the bugs.

Seems interesting. WIll keep reading.

One thing, how the hell Smalls suppose to get those ingredients? Or am I don't understand something?

gahhhh; it is I love what your direction with the story; maybe sleeps a good idea. Im so tired...

Love some damaged goods.

Ah. Nobility fallen far indeed, and egos divorced from their ids. This is really cool stuff here.

It's seriously interesting. Weird as fuck, but good.

this is very interesting.


Cute, yet surreal, plus some added worldbuilding, backstory, and bonding for the two-body quartet. Now, how to get that potassium carbonate...

I fucking love this story. Can't really describe how, or why, but I love its nonsense! Keep it up! o3o

Well, that worked out nicely. The power of love, matched only by the power of chemistry. Of course, now comes the really iffy part. Foreign matter lodged in the brain can have some really adverse effects going in or coming out. It remains to be seen how the latter will affect Smalls and his resident...

Hmm, now I'm wondering what is on it...and good, they're back to semi-normal.

5716054 Probably a catheter.

It feels more and more like I should read Fetlock before reading this.

And nah....

It's medieval style Irish giant ponies, that's about all that's related to the first story.

I just dropped a bunch of info right now that should make sense later.

Huh. A cure for nickle poisoning and a wildly successful brain surgery. And the story still isn't done! I get the feeling that the next part is going to be especially awesome.

Huh, interesting...

I was wondering why he's so chill talking to his would be killer(s), but knowing now that he has six of them, I presume that's not one of them.
Will wait for a sequel.
You said 'six feet' (or like the rest of the world, that abandoned the primitive ways would say 'two meters'). Is it measured on top of the hear or in the withers? If it's second, than they're fucking horses not ponies, and I fear that the birth of that satyr, was almost a gore event. :pinkiecrazy:

Talking about withers. They're very tall....

And almost, but they come out small, and slowly consume enough to become giants. Much like black holes.

"I've seen him do it."


5730175 Than they are horses, not ponies.
...aaaand I have now a mental image of a horse sized dick, going into human size pussy... still gore event. :pinkiecrazy:

Good read. Looking forward to the sequel.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/290/a/3/fluttershy_poke_x__yes__by_flutteralex-d6qp4nn.gif

Edit: Correct me if I'm wrong, but you plan a sequel?

This should be fun. It's fascinating to see how differently Lord Cross behaves once his mind and his endocrine system are reconnected. Definitely looking forward to seeing him cutting a swath of vengeance.

This was good.

That authors note was funny along with this chapter...right in the pussy reference.

um, magic? Smaller thing? :twilightsheepish:

I was on the edge of my seat waiting for something bad to happen. Especially since the asylum white walls setting reminded me too much of your story "What Once Was" . Good and interesting story all in all cant wait for more.:heart:

Sorry for asking a stupid question but what ever happened to the fetlock storey, was the name changed? I can't seem to find it.

I pulled it. I guess I can reupload when I've reworked some of the chapters.

5795045 that was wonderfully fast, and on an other unrelated note might i ask why was the vexillophile (roses and thorns) canceled? I found it quite enjoyable.

It's down for rewrite too. I've got 100 ideas, only 12 hours to work a day. I need help, but training authors and recruiting people is impossible.

It's hard enough to get commenters and readers for certain stories.

5795190 I loved that story, I almost cryed when I saw the canceled tag

5795190 also I do have a few comments on some of your other storys but this website gets annoying af when it comes to cell phones

Oh trust me I know. Fimfic on phones is awful.

5795289 I just noticed your pole, and goddammit there's a laptop in front of me and I'm still using my damn phone

Interesting. Can't really think of a different, more appropriate word for it.

Heh, now I'am wondering how many metal patients screw while in the asylum..

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