• Published 11th May 2012
  • 1,151 Views, 1 Comments

MLP FiM - A Falling Out Series - Lightninghoof_AUS

A small fight between sisters to start us off and then few fun things like a nice visit to Zercora

  • ...

Chapter 1

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic:
A Falling Out part 1
By Lightning Blitz

Princess Luna was in her bedroom reading up on everything that had happened while she was Nightmare Moon, trapped in the moon for 1000 years. She was smiling looking at the vast changes in customs, architecture, and technology described in books that she had brought up from the castle archives that her sister Princess Celestia had suggested she read to catch up on what had happened in her absense. Nearly every second or third chapter of each book contained sections about the absent princess of the moon, which told tales about many who had kept hope that she would break free from the darkness in her heart, and that many had started to enjoy the night after the sun had gone down for the day.

Luna sniffed, reading the chapters as she smiled, happy to read that ponies had enjoyed the night that she lovingly crafted and celebrated the missing princess in the hope that she would break the spell of darkness that had warped her into Nightmare Moon. In the chapters there was a letter, signed by many ponies of old in hope of her reading one day letting her know that they enjoyed her night.

Dear Princess Luna,

We of Ponyville are enjoying your night which we now love. We have held events in your name hoping that everypony’s wishes could be heard by you. We have started up Nightmare Night in your honour so that we can have fun, despite the sadness we feel for your absence.

Many are studying the stars and comets and we hope that you can one day break free of the darkness that has hold of you.

With lots of love,
The citizens of Ponyville

“Thank you.” Luna whispered softly to those who had written to Celestia in hopes of getting their wishes to Luna as she used her magic to turn the page. On the other side were photos of ponies partying at night or congregating in one place to watch the moon rise. It was gratifying to see so many were up during the night whispering their thanks to the missing princess.

Luna yawned, looking out the window as she thought of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. She smiled as she wondered what they were doing right now in the light of the day. The princess marked her page in the book before closing it and telekinetically pulling her blanket over herself, ready to rest in preparation to raise the moon in 10 hours. She quickly fell asleep, thinking about Twilight Sparkle, not noticing that she forgot to close the drapes on her windows.

Princess Celestia was passing her younger sister’s room wondering whether Luna was still up, hoping to chat for a little bit. She stopped by her sisters room and looked in, smiling as she saw her sister asleep. Noticing the open drapes she walks over, closing them to prevent the bright light of the sun from disturbing her sister’s sleep.
“Sleep tight my dear sister” she said, under her breath “It is a joy to have you back in my life again, I missed you so much.”
She smiled, a tear running down her cheek as she thought back to all of the years spent without her sister in her life.


As the day passed Princess Celestia put aside letters from her student and friends for Luna to read after she woke up and raised the moon for the night. A smile appeared on her face as she read the most recent letter sent by her star pupil.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am wondering when I am going to be called back to Canterlot to further my studies and/or to help teach new student’s at the school for gifted Unicorns. I would like to report that Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s younger sister, is doing well in her study of magic but I’m not sure magic is for Sweetie Bell, seeing as she has such a wonderful voice for singing. I am wondering if she could enrol in a singing class at Canterlot. I know Rarity would be pleased and would be able to make all types of dresses and such for dress recitals.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Princess Celestia sighed, beginning to write a letter to Twilight.

To my faithful student Twilight Sparkle,

I am happy to hear from you, and am glad to hear that Sweetie Belle is studying under you. I’m sure that she’ll do well under your tutelage. You also mentioned something about enrolling her into a singing class here at Canterlot, but please speak Rarity about this and I will see what I can do about setting up a studio in Ponyville for those that want to learn singing and dancing.

I have another request for you Twilight and that is to learn about love. I would like your view on it and I don’t want letters coming in each week about what you learn, it’s the experience that must be learned. Also please inform the mayor that I will be visiting Ponyville to talk to her in the coming week, and please ask her for the most convenient time that I can meet her.

From Princess Celestia

Celestia smiled before sending the letter to Twilight, before starting to set the table for her sister to enjoy her evening meal.

Waking up from her dream of Twilight Sparkle and herself, Luna yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and opening the drapes to show the last few hours of the day. She got up and stretched before making her way down to the kitchen for something to eat as her sister was already there.
“Good evening Luna,” Celestia chirped, “I hope you slept well dear sister.”

Luna nodded and smiled, “I did Tia.” She looked at the small pile of scrolls put safely to the side. “Are they for me dear sister?”

Celestia smiled, taking a sip of her tea. “They are from Twilight Sparkle and her friends I must say they really like you as a friend Luna.”

Luna noded, a grin appearing on her face, “I do enjoy their company, but it’s hard to meet up with them when I am reading all the history that I missed when I was,” she shuddered, “Nightmare Moon.”

“I know sis, but don’t forget those books have chapters about you and I lead every celebration hoping that you would see that we all missed you. Not everypony enjoyed the night, but when you went missing they started to enjoy the night that you would bring.” Celestia smiles.

“I know Tia I was trying not to cry when I read those chapters. Thank you.” Luna smiled at her beloved older sister as she was brought her meal by one of the palace’s cooks.

“You’re welcome sis. I’d better get ready, I need to lower the sun so that you can bring your moon and night to us.” Celestia replied, finishing her own meal.

“I’ll be there soon sis.” Luna assured, beginning to eat, smiling as she also started to read the letters. She wondered why her sister wouldn’t let her go to see her friends, as she wanted to spend time with them.

Dear Princess Luna,

We are having a party in the next few weeks and we would love you to come along as our guest of honour and celebrate with us.It will be held at Sweet Apple Archers Farm in the next few weeks.

Dangnabit, I’m not really a letter writing pony, Princess Luna, but I have to see to Applebloom. I swear that young’n is just trying too hard to find her cutie mark to pay attention to what she is good at.


Luna giggled and smiled, reading the letter before starting to read the other letters that were for her. Each letter had invites to the party at Sweet Apple Archer’s Farm. She was reading Twilight’s letter, thinking of Twilight Sparkle and the dream she had earlier as she finished her meal, before making her way to the balcony to raise the moon.

Princess Celestia made her way to the balcony after getting ready to tend to a matter that she was going to oversee as Luna teleported the rest of the way to the balcony ready to bring up the moon. Celestia smiled and began the process of lowering the sun. As the ponies in Ponyville watched the sun setting some were waiting to watch the moon as Luna started to raise the moon.

“Well done dear sister.” Celestia said approvingly, looking to her sister.

“Thank you Tia it’s nice to know that I haven’t lost my touch.” Luna replied looking up at her sister.

“I need to go into the throne room to tend to a pressing matter,” Celestia said and started to walk back inside. She looked over her shoulder at Luna “and I want you to finish reading the current book before doing anything else.”

Luna blinked. She had had her heart set on going into Ponyville, “But Tia I was planning to go to Ponyville to see my friends.” She looked saddened as Celestia stopped and turned around.

“I know, Luna, but that book you’re reading is important too. It has photos of the gifts that were given at the parties I held in your honour. Please understand that I want you to see the gifts in the photos before seeing them in person. One is wonderfully made, just for you.” Celestia looked at Luna with worry in her eyes, seeing her sister sadden.

“But I want to go in Ponyville. Why can’t I read the book tomorrow night? You know I will.” Luna stomps her hoof.

“I know you will, Luna but tomorrow night is the one night I want you here for something. I don’t want you to be late for that. Besides, I know you want to go to meet your friends. You have made your point enough times over the last month, and I have said yes. But I can’t let you go tonight. I’m sorry dear Luna but I have to put my hoof down for tonight. Anyway, you’ll be needed for tomorrow night.” Celestia walked back to her sister.

“It’s not fair. My friends invite me over to spend time with them tonight and you won’t let me go. You’re always saying that I need friends, plus if I don’t show up they’ll think that I have forgotten about them, and I don’t want to upset them.” Luna looked away as a tear ran down her cheek.

Celestia sighed and shook her head, looking to her sister. “Luna, try and understand, that book you’re reading has spells that you need to learn too. You have missed out on so much. I’m only trying to help you, along with everypony that has enjoyed the night you were meant to bring. They have written poems, and even sent their love for the missing princess they miss so much.”

“I know that Tia, but I need a night off from studying. I need to relax, and I can’t relax in my room knowing that I have studying to do. You’re making me look bad, and that feeling of being Nightmare Moon is one thing I want to forget about.” She looked at her sister in anger as tears trickled down her cheeks, wanting to see her friends.

“No Luna, as your sister I forbid you to leave your studying.” She looks at her sister, “It hurts me as much as it hurts you, Luna, but I can’t let you leave, not tonight. Not when tomorrow night I need you here for something special that I have been planning just for you. Please don’t ruin what I have planned for tomorrow night dear si-”
“SHUT UP!” Luna yelled, causing her sister to step back, “It’s always about study this and study that with you, isn’t it Tia? What about my needs? You always go on about needing to make my own way. I’m not some young filly that can’t help herself. I may be the same age as you but not in body and mind.” She stood her ground, breathing hard.

Celestia shook her head and sighed. “Luna, enough. You’re going to study before you go to your friends tonight, and that’s final.” Celestia yelled back.

“No, not this time Tia.” Luna shuddered and kept control of her anger, not wanting it to flare out. “Tonight I make my own choice, and that is going to my friends to enjoy tonight. I don’t care if you have something planed, I want a night off so that I can relax. I’m not Twilight Sparkle who can study for long periods at a time, yet even she gets a break from her studies to spend time with her friends.” Luna seethed at Celestia before turning around and running from the balcony.

“Luna, wait, come back!” Celestia called out, but it was too late to say anything to make up for what she said. “Oh horse feathers, I’ve done it this time,” Celestia sighed sadly before looking up at the moon. “I keep forgetting you’re not the same as me, and that you need your friends.” She looked down after seeing the first star of the night. “Have I over stepped the mark with what I said just now?” She thought before walking back , making her way to her sister’s room.

Luna had run all the way back to her room, crying the entire way. Tears ran down Luna’s face as she used her magic to pack her bags with what she’d need. She placed a note on the table, next to a gift for her sister. She took a final look around the room, “Is that everything I need?” she wondered. Luna nodded, using her magic to place her saddlebags onto her back, before pushing one of the large windows open and taking flight into the night.

Celestia knocked on the door of her younger sister’s room. She wanted to make things right with Luna. Several moments pass and she didn’t hear any noises from within or get an answer. Celestia opened the door and looked in. “Luna are you in here?” she called, before walking in. “Luna I want to say I’m sorry for the way I talked to you, I didn’t mean to say those things.” She looked around the room, trying to find her sister before spotting the note on the table and using her magic to lift it up to read.

Dear sister,

Please understand that I’m sorry for yelling at you, but you made me upset after bringing up the moon for the night. By the time you read this I will be in or near Ponyville making my way to the Everfree Forest to see a zebra there. Please don’t send anypony after me. I need time alone to calm down.

Love your sister,

P.S – I left you a gift to say that I’m sorry. Please enjoy it.

Celestia blinked and looked at the gift. It was a jewel of the sun and the moon together. “Oh, dear sister, its lovely. Please hurry back when you can.” She whispered to no one as she used a blank piece of paper to compose a note to Twilight Sparkle.

To my dearest student, Twilight Sparkle,

I’m afraid that Princess Luna and I had a little fight about what she wanted to do tonight, and I forgot about the sleepover you and your friends had planned for Luna.

Please, I need you and your friends to find Luna. She ran away from Canterlot, and she may be heading for the Everfree Forest to see Zecora. Please find her for me, as I have a meeting with somepony that I must keep.

Princess Celestia

Celestia sent the note out of the open window as she looked into the night sky, whispering, “Come back to me Luna, I’m so sorry.” A tear ran down her cheek as she closed the window, using her magic to pick up the gift that was left for her. She then made her way back to her own room.


Twilight was looking out her window, hoping to see some sign of Luna coming. Her friends were gathered with her in the library awaiting their friend, Luna.
“Where is she?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking to Twilight.

“I don’t know, Rainbow Dash. I did explain to Princess Celestia that we were having a sleepover, and that Luna was invited.” Twilight looked at her friends.

“Well, if you ask me she might have been held up or somethi-” Spike start to say, before burping out a green flame which materialised a scroll.

“Well, that’s one way of sending a message.” Applejack remarked, looking at Spike, and wondering why he does it.

Twilight sees the scroll, “Spike read it please.”

Spike coughed, clearing his throat. “To my dearest student, Twilight Sparkle. I’m afraid that Princess Luna and I had a little fight about what she wanted to do tonight, and I forgot about the sleepover you and your friends had planned for Luna. Please, I need your friends and you to find Luna. She ran away from Canterlot, and she may be heading for the Everfree Forest to see Zecora. Please find her for me, as I have a meeting with somepony that I must keep. Princess Celestia”

“What?” Twilight and the rest looked at Spike. “Luna ran away from Canterlot after having a fight with Celestia?”

“Well, we’d better go and get the poor dear. She’ll need her friends more than ever now.” Rarity sighed.

“Umm if it’s ok with everypony, I would like to stay just in case Luna comes by here first.” Fluttershy said, looking out the window.

“Ok Fluttershy,” Twilight looked to Pinkie Pie, “you coming Pinkie?”

Pinkie Pie smiled and thought. “Umm, no, I’m meant to be back at Sugarcube Corner. I’m supposed to be helping with the designing of something or other,” She smiled as she had brought the food over before walking to the door. “I’ll see you girls tomorrow morning.”

“Bye Pinkie, and have fun.” Twilight called after her. She turned and sighed, looking to Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity. “Guess it’ll be just us going after Luna then.”

Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity noded as Twilight led the way out of her home and into the Everfree Forest, on their way to find Luna.


Luna looked at the forest and shuddered, wondering if coming into the forest was a good idea at all. “Oh, now I know I’m lost.” She looked around.

Zecora was out in the early hours of the night picking herbs when she heard someone speak. She walked towards the pricess of the night, “Hello night bringer and why do say you are lost when you have been found?”

Luna blinked and her eyes opened wide in surprise, “I got lost and I ran away from my sister at the castle, and now I don’t know my way back.” She looked down, sniffing.

“Come, child, let’s get out of the cold night air. My home isn’t far and Twilight and her friends will stop by my home first to ask for help in finding you. They’ll be surprised to see you here safe,” Zecora smiled and bowed, before walking back to her home, Luna trailing behind her. “I know of no fight, and yet you’re upset with your sister. The sun bringer has a lot on her mind, but so do you, young one. You have much to learn, despite wishing to make your own path.” She intoned.

“Ummm, Zecora, how do you know my sister has a lot on her mind?” Luna asked.

To this Zecora chuckled. “I know what it’s like to have a lot on my mind and lose focus on something that is in front of me. Besides, you know my name child what is yours?” She asked.

“I’m Luna, and it’s a pleasure to meet you, Zecora. Twilight has told me all about you.” Luna smiled, happy to be with one of Twilight’s friends.

“Twilight told you about me, yes, but Twilight is like you; sometimes busy with her studies, learning and trying new spells. But her friends drag her away from her studies to have a break so that she doesn’t burn out.” Zecora smiled as she walked up to her home and opened the door. “Please come in and rest. I think your friends will be here soon. You need a little rest before going back with them to Ponyville.”

Luna noded and walked in, thanking Zecora as she laid down, looking around Zecora’s home. The two started talking, Luna curious as to why Zecora was out in the middle of the night.

Twilight led Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity towards Zecora’s home, as it would be the best option to ask for Zecora to help in finding Luna. “I just hope Zecora is home.” She told her friends, concern evident in her voice.

Applejack nodded, never before seeing Twilight Sparkle this upset and worried about Princess Luna. She exchanged glances with Rarity, who caught on to what Applejack had seen on Twilight’s face.

“Applejack, you don’t think Twilight has a crush on Luna do you?” Rarity whispered to Applejack, careful not to let Twilight hear.

“I don’t rightly know. It might be possible, I’ve never seen her this worried before, that is one thing I do know.” Applejack answered back.

Rainbow Dash sighed, watching from above to look out for any lights that may appear up ahead. “Twilight, I can see Zecora’s home, and the lights are on!” She called down.

Twilight smiled and nodded, spotting the zebra’s house. She slowed down before coming to a stop at the front door, knocking to announce her presence. “Let’s hope Zecora can help in finding Luna,” she told the others.

Zecora smiled and looked at Luna. “Ahh, there are your friends now. I told you they’d be stopping by for my help in finding you, Luna.” She walked over to the door and opened it. “Greetings, Twilight Sparkle. I know the one you seek, and I found her. She is safe, but do come in and rest for a bit before going home.” She moved aside as Twilight and her friends walk in, seeing Luna laying there smiling at seeing her friends.

“Princess Luna!” Twilight exclaimed, walking over to Princess Luna and nuzzling her happily. “Princess Celestia was so worried about you, and we were worried the most when you didn’t show up.”

Luna nuzzled back, happy to have her friends by her side. causing a tear to run down her cheek. “I did leave a note for my sister to read, which I guess she did read. But it was not only her fault, but also mine. It’s just that the feeling of not being wanted is still there. I do try to keep it in check, but sometimes I just need to vent it.” She sniffed softly.
“Luna, darling, it’s ok, we are here for you now.” Rarity walked over with Applejack and Rainbow Dash, hugging Luna as Zecora smiled warmly at the scene.

“See Luna, your friends are happy that you’re safe. Please don’t let your anger towards your sister get in the way of making up with her. She is family until you settle down with another pony that you love,” Zecora said as she looked at the herbs she had picked, before yawning. “I shouldn’t be yawning, a host shouldn’t yawn, but I was up so early and enjoying the last few hours of your night picking herbs. Please do see yourselves out whilst I go and wash up.” Zecora offered, taking her leave, as she went to wash up before going to bed.

“I think we’d better head home too girls,” Twilight told her friends, looking at Luna. “If you want, Princess Lu...” Luna smiled and shook her head.

“Twilight, don’t call me ‘Princess Luna’, please. It’s just Luna to you, and all my friends.” Luna smiled and nuzzled each in turn.

“Ok, Luna, but you can stay with me for the night if you want. I’ll let you use my bedroom.” Twilight chirped..

“I would like that, Twilight. Thank you.” Luna returned. They stood up and called out to Zecora with their good-byes before heading to Twilight’s home.

Luna smiled and says thank you to her friends as she walked with them, “I don’t know what to say to my sister, we had a fight about me coming here tonight, and that loneliness that I felt so long ago was coming back. I just had to get away before I did something wrong and hurt my sister. I don’t want to hurt her, or anypony.”

Twilight noded and sighed. “We all know the feeling of not wanting to hurt those that we are close to, even as friends we can work it out.”

“Besides, Luna, we are happy that you’re safe, and that’s what is important to us.” Rarity noted as she walked next to Applejack, who was nodding in agreement.

“We’re going to have so much fun telling stories to each other, and Pinkie Pie brought over the eats too!” Rainbow Dash called down,from her position flying over them.

Luna smiled and nodded before sighing, “I would like that but I think some quiet time is what I need, Rainbow Dash, I need to sort out my thoughts and clear my mind. I don’t want to become Nightmare Moon again and have to have you all save me for a second time. I would hate myself for becoming Nightmare Moon again.”

Twilight nodded and smiled back, reassuringly. “Ok Luna, but I do need to tell your sister that you’re safe and sound when we get back.”

Luna nodded, understandingly as she walked with her friends back to Twilights home, wondering if her sister would forgive her for the outburst.


Returning from their trip to the Everfree Forest, Twilight opened the door to her home . Fluttershy and Spike were asleep in a corner, and there was a scroll that had arrived while they were gone. Applejack and Rarity bid the rest goodnight, telling them that they would drop by tomorrow, before making their way home. Rainbow Dash announced that she would stay behind while Twilight showed Luna to her room.

“Thank you, Twilight but where are you going to sleep?” Luna asked.

“Don’t worry about me, Luna. You just rest and sort out what you need to do, I’ll be downstairs, reading the scroll, and writing a letter to Celestia telling her that you’re safe.” Twilight assured her.

Luna nodded and kissed Twilight’s cheek softly before laying down on the bed to rest and sort out her thoughts.

Twilight blinked in surprise, a blush rising in her cheeks from the kiss. She bid Luna goodnight before going back downstairs to Rainbow Dash.

“How do you think Luna is going to hold up?” Rainbow Dash asked, nuzzling Twilight’s cheek softly.

“Honestly, I don’t know, but she’ll sort her thoughts out herself.” Twilight nuzzled Rainbow Dash back. “I’m more worried about how she’ll take it when she finds out that you and I are a couple, Dash. She kissed me and I don’t know what to say to her.”

Rainbow Dash sighed, hugging Twilight to her. “We’ll tell her when the time is right, Twilight. Besides, don’t you need to do something first?” Rainbow pointed to the scroll.

“You’re right, Dashie.” Twilight smiled, kissing Rainbow Dash’s lips softly before Rainbow Dash let go of Twilight so that she can read the scroll.

Twilight giggled softly as she laid down to the read the scroll on the floor. As she was reading the scroll Rainbow Dash came over and laid next to her, putting a wing over Twilight’s back.

To my dearest student, Twilight Sparkle,

I’m writing to let you know that Luna needs someone to love. Please allow her to pick who she wants to love the most and share her life with.

Princess Celestia.

“Oh my,” Twilight exclaimed, blinking in surprise as she read, “not good at all.”

“What isn’t good Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked, peering over to see the scroll.

“Oh no,” Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash, “Celestia wants us to let Luna choose who she wants to love!”

“What the hay is Celestia thinking?! She knows we are a couple, and Pinkie Pie is the only one that hasn’t hooked up with anypony!” Rainbow Dash yelled, looking at Twilight.

“I know, Rainbow, but there are times when Pinkie Pie isn’t around, or when she’s planning a party, or doing something fun. Come to think of it, I bumped into Trixie the other day and she said she was sorry for how she acted and wanted me to teach her on how to use her magic for helping others rather than showing off.” Twilight nuzzled Rainbow Dash softly.

Rainbow returned the nuzzle lovingly, “I have seen Trixie around too, though she did say sorry to me for doing what she did when she was in town the first time around.”

“That is nice of her, but I wonder if she is seeing somepony el…” Twilight trailed off, “No, it couldn’t be…” She shook her head.

“Spill it, Twilight, I know that look well enough.” Rainbow Dash teased.

“I was just thinking- if Trixie is in town and is planning on staying around… you don’t think she and Pinkie Pie are seeing each other, do you?” Twilight asked hesitantly.

Rainbow Dash blinked and laughed softly. “That, Twilight, is funny!” she exclaimed, her face turned serious, thinking, “…and in way it could be true too.”

Twilight nodded in agreement, “I think we need to talk to Pinkie about this.”

“Tomorrow. Ok, we have two guest sleeping here tonight, Twilight, and besides, someone has to wake Fluttershy up so that she can tend to her animals.” Rainbow Dash observed, yawning slightly.

“You’re right, Dashie.” Twilight agreed, before yawning. She used her magic to turn the lights down, “Night, my lovely Rainbow.” She crooned before putting the scroll back onto the desk, laying her head down to sleep.

“You too, Twilight.” Rainbow replied, kissing Twilight’s cheek lovingly before laying her own head down across Twilight’s neck, slipping off to sleep.

Luna, who had been watching from the stairs and had heard everything, saw how happy both Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle were together. "I know I can't have you, Twilight, but you are going to be fine with Rainbow Dash. I wish I had someone to love like you do." She smiled before walking back upstairs to Twilight’s bed. She looked out the window and sighed. A tear ran down her cheek as she thought back to the book in her room and her past friends that she knew and loved, their memory fading with time. She softly cried herself to sleep knowing that she couldn't have Twilight, who she loved the most out of all of her friends.

Outside in the night something streaked across the night sky, making its way to Canterlot before it stopped as it disappeared somewhere. A loud crash could be heard in the library, waking those who were asleep , and causing them to wonder what had caused the crash.

“Twilight, someone crashed into your house.” Luna called down, looking out the window. She looked up and blinked, seeing cobalt mane hanging down. Rainbow Dash and Twilight joined her at the window, looking up to see the same cobalt mane. Rainbow Dash leapt out the window, flying closer to have a better look.

“What do you see, Dashie?” Twilight called out to Rainbow.
“Oh boy, not good. There seems be an alicorn up here, and judging from his fall I say he has broken both wings and hurt his head. Glad he didn’t break his horn, but we need to move him inside now.” Rainbow yelled back to Twilight.

“Luna, I need help to bring the alicorn inside, but I’m guessing they’re too far up for even me to help. Think you can get him down halfway so that we can get him inside?” Twilight asked Luna who nodded and flew outside. “Fluttershy, I need you up here right now with the first aid kit. You’re the only one we have for patching up wounds. Spike I want you to write a letter to Princess Celestia, and one to the hospital, and I want it sent yesterday!” Spike and Fluttershy nodded, the yellow pegasus already springing into action with the first aid kit. Luna and Rainbow Dash prepared themselves to make sure that the alicorn was moved gently.

“We are ready, Twilight.” Luna looked at the other alicorn, taking in his coat and mane, wondering how he wound up in Ponyville, where he came from, and if he was here to visit. She then sees something that makes her worried. “Twilight he is bleeding.” She looks down to Twilight, whose eyes widen in surpise.

“Oh no, not good.” Twilight looked to Fluttershy and nodded, pointing up with a hoof to where Luna and Rainbow Dash were. Fluttershy nodded back, flying out the window to where the alicorn was. “Girls, please help Fluttershy with what she needs.”

Luna noded, looking at Fluttershy as she took the first aid kit with her magic and opened it up for Fluttershy. “Thank you Luna,” Fluttershy said, meekly. She examined the fallen alicorn and gasped, seeing where he was bleeding from. “Oh no, not good.” She looked inside the first aid kit and pulled out the cleaning wipes, being gentle as she wiped away the blood coming from a cut above the alicorn’s left eye, telling Luna what she needed for the triage.

Luna and Rainbow Dash watched on, hoping that they could move him without causing too much harm. “Twilight, I’m going to have to splint his wings and leg before he can be moved, otherwise he’ll be great pain when we do move him.” Fluttershy looked down at Twilight who nodded.
“Do it. The sooner we can move him inside the better it’ll be tomorrow morning when we can get to the hospital and have the nurses there patch him up properly.”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement and carefully started to splint his wings, being careful to not make the bone poke through his skin. The alicorn groaned weakly, opening his eyes slightly tp look up at Luna.

“I must’ve died and gone to pony-heaven.” He said, smiling weakly before blacking out.

“Twilight, we need to move him now.” Luna said as Fluttershy finished applying the bandages and splints.

Twilight nodded her head, giving the go ahead to move the alicorn that was passed out in the tree. Luna’s horn started to glow, and her magic surrounded the injured alicorn. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy kept watch as Luna started to move the alicorn, Twilight waiting to help with the next step.

Luna focused on moving the injured alicorn out of the tree, or in this case the branch he was laying on. “Luna, go slowly please.” Fluttershy implored, as the branch creaked slightly.

“Luna, I think Fluttershy is right.” Rainbow Dash flew under to cheek on the branch and inspect the crack. “Yep, there is a crack. Just go slowly, we don’t want him and then you going down because of that branch.”

Luna nodded, taking the advice of her friends. “Thank you both for pointing that out, we wouldn’t want two in the hospital tonight this night.” Twilight nodded in agreement..

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy headed out and steadied the branch before nodding to Luna. The princess of the moon lifted the Alicorn up and away from the branch as she moved back towards the library with the alicorn in tow. Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash moved out from the under the branch..

“Luna, you doing ok with the injured Alicorn?” Twilight asked Luna, who nodded, moving a little bit further away as the branch finally gave way with a creak, and fell to the ground. “Whew that was close, ok Luna you can bring him in.” Twilight used her magic to make the window open up more to allow Luna to move the injured alicorn in, while Luna moved him closer to the window.

”Easy, Luna, just keep it slow and steady.” Luna told herself, moving the injured alicorn inside and onto the bed.

“We did it girls, all of us together!” Twilight looked at her friends who nodded and smiled as Luna laid down, a little worn out. Twilight saw this, “Luna, are you ok?” Twilight asked, nuzzlingher friend softly.

“I’m fine, Twilight, a little worn out, but fine. However, it looks like our new guest is the worse for wear.” Luna looked at Fluttershy, “Fluttershy, can you see if you can find anything else wrong with him? We also need to find out what his name is too. My sister may know if we can send her a drawing of his cutie mark. I’m sure she can tell us who he is.” Luna looked to the alicorn that was lying on the bed she had previously been using.

Twilight used her magic to levitate a quill and paper over so that she can draw his cutie mark. Calling for Spike she wondered if any letter had come from Celestia, then shook her head.

Fluttershy looked the alicorn over, gently picking out twigs and leaves from his mane. She gently put an ointment on his neck, while Luna looked at his flank, describing his cutie mark to Twilight. Downstairs Spike burped a green flame, a scroll landing on the ground. He picked it up and ran upstairs, both Luna and Twilight looking up at Spike.

“Ah, perfect. Twilight, can you read the letter please?” Luna smiled, seeing the seal on the letter, while Twilight nods, taking the letter from Spike. Luna glanced again at the cutie mark of the alicorn, then suddenly jumped up to her hooves. “No, it can’t be! Fluttershy can move away please?”

Fluttershy nodded and moved away from the Alicorn. Luna moved closer to get a better look, while Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight looked on. “Umm, Luna, what’s up?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Luna blinked and looked at the alicorn, shaking her head in disbelief. “No, it can’t bethe prince from Sungale, the southern kingdom, where it is always nice and temperate, even when it rains.”

Twilight blinked and thought, “Sungale… Sungale… it’s not a place I have heard of, Luna.”

Luna giggled, “Guess I should explain, Twilight,” she motioned to Fluttershy to go back to making sure the new alicorn was going to be okay. “My sister told me about Sungale when I read the term in one of the books I was studying before I arrived here.” She smiled, looking out the window. “Tia always said that when visiting Sungale it was a sight to behold, with both the earth ponies and the pegasus ponies working together, along with the unicorns in making wonderful dresses and fine jewellery. Tia and I both happen to own some exquisite examples.” She looked at the alicorn on the bed. “If I’m right Tia said there was a prince called Nebular.”

Twilight nodded as she looked at the alicorn. “If he wakes he can tell us, but in the meantime I need to read this letter that Celestia sent.” Luna leaned towards Twilight in anticipation, eager to find out what the letter contained.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Thank you for informing me of what has happened. I will be stopping by as soon as I can. Also, please tell Luna that I will be bringing a guest around, her cousin, whois looking forward to meeting her.. Finally, can you inform Luna that I loved her gift, it is one that I will keep dear to me.

Princess Celestia

Twilight gasped, having finishing reading the letter, “Celestia is coming here, and she is bringing a guest!”

Luna blinked and looks at Twilight, “Twilight, what has you so worked up?” Luna asked. Twilight levitated the letter over to show Luna., “Oh my. But how is she coming here? I’m glad she liked the gift I left for her , however what’s this about a guest coming along too?”

“There, I’m all done.” Fluttershy announced happily, stepping back. Rainbow Dash looked out the window, making out two flying objects, “Umm, I think they are coming right now, and it looks like Celestia is leading the way.”

Twilight blinked and gulped as she looked out the window. “Oh no, what time is it?” She looked to Luna who looked outside, “I would say we have been up for over half the night, judging from the position of the moon.”

“I think we’d better go downstairs and let our new guest get some rest” Twilight suggested. They made their way downstairs, Fluttershy bidding goodnight to her friends, kissing Spike on her way out. She then took flight for her home to get some rest, Rainbow Dash staying behind.

Celestia and her guest arrived soon after. Celestia knocked on the door, while behind her the hooded alicorn waited. “I just hope my cousin hasn’t hurt himself, Celestia.” The hooded alicorn commented.

“It has been a long been a long time since I last saw Nebular, I just hope he hasn’t forgotten what we both promised to each other so long ago.” Celestia sighed softly as the door opened.

“Princess Celestia, we were just talking about what should be done with our new guest who is upstairs resting.” Twilight greeted Celestia, who nodded and smiled back.

“Twilight Sparkle, it is good to see you again, and I’m glad you found Luna. I would like to introduce you all to someone that has come to see Equestria for himself, but we can’t just stand here talking.” Twilight started, realising that Celestia and her guest were waiting to be let in, and sheepishly moved back, letting Celestia and her guest enter.

“Thank you Miss Sparkle,” the hooded Alicorn said, bowing his head. Twilight closed the door behind them. “Umm, princess, who is this?” Twilight asked.

Celestia turned to the small group of ponies, “Everyone, I would like you all to meet Lightning Hoof, the prince of Stormdale.” He nodded and used his magic to remove his hood and cape from his body, showing his colouring for the first time. His hooves marked with white socks, with little thin white lines coming up from them, like lightning.

“A pleasure to meet you all, and if you don’t mind I would like to see my cousin Nebular so that I can see what mess he has gotten himself into on his nightly flight.” Lightning Hoof smiled and bowed to his host. Luna blinked and looked on, watching the new alicorn with wonder as she takes in his figure and colouring, noticing that the tips of his wings were different.

Celestia smiled and walked over to her sister, nuzzling her softly. “I’m so sorry for what I said before, Luna. I didn’t want to keep you from friends this night, but I was hoping to introduce you to our guest before you left.”

Luna nuzzled her sister back softly in greeting before walking to the door. “I’m still a little upset, Tia, and I haven’t cleared all my thoughts just yet.” She used her magic to open the door, “Twilight thank you for allowing me stay, but I still need time alone. Tia, please don’t come after me, I don’t want us to fight.” Luna walked out the door and took flight.

“Luna, please…” Celestia ran to the door, watching her younger sister flying off into the night, a tear running down her cheek.

“Celestia please allow her time to be alone.” Lightning Hoof implored, “It is her wish to not fight with you, if anything my cousin Nebular needs someone here, and I would like you to watch over him once I have seen him. Can I please see him before I go after Luna?”

Twilight nodded and smiled, “I’m Twilight Sparkle, please come this way.” She led Lightning Hoof upstairs to see his cousin.
“Again, it is a pleasure to meet you, Twilight Sparkle, and I’m guessing that the pegasus I saw is your lover?” the alicorn asked.

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight smiled and nodded, “Yes she and I are a couple. Even though we both wish to have a foal or two we know it isn’t possible for two mares to have a foal.” She sighed softly, opening the door.

Lightning nodded sagely and smiled. “That is true ,Twilight, but adoption is open to you both.” He walked into the room and over to the bed, sighing as he looked at his cousin. “I told you a number of times, Nebular, never push yourself too hard without a flying buddy.” He smiled and noticed the splints on his cousin’s wings and leg.

“Fluttershy patched him up after he crash landed in the tree. He was lucky his injuries weren’t fatal.” Twilight explained as Lightning Hoof nods.

“I’m sorry, cousin. I just wanted to see Celestia tonight.” Nebular cut in quietly. His colouring was pitch black, even with his cobalt mane and tail. “I know, cousin, but Celestia is downstairs waiting for me to tell her that you’re ok, and I need to find Luna.” Lightning smiled, gently nuzzling his cousin.

“Oh, that beauty that was here.” Nebular said dreamily.,
“She is a gem, cousin.” Lightning agreed. He looked to Twilight, “Thank you, Miss Sparkle, and if you see Fluttershy tell her she has my thanks for patching my cousin up. Please get him to a hospital first thing in the morning.”
Twilight nodded and smiled as Lightning says his goodnights to his cousin, before walking down stairs back to Celestia.

“So how is he doing?” Celestia asked as Lightning hoof came back down the stairs.
“He is doing fine, just make sure he doesn’t fly for a while after he gets out of the hospital,” Lightning replied as he nuzzledCelestia. “Now, I have to find Luna and make sure she is ok. Please, if we aren’t back by morning don’t worry.”
Celestia nuzzled back softly and smiled, nodding. “Please, just make sure she is safe for me.”

“I will, Celestia.” Lightning assured her before walking out the door. He then flapped his wings, launching himself into the air in the direction that Luna had flown.

[Authors note's Appplejack got interupted by something Applebloom was doing when writing the letter to Princess Luna. Twilight was speaking about coming back to Canterlot to help teach new unicorns that will pass though the School for Gifted unicorns. Luna knows about Zecora from Twilight Sparkle. I would like to say thank you to Whatsapokemon over on DA for proofreading and helping fixing up what was wrong. Thank you Whatsapokemon for your help I look forward to working with you again]