• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 3,033 Views, 200 Comments

Tomb of Magic - Ice Star

Twilight Sparkle traverses the Arctic with Sombra as she tries to learn about the mystery that was Starswirl the Bearded's life. But are these secrets what she thought they would be? And just who was Starswirl anyway? Sombra seems to know, but why?

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Chapter 1: A Friend of Yours...

I looked at my round table of friends. "What do you mean none of you can come?!"

Rarity was the first to speak. "Twilight… we know how long you have been planning this three month trip gallivanting across the north, and we know how much this means to you, but darling... some things have come up for each of us. I'm sorry, but we can’t go with you, as much as we'd all love to be with you." She gave me a sympathetic look.

I scrutinized all of my friends. Something had come up for all of them? Even after all my months of planning?

"Where do you girls have to be for so long?"

A strand of my mane came out of place as Rainbow Dash began. "My Aunt Bifrost in Germaneigh sent a notice that my grandfather had died out to all the relatives. She needs help sorting the estate he left and I happened to be the only one free who could help her. Sorry, Twi."

I nodded slowly. This was a perfectly good reason, though it wasn't exactly what I had hoped to hear.

"Now… why can’t the rest of you come?"

"Well," Applejack began, "Braeburn mailed a letter to the farm last week wondering if Big Mac and I can come down for a few months to help dig some irrigation routes and aid in the harvest."

I rested my gaze on Rarity once AJ finished. "What about you?"

Her blue eyes gleamed. "Well, Twilight, Sapphire Shores thought my previous wardrobe for her was such a success that she invited me to design her entire wardrobe for a tour of Prance! Prance! I have always wanted to go to Prance and... well..." She appeared to wilt slightly. "I just couldn't refuse her offer. I am sorry, Twilight, if that interfered with your travel plans, but I am a businessmare as well as your friend... oh and the thought of the Prancians seeing my designs..." She trailed off with a sigh.

I bit my lip. At least she had apologized but I wasn't exactly upset... maybe disappointed. That was a nice, concise way to put things. Simple, too.

I still had two more friends to ask. Spike wasn't coming on this trip - it had the potential to be far too dangerous for him - so he and I had arranged for him to stay with the Cakes since the castle was still quite new, and I know he'd want to spend time with somepony. Part of the deal was that he would have to swing by and check on the place and keep his claws off the ice cream.

As my thoughts settled, Fluttershy gazed around the chamber nervously, since she hadn't yet gotten used to this place either.


My question must have startled her since she jumped slightly. "I-I was invited to help add new information to the Equestrian Environmental organizations meetings in Manehatten so that I could get some new plants and animals officially recognized at a science and taxonomy convention in a different city... I'm sorry, I forgot which one a-and..." She looked around at the castle's looming walls, and I couldn't blame her. "I left my papers at home..."

A small smile crept onto my face, science and taxonomy conventions sounded really interesting. Too bad I wouldn't be able to go. The small smile crept back off my face.

"Okay, Fluttershy. Thank you for explaining. Now Pinkie Pie, why can't you come?"

I was secretly hoping Pinkie Pie might be able to come when the others told me that the couldn't. It was especially hard when I found out Cadance and Shining Armor could not go with me - that had crushed me. I didn't want to go alone at all.

I'd take just about anypony to go with me, even Discord... okay, well maybe not him.

"Okie dokie Twilight, ya see, Maud invited me to name one of her new rocks and go on a month long trip with her before I come back to help with Sweet Apple Acres since only Granny Smith and Apple Bloom will be there. Oh - I forgot to mention that Gummy will help and I'm going to teach him how to pick apples and make cider and create crop circles and-"

The thought of Gummy making crop circles was pretty funny, but I had to cut her off before she really got going. "Okay Pinkie, I understand your point. In fact, I understand all your points and predicaments. All I wish is you would tell me these things before it came down to a last minute notice scenario such as this. I will go on my trip alone, I guess but I'll still have fun. I think we'll all have adventures now and adventures to come. Hopefully we will all come back with stories to share. I wish you all good luck on your trips!"

I smiled as best I could, silently panicking inside. I'd been planning this for so long how could I not go? If they found out I was going to act... panicky or irrational, they would encourage me to stay, and I can't have that happen. Starswirl was a commitment!

I bid everypony farewell as I decided how I would repack my supplies. It did make me feel a bit better when AJ explained how she would not be leaving until the day after tomorrow. Even Spike and Owlowiscious would be gone by then.

That night I silently still hoped this trip would be as exciting as I had planned.


Two unpacked saddlebags gazed up at me like empty eye sockets.

The knowledge that I was going into the Arctic was common among my friends, yet I still felt unprepared and lacked any suitable gear, such as a warm scarf. It was 10:32 in the morning, and everypony but AJ had left yesterday. I was the only one in the castle.

I was still trying to figure out what to pack. I shouldn't, but I am.

Twilight, you need advice.

I perked up. That was it! Advice!

I grabbed a nearby quill, ink bottle, and some parchment and upon its papery surface poured out all of my current troubles: my lack of proper gear, how none of my friends could come, all my uncertainty, the desire for knowledge, and most of all the wish for somepony to share an adventure on this quest that meant so, so much to me!

Dear Princess Celestia...

One spell later, I already yearned for the reply.

At 11:00 sharp the sigil on the throne room floor began to glow and pulse, causing me to look up from my book, just in time to see a large box materialize.


With a flourish I placed the book down with a sudden loss of interest and flew over to my mail, ripping off Celestia & Luna's royal seal.

Inside I found an entire set of proper clothing for a true wizard: a classic pointed hat with a wide brim and belled tip, and magnificently patterned center band inlaid with a clear crystal in a golden frame which a small cluster of feathers sprouted out of - purple feathers, too. I had no doubt that they were a joke from the princess.

Following the hat were two boots of a similar style with polished gray stone buttons and a rune foreign to me stitched in each. I'd never seen anything like them before, or read about them. Everything was made out of a thick well spun material that would keep me very warm. Celestia knows that I get cold easily and always wear a saddle or scarf when it snows. For a Canterlot pony, I never had much of a winter coat.

Under that was a richly sown robe with a swirl pattern and exaggerated sleeves. Its collar was adorned with another, larger gem with a single tassel trailing from it and a modest amount of pearls.

Each sleeve was accompanied by a pair of metal leg bands etched with a spiral pattern, in order to keep the loose sleeves from getting caught on anything, these were carefully placed at the bottom along with some smaller objects: a thick parcel, a small pouch sized book, and a scroll.

Grasping the scroll in magic I broke the seal with a quick spell and began to read hungrily:

Dearest Twilight,

I am sorry to hear your distress. Never fear, for by my power as one of the Two High Princesses of Equestria, I have located a companion for you, and one who has knowledge of Starswirl the Bearded. They are a close confidante of Princess Cadance and have many magical abilities that will be used to guide you. With your guidance, they will able to be controlled easily - I'm afraid that you'll find them to be a bit rough around the edges and maybe even foolishly stubborn.

Despite any character flaws that you might encounter, I know that you are the better pony and a new princess. A teacher always has faith in her students.

I wrote this as I gathered a care package for you, to help compensate for the lack of gear mentioned in your letter. Luna aided in the stitching of the runes on your garments.

Regarding your journey, in the parcel I sent you are the following objects to aid you:

- A Royal Order explaining anything your companion may need to know, please present it to them, and do not let it get lost or destroyed. This is for their eyes only, and the document is brief. If you misplace it, I do not know how easy it will be to have their companionship.

-Two temporary passports, good for six to eight months, in case you need to cross any borders other than that of the Trottish-Equestrian border to the northwest.

- Map and coordinates for locating appointed follower. I'm afraid that they live a very... secluded life, and unhealthily so. It was immensely difficult to track them down.

-Two tickets to the Grand Trottish Museum, and a request to be presented to an employee that certain artifacts be placed in your care. They are the most carefully guarded artifacts of anything to do with Starswirl the Bearded, and while Trotland is not a part of Equestria, we are only friendly enough terms that they respect my order not to keep these on display, since they are priceless.

- Two train passes, good for any route in Equestria or allied nations. They will last you an entire year, so if you desire to keep one, it'll still be good for some time.

- (Outside of the parcel) A book depicting clearly printed images of runes, please memorize them in your spare time. These will be very useful in the future. While they are an archaic kind of magic, and dead in use, you would find a use in studying them. They were popular in Starswirl's time.

Lastly, please do not open any sealed documents or they might be marked as tampered and could hinder the process of your trip. Cadance also mailed me a letter wondering if you could stop by at some point when you pick up your new acquaintance. She wants to speak with you about matters that she left unspecified.
Good luck and fair travel, Twilight.


H.R.H. Princess Celestia


"So who do you think they are?" I asked Applejack, dismissing any nervousness as best as I could. Heading south was always exciting, but that was also where Equestria's border with the southern nations became clear. There were lots of bandits and mercenaries in the wilds between them, especially since the vast south has such a flourishing mercenary culture and many magical universities that like to employ them. I'm not a xenophobe, but I'm not a xenophile or avid traveler either - just like Princess Celestia, I prefer to get somewhere than go somewhere - but the cultures of the south lack so many values that are so common in Equestria that I feel a bit awkward when I'm around them on my own.
The Duke and Duchess or Maretonia? That was professional. Mrs. Chikadee Peachbottom? That was also professional. Equestria has always been a diplomatic and friendly nation and I've strived to be a polite and pleasant pony.

According to Princess Celestia's coordinates I would need to head part way into the desert and since AJ also had to go south toward the desert, I was able to have somepony to talk to on the train. Only on the train though...

I breathed out a sigh as subtly as possible. Would this pony... presuming they're a pony...even be nice? Tolerable? Friendly?

Currently, I didn't even know their gender or any way that they were supposed to be addressed.

"So...who do you think it is?" I repeated. I was going to take the chance to talk to somepony while I could.

Applejack lifted her gaze from the window and cast another thoughtful glance at my new garb. "Hmm...maybe Trixie?"

Could it be her? I hadn't counted her as a probable choice. She doesn't seem like she'd have knowledge of Starswirl, even if she seems to fit the 'stubborn' part. "I don't think so. It says that this is somepony who is a friend of Cadance's."

Unfortunately, I wasn't very sure of who her friends were currently. If she settled somewhere, it'd be easier to write letters, but I hadn't seen her since our magic duel. Or maybe she was at my coronation? I don't know, but I know that I'd have to contact her through her family - and I don't know what her family is like. Probably a little nutty, seeing as how their daughter turned out. Ponies are always a lot like their parents - Shiny and Mom have the same laugh and Dad and I can never stand to have messier manes like they do.

"Wait, Twi!" Applejack exclaimed, "Ah think Ah might know who it is."

"Yes?" I breathed, nervous with anticipation.

"What if its Somb-"

"WHAT?!" I fell of the seat and silently thanked that we were in our own car, since ponies staring at me was always uncomfortable.

"Calm down, Twi," said AJ shooting me a mild worried look, "Ah'm just going to point out that we only met him once, plus it's not like he's dead. Cadance acknowledges him as a friend, too. He does seem to be good at magic as far as I can tell, taking over an empire and all. That's gotta take some real fancy magic, right? Ah'd think so. Carries himself like a stubborn sort from what Ah can tell - if he weren't a criminal and so disrespectful to our Princesses, then Ah could admire that. Do you remember that look in his eyes at the ceremony? He's got some fierce pride, Ah can tell ya that. Didn't he sorta vanish into the desert too? Seems like a drifter type."


Applejack was right. How could I have forgotten?


Why would Celestia do this? How could Sombra help me? He's evil and cruel! A tyrant! Why would a lonely - he lived in the desert so how couldn't he be lonely? - tyrant help me try to help ponies? He couldn't. I have very little doubt that he's evil, and evil loves ignorance.

I rummaged through my saddlebags and pulled out the coordinates.

They lead to an area roughly south of Appleoosa. Far south. In the desert.

In the middle of 'nowhere'. It looked so lonely.

No... I wouldn't go through with this. I can control my own quests. I want to be a good pony, but no good pony would ever treat King Sombra like anything but the criminal he is. Cadance was far too trusting of him. I trust Princess Celestia, but did she really just want me to try and reform him? It might be possible... but was I the pony for it? Could I make him a productive member of society? He certainly wasn't going to be that by staying out in the desert.


I got up and walked toward the sleeper car, my rigid strides obvious to a nonexistent audience.

Stop your heavy breathing! Grit your teeth quieter. Why did this feel like a betrayal? Princess Celestia wouldn't do that to me, or to anypony. She wasn't called the 'Matron of Equestria' for nothing. She was capable and stern and kind.

"I think I'll be going to bed early, Applejack. I've got a big day tomorrow and a long ride ahead of me!"

She nodded slowly. "Twilight are ya alright? You seem off, sugarcube. Do you need to talk?"

I grasped the door handle with my magic. "It's just so shocking to think that I will be traveling with a pony like... him. I'm pretty sure that the princess just wants me to try and reform him. Otherwise, I think I'll be fine with some sleep."


This is why I wasn't the Element of Honesty.

Now, I can prepare my leave-taking so I can do this quest.

Alone. I didn't want to be alone for this, but being in the company of King Sombra was worse. All I have to do is leave a moving train unnoticed. Once inside I teleported to the outer balcony of the caboose as quickly as possible, gear and all.


It was quite windy, which would make it harder to fly considering I was not Equestria's #1 aviator.That didn't matter right now I had to get to Canterlot and talk to Celestia to try and clear up this mess. Sombra killed ponies, and not like an honorable soldier would do. He was a murderer and it was impossible to reform that.

She could have picked anypony, right? Anypony but him, that is.

I flapped my wings and lifted off strongly, trying to fight the winds.

Focus Twilight Sparkle, try to keep your eye on the horizon. Look, see!

...What a lovely sunset.


Something grazed my wing.

But what? What was that? I started an illumination spell, magic sparking to life, and looked around as I pushed against the wind.


Something zipped by once more, but unlike the last time i was able to see what it was.

An arrow. Crudely made, but deadly accurate. Perhaps it was enchanted?

The train was long gone now even if I did need help. This didn't stop me from turning to face the direction it had gone in. What I mistake I had made! Another 'whizz' followed with a sickening tear in flesh and jagged stems of searing pain.

My wing!

Faster then I realized I was falling toward the tracks and desert landscape. The only noise I could hear was that of my own pained screaming. I tried to prepare spells but lacked any concentration causing them all to fizzle as soon as I attempted to create them. All I recalled in magic was overshadowed by the horrible pain of impact.

My last vision was that of crimson spots unearthly dancing before my eyes before being consumed by darkness.

Author's Note:

This chapter was updated and revised as of 6/13/17.