• Published 14th Mar 2015
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xjuggerscrapsx - xjuggernaughtx

A collection of ideas and story errata with author's notes. Think of them as jugger-nots.

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Cheerilee's Thousand - The Lost Chapters - Chapter One (Comedy, Random, Slice-of-Life)

The tent’s bright yellow banner snapped and popped in breeze, and Cheerilee found her gaze drifting over in its direction again. One leg dropped off the bench she was occupying. She started when it touched the ground.

No. Nu-uh. Frowning, she tucked her errant leg back into place and forced her eyes down to the book she’d been attempting to read for the last hour. I’m just going to finish a few chapters and then find someplace for a bite to eat.

The wind picked up again, and Cheerilee had to slap a hoof over the pages as the breeze flipped through several pages. Muttering curses under her breath, she tried to find her place again. I’ve read the first three paragraphs of this chapter ten times now. Honestly, how does Twilight concentrate out here with all this distraction?

Cheerilee winced. She hadn’t meant to think about Twilight, but now that she’d started, she found it hard to stop. The unicorn acted so strangely around her these days. Almost… guilty, in a way, but try as she might, Cheerilee couldn’t recall a single awkward moment between the two of them.

Sighing, Cheerilee closed her book. What is with that unicorn? I used to think there might be something there, but now… The events of the past few months played themselves once again in her mind. Every time that she’d found a reason to drop into the library, Twilight turned into a stuttering mess. Every time she saw Twilight on the street, the unicorn ducked into a building.

At first, Cheerilee had taken it as a hopeful sign. Everypony knew that Twilight was a little unsure of herself in awkward social situations, and

Author's Note:

Maybe I should have posted most of these Cheerilee chapters together, but I wanted to talk about them individually. I dunno. Whatever.

Anyway, this was going to be a date that had Pinkie in her gypsy persona. Cheerilee is fighting the urge to go and see her on the advice of the guilty Twilight Sparkle (Chapter 31 by Eakin). Cheerilee doesn't really want to believe in Pinkie's mystical powers, but she's increasingly desperate for some kind of answer.

Eventually, she would give in, and Pinkie would look into her crystal ball and see a disasterous date that Cheerilee had in the past. Well, "see" might be a strong word. I was hoping to write it in such a way that it seemed like Pinkie was just using leading questions and generalities to get Cheerilee to tell the story, but for Pinkie to also sprinkle in enough knowledge that she might be actually performing some kind of magic. Of course, the comedy here would be from Pinkie's bizarre observations and advice on the situation, and from whatever disaster Cheerilee had suffered. I hadn't really formed that part yet.

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