• Published 26th May 2015
  • 7,019 Views, 196 Comments

It ain't easy bein green. - ShadowsInTheDark

I'm here to bring da WAAAGH!!!. Oh sorry about that don't know what came over me, I guess that happens when you have been turned into an ork. But at lest I have some friends... I'm not even sure I would even call them that.

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***Tom pov Everfree.***

“Not Good, not good, not good!” I said as I ran through the forest. Some crazy blue horse with wings and a horn showed up. Then started attacking my fishing spot. I could of shot it with my big shoota, but I didn’t want to make things worse for myself. So I followed one of the many ork tactics. “Leg it!”

“Come back and face us fal beast!” Yelled the blue horse thing, yeah right. Like I was going to turn around and fight that thing. I may look like an Ork but I’m not stupid! Also I can run faster then it can fly. At least I hope I can.

I skid to a stop at a river, a fast flowing river. It looked deep, there was no telling if I could swim in this body of mine or sink like a rock. I didn’t have time to think about this as a explosion sent me flying into the water.

The world span around me as I was being carried away. I hit some rocks on the way, I did manage to reach the bottom. And when I did I jumped up to take a gulp of air before my heavy body pulled me back under again. I thought I was going to drowned, when my power claw grabbed onto something.

I didn’t question it as I pulled myself up and thanked gork and mork once my head was out of the water. I gasped for air as I pulled myself up the rock that saved my life. After getting my breath back I looked around for the blue horse. I saw no sign of it. “Thank Zog for dat.” I said resting on the stone.

It was night fall and I was hungry. I was just glad I didn’t lose any of my stuff. Walking through the forest was not what I had in mind. If I wasn’t attacked by that blue horse I would have made camp by that river by now.

I used my choopa and power claw to cut my way a path through the trees and other plant matter. I was still soaked, as soon as I find some shelter I’m making a fire and warming up. I cut the limb off a tree saw something impressive. It was a ruined castle.

It didn’t look like much but I know where I’m living now. “Thank Gork for dat, I didn’t want ta be sleeping in da bushes.” I say, as I grab some of the wood and ran to the castle. Until I saw the bridge to get to it.

“Yeah, dar no way I’m crossing dat.” I said as I looked for another way to the castle. Lucky for me I found some stares. After a long walk down and back up again, I at last reach the castle once inside I saw there was a big hall way. Like a throne room or something. I saw two throne’s one white with a sun on it and the other blue with a moon on it.

“Right let's start a fire and find a room to stay in.” I said to myself as I started walking around. It was a little of a tight squeeze, as of how big I was. I find one room that could fit me. Once i was settled in I started a fire going. I even took off my armor and clothes, I hanged them up to dry by the fire. And to my luck I saw a fish drop out of my pocket! “Spot of luck da!” I said with a smile, it must of fell in when I was being carried down the river.. I started cooking the fish over the fire. I looked at my power claw and thought to myself. “Wonder if I can take dis apart?”

I also have to work on not talking like that. Once I ate my fish I pulled up some old banners and anything else to sleep on and went to sleep.

“WAAAGH!” I yelled scaring off everything in the forest around me. This has been going on for the past three days. The wooden wolves kept trying to attack me and I keep killing them. I was getting sick of it, then found out a good yell of Waaagh! Scare them off. The only bad news is it let everything else know where I am.

I’ve managed to get by with fish and hunting food. But I was starting to miss the simple things in life, like cake. And eggs with a roasted pork and a side of tomatoes. That sounds really good right about now. But I was forced to stay in the forest. As I’ve found out on the top of the castle there was nothing but flat land all around this one forest. Good news was if a army was coming I could see them. Bad news was I couldn’t leave with someone seeing me.

“How I’z sapost ta get out of dis mass?” I asked myself as I look for food. Along the way I saw I was getting close to that horse town. I was going to turn back until I saw all those apple trees. Oh they looked so nice and red. I licked my lips as I saw them, then I had an idea.

I left to get my new home ready, even made some sacks out of the leftover banners in that throne room. I waited until it got dark and a couple of hours. I then waited for all the lights in town to turn off before making my move.

I first started walking into the town, I carefully made my way around. Kind of funny seeing as how big I was. I looked in the windows of different shops to see what I needed. I looked at my power claw then at the small wooden door… On zog it. I thought as I tried to be careful and not make any loud sounds. My power claw carefully dig into the wood of the door, I cringed at the sound of wood braking. I carefully pulled my power claw back and the door came off with a loud snap!

I froze as I looked around the sleepy town. And sighed in relief when no one heard me. I put the door down and had to get on my hands and knees to reach in side. I grabbed some paint and some what looked like fabric and stuffed it into my sack.

Before moving on to over shops and talking stuff from there. Out of all the shops I looted none of them had food in them. Well, apart from that cake shop. I left a sorry note by painting it on the wall of the shop. I then made my way back to the farm, time to get me some apples!

***Rainbow Dash.***

I yawned as I enjoyed my rest, I walked out of my cloud house and fly into the air. Doing some tricks on the way to ponyville. The sun was shining the sky was clear. Yes today was going to be a good day.

“What happened to my store!?” I heard somepony yell. As the brave mare that I was and awesome. I flue down to get a better look, it also looks like I’m not the only one. Everypony in ponyville was out looking at the damages to all the stores and wears.

“Why would anyone break into a store for quills and sofas?!” Sobbed one pony, The stallion must be the one who owns it or something. I was about to go look for Twi to see if she knows anything. I bet it was that monster that was trying to eat Scootaloo and her friends! Oh I’m going to kick it flank when I see it again.

I then made my way to sugarcube corner and saw Pinkie Pie standing outside the cakes shop and home looking at it. I fly down to see how my friend was doing. Having the only place in town that must of been like a second home to her wrecked must of sucked.

“Are you okay Pinkie?” I asked, only to get a smile and a nod. “Are the cakes okay?”

“Yeaparouny! Cakes are fine, I mean the pony cakes not the cake’s cakes. Sure a lot of cakes are gone now but the one who took them left a note!” Pinkie replied with a smile. I was confused when she said they left a note. Pinkie then pointed at the side of the cake shop she was looking at. I could not believe what I was seeing. It was something written in paint. But I had a hard time reading it. “It say, Sorry for taking all your cakes. But I didn’t have any money to buy them with, also I was attacked by some horses in town a few days ago. Sorry for braking in, I’ll make it up to you next time I come over. The cakes are really good!”

I just stared at Pinkie as she smiled at me. I mean sure Pinkie an odd mare, but this monster left a sorry note? What kind of monster leaves a sorry note?

“Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie!” I heard Twilight call out as she ran over to us. I saw the way she was running with Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy. AJ didn’t look happy. “Girls we believe the monster we met a few days ago did this!”

“What makes you say that?” I asked. I think it was really obvious it was the monster.

“Because we’re all standing in his footprints.” Pinkie replied jumping around us. I looked down and saw just how big this things footprint was. I was glad I wasn’t on the ground when we had that fight with it. It looks like it could step on a pony, if it really wanted to.

“But I thought Luna chased that critter off, That thing stole apples from my farm and took one of the pigs and a chicken!” Shouted Applejack. I didn’t get why it would take one of her animals unless. Ewww, don’t tell me the monster going it eat them?!

“I’ll send the news to the princess maybe they can find some way to keep the monster out of town.” Twilight added, I saw Spike run up gasping for air. Poor little guy wasn’t built for running with short legs like that.

“And after the princesses show up we’ll kick that monster flank!” I said with hoof pump in the air. Oh yeah I was ready for monster kicking round two!

***Tom pov Castle of the two sisters.***

I was never more happy then I was right now. I had everything I need now to live in this forest. But the best part was I had CAKE! “Oh Gork dis iz good.” I said with a smile as I started eating another cake. I looked at the chicken that was in a box next to me as it clucked at me. I broke up some bits of cake and dropped it into the box and smiled as the chicken started eating the cake.

“Maybe I should start a small farm in dis castle.” I asked myself as I took a apple and ate it whole. The Pig I got I left it in the garden in the back of the castle. He was making himself right at home back there. I was planning to eat him, until it looked up at me. I just couldn't do it. I mean it one thing to eat meat, it another to kill it yourself.

After this I was planning to have a look around the forest and see what I can find. Who knows, I may find someone to talk to out here. I then decided to take a nap, I mean no one out here who knows where I-

“Cutie mark crusaders! Monster catchers!” Yelled three voice that made me fall over and ended up with half my loot falling on top of me. I got out of the mass to find in the doorway was the three little horse-no wait, ponies standing there. “Ummm, you okay Tom?” Asked Applebloom.

“How did yars find me?” I asked blinking at them confused. That was a good question, how did they find me without something trying to eat them by now? Better question, what are they doing here!?

“Oh sweet you have cake!” Yelled Scootaloo as she ran over to eat some. I stop her by picking her up.

“No cake, tell me wat ar yooz, Sorry. What are you doing here.” I asked trying to not talk like a ork. I don’t know why it was hard to do that.

“We went looking for the monster that took all of Ponyville stuff to get our. Cutie mark Monster cashers! But seeing as it just you I guess we won’t get our cutie marks.” Said Sweetie Belle. I sighed and put Scootaloo down as I rubbed my face. This was the last thing I need.

Author's Note:

I may add more to this chapter don't know yet.