• Published 11th Mar 2015
  • 1,232 Views, 20 Comments

Rainbow's Secret - LuckyBass13

It was a normal day for Rainbow after her daily practice soccer match. But when a sudden prank after a false rumor goes out of hand a secret explodes into view.

  • ...

The Incident

It has been around a month after the incident with the Dazzlings, everything is back to normal. The students are learning in harmony, Sunset is accepted once more by everybody, and no more harm was done to the school or its students. During that month of peace a small rumor has been going on. Something about students hearing a sudden “Crinkle” noise. It has students looking everywhere for it and can’t seem to find its source. However, every time they mention the noise they happen to almost say the same thing. “ I’ve heard some Crinkle noise in class.” and “I’ve heard a crinkle noise in the library.” all the time they keep asking that same sentence but what they don’t know is everytime they heard it a certain somebody was always around them when they heard it. A certain Rainbow haired person. It was the 27th of September and everyone was in school as a certain person is now thinking Rainbow Dash might know something they all don’t know.

“Hiya Applejack!” Pinkie suddenly pops up in front of her causing her to be scared.

“Wha.. Pinkie? Shhhh!* Applejack takes pinkie next to the lockers to avoid attention.

“Pinkie have ya been hearing that um Crinkly noise?”


“And have you been curious as to why almost every time we hear that Rainbow has been around?”

“....No, why?”

“I’m thinking she might know something that we don’t know… I’m thinking she’s just causing rumors just for kicks.”

“Like a prank?”

At that point Applejack realized what this all is, A big rumor prank. Thinking Rainbow is clever, Applejack now has a plan to prank her back.

“Pinkie ya’ll wanna do something fun?”

“Ooooooooooooo I thought you never asked! Sundown 7 o’clock, Don’t be late.”

“What? No! Ah meant prank Rainbow Dash, seriously what’s going through your head?”

“Ooooh that’s what you meant, Okay sure what’s the plan?”

Applejack tells Pinkie the plan and she giggles and laughs in excitement. Pinkie then quickly leaves the school to get the stuff for the prank as Applejack imagines the reaction she would have. In the Girls Bathroom we find Rainbow Dash coming out of the room with a *sigh* as she quietly walks back.

“This is getting out of hand, maybe it was a bad idea to bring them to school…” She moves to her next class only to be stopped by Applejack with a smirk.

“Hi Rainbow, Nice day isn’t it?”

“Oh Hi Applejack, Yeah its nice.”

“So Rainbow, you’ve been hearing rumors lately? Anything in particular?”

“Um...No, You know I don’t focus on that right?”

“True, But its been going on for a month and its been well… the talk of the school. Surely you have heard of it right?”

“Look I have been focused on a lot of stuff and i don’t have time to talk about nonsense, its best if we just leave it okay?”

“Eh.. Shoot yourself.” Applejack lets Rainbow go to her Gym Class as she now hears the crinkle noises again and which confirms her suspicion. Rainbow is Hiding something.

Not to long now Pinkie comes back with a pair a shorts just like Rainbow’s but its been modified as a prank to inflate and explode. With some snickering They wait till Rainbow was away in the locker room and they switched her shorts with the prank one and leaves. Soon they continued school and it was during lunch period and they see Rainbow leaving the cafeteria. Following her around the lockers Applejack signals to Pinkie it activate the prank, however Pinkie begins to feel a little guilty.

“I… I can’t do it.”

“Whatcha mean “Can’t do it”?”

“Its too much I don't’ think we should do this, I can’t help but feel something bad will happen if this is done.”

“Whatever I’ll do it then.” Applejack Swipes the button and presses , ignoring Pinkie’s reasons and soon it starts.

Rainbow feels some pressure being made on her shorts and soon she can hardly walk . She looks down to find they are starting to expand. Freaking out she tries to make it to the nearest bathroom as she fears it might explode but it was too late and her worries are true, the pair of shorts explodes revealing the most shocking thing of all. Rainbow was wearing a diaper and by the looks of it, it was recently used. Blushing mad she panicked and looks around only to find her best friends now laughing at what they are seeing. Scared and tearing up she runs away only to not know that a third person has seen it happen. In the cafeteria Vice Principal Luna came by to a table with Sunset and her friends Rarity, Fluttershy, and Derpy.

“Oh Vice Principal Luna what is it that you like?” Rarity was surprised that Luna came to her.

“ I came with a message telling you to bring some clothing like a skirt to the girls bathroom for Rainbow, that is all.” Luna walks away leaving Rarity confused but as a friend she decides to accept the task and heads to the bathroom only to be stopped by the locked door. She knocks only to hear a sobbing voice.

“Go away…”

“Rainbow Dear is that you?”

“Don’t come in...please.”

“Then I won’t but why did you lock yourself in the bathroom?”

“It’s too embarrassing…”

“Is that way I was asked to bring you a skirt for you?”

“Who asked and how?”

“Vice Principal Luna, and how she knew I don’t know. If you won’t let me in then at least let me hand you the skirt through the door please.”

“...Okay But don’t look okay?”

“Promise.” Rarity Closes her eyes as she holds out the skirt for Rainbow to grab. Minutes later the door unlocks and Rainbow is now out with a new skirt on but her eyes were red from the tears she shed.

“My word are you alright darling?”

“No… I…” She was interrupted by the intercom being heard.

“Attention Rainbow Dash please report to the Principal’s Office immediately, thank you.”

The intercom cuts off as Rainbow fears for the worse, without saying a word she slowly walks to the office leaving Rarity Behind. Once she reached the office and opens the door she is greeted by Luna and asks her to sit down. Rainbow does so and waits as she sweats in fear. 5 minutes later the phone rang for Luna to pick up receiving the message to let Rainbow in. She slowly walks to the door and with shaking hands she slowly turns the knob making noises due to her shaking much. She opens the door and closes it behind her as Principal Celestia sits in her desk asking Rainbow to sit. Rainbow does so and silence was made for almost 3 minutes until Celestia began.

“You know why I called you here today?”

“Um… no.

“Well as I was strolling the halls I noticed you walking down from the corner I was going to say hi before I saw Applejack and Pinkie Pie. It was then I see them fighting over a button until Applejack pressed it and then… I saw what happened.”

“I Uh… I…”

“Rainbow, I know its not my place to ask but why would you wear a diaper in school? You’re not incontinent.”

Rainbow just sat there speechless, unable to speak up no matter how long she waited. Celestia decided to speak up.

“Well whether you want to explain it or not I’m going to inform your parents about this.”

“Please Don’t! I don’t want them to know, can’t we just leave it a secret? Please?” Rainbow begs trying to talk her out of it.

“I’m sorry, you're Lucky I asked Rarity to help you when I saw the event transpired.”

“So that’s how she knew, But...”

“I’m sorry Rainbow but I have no choice now you may return to class.”

Celestia turned her chair as Rainbow tilts her head down in defeat. This was too much for her. As she went out she asked Luna if she can take a leave in which Luna agreed. As Rainbow got out some of the students after lunch period looked at her as she walked to her locker and gathered her things and proceeded out the door. She continued down the streets and is at the Sugarcube Corner. She goes in and gets a small snack and a drink, she was eating something to try to calm her but knows that won’t do to having to now face her parents because of her secret being out. After paying she proceeded out the door and walks the streets to her home. As she opens the door it bumps into some suitcases. She looks and finds out its her suitcases, she opens them to find Her clothes and her diapers in it but no underwear. She now knew they got the message but why was it packed. she got up only to see both her parents Standing firmly with disgruntled faces staring coldly at her. Before she could say anything the father told her that her “Hobby” is a disgrace to her family and doesn’t approve. Her mother then ranted about how she could do this after all she done to raise her, and going about saying “I Raised you better”.

Given a chance to speak she spoke saying this is something she loved and knew her parents wouldn’t approve this, but her pleas were ignored as they demanded the house key and told her to hit the road. For she is no longer welcomed in her home ever again. With tears of heartbreak and betrayal Rainbow grabbed her suitcases and heads out saying nothing to her parents. Hours has passed and School was let out, Sunset decided to take a small walk around the blocks to see the sights again only to find a familiar face sitting on a bus bench with suitcases piled next to her. Sunset decides to find out what’s the meaning of this.

“Hey Rainbow, what’s going on?”

“Oh… Hey Sunset, just.. its complicated.”

“Well by the look of these suitcases “Complicated” might be underplayed. Come on Rainbow you can tell me.”

“ I don’t know…”

“Please if its something big I want to help, We’re friends Rainbow you can trust me.”

“Okay but, promise you wont’ laugh?”

“Promise.” Sunset Sits next to Rainbow as she is about to hear something shocking.

“Okay so… I have a well hobby, well more of a likeness. I um.. like to wear um.. diapers…”

“What?” Sunset looks at Rainbow as her face blushes when she continued to explain.

“Recently today My shorts sorta exploded and my diaper was seen by little people, one being Principal Celestia. After getting a new skirt from Rarity I was called to the office where she talked about my hobby. Then she said she was going to alert my family which I tried saying please no but she did it anyways. After asking to take a leave from school I got home and already my bags were packed.”

“You mean you were kicked out?! Out of your home?” Sunset sees tears in Rainbow eyes as she begins to cry.

In an instinct Sunset hugs Rainbow, calming her down with a helping pat on the back. After a few minutes past Sunset sees Rainbow starting to only sob a little bit and does what a friend should do in this time.

“Listen, if you like you can stay with me.”


“Sure and I’m not taking no for an answer. Come on.”

Sunset grabs some of Rainbow’s bags as Rainbow grabbed the rest and headed out to Sunset’s apartment as the sun set’s. They Reach the place and Sunset helps Rainbow unpack some of her clothes and her pack of diapers.

“Listen I only have one bed so…”

“It’s Okay Sunset, I’ll sleep on the couch. Thanks again for letting me stay with you.”

“Hey I’d do it for anybody, especially you Rainbow. Anyway feel free to get comfy. Dinner will be ready soon.”

“Wait you mean I can feel at home?”

With a nod from Sunset, Rainbow Takes off her skirt Revealing her diaper as she now is only dressed in her t-shirt, diaper and socks as Sunset lets off a small giggle.

“What’s so funny?” Rainbow asked with a little angry tone.

“Nothing its just, you look cute.”

Rainbow turns from stern face to a blushing smile as she gets on the couch. Time passed by and dinner was served as they enjoy each bite. Soon it was 9:30 pm and it was getting late. Sunset lets Rainbow use her shower as she heads to the bedroom and decides to change into her pajamas. Rainbow, after 5 minutes, comes out all clean and fresh as she puts on her pajamas and is diapered up. Sunset comes out as well.

“ Here you go.” Sunset spoke as she gives Rainbow some covers and pillows.

“Thanks, I don’t know where I'll be if you hadn’t shown up.”

“Lets not worry about, we’ll talk about your parents in the morning. Well time to sleep.”

“Thanks. Wait.. What’s that?” Rainbow sees a line around the top of Sunset’s pajama bottoms which appears to be a diaper line. Sunset stops and soon explains.

“Well, you see like you. I too like wearing diapers.” Sunset blushes but only to noticed a shocking face from Rainbow.

“How long were you wearing them?”

“I kinda wore them just a bit after I first entered this world. I thought it was what you wore as a simple ware but I soon got comfy and well here we are.”


They shared laughs together and soon wished each other a good night’s rest. They both slept peacefully but it wasn’t long until Rainbow begins to toss and turn a bit as she was now having a nightmare. She continued until she woke up from a shock from her nightmare only to find her diaper completely soaked. She just sat there looking down and started to cry once more only to be heard by Sunset which came by to see her in this state. She hugged onto Rainbow calming her only to find this is more serious than ever. After Rainbow calmed down a bit Sunset offered to not only let Rainbow sleep with her but to also change Rainbow. Rainbow of course blushed at the idea but with a weak nod Sunset helped her to Sunset’s bed and helped her change into a new diaper. After discarding the old one Rainbow got under the covers along with Sunset and she turns off the lights. Sunset didn’t sleep yet but only to hear a peaceful little snores from Rainbow. With a smile Sunset sleeps and they slept peacefully through the remainder of the night.

Chapter 1
The Incident