• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,489 Views, 401 Comments

Fangs: The Order - Sapphic

Octavia finally got what she wanted, but it seems that a new struggle to keep it is arising.

  • ...

New Feelings


"Hey sis?" Sweeps asked, bumping up and down gently on my back as we ran along one of the lookalike, industrial hall.

"Huh?" I asked between sharp inhales.

"So, do you know, uhm, where Vinyl is?"

Truth be told, I didn't. I only had two guesses: the place where Care had done that experiment on her, or back in that big white room where she typically stayed. If she wasn't in either of those two places, we'd have to ask one of the passer-bys who'd either call security, or be security. Either way, somebody would try and beat us up.

"I got two guesses, but honestly, no." I said.

"Is she alright?" She asked, leaning her body to the left while I turned right so I wouldn't fall over as we turned to head down another, near identical to the last, hallway.

"Eh, how do you mean?" I asked reluctantly

Personally, I'd rather Sweeps not know that Vinyl may or may not have gotten turned into, from what Care had described as, an "instinct driven, blood sucking, animal". For starters, it wouldn't exactly be the best of morale boosters - believe it or not but Vinyl being a possible opponent wasn't as spirit lifting as you might think.

"What do you mean'How do you mean?'?" She asked.

I couldn't exactly beat around the bush with such a straightforward question, so I tried the only other option.

Wait it out.

"Well, physically she's fine, but..." I mumbled off, pretending to focus hard on trying to find which direction to go.



"She's gone loony, hasn't she?" Sweeps asked, almost deadpanned in her tone.


"Celestia dammit." Sweeps sighed, her face hitting the back of my neck.

"Look on the bright side?" I suggested meekly.

"What could possibly be the 'bright side' of Vinyl being off her rocker again?" Sweeps asked sarcastically.

"At least she's not drunk." I said truthfully.

There was a brief pause where only my hooves against the metallic floor could be heard.

"Alright, fine. At least she's not drunk." Sweeps caved.

Despite how jokingly I had said it, it was the honest truth. Vinyl being a bit mental was one thing, but when she was drunk was a whole other, much worse, thing - and Celestia forbid they ever met. She'd built up an impeccable tolerance to alcohol - one of the reasons that I had to give her some of the hardest stuff I had to get her liver distracted enough for a sedative to slip by it when we needed to subdue her.

Though the most I'd ever seen her is tipsy, I know because she had told me that she was still sober every time after we did shots. Even when she was just tipsy, she'd get unpredictable - more so than her arguably mentally unstable sober self.

For example, when Vinyl was a bit looney she'd commonly still react to things, like if you tried and hit her she'd either dodge or let it happen and laugh. Though, when she had been a bit drunk in the past, she'd actually just stop registering things - you could hit her in the back of the head with a shovel and she'd just carry on like nothing even happened. Well, implying you could actually hit her first, she gets real wobbly after drinking.

'If she ever actually got drunk...' I thought to myself, just before I felt a rampant shiver run through my spine.

"Hehe, don't worry. I already turned the place upside down to try and find some booze." I chuckled.

"Anything?" She asked.

"I wish. The closest I came was some green tea in the break room." I scoffed.

"That's...not close at all. Actually that's about the farthest thing from it other than, I dunno, water." She said slowly.

"I know! you've got no idea how boring it gets around here without anything to get-" I huffed, only to have my complaining be cut short by a bolt of magic razing by my head.

"-liquored up on!"

Oh yeah, we'd also been getting chased by about a dozen people ever since we got in the building. Weird how you can forget something that threatens your life so easily.

'Must be all this running...' I concluded in thought.

"Dammit, hang on..." Sweeps mumbled.

I didn't bother looking back, because I needed to focus on where I was going a bit more than who was shooting at me; not to mention that they were horrible shots to begin with. Though what did manage to catch my attention was when I felt Sweeps begin to struggle around on my back, but when I tried to look and see what I was going on, I was met with a hind hoof to my face.

"Sorry!" Sweeps chimed, plopping down heavily into place.

Her weight had shifted, from evenly distributed across my body, to a single spot that was now holding most of it.

I was a bit more cautious looking back this time, but I saw now that she was straddling my back with her body facing backwards.

"Sweeps, what're you doi-" I began, but her horn whinned up louder than my voice and cut me off.

A bolt of magic flung out, the recoil going from her horn all the way to my running hooves and causing me to speed up for a fraction of a second before going back to my normal pace.

The sound of a tumbling body came from behind me, so I figured Sweeps must've hit whoever it was. She was a bit better of a shot than the people following us since she probably wasn't delusional from so much running like we were. That and it'd be almost impossible to miss since there were so many of them following us.

Though she didn't stop.

Her horn kept whining and firing off bolts of her own magic back behind me, each shot sending the same recoil through me as we approached the next turn.

When I began to lean right, she instinctively followed along and leaned herself left slightly to balance us out. What I also got to do was jut my eyes to the side to see who was following us.

My eyes widened as I saw that the dozen or so ponies that had been running and flying after us had almost doubled in numbers, and that the unicorns had raised a barrier that covered the entirety of the hallway behind us - like a moving wall of magic. It appeared to be a one way wall as well, letting them shoot out at us while Sweeps' shots popped against it.

The more worrying thing however, was that the pegasi were gaining on us.

"Shakes?" Sweeps called out between shots of magic.

"Huh?" I struggled.

"We're gonna need to think of something-" She said, jerking to the side as a bolt of magic went flying over my head where she would've been.

"-cause this ain't gonna work." She finished.

An idea popped into my mind as I noticed a sign on the wall as I approached the next, and hopefully final, corner.

"Breakroom." The sign read, with a small arrow pointing to the right.

"Can you...make a bright light? Like one you'd make when you teleport?" I asked, looking back behind us to see that Sweeps had a small, round piece of magic floating near her that she was moving back and forth to block incoming shots.

"Yeah." She responded.

"Do it next time we turn, and get ready to hit the ground." I said, the next turn in sight.

"Alright..." She said hesitantly, obviously a bit confused as to where I was going with this idea.

I began to lean into the turn, body shifting enough for me to catch a glimpse back at Sweeps as she dropped her small shield and charged her horn brightly. I looked ahead next, spotting a door directly after the turn onto the hallway. I passed the corner, the sight of the dozens of hunters chasing us disappearing from sight for a moment as I reached up and pushed opened the door while a bright light flashed from behind me.

What followed was me practically throwing Sweeps into the room ahead of me while I tumbled in after, throwing the door closed with a kick from my hind leg.

It was surprisingly dark in the break room, so I ended up losing sight of Sweeps. But I had landed on a soft and warm body, so I assumed it was my sister and tossed my hoof up to their mouth so that they wouldn't make a sound - I knew her wound might've made her yelp a little, which would've given us away in a second.

Meanwhile, I tossed my ears up to listen to the hunters outside.

Dozens of hooves thundered to a stop, leaving only the flapping of a few sets of wings. I had hoped that their own noise was enough to overpower the sound of me slamming the door shut.

"Damn," One of them said. " must'a teleported." A deep, male voice said.

I barely contained my giddy laughter as they fell for it.

"Spread out! They might've just teleported somewhere else in the building! Each of you take a partner, we're dealing with Captain Shakes here, so expect some traps to be laid if you find her!" The same voice barked, the sound of those dozen hooves quickly beginning to move again.

I waited a few more seconds, and then silence was the only thing that could be heard.

I let out a heavy sigh.

"Thank god they aren't that bright." I said, chuckling lightly as the body under me began to squirm.

"Clam down Sis, gimme a second and I'll-"

Suddenly, the lights flipped on without either of the two of us on the ground moving. And a magic horn didn't light, so the only option was that someone else had turned it on.

I whipped my head around towards the door - which was where I had assumed the light switch was - only to find Sweeps standing near it with an odd look on her face, sort of a mix between worry and confusion.

"Sis?" I asked slowly.

Now I never did acclaim to be the best at coming to conclusions quickly, but it only took a minute for my head to wrap around the fact that Sweeps was either in two places at once, or that I wasn't on top of Sweeps.

I looked back down below slowly to see a familiar, ash grey coat, accented by a deep red mane and a set of fiery orange eyes staring up at me with a blush darker than her mane across their face and eyes as wide as saucers.

"Flint?" I, again, asked slowly.

I realized my hoof was still over her mouth, so that even if she had responded, she'd be muffled. I quickly took it off and she seemed to recover from the initial situation, putting on her 'tough mare' attitude and shoving me, albeit gently, off of her.

"W-What do you want? A-and why did you jump in here all of the sudden?" She asked, crossing her hooves and looking the other way

I froze.

A lot of things began to go through my mind on what to say, the two biggest ones being "Where is Vinyl?" and the other being "Have you seen Maple?". The way she was acting gave me the impression that Maple hadn't talked to her yet, and that she didn't know I had gone rouge, but I wasn't sure.

"Ah...tripped." I said quickly. "But why were you in here with all the lights out." I asked.

"Well I've gotta sleep somewhere, don't I? Hate the beds around here so I figured I'd set up here during the day and opt to take the night shift." She said, as if it was obvious.

When I looked at her as if she were crazy, she rolled her eyes before pointing over to a pile of paper towels in the corner of the room that looked like they were arranged into a makeshift bed. She also had a blanket that had character to it, so I figured she must've bought it and brought it back with her.

"And they just...let you do that?" I asked.

"Who's gonna stop me?" She shrugged, dropping her hooves and looking past me towards Sweeps.

"Who's your friend? Heard you say 'Sis' to her but I don't think I've seen her around here before..." She said, squinting as if she was trying to remember. "...actually, whatever. I can't remember half the people here anyways." She said, turning back to me.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding.

"So, what do you want?" She asked, getting defensive again.

I considered pressing her as to why she was being so defensive and assuming I had even been looking for her in the first place, but instead I decided to just roll with it. No point in lying where I didn't need to, Flint would catch word that I'd changed sides eventually, might as well get as much use out of not being discovered while I could.

"I was looking for Vinyl, you know where she's at?" I asked.

"Where she's been for the last week or so, down in that big ole white room of Care's." She said a bit obviously, giving me an odd look at the fact I was asking.

I smiled, getting all the confirmation I needed.

"Thanks, see you around." I said, getting off the ground and heading towards the door.

Until her hoof stopped me.

"What're you planning Shakes?" She said with enough confidence for it to be a fact to her that I was planning something.

"Huh?" I played innocent.

"I know that look in your eye, and I know that it means that your up to something. I wanna know what it is, and what it has to do with Whitey." She said, looking pensive.

It was a bit offsetting to say the least to see that Flint had an almost maternal look to her face at the mention of Vinyl, what was more offsetting was to hear that she had already given Vinyl a pet name. She'd been pretty detached from vampires for the most part that I had known her, so it took me by surprise to see her concerned enough to ask me what I was up to seemingly only on the idea that Vinyl was involved.

"Well...I, uh, wanted to see how she was holding up after her visit with Care." I said quickly. Still figuring that there was no need to lie where I didn't need to.

Her eyes widened at the mention of Care's name.

"Care visited her?" She said, almost sounding panicked.

"Yeah, he said he was goin-" I began, only to be interrupted to by Flint grabbing and all but yanking me towards the door.

"Come on." She said curtly.

I was confused a bit at why she had gotten so instantly uppity about this, but I wouldn't know why since she seemed to not know about what Care had done - and apparently had not even known he had even visited her before me mentioning it. Though there was no denying that she was worried now.

I gradually got up off the floor and made my way over to the door, Flint leaving almost instantly after I got near the door.

On the way out, Sweeps gave me a confused and worried look, though it probably wasn't about the same reason as from before. I was guessing that it had shifted from worry about Flint catching me, over to the same thing I was trying to figure out.

'Why was she so worried?'


My eyes fluttered, an unfamiliar darkness began to leave my vision. I hadn't remembered losing consciousness, the last thing coming to mind being Vinyl, but after that it was hazy. There was, however, a dull ache coming from my gut and jaw for some reason.

Looking down, there was nothing visibly wrong with my gut, but prodding on my cheek resulted in the most horrible pain I'd ever felt. After wiping the tears that had welled up, I prodded again - much more gently - and found something seemed a bit out of place in my mouth. My tongue gave a brief roll call, counting that all my teeth were still there, but something just seemed off.

A crash hardly registered from beside me, my ears twitching a little as I groggily turned to the side to see that Vinyl's mother had been planted into the wall.

Pulses of red shot out before she did, twirling around each other before breaking apart and taking their own paths to converge on a single target. Then their owner got out just as quickly as she had been planted there, looking forwards at something before speeding off towards it.

I followed her gaze slowly, finding Death staring at me from a distance.

I felt my heart run cold and my brain too shocked to tell me to scream. My eyes seemed to work though, registering that death was surprisingly more white than what I had pictured. They also seemed to have gotten their hair dyed two colors of blue, and looked really similar to Vinyl.

The dull aches on my body seemed to resonate - in a painful way as well - with the sight, giving me the clue that their doer was in front of me.

'But that doesn't make sense...Vinyl wouldn't hurt me...' My brain protested, wracking itself with pain as it tried to think.

It appeared that whoever had hit my jaw had hit a bit more than just the jaw.

I managed to make out Vinyl's mother fighting, though it was still a bit blurry, but it definitely registered.

Vinyl snapped her gaze from me as her mother finally got to her from where she had been beside me, her arm almost going to block her mother's hoof before she even registered it as even coming towards her. She followed the block with spinning round and hopping slight, sending her back hoof into her mother's waiting hoof.

Vinyl's mother grabbed the hoof, yanking her daughter off balance and winding around before throwing her like a discus towards the wall. She seemed to realize that that wouldn't do much of anything, and jumped after her in an attempt to follow up.

My brain seemed to realize the reason behind Vinyl's reaction timing this time round, where she'd typically take hits from her opponent in an attempt to demoralize them, she was actually blocking and dodging now. It struck me that she was going off instincts at this point, where she could previously override them to do as she pleased, she was now going back to them and putting more into her power and reflex instead.

It was a red flag already, that her mother was already at a disadvantage. Yet at the same time, she had the advantage of magic, which Vinyl seemed to be neglecting.

I pinned the reason on the small band around her horn, occasionally glowing whenever I imagined she'd be using magic.

I blast of red drew my attention back as Vinyl's mother poured a torrent of magic downwards onto Vinyl that crashed on her like a waterfall.

A bit of dust from the wall to the side of the beam caught my attention as Vinyl pounced from it and into the still form of her floating mother. She drove her into the ceiling with a crash before kicking out of the crater and back down to the ground, almost making another one from just the impact of her landing.

Vinyl turned and ran towards a wall just as her mother fell from the ceiling, bounding off of the wall with her back hooves aimed towards her mother's head as she neared the ground.

Her mother extended a hoof and lit her horn, stopping her mid fall until Vinyl flew by and stopped. Her hoof seemed to shake a little before looking at Vinyl and swinging it at her.

I thought the action looked a bit odd, as if she were trying to hit her from a distance with her hoof, but I soon watched as Vinyl recoiled back into the wall she was standing near.

Her mother began to swing her hooves with an increasing speed, small explosions of dust coming from the wall.

Was she...just, knocking air at her?

As soon as her hooves hit the ground, the dust blew up again as a white form jumped from it and into her. A pair of back hooves knocked right into her head, sending her across the room like a rag doll.

My ears perked as I registered the sound of hooves running towards me, and I soon realized that Vinyl was running at me.

The similar comparison of her and death came back much stronger as I struggled to move away, knowing it was futile but instinct driving me none the less. The throbbing in my gut caught me off-guard and caused my hooves to buckle, sprawling me on the ground as the hooves drew closer.

I looked up just in time to see a hoof coming down towards me, a set of truly feral eyes behind them.

A distinct feeling come along when you lose hope, like you hadn't eaten in a few days; a hollow feeling. You feel calm despite danger being right in front of you, almost as if you're welcoming it.

And I would've, if another hadn't stopped me.

A white body took over my sight, a set of bold blue eyes passing by briefly before they clenched tightly in pain. A sickening bulge came from where Vinyl's hoof had been, not exactly distending like one might expect, but the force of something great on the other side could definitely be seen through her abdomen.

She collapsed afterwards, managing to turn her body so that her back landed just beside where I was while her hind legs crossed over my own.

I heard her murmur something riddled with venom as her horn began to glow bright enough that her normal red hue turned into an almost pink one.

"Look at you now dear, attacking the ones you love." She said sadly, her eyes opening again to show a very cool set of eyes despite the gut wrenching pain she must've been in.

"Maybe this'll help." She said.

What looked like red whips came from her horn, stretching out wildly to the side before coming back together and going into Vinyl's form., causing her to almost disappeared from sight in an instant, the whips turning more or less into beams that stretched all the way across the room before a terrifying roar came over the room. They were bright enough to make the pure white room turn dark by comparison, most likely an effect of my eyes trying to compensate for their light while I stared on in awe.

The beams of magic lasted a few seconds before fading to nothing, the limp body of Vinyl's mother collapsing backwards onto me just as they finally faded away - as if she had put everything she had into it.

I took me a few seconds to get over the display of magic. I had known that she was quite proficient with magic before hoof, but never imagining it to a scale such as this.

I snapped from my awe, turning to Vinyl's mother with a deep sense of dread and concern for the exact same reason that I had been amazed.

She had put her all into this.

"M-Miss Scratch?" I said quickly, only to receive no answer.

I moved a hoof and shook her body a bit more violently than called for, but I couldn't quite help myself considering I was beginning to think that she was dead.

"M-Miss Scratch?!" I yelled, tears finally beginning to break through.

I shook her a bit more in an attempt to get a response. I guess my head couldn't quite process someone of her capabilities dying, so the only thing I could assume was that she was unconscious. But that sense of urgency was quickly overshadowed.

By, well, a shadow.

I looked up quickly, hoping to possibly see Shakes or Sweeps with medical supplies - maybe even Harpo or my parents by some stretch of the imagination - but ended up looking into the eyes of something that made my heart sink.


She looked borderline the same as when she had been hit with the massive wave of magic her mother had put into her, only with a few new scratches here and there and a bit of blood coming from her cheek. We locked eyes for a moment, her letting me realize that even that wasn't going to stop her.

She raised her hoof again, slowly as if to let her intentions sink in.

Intentions that must've made my brain rack itself so much that it didn't hear the sound of hooves clobbering towards me.

Vinyl could survive and endure a lot of things, as shown by her shaking of a blast of magic with only a few scratches and a bloody lip, but she couldn't resist the fundamental forces of nature. A fact that presented itself when the body of familiar looking grey mare trampled into Vinyl and knocked her off balance.

As she got her bearings and lifted her head, one look at her eyes was enough to show that there was a fire brewing in them. She raced off to where Vinyl looked to have gone, quickly followed by what looked like Shakes and her sister.

"You know dear..." A ragged voice said.

My eyes widened as I looked down to Vinyl's mother.

An eyelid opened, showing a drained looking, dull blue eye.

"...I have an idea." She said.

Assuming that the idea revolved around subduing and or fixing Vinyl, I perked my ears and listened intently.

"Perhaps-" She said slowly, her eyes looking up to me, still just as piercing.

"-you should stop being dead weight."

I blinked.

'Dead...weight?' I asked myself.

I had considered that I might not have been quite as useful as someone such as herself or Shakes, but I hadn't considered myself to be dead weight.

Multiple situations popped into my head to disprove my thought, such as the times when I needed Vinyl's mother to save me. Or the numerous other times I had played the role as damsel in distress to the cause.

Maybe I was more of a liability than an aid.

Lost in thought, I didn't feel Vinyl's mother climb my body and make her way up to my ear.

A gentle feeling clamped down on my neck, managing to finally shake me from my self-scolding thought and look down to see her pressed firmly on the same wound Vinyl had made.

I thought she was going to drain me, but I quickly felt a sensation that was the exact opposite.

Something was flowing into me.

It felt warm and comforting at first, but as it continued to come it eventually devolved into a white, hot pain that had me struggling to not scream. It somehow continued to escalate in pain, until it finally seemed to reach a point where it couldn't get any higher, so the white hot pain turned into a cold chill on my neck as I found myself suddenly drowsy.

"I'll do anything for my daughter." She said gently, her voice nipping at my ear almost like a hungry animal.

"And I expect the same of you."

Something seemed to swell inside of me once her words made it to my ears, something I had never felt before from someone such as myself. The aching in my jaw turned down to a dull tickle, which enticed me to move my hoof up to it to investigate.

I touched it tenderly, not a single feeling of pain coming from it as I roved over it and applied pressure to see if that would give me some reaction. To my surprise, the small amount of pressure I put on it seemed to make it give way, causing a snapping sound to follow and the dull ache to suddenly cease. I couldn't even feel what had been the pain coming from my stomach anymore.

My senses seemed to realize things I hadn't realized or acknowledged before; like the gentle breeze flowing onto my body from the air conditioning, or the rhythmic thumping of my heart that seemed to be steadily calming.

I looked up and over to Vinyl, the blue of her mane and the red of her eyes seeming even more saturated than normal. I felt a smile tug at my lips as I watched her move, something about her so graceful as she effortlessly knocked around the three mares trying to subdue her. Though the smile didn't feel like a smile of happiness, more so like the smile a wolf might have before it jumped its prey.

I felt an urge tug at me, one that I had also never felt before. An urge to subdue her myself, and that I could actually do it as well. No, subdue wasn't the word to describe what my urges were telling me to do.

A more fitting word was dominate.