• Published 12th Apr 2015
  • 1,822 Views, 21 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Quest to Become Meme - Scootareader

Pinkie Pie discovers what a meme is and decides to become one herself.

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1. MLG

Pinkie Pie began her journey with some sick 360 noscopes. She was showing some scrubs who was boss, when who should show up but Gilda!

Gilda told Pinkie Pie, “1v1 me faggot.”

Pinkie Pie replied, “I’m not the faggot, you’re the faggot.”

Gilda replied, “Whatever. Just 1v1 me.”

Pinkie Pie replied, “K.”

While the game was loading up, Pinkie Pie took out this massive bong and took this massive hit, so big that she could swear Gummy had teeth. Oh, yes. She was ready.

As the match started, she picked the MORS. Yeah, only noobs took anything but. How could you expect to noscope otherwise?

On Pinkie’s team, there was her (gamertag MLG_Pinkie), Renbow_DaNK, and AppLeKraK. On the enemy’s team, there was G1lD0NG, GPTr1x5h07, and CrstlKng1337. Only scrubs put numbers in their names. So unoriginal.

As soon the game started, AppLeKraK got her head taken off by GPTr1x5h07. Pinkie just rolled her eyes, resigned to the fact that country ponies just aren’t any good. Renbow_DaNK was doing somewhat better, as Pinkie expected, but she got quickly gunned down by CrstlKng1337 with an MSBS. Pinkie was well aware of the noob status of the MSBS, as it was made to hide real talent.

She was hidden behind cover, waiting for her moment. She peeked out briefly and saw it. She stood, 360’d, then shot her MORS mid-spin and got all three of their heads in a row. Round won.

“Oh baby, a triple! Oh yeah!” she cheered.

AppLeKraK said over her headset, “I’mma name my firstborn after you.”

Renbow_DaNK said, “Yeah, that was pretty sweet.” There was a problem, however: She was actually a he.

“Wait, there’s some shitty guy on my team?” Pinkie Pie shouted. “Stallions have no place in MLG, holy shit and here I was thinking I was playing with some actual talent! Go back to the kitchen and get out of my game, scrub!”

“Actually, my rati—”Renbow_DaNK was cut off by Pinkie booting him out of her party and subsequently blocking him. At least she knew that stallions weren’t allowed in esports.

AppLeKraK said a few seconds later, “Hey, Renbow_DaNK wants to know why you blocked him.”

Pinkie replied, “Tell him to send me pics or GTFO.”

Gilda messaged Pinkie a few seconds later, saying, “That was a lucky shot, and I said 1v1 noob, not a team! That wasn’t even my normal team!”

Pinkie said, “Then 1v1 me.”

Gilda said, “K.”

Another game, this time just Pinkie and Gilda. Pinkie went with the MORS again, and Gilda of course took the MSBS. Pinkie’s gun’s acronym stood for Most Original Real Skill, whereas Gilda’s stood for Most Serious BullShit. It was obvious who would win.

Game started, Pinkie Pie 360’d and shot Gilda in the head.

“Yeh, scrub,” Pinkie Pie taunted.

Gilda grumbled, “Took me off-guard... I’ll 1v1 you again later, my mom says it’s time for dinner.”

“Your mom invited me over for dinner and I’ll be banging her later, scrub!” Pinkie Pie called into her headset.

As if on cue, Pinkie’s own mother called up the stairs. “Pinkie, it’s time to get off your game! You’ve been up there for hours!”

Pinkie Pie called back, “Mom, it’s only been, like, three matches!” even though it had been eight.

She’d also forgotten to mute her headset, prompting Gilda to say, “Wow, your mom still enforces curfew on you? You’ll never be MLG like that.”

Pinkie Pie scoffed. “It takes actual skill, something you seem to be lacking. Unless you want me to noscope you again?”

“No, I said I gotta go eat dinner! I’ll see you later, dawg.” Gilda left the room and went to presumably go eat dinner, though Pinkie had the feeling she went to go cry into her pillow because she was such a scrub.

Author's Note:

I actually don't know anything about guns in Call of Duty. I found out about the MORS here and the MSBS here. I also noted that they're from different games, and I don't care if some Call of Duty fan rages at me over the inconsistency. That is the extent of my knowledge.

Please believe me. ;_;