• Published 4th Mar 2015
  • 7,251 Views, 168 Comments

A Dazzling Reformation - Thunder Roller

The Dazzlings run into hard times and gets help from someone unexpected.

  • ...

Dream or Nightmare

Adagio sat on top of a tall hill, looking out toward a beautiful sunset on a cloudless evening. The grass was just tall enough to wave in the breeze, adding the the beauty. In the distance, there were no buildings, only trees, none of them blocking her view of the horizon.

She looked down at herself to see she was wearing a white dress that came down to her ankles, and she was barefoot. She felt her hair, noting that she wasn't wearing her spiked hair band. She laid her hand down on the ground, and soon another hand touched hers.

She looked to over and seen Sunset Shimmer sitting beside her, her hand on hers. Adagio took a moment to observe Sunset, seeing she was also wearing a dress, but hers was red fading into yellow as it went down to the seam around her foreleg. She was also barefoot, but Adagio could see her shoes, as well as her own, laying down next to her.

Finally, Adagio's eyes went to her face. Sunset was wearing a gentle, loving smile, her eyes glimmered as she looked into Adagio's. She looked deeply in love.

The breeze picked up and Sunset's hair started to flow, looking longer than normal. But Adagio didn't care, she only wanted the moment to last. She wanted to stay there and gaze into Sunset's eyes until the end of times, and longer.

Despite Adagio's wishes, Sunset turned her face to look ever to the setting sun. Adagio turned to look as well, but it still wasn't as beautiful as her own sunset next to her. She felt the girl next to her scoot closer, and Adagio wrapped her arm around her.


Adagio woke up with a beam of the early morning light escaping through the blinds of the window, shinning directly on her eyes. With a silent groan, she sat up and decided she was going to move her sleeping bag somewhere else when she went back to sleep. She looked around, and seen she was the only one who had woken up.

Her eyes fell onto the girl she had dreamed about, and felt a strange sensation in her stomach. It was almost like fluttering, or maybe a gentle, soft churning? Either way, she wasn't sure how to feel about it.

She realized that she had been staring at Sunset, and felt sort of guilty about it. She wasn't the sort of person to stare like a creepy stalker, so she quickly got up and went downstairs, still in her pajamas. She seen Maud standing in the kitchen, making coffee.

"Morning." Maud said, only taking a quick glance at Adagio.

"Good Morning." Adagio said, sitting down at the Kitchen Counter.

Maud Shook her head. "No, if it was a good morning, the coffee would of made itself."

Adagio chuckled silently. "I can agree with that."

"Why? I'm the one making it."

"I just know the burden of making coffee. I was the one who made it before we got evicted."

"Why were you the one who made it?" Maud asked. "Couldn't the three of you just take turns?"

Adagio shook her head. "No, Sonata always burns the coffee, and Aria only made black coffee."

Maud turned and raised her eyebrow, a rare occurrence of emotion for the girl. "Burn the coffee? Don't you mean make it too strong?"

"No, I mean burn the coffee. I don't know how she does it, but she does."

Maud turned back to the coffee, seeing it was finished. She pulled out two cups from the cabinet and poured the black liquid into them. She added creamer and sugar into one of them, and gave it to Adagio, leaving her own coffee black.

Maud then sat down at the table with Adagio, and looked into her mug.

"So, what are you doing up so early?" Maud asked. "You normally wake up after Pinkie."

"Damn sun found a way past the blinds." Adagio answered with a grunt. "That, and a really weird dream."

Maud blinked. "Pinkie has those a lot. I normally just dream about rocks."

"I wonder why." Adagio said sarcastically. "What kind of dreams does Pinkie have?"

"It normally has something to do with chocolate rivers and mountains made of sugar. Sometimes shes riding a cupcake boat topped with whip-cream."

"Uh..." Adagio said, unsure what to say. "Thats... interesting."

Maud shrugged. "Not really. You wanna talk about your dream?"

Adagio thought about it for a moment. "I'm not really sure if I do or don't."

"Your choice."

Adagio sighed, knowing Maud wasn't much of a gossiper. "It was about Sunset." Maud took a moment to look toward the stairs, but Adagio ignored this. "We were sitting on top of a hill, watching the sun lay itself to rest.

"She laid her hand on mine, and we stared into each others eyes. After a few moments, we turned back to the sunset, and she scooted closer to me, and I wrapped my arm around her. When I woke up, I seen Sunset sleeping, and I felt something inside of me.

"I'm not sure what it was, and I'm not sure how I should feel about it."

A slight movement on Maud's face drew Adagio's attention. At the corner of her mouth, there was a slight twitch, as if she was trying to grin.

"That explains a lot." Maud said.

"What do you mean?" Adagio asked.

Maud held up her index finger, and began to twirl it, signalling for Adagio to turn around. She did so, and seen Sunset standing there in her pajamas, blushing madly. The only thing that escaped Adagio's lips, was a slight, embarrassed moan.

"Well, you two have a lot to talk about." Maud said standing up. "There is coffee if you want some."

Maud left the room, leaving Sunset and Adagio alone in the awkward silence.

"Uh... Good morning?" Adagio said in false hope that Sunset didn't hear her.

"... Good morning?" Sunset said, unsure if she should sit down, get coffee, or turn around and act like nothing happened. She decided on the second.

Sunset shyly walked to the coffee maker, and poured herself some coffee, adding extra creamer and sugar. She took a seat at the table away from Adagio, hoping a wall would appear between them.

"So... Adagio said, drumming her fingers against her mug. "Did you sleep well?"

Sunset nodded. "I slept fine."

"Thats good." Adagio said, nodding as well.

Awkward silence. "So..." Sunset said. "You had a... pretty weird dream."

"Well, I did read somewhere that everyone has a gay dream at least once in their life... I've lived a pretty long time, so I guess I was pretty long due for mine."

"... I guess so." Sunset agreed. "I'm just... shocked that it was me. I mean, I guess it makes sense. We did make some gay jokes to each other a few times. Maybe thats what triggered it. But still."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Just, please, promise me you wont tell anyone." Adagio pleaded.

"Trust me, I won't. After all, I was part of your dream. So, I'm kinda involved, even if it was involuntary."


Later on that day, everyone was awake and dressed. Nothing was planned, so they just lounged around, and watched TV. Twilight was trying to figure out how the remote worked when the phone rang.

"I'll get it!" Pinkie announced, bouncing out of her seat and rushing to the phone that was in the kitchen. Pinkie picked it up, not looking at the Caller ID. "Pie residence!" Pinkie sang into the phone.

"Pinkie, this is Mrs. Cake." The voice said. "Do you remember when you last babysat Pumpkin and Pound Cake?"

"Of course I do, silly!" Pinkie said happily. "How are they doing?"

"They're just fine." Mrs. Cake answered. "My husband and I were just wondering if you were free to babysit them again today. We had an unexpected situation come up and we have no one to watch them."

"You betcha! I don't have anything planned today, so I'm as free as a bird! Well, except for a caged bird. I'm as free as a wild bird! A caged bird isn't exactly-"

"Thank you, Pinkie!" Mrs. Cake interrupted. "We'll drop them off at your house in about fifteen minutes."

"See you then!" Pinkie said before hanging up the phone.

Pinkie Pie smiled excitedly and bounced into the living room, where everyone was at. She bounced in the doorway until she had everyone's attention.

"Are you okay, Pinkie?" Twilight asked. "You look like you just consumed a whole bag of sugar."

"I have good news!" Pinkie said, her smile not fading. "We're going to have babies!"

Aria raised an eyebrow. "Um... Pinkie. Is this your way of saying you're pregnant?"

"No silly!" Pinkie Pie said. "Mr. and Mrs. Cake are bringing their kids for us to babysit!"

"Alright, fine," Sonata said, closing her eyes. "But one of YOU are going to change their diapers! I'm not going anywhere near any diapers OR puke!"

Pinkie raised an eyebrow, and Aria took notice to this. "Poor Sonata had a bad experience when she had a job at Discord's place."

Adagio grinned. "Aria, I didn't know you've grown sympathetic for Sonata."

Aria blushed. "Shut up!"

"That reminds me!" Pinkie said, jumping in between them. "Adagio, you should totally bring Mr. Feathers down here when they arrive! Pumpkin loves birds!"


Pinkie had quickly baby proofed the house... the whole house. After that, She stood in the front yard until Mr. and Mrs. Cake arrived, Mr. Cake holding both children. They were instantly excited when they seen Pinkie, holding out their hands and laughing while Pinkie made funny faces.

"I'm assuming you remember their feeding and sleeping schedules?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Yes I do!" Pinkie said, taking Pumpkin and Pound in her arms. "I've been keeping a supply of baby stuff in case you needed an emergency baby sitter again! That includes food, milk, toys, blankets, diapers, cleaning supplies, medicine, and more!"

"Well, we actually brought some stuff with us, but its good that you did that." Mr. Cake said with a smile. "I know you did good last time, but are you sure you can handle it?"

"Don't worry, I've got help this time, so it will run extra good this time!" Pinkie said, still making funny faces.

"Oh, and who's helping you?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Just some friends, and Princess Twilight!"

"I still can't believe that other worlds exist." Mr. Cake said. "If you didn't have witnesses, I would of thought you tale was just a dream. It wouldn't be the first time you mistaken a dream for reality."

"Very true, but we've got to be going." Mrs. Cake said as she and her husband began to walk back to their car. "We don't want to be late!"

"Bye!" Pinkie shouted before walking back inside where everyone was waiting. "I've got babies!"

Sunset walked up to her and began to coo. "Aw, they're so adorable!"

Pumpkin reached up to Sunset and booped her on the nose, making a small popping sound. This caused everyone to d'aw (Minus Aria) before surrounding the two babies in Pinkie's arms.

"Alright, someone take them." Pinkie said. "I've got to get their milk ready."

Sunset took Pumpkin in her arms, and Sonata did the same with Pound. Pinkie then left into the kitchen while everyone else adored the two children.

"She said Pumpkin liked birds, right?" Adagio asked. "First, which one's Pumpkin?"

"The one with the orange hair and blue bow." Sunset answered. "I'm holding her."

Adagio nodded and walked over to Mr. Feathers' cage, which was positioned in the corner of the room. She opened the cage door, and Mr. Feathers flew out, and landed on Adagio's shoulder, taking a moment to rub his beak across her cheek. Pumpkin seen this and began to laugh excitedly.

"I guess she does like birds." Adagio said with a smile, walking back to the small group.

Mr. Feathers leaned toward Pumpkin and observed her closely. Pumpkin watched him with interest, occasionally reaching out to him, but he was just out of her reach. She grunted a few times, and Adagio moved closer, unsure what she was going to do.

Once Mr. Feathers was in her reach, she rubbed her hand against his feathers, feeling the smoothness of his well groomed texture. When her fingers rubbed against his wing, he instinctively flapped his wings, and she accidentally pulled out one of his blue feathers. This caused a small prick of pain to Mr. Feathers, and he jumped off Adagio, flying around the room.

After a few laps, he dove into Adagio's hair, hiding out of sight.

He moved Adagio's hair out of his way like curtains. "Demon Child, Demon Child!" This caused a burst of laughter from Pumpkin and Pound.

"Now, Mr. Feathers." Adagio scolded. "It was just an accident."

"Bull Shit!" Mr. Feathers said before closing her hair, like curtains.

"Mr. Feathers!" It was Twilight's turn to scold. "A child's mind is like a sponge. We don't want their first words to be a curse word!"

"How do you know about cuss words?" Aria asked. "When we first said them in front of you, you were confused."

"I studied up a little." Twilight answered with a shrug.

"The Milk is Ready!" Pinkie called from the kitchen.

The group walked into the kitchen, and sat at the table. Pinkie brought two bottles of warm milk, handed one to Sunset, and took Pound in her arms. The two brought the nipples of the bottle to the babies mouth, and they gladly took them.

Adagio watched as Sunset cradled Pumpkin in her arms as the child sucked the milk out of the bottle. She handled Pumpkin with such care, such gentility, such beauty. Even with the black leather jacket that made her look like a bad girl, she acted with such grace and carefulness.

With a gentle sigh, she leaned her head into her hand, her elbow keeping her propped on the table like a kickstand. She watched the girl act like a mother to the small child, a sight to behold. It wasn't until moments later did she realize everyone heard her sigh, and was now staring at her, even the girl she was watching.

She blushed and quickly leaned up.

"I was... daydreaming. Sorry." Adagio tried to cover up.

"Bullshit." Mr. Feathers repeated, sticking his head out of Adagio's hair.

"Thats it, you're going back in the cage."


After Adagio returned Mr. Feathers to his cage, and put a blanket over him for good measure, she didn't even bother returning back to the kitchen. She went into the Pie's backyard to get some fresh air. She couldn't believe she embarrassed herself like that, letting her emotions get the best of her.

Sure, she was always the one to get what she wanted, but she was changed now. She wanted self-control to be one of the things she changed about herself. To no longer want to get everything she wanted.

But there was something about Sunset that made her crave the girl. All her life, she always liked males. She always like the muscular, strong arms and the rough faces with battle scars.

And there she was, craving soft, non-muscular arms and a clean, feminine, flawless face by the name of Sunset Shimmer. She wasn't sure what was wrong with her, but in a way, she liked it. She liked wanting her, but she also wanted Sunset to want her.

She heard many quotes about love, but never paid much attention to them. There was one she remembered: 'Love is a Double Edged Sword. It can be your greatest ally, or it can be your greatest enemy'. Right now, it looked to be at even grounds with her.

With an aggravated sigh, she roughly sat down in one of the beach recliners and pinched the bridge of her nose. That is when she heard the back door open, but she didn't care who was there right now. As long as they left her alone, she would leave them alone.

"Hey Adagio." Said the girl Adagio was just thinking of.

"Hey... Sunset." Adagio said, not looking up.

"Beautiful sunset we are having this afternoon." Sunset said, sitting on the ground next to her. "The setting sun has always had a way of calming me down in stressful situations."

"Why are you here?" Adagio asked, leaning back in the recliner. "I would think I'd be the last person you would want to be near right now."

"I just felt like you needed someone right now." Sunset answered. "Someone to talk to. It would be kind of embarrassing if I asked someone to do it, so I took it upon myself."

"How can I talk to you right now?" Adagio asked. "I must seem like a real creep to you, having had a dream about you, and staring at you like that. Why would you want to talk to me, even if I needed it!"

"Because I'm worried about you." Sunset said, putting her hand on Adagio's. "Even more worried than when I found you under that bridge. I don't know if what you're feeling like now is a crush, or something more.

"But I want to help you, in any way I can."

"Why would you do that to yourself?" Adagio was starting to tear up. "You know what I want, but if you don't feel the same way I do, then you would just be hurting yourself!"

"I wouldn't be hurting myself." Adagio looked into Sunset's eyes, and seen she was beginning to tear up as well. "You're not the only one who's been trying to hide your emotions. I didn't realize it at first, but I do feel something for you.

"I'm no expert on love, or friendship, but I do feel something, Adagio. I don't know what it is, but it is a positive emotion. Maybe, just maybe, if we give a relationship a try, we can make it work."

Adagio got out of the recliner and sat on her knees in front of Sunset. She could see Sunset's tear-filled eyes were full of hope, hope that Adagio couldn't let down, even if she wanted to. She pulled Sunset into a tight embrace, tears of joy now flowing down her cheeks.

"Of course we can make it work." Adagio said. Even though she couldn't see Sunset's face, she knew she was smiling. "We can do this, together."


Back inside, Aria watched Sunset and Adagio hugging through a window. It was heart touching, even for the stone-hearted girl she was. She wanted to smile, but her pride wouldn't allow her to do so.

She wasn't sure what they were saying to each other, but she knew that they were definitely dating now. She moved away from the window, and leaned against the wall. Seeing the display reminded her of how she felt for Sonata, even though it didn't need to.

Aria could hide her feelings from others, but Sonata was now always on her mind. Day in and day out, her mind circled around her air-headed friend. Her friend that she wanted more of.

She wanted to be more than friends with Sonata, she was certain of that now. She just needed the inspiration to do something about it, and seeing the display, she had all the inspiration she needed. It was time to change things.

Aria pushed herself from the wall, and headed into the living room. All she had to do was get Sonata alone with her, and let her lips do the talking. That can be taken in two ways.

Luckily for her, Sonata was alone, watching TV. Everyone else was probably in the kitchen with the Cake Twins. She took a quick glance at the TV, and seen she was watching cartoons... nothing new there.

She sat down next to Sonata on the couch, and propped her feet on the coffee table. She wrapped her arm around Sonata, and pulled her close.

"Um... Aria?" Sonata asked, slightly confused. "What are you doing?"

"What I want to do." Aria said plainly.

"... I'm confused."

"I know you are." Aria turned to look at Sonata, and confusion was very obvious.

To end her confusion, Aria leaned over to her and forcefully pushed her lips against Sonata's. She held her position for a few moments, Sonata not even fighting back. Finally, she pulled back and went back to her original position.

"So..." Sonata said, blushing. "Does that mean we're going out now?"

"Duh." Aria answered.

In the living room door way, Pinkie stood there, very confused. She took a few steps back, and walked away.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the long wait. Thankfully all of you have been very patient with Lightning and I. We had a plan for how we wanted Adagio and Sunset to get together, but we weren't very sure on how to bring Sonata and Aria together.

What you seen with Sonata and Aria was my excellent non-thinking skills with my fingers. Lightning liked it, so we decided to keep it that way.

"What was with that anyway?!" Pinkie asked, appearing out of nowhere.

What the?! How did she do that?!

"Never mind that now, I want some answers!"

Please, just calm down.

"That was the weirdest thing I've ever seen! I mean, I've seen some pretty weird stuff, but Aria was forcing it on her, but Sonata didn't seem to mind at all!"

Do you think maybe Sonata WANTED Aria to do that?

"Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that it was weird."

Thank you, Pinkie. Now, please, stop breaking the fourth wall when I'm trying to do something.