• Published 10th Mar 2015
  • 1,954 Views, 96 Comments

Equestria Girls: Racers - Gapeagle

After Twilight and Sunset Shimmer have a brief time in Equestria, they go back through the portal. The portal transports them to a different universe than the one they know. One that is ruled on street racing.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Start Your...

"Thank you for visiting today, Sunset. It's been nice having you back in Equestria."

"Yeah, but I'm still nervous here. I know this is my true home, it just doesn't feel that way anymore."

Sunset Shimmer levitated a cup of warm tea to her lips. As she sipped it, her thoughts went back to the lunches she had with Celestia when she was still a student. Before she ran off through the portal. It felt like ages ago to her. However, she was on the road to recovery from her mistakes. One day she would confront her mentor again, but not today. She still did not know how to meet Celestia after all she had done. She did not know what she would say or do. It would have to wait for another time.

"Did you have a nice time?" Twilight asked her from the other side of the table.

"Yeah. You weren't kiddin' when you said they were just like our friends at CHS. The Pinkie here may be crazier though."

Most of the visit had been spent on a tour through the Hall of Friendship. Most of it was a library, which Sunset could tell was Twilight's favorite part. the new princess's giggles and general 'fangirling' over the amount of books she had was fun and cute, but a little irritating after a while. Sunset spent most of the time just nodding and smiling. It was the polite thing to do, even if it didn't show her true feelings on the subject. After the tour, the pony version of Twilight's friends met her all at once. She could hold a conversation with any of them since they were the same as the ones back at CHS. Although, Rainbow Dash did not know what 'soccer' was and explaining such a sport was a waste of time. They then walked around Ponyville for an hour and returned to the castle for a snack and tea.

"How is the tea? I made it myself. No magic this time." Twilight beamed proudly.

"Uhh....It's nice. I think you could use more honey though." She said as she swirled the remaining liquid around in the china cup.

Twilight summoned a small note pad and scribbled on it with a small floating pencil. "I'll remember that for next time."

Sunset raised a brow. "Next time?"

Twilight nodded excitedly. "Yup. How about next week? We can make this a weekly visit and then you can get more reacquainted with Equestria and finally see Princess Celestia again! Oh, you've never seen Princess Luna or Cadance! You can meet them and my brother and..."

"Alright! Alright!" Sunset interrupted her. "How about this: I visit weekly and so do you. You know, at CHS. We can show you more of the human world and stuff. I could show you my new car. You also would get to see Flash..."

"I can't do that! If I keep crossing over, the dimensions could converge. There is another Twilight in that world remember? We don't want that, trust me. It would be a catastrophe!" Twilight pushed her cheeks up with her hooves in panic.

"OK, how about this one time?" Sunset suggested and gestured at the rigged portal.

"We could do that...I guess. One time couldn't hurt..."

"Good! Can we go now? I kinda want my thumbs back." Sunset inspected her digit-less hooves.

"I'll have to pack." Twilight said as she stood up.

"No you don't. It'll only be a night and the portal gives ya clothes anyway."

"You're right. It's just...I need to inform my friends of the sudden change in plans."

Sunset rolled her eyes and summoned a purple sticky note. She then wrote "WENT THROUGH PORTAL. BE BACK TOMORROW" on it and slammed it into the crystal table. She summoned more and repeated her actions, sticking them on the thrones, walls, shelves, and even on the sinks and mirrors of the bathrooms. Twilight grimaced at the amount of purple squares that dotted the Hall.

Sunset gave the princess a smug look. "Well, they're informed. Now can we go?"

"Yeah....I guess we can go now."

Twilight walked over to the portal. Sunset pumped the air with her front leg before joining Twilight. The red and yellow maned pony smiled in her small triumph. It was a smile Twilight did not return.

"Ready to go?" She asked Twilight with the smile still on her face.

"Yeah yeah." Twilight muttered.

"Well, royalty first."

"Oh, don't you do that."


Both ponies looked in the direction of the scream. Spike was running to them madly with a paper bag in his grasp. He stopped in front of them, panting and dramatically gasping for air.

"I....Can I go...with you?" He asked through his pants.

"Uhh...Sure..." Sunset blinked.

"Spike, didn't Rarity ask for help at the boutique tonight?" Twilight questioned.

"Well....Sweetie took my job for that. I got nothing to do tonight now. So I guess I could hang out with human Rarity? Maybe? Oh, I packed some snacks already see?"

He showed them the paper bag. Twilight and Sunset blinked in confusion before nodding their approval simultaneously. He clinched his clawed fists with a satisfied "yes!"

"Well, we should be going then." Twilight remarked.

Twilight placed a hoof through the portal. The odd tingling sensation went through her leg and made her thin fur stand up on end. She never liked the feeling. She then threw herself through the portal, whisking her away in a colorful whirlwind as she sailed through dimensions. The colors were different however. It was more heavily blue and green than the rainbow color they usually were. The end was drawing near. A dark hole at the bottom of the whirlwind. Before she knew it, she had fallen face first into asphalt.


Sunset Shimmer and dog Spike fell on her back, making her groan in pain. Twilight pushed both of them off by getting getting up on her knees. Hands? Check? Feet? Check? Odd round things on my chest? Check. School uniform? Not check!

She gasped as she inspected the leather jacket she was wearing. It was much like Sunset's, only without the spikes on the collar. Underneath that was a purple shirt with her cutie mark. Well, at least that's right. Her skirt was the same purple, but shorter and without the cutie mark. To finish it off, her long boots were black and heeled. It reminded Twilight of Adagio.

Sunset appeared exactly the same. Same jacket, shirt, boots, hair, everything. She rubbed her head from the pain of being tossed off of Twilight and apparently hitting a nearby trashcan. Trashcan? Sunset thought. There isn't a trashcan by the statue. Wait! Where are we?

Twilight, Spike, and Sunset gazed at their surroundings. This was certainly not CHS. They were in some city of black skyscrapers and bright green and blue neon signs. It was also night, so they could only see that which was lit. On the sides of the buildings were massive TVs displaying a street race and commentators speaking over the colorful and bright racing cars. Other TVs had a large man named "Torque" on them and speaking to viewers about special racing events. One TV had the promotion of a race between team "Wonderbolt" and team "Shadowbolt." Highways and streets soared above the ground, looping and crossing over each other. Zeppelins with strobe spotlights gently floated by the tips of the skyscrapers. The entire place was loud with music, voices, lights and car engines.

"Where are we?" Spike asked worriedly.

"Not CHS, that's for sure." Sunset answered.

Suddenly, a car with neon lights on it flew by them on the street in front of them leaving a pale orange streak in its wake. The speed of the car was tremendous and left the girls' hair waving in the wind. Several other cars of neon, music and lights followed the first. Drones with cameras chased after the cars from above. Just as fast and loud as the cars came, they left. Twilight and Sunset stood stunned by the previous moment.

"We should back away from the streets." Twilight said meekly.


The two backed away slowly to an alley behind them. Spike followed with his bag in his mouth. The two girls then sat down and stared at each other. Both knowing what the other was thinking.

"Do you know where we entered?" Sunset spoke with a twitch in her eye.

"No." Twilight answered in the same fashion.

Spike opened the bag and looked inside. He quickly withdrew his head in disgust and gagged on the smell.

"Ugh, the portal changed my snacks too!"


Author's Note:

More to come, don't worry. I work on inspiration, so expect off update times.

Also, expect over the top, non serious stuff. This isn't "dark" for a reason.

And, if you guys can think of what character should be a racer and how, even what cars they drive, feel free. Your character design may end up in the story!
-Cheers for That!