• Published 15th Mar 2015
  • 4,624 Views, 42 Comments

Speak Up Please - Living Madness

Fluttershy has a crush on someone. Only problem is it's her teacher.

  • ...

All Work And No Play

“Annnd done.” Alex whispered to himself, dropping the spent fountain pen dramatically onto a long and large stack of papers that already threatened to topple over the table edge. Staring at the stack that had been the cause of his cramped wrist for some time now he sat back. As he flexed it in rapid motions, he reached over he grabbed one of few perks of being a teacher. One he enjoyed frequently whenever he could, an ice cold glass of cider, yes it did always help having your office be directly opposite a cheap yet rustic bar.

Content to sip the beverage conservatively; he listened out to the many conversation taking place around him. Content to hear the changing varied myriad of noises around him, more than the conversations of the ponies themselves. The student bar was by far his favoured place to go. Alex couldn’t deny he didn’t mind being the centre of attention, which was good because being the first of his kind left someone like him with little choice in that matter. But paradoxically he also found he liked being on the side-lines just as much, listening to the atmosphere and the interesting characters that passed by or ‘pony zoo’ as he cheekily liked to call it.

It was more relaxing to listen to the buzzing of life and laughter, it made him feel more alive and in many ways attributed to, if he was honest with himself, more than a few of his outgoing tendencies. That was why almost every other day, if his work load was light he would find himself gravitating to the side both of the student bar like a moth to candlelight. Happy to sit, write and converses with whomever approached him.

Though sometimes it did have to obverse effect of making him look like the University’s novelty pet. Yes, it was always going to be the case, once again he was the first of his kind after all. Students, especially first years were a truly inquisitive bunch, and a bit unclothe and downright rude sometimes when they would occasionally approach him like a zoo animal. One time Dixon recalled some poor mare had been tricked by some of the more mischievous third years into approaching him with a banana. He often found that one good ‘teacher tone’ speech followed by showing them his university card made many a fresher quickly retract and beg for forgiveness.

It did also help that he was a good foot and a half taller than most ponies even the stallions. He knew from his limited time on earth that non-bipedal ponies were small creatures by nature and this world had been no different in his case, so he never really had to worry on that account; not to mention he was no push over to be sure. Unlike some of the ‘heavier’ teachers he worked with he was practically forced to use the school gym to stay in shape when he felt he was getting a bit on the pudgy side, “it’s for your own good tubby” his colleague and good friend often “lightly” commanded when she would drag him in there any chance she got. Though he would never dream of hurting anyone, let alone a student, it just wasn’t in him really, it did help put the fear of Celestia into even the most stubborn pony if need be.

Of course it was all a bluff, Alex knew that he was a dog with no bite. Even besides the moral aspect of it, it would only reinforce their pre-conceived notion that he was some sort of uncontrollable ape, if he ever did respond like that. Better to teach the fool than to act the fool, his Pony step-father had told him many years ago, and it had been his main mantra he preached to himself even to this day, don’t give them the chance.

Dixson shook his head, he had completely lost himself in his halcyon days, an image of his Father swept into his mind and he found he couldn’t help but smile. He remembered how Father’s day would be coming up soon and he would have to send the old mustang a card when he next saw him back in the crystal empire, he chuckled to himself as he remembered exactly how he knew that conversation would go. “By the Empire, my Colt! What happened to all your fur!?” His Father would exclaim like always, pretending to be shocked and they would share a laugh. Then his Mother would most likely reprimand his father with a pinch on the arm before hugging Dixon and then nostalgically going down memory lane. “My Luna, had it been twenty two years already, where did the time go? You’ve grown up so handsome my little colt.” She would sigh happily, then baby him a little, like she always did. Then, no doubt depending on if his older Brother could make it away from guard duty he would nuggy him playfully and Alex would inevitably be teased about not having a special somepony. It was a happy repetition.

Dixon smiled at the blissful memory to be, he was so lucky to have such a caring family. It had not been easy for him, his early childhood was, if he was asked, most likely the worst part of his life. A part that he would like to forget if possible, but the one beacon of hope in his life was his foster family. They had guided him through his life, treated him as if he was truly a real member of their family and in many ways they truly were. Though finding his family was in no small way helped by the intervention of Celestia, not to negate her part in his life. Especially when she was the first to find him all those years ago, wandering aimlessly along the castle halls one fateful night, crying in a corner of the west wing, holding his blanket over his body and begging for his mommy.

She had been so comforting to him back then and no matter how many times he kept thanking her during their very occasional visits at the castle whenever time would permit it, at her behest, she was having none of it. It was her duty as a pony to have helped Alex, that was what she would always say. But that didn’t stop him from saying it anyway. That and also smuggling some sweet into the castle whenever she was on one of her fabled and often unneeded, diets.

It was sad in a way, Dixon found he could not even remember the faces of his biological family. Just outlines in faded memories, it would be common for many years after arriving he would cry himself to sleep, not exactly weeping, that had died down after the first few weeks, but he found tears fell silently from his face when he was alone in his room left with only his thoughts for company.

It had been so long ago, he was so young. It was probably why he acclimate to this world better. He still remembered when he had called his Foster mother ‘mommy’ for the first time. It had come out by accident, an off-hand childishly mischievous request for sweets. But he still remembered the happy tears in her eyes and the smile on her cheeks, he found he couldn’t go back from then on, not after seeing the mare he had grown to love so happy. Plus he did end up getting those sweets as an added bonus.

Alex had a nice home, a decent education and most importantly of all a loving family. Despite the hardships thrust on him, he had to say he wouldn’t trade it for anything, now if he could just find that special someone so his loving family would stop bugging him.

Alex chuckled again. “Yes, I think a visit is in order very soon.” He announced quietly to himself, lifting the pint up to his lips and taking another sip.

Spotting a fellow member of staff he raised his pint glass towards the pony in question a blue and black haired unicorn mare, who had just entered the room, however upon noticing the man the unicorn huffed, blowing a strand of her mane from her face, before walking back out of the bar. Much like Dixon had predicted.

Dixon shook his head letting a soft chuckle leave his mouth, he predicted that would be the reaction, even after such a long time, “Figures.” Dixon spoke to himself letting the moment slip from his mind as he went back to happier images. Perfectly content to continue going down memory lane.

However before he could continue, he found himself far more interested in the odd noises coming from behind him. Turning in the direction of the bar staff, he saw what his first assumption he had surmised.

“What do you mean, he’s in his office, that dolt in reception said he was in the bar!” Gilda growled at a member of the bar staff, who despite herself began to giggle even in the shadow of the intimidating griffoness.

Gilda brought her beak right up to the ponies’ snout squinting her eyes threateningly “What’s so funny? Are you laughing at me!? Because if I find out this is some sort of prank I swear—“

The mare shot back holding her hands up in defence. “No-no-no it not that! You’re right, he’s in the bar…Didn’t you know that’s what the students nickname the section over there.” She said pointing over towards Dixons table.

Gilda scanned the area briefly with a hawk like glare, before turning back to the staff member.

“The staff used to say that his office was wasted, because he already claimed a new one in the student bar and the joke sort of caught on. Now everypony just calls it Mr. Dixon's office.” She giggled harder, leaning over the bar, and pointing to the aforementioned spot.

Gilda sighed and shook her head, even when she wasn’t talking to him he was finding ways to make her life difficult. “By the Pride, I hate this university.” She bemoaned, walking past the shaken and amused bar staff.

Gilda made a mental note to add the mare to the ‘shit list’ she kept in her head, a long, long list of all the ponies that annoyed or slighted her. She didn’t like being the butt of the joke or a prank especially, even if she understood it.

Alex had long since turned back, pretending to address a paper he had already marked, so as not to let the morose griffoness know she had already been heard by him. After a moment he noticed a looming shadow over his desk.

“Hello Gilda, to what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked rhetorically, lifting his gaze from the paper and smirking at the griffoness surprised look, at his apparent ability to now suddenly foresee the future. He chuckled as he put the paper with the others. “You certainly know how to be the centre of attention.” He added nodding to the bar and seeing the confusion of the griffon form into the realisation that he had heard her sullen conversation with the bar staff.

Not waiting for the invitation Gilda pulled up a chair and slumped down, crossing a leg over the other in the typical stallion-esc manor he had expected of her.

“You really drink that stuff?” She asked, nodding to the now lukewarm cider by his side.

Dixon shrugged “It takes the edge off, I’m a man of few vices but I don’t mind chasing the day away in it liquid embrace when I feel it’s appropriate.” He answered with a wink and a defiant sip of his drink.

“I thought that stuff made pony’s stupid, ain’t that something a teacher wants to avoid?”

Dixon laughed more naturally nodding respectfully at his debater. “Very true, but a glass or two every few days will do no harm to this noggin, thank you for your concern though, I’ll be sure to ponder that more when I get home.”

Gilda simply rolled her eyes, she really did not see what was so special about this guy, besides the obvious.

“So I’m assuming you’re here for more than a bit of friendly chatter and healthy debate?”

“Yeah, I got a problem.”

“Oh?” Dixon set down his drink, locking his fingers together and leaning further against the table giving his student his undivided attention. Slightly amused by the reaction Gilda had as she leaned back further, she scrunched her beak as he came closer. Almost like she was sniffing something unpleasant to her, some untold miasma gripped at her nostrils. It took a few seconds before Dixon finally came to come to the conclusion that it was his aftershave.

“Not a fan?” He asked.

“I don’t get aftershave, why do stallions need to smell more like another stallion?”

Dixon smirked, “Oh, are you more of a fan of the feminine touch?”

Gilda for her part didn’t blink, she wouldn’t give him the rise he was looking for. However a faint touch of warmth in her cheeks betrayed her all the same.

Once more, Dixon chuckled heartily. “Forgive me, not my place, unless that’s the problem you were having, it’s okay, truly, you can confide in me Gilda everything here is always strictly confidential with my students.”

And now he got what he was looking for.

The griffon squawked at him twitching her eye almost violently “What! No I’m here about work you perv!”

Dixon chuckled again bringing his hands into the air in defense of himself, knowing he hit a bit to below the acceptable teasing line. “Sorry, very sorry that was unbecoming of me, but in seriousness if you ever do feel the need to talk about any personal issue, or insecurity you’re having, the staff here are always happy to lend an ear, believe me I’m being sincere here.” He ended with a serious expression trying to mollify her ill temper, and silently confirming his true utmost sincerity for that final sentence. He was all for games, but he never wanted a student to suffer or feel alone, he knew how that felt and how crippling it could be to anyone.

Gilda stared at him for almost a minute before seemingly accepting his apology lowering her posture back to its usual tomboyish swagger. “Yeah, yeah, can we just drop this, I got to be somewhere else ASAP.” She sighed leaning back into her chair, clearly still a little irate about the what had just been mentioned, but begrudgingly she had to accept that his perception was very impressive, he would have made a fine griffon Witcher if he had been born one, not that she would ever give him the satisfaction of tell him that.

“Certainly Gilda, what can I help you with?”

“Well you know you said you were willing to meet with me on Friday to help and everything.”

“I did, I’m guessing you changed your mind about that?”

“Yeah, well sort of, I was talking to that mare who I was sat next to you know the quite one, Fluttershy.”

Dixon nodded, yes had known Fluttershy quite well indeed. The Mare was practically common knowledge among the history faculty, for both good and bad reasons. The mare was one of the highest scoring hard working and diligent pony’s in the university and was promised a very high rated degree by the time she left this university.

In theory.

The issue however lay in her inability to work in a group or present her work in front of the class. It had drastically affected her performances in some of the other classes it had been brought up in a council debate by many of the faculty members. Many had assisted her but to no avail, the mare was a complete stone wall to all but her small tight-knit group of friends.

Dixon wasn’t about to give up on the mare or any of his students that needed help from him but even with his skills at galvanising his students, he simply couldn’t break this mare out of her shell. He wanted to go beyond the call of duty to help the mare, but his reasons for that were a different story. Something about the mare captivated him, she was a gentle soul, friendly and quiet. However it was the trouble in her eyes the placid, haunted yet unspeakable trouble that resonated in her pupils, something about the mare spoke volumes to him. A kindred spirit, a mare with no peace in her past no solace or strength, something had robbed her of it long ago.

In many ways Dixon saw a piece of himself in the mare, a dimensional opposite doppelganger of himself that could have been, had he not found the love and support in his young life, though he would never admit it. Not even to himself he found he cared for the mare more so than his other students as much as it sickened him to admit it, as he often preached, vocally, that they all were equal in his eyes. In his deepest thoughts and his troubled dreams he knew he was lying to himself.

Dixon flinched as the sounds and presence of a clicking claw was by his face. Turning back to his owner he gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I was miles away.”

“You sure you should be drinking that stuff then?” Gilda smirked nodding to the cider.

“This is only my second one, give me some credit Gilda.” He baited back.

“Uh-huh” Gilda stated, though Dixon didn’t much care for the tone in her voice.

“I apologise Gilda, you were saying?” He held out his hand for her to continue.

“I was saying that since me and Fluttershy are doing something so similar maybe it would be better if she come along with me, kill two Parasprites with one stone?”

Alex bit his lip. “I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”

Gilda lifted a brow in question. “Why not?”

Alex sighed going through the bullshit statement he himself was told to say if asked. “Ms Fluttershy has been doing fine with her work and nothing I’ve seen has convinced me that she needs any outside help, students are supposed to do this project by themselves, with minimal assistance.”

“Screw that! You're helping me aren’t you?” Gilda growled raising her voice slightly as she leant forward.

“That’s different I’m helping you with the assignment.”

“But you said you’d give me feedback on my presentation as well.”

Dixon bit his lip a little harder, he technically wasn’t supposed to do that either, there was a set date for feedback but most teachers didn’t mind bending the rules to assist their students. However Gilda was not the one currently be watched by a biased third party.

“I’m sorry, I can’t Gilda.” He stated in a final tone but it had little to no effect on the griffoness.

Gilda slammed her claw on the desk splashing bits of the cider on to the table as Dixon had felt whilst locking his eyes on the griffon.

“That’s horseapples and you know it, you know ponies round here say you're different from the other stuffy dorks, but I always knew you were the same. Oh sure you put on a different costume and slick your hair back all hip and stuff, but deep down you're just the same phony like everyone else.” Gilda roared at him not waiting for a rebuttal she had gotten out of her seat and began walking away.

Dixon looked down dejectedly, He brought both hands up to massage his eyes for he felt them growing quite tired at this very moment. When did the teaching stop being about the students and the pursuit of knowledge, it was all too petty for him.

“Wait.” He called out almost more of a sigh, stopping before the griffon could get out of earshot.

Gilda looked over her shoulder, not giving him the decency to turn round.

“Okay… I’ll... Just please come and sit back down, I’ll explain.”

Gilda shrugged and turned back, he didn’t know where that passion in her came from, but if she could put half that passion into her writing as she did on everyone she meet, she would be leagues above her class, whether she believed what she said or not, she made quite the convincing debate, even if it was just punching bellow the belt with each word.

“Gilda under no circumstances are you to tell anyone of this, if anyone else finds out I’m likely to get suspended, or even fired.” He stated giving a deathly serious glare, he wasn’t sure if putting his and Fluttershy’s livelihood on the line. He wasn’t sure he could truly trust Gilda and he didn’t even know if her and Fluttershy were really friends, but if it helped the mare in any way, he was going to try.

Gilda didn’t say anything, but the look in her eyes told him she understood the severity of what he was about to say.

“I can’t help because the university has commanded me not to help.”

Gilda gave him a scrupulous look letting an uncomfortable few seconds go by as she watched him. “Why not.”

Dixon eyes darted from the edge of the bar to the other, trying to spot any of the faculty members. As far as he was concerned at this time everyone and anyone could be spying on him everypony in ear shot could be working for them, of course it was ludicrous, Dixon knew this, it wasn’t like he was some secret agent meeting a seedy bar on the ass end of nowhere, hunting a rogue spy and in truth very few of the staff members actually came in. But he was not about to risk it based on that knowledge, and if he was honest with himself he was not about to undermine the influence some of these teachers had, many had come from high ranking families in Canterlot, in fact, almost seventy percent of the students he taught came from those very same social class, with a few exceptions.

“You see, I’m currently under review after last year, well actually its more of an... investigation.”

Gilda was sure that if she had a drink this moment, Dixon would be wiping it from his face after the spit take she would have done.


“Shh damn it Gilda keep it down alright, no one is supposed to know like said!”

Gilda leaned back looking over her back. “Alright, alright jeez.”

Dixon coughed into his hand, already some of the hairs from his head had fallen down to cover his left eye, as a partial bead of sweat marred his face, Gilda knew that whatever it was that was going on was seriously distressing the teacher, he had one hell of a poker face because in all her time in class she had never seen this side of the man

“As I was trying to say, some of the faculty members have complained and I suppose somewhat rightly so that I have been helping my students out more than is required.”

Gilda gave Dixon a mocking chuckle despite herself, already to call him out on the bull shit he was trying to sell to her. “So you’re telling me that they’re going to suspend you for doing your job how dumb do you think I look.”

Dixon grabbed the remnants of his cider taking a bigger gulp of the beverage than before in order to calm his nerves and gather his thoughts. “No that’s not what I mean. You see the university works on student grades, the more students pass with very high results in a course the higher the pay bonus at the end of the year.”

“Yeah so what.”

“Well, I’ve been getting a rather nice bonus these last few years.”

“S-ssso you’re good at your job, what does that have to do with anything?” she stated with a shrug.

“Look Gilda, I’m going to be straight with you because I’m sure you can relate. As you might imagine, it wasn’t easy for me to come here, this is a rather draconian school with a rich history, it doesn’t take kindly to change. Now add me into the equation, I had to work tooth and nail to even apply to this school, they only just started letting other species work here and I just managed to scrape in that way, regardless of my proven credentials, heck it was only through the mud racking this university has gotten in the past of accusations of nepotism in the newspapers that they even considered me as an option. Needless to say I made some enemies coming here, not that everypony here is self-centred, far from it. But regardless since day one I’ve had to go beyond me post to prove I’m just as valuable to this school as anyone else.”

Dixon wished he had been exaggerating, the first two years were the hardest he had ever worked in his life, he had all but forfeited his holidays, working overtime on weekends he had run himself into a husk sacrificing any and all social life, except for the occasional moments with his family he hardly stepped off University soil. He had even slept in his office, his real one, more times than he liked to admit just so he could forfeit the unreasonable quota that had been thrust on him by his head of history. No matter, what he was not going to let that arse or any of the others drive him out of here. Nowadays it had died down to a reasonable level, perhaps because many came to realise he was not going anywhere or because of some unknown force, but he was now at least able to sleep back in his own bed once more.

That was until this year.

“The thing is Gilda, this year some of the faculty members have accused me of giving the students too much assistance and some have even gone as far as to accuse me of giving them the answers to the exams.”

Gilda actually looked taken back by what he said, dorky Dixon cheating no buckin’ way. “Wait some of these dolt think you’re actually cheating to get a higher bonus, don’t get me wrong Alex, you’re a sorta’ smart eh, human, but you don’t strike me as the criminal mastermind, you’re too much of a good two shoes for that.”

Dixon shook his head at the griffoness, rolling his eyes. “Well thanks for that Gilda, I think, but that’s not for you to decide ultimately.” He muttered solemnly, reaching for his cider once more and bringing it to his lips the bitter taste of the liquid matched his mood perfectly.

“So did you do something bad then, besides that?”

Dixon spat out the cider coaching to himself and hitting his chest to regain his breath “What? *cough* *cough* heck no. I only ever give them as much of my time as I can to my students, I hate seeing them fail. But a big part of being at a university is to find the answers and study themselves and so when the students in my class get higher pass rate than average for the past four years, some of the other Faculty members stated talking.”

“So you're saying that if you let them fail the teachers would say you sucked at your job and if they all did really well they accuse you of cheating for pay.”

He clicked his fingers pointing at Gilda. “Right on the money Gilda, it’s a catch twenty two, I only do what a lot of them won’t do I work Saturdays most weeks, I rarely take holidays off and unlike some of the others, I make a point of always keeping my door open and available, its part of why I come here instead of the offices, it's less intimidating to the other students if they meet me outside of the lecture halls.”

Gilda furrowed her brow mulling over what Dixon had just told her, she had absolutely no idea the strife he endured. The man carried himself like he had no cares in the whole wide world, how was he carrying this much baggage and breaking down in a nervous wreck. Then she glanced over towards the glass in his hand, the one he almost converted five fingers coiled around the glass like a boa constrictor, maybe his post work pleasures were more of a post work crutch, she almost didn’t blame him if that was the case. “So your telling me that because you have absolutely no social life that’s why they're doing better, and they're gonna’ punish you for that?”

Dixon sighed. “No, in fact I’m certain that this is all going to pass, I’ve never done anything unethical and once they find there's no basis for this investigation I’ll be in the clear, it's run by an outside third party investigations committee, thank Celestia! But right now I’m being closely monitored during the university hours, until this slanderous recrimination is brought to a close.”

“So what’s this got to do with refusing to help Fluttershy?”

“Do you have to put it in such a crass way, I’m not refusing to help her or anyone? But Fluttershy on paper has been doing fine in her work and if I do what you wanted me to do it’ll look suspicious. Do you understand me?”

“Well, why are you helping me then.”

“Because-“ Dixon stopped as a group of students walked just past the table. Gilda turned to stare then back to him, he really wasn’t kidding around.

“Sorry can’t be too careful, anyway it’s because you actually need help Gilda, we both know that you’re performing under what you can do and it’s much easier to justify helping you than Fluttershy. If I helped Fluttershy and not you, or the others it’ll only look like I’m trying to help get higher grades or picking favourites. Trust me, they’ll find a way to spin it badly even if you're there to protest. You don’t understand how infuriating it all is. Heck in truth helping you might even put me in the dog house, I’m not sure anymore. But I’m not going to sit back and let any of you under achieve just because of some false downright ridiculous accusations!”

Gilda nodded at Dixon stroking the side of her beak, she found she was actually warming up to this guy somewhat, he really seemed genuine, unlike some of the others she had seen. Again not that she was ever going to say that to his face, her pride wouldn’t allow it, but she was at least considering not firing spit balls in his class anymore. “You know, there’s no way she’s gonna’ pass the presentation part of the exam, that filly couldn’t talk to her own shadow.”

Dixon slumped down onto the table with a defeated groan. “You don’t think I don’t know that Gilda, it’s been eating away at me this whole time! But I can’t do it outside of class. There’s no way to prove that she won’t be able to perform when the time comes, as far as I’m aware she’s progressing with her presentation perfectly fine.”

“Yeah but we both know that means squat when the time comes and she runs out of that class room two seconds into the presentation.”
“Again Gilda I know but truly my hands are tied on that front.” Dixon huffed he felt visibly drained, even though all this talk helped him get the irritation of the situation off his chest, it did little more than place a plaster onto an open wound, he needed actions not words.

“So, you do care about her then?”

“Of course I do, that mare deserves the right to pass this year with flying colours. She just needs someone to help her get over that blasted stage fright she has.”

Gilda leaned back into her chair pondering to herself. “Huh maybe she does actually have a chance after all.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Gilda smirked, enjoying the confused stare Dixon was giving her as he tilted his head trying to make heads or tails of what that even meant. “Wha’? oh nothin’, But you still want to help her right?”

“Yes very much so and if I could I would have done it by now. But my office and the class rooms aren’t going to be any good, they’ll know if I do anything there, and besides I don’t think my credentials are good enough to tackle whatever pre-existing physiological conditions she seems to have.” He almost laughed at the hopelessness of it all.

Gilda tapped the underside of her beak with a claw looking up to the sky again, “I don’t know, if it was you, some one on one time with her might just work.”

Again Dixon tilted his head at the griffons cryptic undertones. “Really, why?”

“She a big fan of you, I’m pretty sure you’re her favourite.” Gilda snickered gaining a raised brow from the man.

“That’s funny, just this afternoon she couldn’t even look me in the eye.”

“Well she isn’t called Shy for nothing dude, but trust me, I’m her friend, she’ll talk to you, she said so herself.” Gilda lied though she was sure that it could work. Sure the guy couldn’t get more than a few words out of her, but he also didn’t have the awesomeness of Gilda helping him out.

“Well if she personally wants it, I’m in no position morally speaking to reject her request, but that still leaves the question of where I would be able to help, I can’t very well go into the university facilities, I’d be spotted in a minute.”

“Well that’s where I come in, you see I got a few favours I need to collect and as it happens I know somepony who has access to the gym storage room, it’s a big room and it’s at the back of the Uni. Nopony usually goes round there past eight, so we could sneak in and do it there.”

Gilda finished biting her tongue, she was doing her best with the innuendos that Dixon was completely unaware of, she was in danger of laughing herself off her seat. What could she say sex was funny to her.

Dixon simply gave the griffon a deadpan expression, shaking his head at the girl. “Can I begin to list the enormous problems with that plan, besides the implication one might gain in seeing a teacher sneak into a locked storage room with two of his female students under the cover of darkness. I mean Jesus Gilda! I know you don’t strike me as a griffoness who reads romance novels, but you can at least see how stereotypically and morally incriminating that would look!” Dixon exclaimed, utterly exacerbated that that was the best she could come up with.

Gilda didn’t seem to notice. “Jesus? What the heck does Jesus mean?”

“Huh?… oh I’m not sure, it was something my biological father would always say when he was annoyed or amazed, it kind of stuck on me.” He said offhandedly, wait? They were getting off topic.

“Don’t change the subject young lady!” He corrected himself.

Gilda leaned forward placing her elbows on the table she rolled her eyes, jeez was everyone in this Uni so uptight.

“I told you, no pony goes anywhere near there, plus it’s a Friday, and I know for a fact that all the students will be coming here to get shitfaced so there’s that. Plus, we don’t all go in at once, I’ll go in with Shy then ten minutes later, you come In, it's fine, if anypony asks you could say that you were looking for Ms. Spitfire or something, you and her talk all the time right?”

Dixon gave a tired nod. “I’m not even going to ask how you know that but yes she’s a good friend of mine, but I don’t usually meet her inside a storage room we’re not that good friends.”

Gilda chuckled did the uptight nerd just make a sex joke about Ms Spitfire, hmm maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.

“Well everyone already thinks that you are anyway, you don’t talk to any other faculty member as much as her anyway.”

Dixon liffted a brow leaning forward. “Actually scratch what I just said, just how in the heck do you know that?”

“You hear pony’s talk, they’re all about their gossip. Plus you two walk home the same way I do.” She stated in a matter of fact way shrugging her shoulders whilst fixing her aviator suit she needed to be some places soon this was taking longer than she thought.

Dixon groaned cupping his face in his hands as he massaged the skin gently. In a way this could work, oh to be sure the risks were catastrophically enormous but on the other hand the possibility to help Fluttershy was to tempting for him to not consider. If Gilda thought that Shy was as comfortable with the fact as she had stated then he couldn’t say no, how could he? Throwing the mare to the dogs just because he was afraid of being fired, that may have been okay for some teachers but this was not a job to Dixon it was his passion, he adored helping, teaching, learning in as many forms as he could succeed in it, and he also knew the potential of the mare. She was smart, bright and if he was to take his teaching garbs off for one moment she was fascinating to him, he had always liked to know her a little better, she had some sort of aura around her that enticed him like a bug to light. Though he would never say that out loud of course, there was no way he would allow himself to think like that of a student, it was morally heinous, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t allowed to at least feel it.

Damn it he was drifting away from the point again.

Dixon released his lip from his teeth he had been subconsciously biting on for almost a minute now, already the inside of his mouth tasted of a copper salty taste a hinting that he may have bit to hard. “I’ll consider it Gilda, I’ll talk to you tomorrow in my actual office, when I’ve had time to think.”

“Gilda gave the man a cocksure grin standing up and ruffling her wings as she stretched them out.

“Cool, I know you weren’t that type of stuffy old teacher.”

“Funny that’s not what you said five minutes ago.” Dixon baited back.

“Yeah and look how well it worked, I was just spurin’ you on, so to speak.”

“You know Gilda you would make an excellent politician, if you wanted.”

“Nah, too many creeps in there for me, I like coasting through life not getting bogged down with all that nonsense.” Gilda laughed, that was true, she did always want that sort of life regardless of what destiny had already been set for her, she could still feel like she was a bit in control over her own life.

Alex snorted out a laugh as well, a tired but well-meaning one. As he leaned back in his chair, letting his student and now co-conspirator exit the scene. As she pushed open the door from one side the other side flew open introducing a figure very familiar to Alex and just as fiery as the griffon.

Both in Passion and especially in the name.

The mare scanned the room with an almost military like gaze, before spotting her objective.

She was tall for a mare wearing bright red shorts and a Black cotton sports top with which the university crest had been sown into the left breast. The cotton hugged the mare's body perfectly, complementing her figure and exposing just enough to leave those with a vivid imagination something to fantasise over. The well-toned athletic stomach of years of hard work and painful training made it as flat and harder as the ground she walked on. The jangling of a silver whistle and two keys nestled between her generously sized breasts, drew the eye for most, but it would be a fool that would dare treat the mare with anything but respect; Especially if they liked what teeth they had. But it was her eyes those burning orange eyes that always caught Alex's attention.

Her serious drill instructor like features softened, once she spotted her target she was looking for, marching closer, creating a contrast of military strength and sultry swaying with her hips, like a jungle cat, closing in on its prey.

Swiftly and with determination only an Ex-Wonderbolt could command, the mare cleared the distance entering the booth over to the corner table landing with a exacerbated flop adjacent to Alex leaning her head back against the seat to look at the roof of the bar.

“I need a drink.”

“Hello to you too Spitfire.” Dixon answered bringing the pint into his mouth

“What day is it again?” She asked, ignoring the sarcasm in his voice.

“Thursday, though it feels like a Monday.” he mumbled mid-sip

“Tell me about it…Wanna’ get hammered?” She asked, finally turning her gaze to him with a mischievous smirk blowing a strand of her unruly orange hair from her eyes.

Dixon almost spit his pint out again it was becoming something of a record for him today. “Oh Jesus I thought you’d never ask.” He exclaimed cheerfully, looking back down at her.

Her smirk only grew at his enthusiasm “Wow I was just kidding but alright, you had a rough day as well?” Spitfire ruffled her mane before slumping her chin onto the table groaning.

. “You could say that.”

“Anything I should know?” She asked.

Dixon stared at her for a second before answering, “Nah, nothing really.”

She let her eyes linger on him for a while, she knew something was up but she knew she shouldn’t pry, this wasn’t like a cadet, even to this day she had to keep telling herself that it had ruined more than one relationship in her life, even to this day she sometimes couldn't turn the Wonderbolt switch off. “Well if you’re up for it, who am I to say no, anything beats taking the meds again.”

Dixon eyed her wing the right one as always seeing it twitch and fight to keep in check. “You’re uh, you’re wing acting up again?”

She looked over her shoulder bring her wing firmly back to her side. “Eh sort of, had a pretty active day today, it usually gets stiff like that on Thursdays.”

“You know you really should get it looked at more often.”

Spitfire cracks her neck and fluffs her feathers sending one or two lose one's flying across the table, the sounds of her cracking joints sent chills down Alex spine, good lord he hated that sound, of course she knew that, it was half the reason she did it.

“I’ll check it when I’m dead.” She added with cocksure determination, Dixon could almost feel the smirk radiate off her face.

“That won’t be long you crazy broad.” Dixon mumbled into his pint.

Spitfire ear flicked over to Dixon followed by a punch to his arm, spilling what little of the cider remained.

“Take that back, you pink curly lipped ass.”

“Make me Spitball.” Dixon dared with a mischievous smirk, rubbing the new bruise that would soon make its way with all the others she had given him into a purple and blue mark.

Spitfire stared at him, a low snarl leaving the corner of her mouth, as she tried to conjure up literal daggers into his chest and face.

Dixon held up his hands defensively, he had been on the opposite side of her ire many times, so he knew it wasn’t real, but to everyone else she looked like she was about to throw the nearest window, but he knew better.

Then again he also knew what she used to do for a living.

“Okay, Okay put those guns down tough gal, I’ll buy the first round alright, that a good enough apology?” He said standing up and grabbing his overcoat hanging behind the chair as both of them began to make their way out of the bar.

“Its gonna’ cost more than that wise guy.” She jabbed back, none of the threat of the statement hinted at in her voice, such was the duo's weird relationship, as their on/off friendship had often gone from time to time, smart ass remarks and friendly mean jabs thrown around like darts at some smoky old wooden bar.

“So… Where we going to Captain?” Dixon jested back at his companion who had fallen by his side rolling her eyes at the comment.

“Well creepy ears, I’d say the usual, but even I’m sick of that washout, run down hut.”

“Wow I thought you liked that about the place, it’s not that bad besides the whole nearly collapsing and almost breaking just about every required bar code and law.”

“Yeah that was cool back in the day when I wanted to escape the crowds, but I’m the mood for something different…" She let the sentence slip as she looked down in thought, tapping an idol table with her left hand as she passed it before a thought came to her mind.

"Hey, lets hitting a club tonight?”

Dixon stopped looking Spitfire up and down, with his jaw hinged comedicly open, before snapping it back up with his hand. “Who are you and what have you done with Spitfire!?”

Spitfire gave a sarcastic laugh “ Oh har har. zip it monkey, I’m serious, I’m up for something different, and as it happens some place just opened downtown and it seems to be all the rage with the kids, let’s do it, come on it’ll be fun.”

“Yeah if by that you mean it’ll be funny for the students when they see two old farts like us walk in sticking out like two bulls at a national china shop convention.”

She waved his complaint away with her hand choosing not to pay attention to his moaning as she often did. “Ah don’t worry about it little colt, if those big mean stallions try to pick on you, you can come running to big old miss Spitfire, she’ll make it all better for you.” Spitfire stated smirking and slapping Dixon's ass with her tail before walking off without him through the doors before stopping at the exit.

“Oh and I know it’s me saying this, but don’t wear the same shit you always put on, something at least a little cool and good this time, I’m not having you come down with your goofy black T-shirts this time got it?” She yelled over her shoulder as she walked out of Dixon's sight.

Dixon sighed slagging his shoulders, bringing his hand up he gently scratched the back of his head as he watched his long standing on/off friend strut out the room and back to her house where they would inevitably meet up again.

“Mares…Dad was right they’ll be the death of me. Why do I always meet the crazy ones…” He muttered stroking his black trimmed moustache. All his life he always seemed to get the over the top mares as friends or more, he wanted to say it was his quick wit and devilish handsomeness, but he wasn't that delusional in his vanity, it was probably something about him being a human.

“Well not much time better get-- oh hell the papers.” Dixon shoot back rushing over to the table only to stare in horror.

The stacks of papers were for better or worse completely covered in the remnants of his cider, he lifted the top of the paper watching as it drooped down like a wet rag before the remains of it ripped off and splatted onto the floor, causing a small whimper from the usually composed man to escape out his mouth, as he sink to his knees.

“Mares, god damn Mares!”

Author's Note:

Found a computer to use only had an hour, sorry about the mistakes but I could only spell check for about forty minutes with my google docs account. long story can only write on my nexus right now on a very basic version of word (very basic :ajbemused:)
Thanks for the feedback from last chapter, wasn't able to comment on the ones I wanted to and probably will not be able to on this one for a while, so sorry about that in advance.