• Published 15th Mar 2015
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Twilight Sparkle The Pokémon Heroine of White - TwilightXLuna

In the world of Pokémon and Ponies two young fillies will meet at a large castle and become great friends but they will be torn apart by evil. One of them will help to save the world of Ponies and Pokémon from the evil group.

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Chapter 11 - Her Heated Dreams (Unedited)

"So, guys? What should I do?"

There were Pokémon surrounding someone. Twilight, to be exact. Moondancer(Servine), Scootaloo(Pidove), Applebloom(Deerling) and Sweetiebell(Zorua). However, she had another friend in the team, an Axew. She met the little guy when she was skipping along Route 6 after defeating the Ponyville Gym Leader. When she helped him reach an Oran Berry that was up on a tree, he had begun to follow her. She didn't want to be mean and tell him to go away, so instead, she asked him if he wanted to join her crew. Axew looked very eager and happy to join in; and after that, she named him Spike. He was a special addition to the team, just like the rest of them. All of the Pokémon currently present, were near Twilight eating fresh picked berries. Twilight was eating some as well, all of them sitting together like a family.

"Servine! Vine!" Moondancer exclaimed, taking a bite out of an Oran Berry. Where were they? Outside of The Crystal Caves of course! It was blocked by a thick web made by some sort of Pokémon.

"I guess we're at a dead end in our journey, guys!" Twilight said, taking a whole Pecha Berry in her mouth. She dusted her hooves, getting up and frowning at the obstacle currently blocking her path. "Stuphid wefb!" She was about to kick the web, when someone spoke up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." It was this thick cowboy accent that she knew at the top of her head. She turned around seeing the Ponyville Gym Leader, Big Mac; walking towards her with his Krokorok by his side. "I reckon ya need some help. But it looks like th' nest of an Electric-type Pokémon called Galvantula. Don't know why there's a nest here, but if there are folks havin' problems, th' Gym Leader's th' one ta fix it!" He held out his hoof. "Krokorok! Take it out!"

"Kraaaaaaawww!" It yelled, getting pumped up before charging forward and breaking the nest that blocked the entrance.

"And o'course, this here TM's yours!" He exclaimed, throwing her the said TM. "It's my favorite TM, so ya can teach it ta all of yer Pokémon! It's called Bulldoze. This move does damage and lowers the Speed of any Pokémon it hits. Some Ground-type Pokémon move a little slower than ya'd like. But if ya use Bulldoze right, ya can cover that weakness! I don't know how good ya really are, but if ya think ya can go, go wherever, and if ya think ya can do somethin', keep on doin' it. Do things how ya want! Decide yer own limits. Well young'un, I have ter go back to my Gym. You take care of yerself now!" He took off with his beloved Pokémon, going back to Ponyville where he was needed most.

"Well guys! Looks like we've been saved by the Gym Leader! Let's get going!" Twilight grinned from ear to ear. All of her Pokémon following her inside the cave. She walked in casually, looking around the cave. A smile on her face like always until Two weird colts with white hair and ninja suits teleported in front of her.

"Is it Halloween already?" Twilight said nervously. The three Colts, not looking the least bit offended began speaking.

"Come." One said, both pushing her further inside the cave. They led her to a dark figure who had their back towards them, and she immediately knew who it was. She frowned, seeing her turn around and smile deviously at her.

"My lady Luna, we brought the one you wanted." The other said quietly.

"You!?" Twilight yelled angrily. Twilight lunged at her, but the two figures held her back, her hat falling off in the process.

"Ah, yes." The indigo maned mare smiled, holding her hooves out as if welcoming an old friend. "Thank you. Report back to Nightmare Moon."

"Yes my Lady." They said at the same time, letting Twilight go. She held back in strangling Luna right then and there. Her hatred for Luna rising up, ready to explode.

"What do you want from me!?" Twilight yelled, bending down to snatch her hat back up and putting it on. "Give me ONE good reason I shouldn't kill you right now?!"

"Now now, don't be so hostile, darling." Luna purred.

"You have SOME NERVE!!"Twilight said. "And who the hell were those colts!?"

"That was the Shadow Triad, just now. Nightmare Moon had them enlisted in Team Plasma. Apparently, they were the ones who prepared the Galvantula nest at the cave entrance." She looked towards one of the large boulders that were a blue hue, all the while throwing off static that the Joltiks and the Galvantulas fed upon. "Crystal Caves I like this place. Formulas express electricity and its connection to Pokémon"

"Here we go again with the math crap!" Twilight said. "Just cut it out! What do you want from me? Come on, spill it!"

"It's unbecoming of a lady to behave in such a manner." Luna replied to her outbursts.

"Maybe I wouldn't be this way if you didn't BETRAY me like you did at Las Pegasus!" Twilight said, all of her Pokémon growling at Luna.

"Ah, So it is merely that event that has you so riled up." He said quietly, chuckling softly at her childish behaviour. "I had no idea."

"Of course you had no idea! Because you're a jerk!" Twilight said. "I was actually starting to trust you!"

"Twilight, I want to start off by saying that there was NO betrayal on my end." She began. Twilight was dumbfounded, is she really that heartless?

"What? Of course there"

"There was no betrayal because I was NEVER your friend to begin with." Luna said, placing both of her hooves together and holding it in front of his mouth. Now that was just cruel. Twilight tightened her hoof, glaring at her.

"I see." Twilight began. Her Pokémon now frowning at Luna.

"And second I wanted to say you have been chosen. Does it surprise you I said that?" She asked.

"I don't think I'm surprised." Twilight replied. "At least, not anymore."

"Hmph." Luna scoffed, looking away from her once more; a frown on her face. "If you don't understand what that means, I guess it's not supposed to be a surprise But I told Nightmare Moon about you and your friends After I did, she apparently used the Shadow Triad to find out about you."

"Gee guess the creeper gene was passed on." Twilight muttered.

"AppleJack is pursuing the ideal of strength. Poor Pinkie Pie has faced the sad truth that not everyone can become stronger. And you are not swayed either way more of a neutral presence. Which is apparently a good thing Team Plasma will be waiting for you ahead. Nightmare Moon wants to see what kind of Pokémon Trainer you really are." After she said that, she turned to leave, further into the cave. Twilight stomped her hoof, seemingly angry at her for even showing her face.

"She's NEVER going to change." Twilight told her friends. They shook their heads in disbelief. Twilight returned all of her Pokémon to their respective PokéBalls and went through Crystal Caves Cave.

After tons of battles with various Team Plasma members, Twilight thought she would reach the end of the cave with no more problems, until she saw Luna there Waiting for her.

"Ugh" Twilight groaned, walking towards her. Luna heard footsteps, and turned around to see her once more. She raised an eyebrow, not surprised that she made it through the Plasma members.

"I see you have defeated all of the members of Team Plasma. You truly have trained your friends well Yet I will separate Pokémon and ponies, and black and white will be clearly distinct. Only then will Pokémon become perfect beings. Yes, that is my dream! That is what I must fulfil. Twilight, do you have a dream of your own?"

"Of course I have a dream!" Twilight replied.

"You have a dream, That's wonderful"

"My dream is to kill you." Twilight said.

"Oh, Then that's not a very nice dream to say the least." She replied, she cleared his throat. "No matter I'll learn what your true dreams are in battle!" She reached for her belt and took out a PokéBall, sending out Joltik first. "Joltik! Standby for battle!"

"Awwwwww!! He's so cuuuuute!" Twilight exclaimed, forgetting that Luna was there and ran over to the Joltik. She held him in her hooves, petting the cute baby spider. The tiny spider blinked in confusion, but then cooed, sending out static electricity at her cheeks. "Joltiiiik!" Twilight replied. Luna merely stood there and looked at Twilight with a puzzled look. She frowned, and then waited patiently until she was finished. Twilight looked down at the small Pokémon, and smiled at him.

"What I would do for you!" Twilight exaggerated. Luna, seemingly annoyed, cleared her throat loudly. Twilight looked over, glaring at her. Setting the Joltik down and backing away, she sent out her own Pokémon. Her Axew. Spike frowned, shaking his head around.

"Axewwww!!" He yelled.

"An Axew I see." Luna said. "Very well Joltik! Gastro Acid!"

"Joltiik!" The little yellow fuzzball exclaimed, opening his mouth and throwing purple acid at Spike.

"Spike! Dodge, then use Shadow Ball!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Aaaaaaaxe---eew!" Spike yelled, opening his mouth, a ball of Shadow forming.

"What!?" Luna exclaimed, seemingly surprised at this attack the Axew knew. "Joltik, dodge then use Bug Bite!"

"Jo-jo. Jo-jo. Jo-jo!" Joltik exclaimed, moving out of the way after Spike launched the Shadow Ball. Afterwards, he jumped on Spike and began biting on his sking. "Joltiiiiik~! Joltik- Jo!"

"Axew! Axew! Axew!" Spike exclaimed, shaking off the little insect Pokémon off of him. Spike stood still, and suddenly, he glowed white. It cleared to reveal Sweetiebell, snickering like a Mightyena.

"Of courseThe illusion ability." Luna said. "Joltik. Use Electroweb, and then slash!"


"Quick! Sweetiebell! Fake Tears and then Faint Attack!" Twilight said. Sweetiebell began to shed fake tears and sob loudly, making Joltik stop for a moment. It sweatdropped from how dramatic the Zorua was being, Joltik was momentarily vulnerable. Sweetiebell took this chance, disappearing out of it's sight, and then attacking the Joltik by kicking it.

"Joltiiiiiiik!" It exclaimed, falling to the ground.

"Now! Use Faint Attack again!" Sweetiebell did as was told, and attacked the Joltik the same way, only this time slamming his tail as if the spider was a golf ball. The flew past Luna and fell inside a hole.

'A hooooooole in one! Hekekekekeh!' Sweetiebell snickered, she looked back at Twilight and grinned. 'How was that Twilight? Huh? Huh?'

"Great job, Sweetie. You show him how it's done." Twilight grinned, holding out her hoof, and Sweetie jumped up to her and gave her a high hoof with her paw. Joltik, looking sad that he was beaten, crawled up Luna's leg. Luna smiled at the Joltik, petting him with her hoof.

"You don't have to worry You did your best." Luna smiled at the spider. He smiled back at Luna, staying on her shoulder. Luna frowned, sending out her next Pokémon. It was a Klink. The gear-ish Pokémon spun around, mocking the Zorua.

"Darn this is going to be rather difficult." Twilight said. "Sweetiebell. Get ready!"

"Klink, Thunder Shock." Luna commanded. The Klink did as was told, and send out a shock of thunder towards the devious little fox. Sweetie's eyes widened from the attack, and was hit directly. She cried out in pain, the shock sending her back and smoke coming from her body. Sweetiebell struggled to get up, static running through his body.

"Oh no, She's paralyzed!" Twilight exclaimed. She had forgotten to buy Paralysis Heals! Oh! She felt so stupid.

"Now. Klink. Use Gear Grind."

"Kliiiiiiiiiiiiinnn.." It said, before floating forward and grinding Zorua in between themselves. Zorua was then thrown to the ground afterwards. Zorua fainted. Twilight bit her lip, she couldn't lose to her, not again! She returned Zorua to her Pokéball, frowning.

"Great job, Sweetiebell!" Twilight said. "Go! Moondancer!"

Moondancer emerged from her PokéBall, looking pumped. She swished her tail around, a determined look on her face.

"You cannot possibly think you can defeat me, Twilight. My ideals, My dreams, My determination, They are all strong And I will NOT lose!" She yelled.

"Well, Think again!!" Twilight said. "Moondancer! Use Leaf Blade!"

"Klink, Charge Beam!"

Both Pokémon attacked at the same time, Moondancer with Leaf Blade and Klink with Charge Beam. Moondancer used her tail, sending a powerful grass like whip; while the Klink opened their mouthes and let out a beam of pure charged electricity. The Charge Beam went right through the Leaf Blade. Both of the Pokémon being hit by the opponents attacks at the same time and falling back onto the ground.

"Moondancer!" Twilight exclaimed. Both Pokémon got up, but Klink looked to be slightly dazed from the attack. It snapped out of it, and floated back up. Moondancer stood on her feet, grinning.

'Hmph. You make me laugh.' Moondancer said to the Klink.

'You will soon fall down in a heap once we're through with you.' The Klink to the left said. 'This match will soon be over, and we'll show you, AND your pathetic trainer how it's done.' Moondancer growled in anger.

'Don't think that'll happen anytime soon! I'll teach you not to call ANY of MY friends PATHETIC.' Moondancer yelled, running forward with a new profound speed. Twilight was amazed, blinking at Moondancer determination.

"Moondancer! Use Vine Whip!" Twilight exclaimed.

'I'm way ahead of yah!' Moondancer smiled, slashing at the Klink, but it had no affect. The attached Klinks laughed at Moondancer.

'What was that?' They laughed. The attacks doing nothing to them. 'Your attacks are weak! It shows just how much your trainer knows NOTHING about us! Ponies like her are reasons why Pokémon should be liberated from Ponies!'

"Now! Moondancer!" Twilight exclaimed. Moondancer jumped above Klink and smirked.

'You'll eat your words!' Moondancer exclaimed, she raised his Tail. 'Take this!!!'

"Revenge!!" Twilight and Moondancer yelled at the same time. Moondancer slammed her tail onto the Klink, burying him into the ground. Moondancer jumped back, waiting until the smoke cleared. Then, it was seen, Klink had fainted.

"Yeaaaah!!" Twilight and Moondancer yelled once more.

'In your face! You can take your dreams and shove them down your'

"You did an amazing job, Moondancer!" Twilight smiled, cutting her off. Moondancer laughed, looking back at Twilight with a grin.

'All in a days work.' Moondancer said. 'SCREWWWWWW Pokémon liberation! I'm not being liberated anytime soon! You can kiss my'

"OK Moondancer, we get it, you're awesome." Twilight said, ruffling Moondancer head, hearing her babble on in her language. Luna looked shocked, she snapped out of it, frowning even more.

"You're not finished yet." Luna said. "Boldore, my friend, it's time to finish what Klink started!" Boldore emerged from the PokéBall, stomping on the floor and making holes.

'Think you can take me down, kid?' Boldore gruffed. 'You've got a screw loose if you think that just because you have the type advantage it means you'll win.'

'Whatever, loser.' Moondancer grinned. 'I'm going to win this match. Just wait and see.'

"Don't underestimate Boldore. He's a worthy opponent, and at the same time not a push-over." Luna said to the Servine, who merely rolled her eyes.

'Well, I've got news for the two of you. You're NOT gonna win! Not this time. Twilight's going to wipe the floor with you!' Moondancer said to Luna.

"Pft, That's not what my team is saying! Luna!" Twilight exclaimed. "I have a bigger, better dream than yours, and I'm going to fulfil that dream, even if it means getting RID of you!"

'Hey! Snake! Watch how you talk to her, she knows more than what you'll EVER learn in your lifetime!' Boldore growled to Moondancer, stomping the ground and sent rocks flying in the air.

'Who you calling snake!? Pebbles!! Just SHOW me what you got!' Moondancer growled, taunting him.

"You asked for it!" Boldore and Luna said, stomping the floor angrily.

"Moondancer Vine Whip If you please." Twilight said.

'You don't even HAVE to say please!' Moondancer said, sending vines to attack. It hit Boldore directly. 'How do you like that!?' However, Boldore seemed to be unaffected.

'Is that all? Snake Girl?' Boldore asked.

"I will show you that my love for my friends permeates every cell of my body! Boldore! Rock Slide!"

"Booooooldoooooree!!" The Boldore yelled, slamming itself onto the ground, and large boulders flew out near him. And with immense speed, hurdled the large boulders towards Moondancer.

"Moondancer! Use Razor Leaf on the boulders!" Moondancer obliged, slicing at the boulders, cutting them in half. There were a few rocks flying past Twilight, one of them scratching her right cheek. Moondancer had missed one boulder, which had hit her directly.

"Now! MudSlap!" Boldore threw mud at Moondancer face. Moondancer cried out in anger from getting mud in her face.

"Now! Boldore! Finish her with Smack Down!" Luna said.

"Moondancer! Block it with Revenge!" Twilight said. Moondancer opened her eyes, seeing Boldore in the air ready to slam his boulder like arm. Moondancer used her tail and she jumped in the air too, both of them collided with each other, creating an explosion of power. Both Pokémon were sent flying out of the smoke, and onto the ground. Moondancer and Boldore hit the ground with a loud thud, and were both down for the count.

"A draw!?" Twilight exclaimed, rather surprised. Luna chuckled lightly once more, returning Boldore inside the PokéBall. "And you find it funny, Incredible!"

"It just amuses me how you anger yourself over a Pokémon Battle." Luna said, "It amuses me more that you would underestimate my friends."

"You underestimate MY friends!" Twilight replied, "Now shut up, and send out your next Pokémon!"

"With pleasure." Luna replied with this dark aura about him. "Ferrothorn! Go!" She sent out her last Pokémon. But she didn't have a PokéBall in her hoof. Twilight was confused now. She looked around the cave, returning Moondancer into her PokéBall while she was at it.

"Well, Where is it?" Twilight asked, looking at Luna for the answer. But she just stood there with a blank look on her face. Twilight looked around, not seeing anything. But suddenly, there was a sound, and she looked up and shrieked. The Pokémon Luna had spoken of appeared from the ceiling, and floated down in front of her. Twilight took out her Pokedex, and listened to it.

'Ferrothorn, the Thorn Pod Pokémon and the evolved form of Ferroseed. They attach themselves to cave ceilings, firing steel spikes at targets passing beneath them. A hit from these steel spikes can reduce a boulder to rubble.' It said.

"Yikes." Twilight whispered, putting her Pokedex away. "That thing must be at a higher level than any of mine."

"Are you giving up already?" Luna grinned evilly. "I guess your dreams aren't strong enough yet. Do you actually believe that Pokémon battles help us understand one another?"

Twilight grinded her teeth together, she frowned grabbing her next friend. She grabbed a PokéBall, sending out Spike.

"Go! Spike!" Twilight yelled, sending him out. Spike jumped out of the PokéBall, slamming the ground, looking ready for a fight. "Use Dragon Dance then Dig!!"

"Axew- Axew!" He said, dancing and glowing, receiving more power. He went on digging a hole in the ground, and submerging in it.

"Ferrothorn be on the lookout." There was silence all around, except for the noise the blue rocks were making. Which was that of electricity running.

Knowing that Axe was ready to attack, Twilight commanded him. "Now! Spike! Dragon Claw!" Spike emerged from behind the Ferrothorn and attack him with a powerful slash of his claws. Ferrothorn frowned, falling forward. But other than that, Spike was also harmed in the process, because of the iron barbs around Ferrothorn's body, 1/8 of his HP on contact. The Ferrothorn frowned, looking back at Spike, he flew forward, tackling the Pokémon. But Spike jumped out of the way and it caused him to fall face first onto the ground. Spike went back in front of Twilight, a smile on his face. "Dragon Dance! Spike!"

"Ferrothorn, Curse!" The Ferrothorn had a purple aura coming around him, and his eyes glowed red, and soon, Spike was affected as well. He had a purple aura, around him too. Ferrothorn stopped, falling to the ground, looking exhausted, losing most of his HP to that attack.

"Spike! Use Dragon Dance again!"

"Ferrothorn, Power Whip!" Luna exclaimed. Ferrothorn recovered from the move, and used his next one. He swung his three spiky feelers at Spike, and sent him flying and falling near Twilight's hooves.

"Spike, are you alright?" Twilight asked.

"Axewww." He moaned, painfully. He got up, stumbling towards the stage, and standing there. Until the purple aura around him began to strangle him. "Axeww!" He cried out, and fell forward onto the ground. Fainting afterwards.

Twilight said nothing, returning her Pokémon to the PokéBall. 'If I send out Scootaloo, There's no way she'll be able to beat this thing. She'd be beaten to a pulp!' Twilight thought. Then looking down at her Quick Ball. 'I know you can do this. This will be your third battle.'

"Are we finished here?" Luna asked, looking rather bored. Twilight tightened her grip on the Quick Ball.

"Come on out, Sunset Shimmer!" And out came her Blitzle, Sunset Shimmer's mane charged with electricity. This was the ideal environment for her. The Blitzle frowned, sending out barrages of electricity out onto the field. The Joltik of at the bottom Luna's hooves was skittish from the power of the charge, and jumped on Luna's shoulder.

"Joltik, Jo Jo!" He exclaimed, looking happy.

"So you truly believe that Pokémon shouldn't be liberated. You believe that Pokémon and Ponies can coincide with each other, and come to understand one another." Luna began, both of their Pokémon facing each other and sizing up.

"Yeah, because we'll still live together, in the same region, same generation, same world And no matter WHAT you say, ponies AND Pokémon will have to understand one another at SOME point in time. And believe it or not, not ALL Pokémon suffer as you say. There are bad trainers, but there are also GOOD trainers, trainers who care for their Pokémon, and treat them like friends, siblings. I don't treat my friends like Pokémon. I treat them like family. They battle because they enjoy it! While they get frustrated when they lose, yeah I get frustrated too, but it's OK, because that's how they learn and evolve! Their dream is to become stronger, and teach other Pokémon that being under a trainer's care is the best thing that could ever happen to them"

"So, You're saying I should just allow ponies to think whatever they want and treat Pokémon however they want, no matter whether the Pokémon suffer? I refuse to tolerate the existence of a world like that!" She yelled. "This is why trainers shouldn't have Pokémon under their care because all they do is reserve them for their own use."

"Are you BLIND!?I understand that there are Pokémon who HATE Ponies Like Shining Armor"

"You DARE bring up a Pokémon that was mistreated by your hooves?!! You truly are something else"

"If you don't know how it happened, then you need to SHUT UP!! I NEVER mistreated Shining Armor!" Twilight yelled, stomping her hoof and pointing menacingly at Luna. "And for your INFORMATION, what I did for him is what I thought was best! I set him free because I thought he was better off living with Pokémon of his kind. I actually had consideration for him! But he took it the wrong way!"

"You claim to have had consideration for him, then why did you have him in the first place? Did it take you so long to realize that Pokémon are not to be with Ponies? Were you told to set Shining Armor free? Or was it really consideration that you had for him?" Luna asked, an angry look on her face. Twilight stood quiet at that, having nothing to say in return. "Tsk, Just as I thought you're no better than the trainers that use Pokémon for their own desires."

"Sunset Shimmer! Use Thunder Wave!" Twilight exclaimed.

Luna just stood there with her arms crossed. Not even bothering giving it a command. The Ferrothorn stood there, doing nothing, waiting for the shocking wave to come closer. The moment it was about to touch Ferrothorn, he blocked it using his feelers, and shaking it off as if nothing.

"What!?" Twilight yelled. Sunset looked shocked as well, how did he do that!?

"Ferrothorn, Use Gyro Ball." The said Pokémon used it's feelers to form a silver ball, and flung it towards the shocked Blitzle. Sunset was hit with the Gyro Ball, and slid backwards.

"Bliiiii!" Sunset groaned, looking at the Ferrothorn and glaring at it.

"Now. Mirror Shot." said. Ferrothorn's body shined briefly, before glowing white and blinding everybody with a powerful light. Sunset was hit with the flash of energy, and fell to the ground.

"It's useless, Twilight, Give up." Luna said, after the flash of light subsided and Twilight saw her friend on the floor. Sunset got up slowly, one of her eyes closed in pain.

"Sunset, Use Return!" Twilight exclaimed. Sunset snorted, and then ran forward, glowing blue. The Blitzle tackled the Ferrothorn, but receiving damage. Sunset stumbled back, falling down to the ground after the Ferrothorn tackled it back.

Twilight closed her eyes. It couldn't end like this.

"Bliiiiiit." Sunset growled. Twilight's eyes opened widely. Sunset got up slowly, static electricity flying from her entire body. She looked at the Ferrothorn in anger. Then out of nowhere, the Blitzle began to glow white.

"What Is she?" Twilight started saying, but she couldn't finish because Sunset was changing forms. She grew larger, and she stopped glowing to reveal a new Pokémon. The Blitzle that stood there before, was now a Zebstrika. Her blue eyes glared at the Ferrothorn. Afterwards she neighed, standing on her hind legs and sending lightning from her mane in all directions. "Woooowww." Twilight took out her Pokedex once more, and listened to the machine tell her new information.

'Zebstrika, the Thunderbolt Pokémon and the evolved form of Blitzle. Zebstrika can be dangerous when angry, shooting lightning in all directions from its mane. It is lightning fast and when running at full gallop, thunder echoes through the air.'

"OK! Let's go Sunset!" Twilight exclaimed. Sunset, began stomping on the floor however, making smoke all around herself. Afterward, there was a red glow out of nowhere. And Sunset came galloping out of the smoke in flames and lightning. She galloped towards the Ferrothorn and tackling him with burning flames. The Ferrothorn cried out, and fell to the ground. He didn't get up after that, having fainted.

"Alright, Sunset!!" Twilight exclaimed. Sunset turned around and galloped back to Twilight, almost knocking her down. She hugged Sunset tightly as Sunset sent static to her face. Luna stood there, looking down at her hooves before calling back Ferrothorn to his PokéBall. She lowered her black hat over her eyes, and pushed her teeth together in frustration.

"Tsk! Why? Is it impossible for me to win while feeling bad about being a Trainer? As if I could pursue my ideals with something as meaningless as a battle! As if that could make me worthy to become friends with the legendary Pokémon! We will be seeing each other again, I can assure you." Luna said, before turning to leave the cave. Twilight shook her head, rolling her eyes. She actually thought about it for a while. Luna wasn't really trying to bring her harm in any way Luna wasn't being selfish after all.

'She's only worried about those Pokémon who suffer under the care of bad trainers, I don't blame her but Pokémon liberation? What about those Pokémon that truly want to be with ponies? The ones that actually love to be around their pony friends.' Twilight thought. 'It's settled, I'm going to talk to her, Face to face. I'm going to have her EXPLAIN to me JUST what her dreams are.' Twilight smiled. She didn't bother to return Sunset to her Fast Ball. She went to finish going through the Crystal cave, and went through the exit, only to see that the path led to a city.

"Oh boy! Sunset! A nearby city! Let's go!" Twilight said, running towards it. Sunset followed behind, trotting along with her. They arrived to the entrance to the city, Twilight looked at the sign, and nodding. "Baltimare, This is where the next Gym Leader is. Well! First thing's first! Pokémon Center!"

She ran to the nearest Pokémon Center, taking all of her Pokémon to heal and rest. She sat down on a bench, waiting until the Nurse Sweet Heart was finished. All the while, another Nurse had gone up to her and handed her a Band-Aid, which had a cute design on it. It had lots of Luvdisc scattered around on it. Twilight poked her cheek, feeling the Band-Aid, remembering the battle and of Luna. 'I wonder where Luna is off to.' She thought, she got up telling the Nurse Sweet Heart that she would be back for her Pokémon. After that, she left the Pokémon Center stretching from sitting. She looked around the town, taking a small tour. There was everything in this town. A Poke-Mart, a Café, even a Mall. Heck, there was a lot of things in this town. Even an airport! Twilight sighed, she wanted to take a look at the gym first, but bumped into someone. It was a Pegasus mare with silver main and tail with pink eyes and a black coat, she looked like she was ready to pilot an airplane.

"Oh, sorry! I was just going to, Oh wait a second. I've never seen you around here before." The young mare said. She gasped, realizing that she had slots for PokéBalls around her waist. "You must be a Pokémon Trainer?"

"Umm, Yeah, I am, I'm here to challenge the Gym Leader." Twilight replied, slightly intimidated by how happy she was, seeing as how it was cloudy outside.

"Ah! You see, my name is Nightingale, I'm the Gym Leader of the Baltimare Pokémon Gym!" She grinned, introducing herself. Twilight was shocked, but recovered quickly.

"Oh, really?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, I'm sure you're surprised, I don't look like a Gym Leader, happens all the time. What's your name?"

"My name is Twilight, I was hoping we can have a battle but my Pokémon are healing and resting up right now." Twilight replied, fixing the position on her hat. Nightingale nodded in consideration, looking slightly concerned.

"I see as a Gym Leader, I'd be happy to have you challenge the Gym. But right now there's something I need to take care of! Just now, as I was flying the cargo plane, I saw something on top of the Celestial Tower. I'm sure that it is a sick Pokémon! If it is, I can't just leave it there! I have to look into this right away. I'm leaving for Route 7's Celestial Tower. Would you maybe prefer we'd have that battle tomorrow?"

"Oh, yeah! Of course! No problem! I gives my friends to have a time to relax, and train a little." Twilight said. Nightingale smiled at Twilight, already becoming friends with her.

"Cool! I'll see you tomorrow at the gym then!" Nightingale said, waving goodbye and running off to Celestial Tower. Twilight sighed, shrugging to herself and walking off. She walked along the city, rather bored. She looked at the ponies around her, and curiously watched as ponies had conversations. She felt kind of lonely, she saw none of her friends with her. If only

"My lady, But"

"Don't you understand?" Twilight stopped in her tracks, about to turn a corner when she caught a glimpse of an indigo main, and knew who it was by the voice. She stood by the corner of a house, listening to the conversation. "I want Team Plasma to go to EVERY single town and city and explain to everypony about liberating their Pokémon. I want them to understand that there are Pokémon who suffer, being under the care of Pokémon Trainers and should be set free."

"Yes, My lady." The other pony said, afterwards leaving her. She sighed, placing a hoof over her face. Twilight looked on from the corner, Luna's back facing her and seeing Luna alone. Twilight looked at her, and felt sort of bad for Luna. She cares so much about Pokémon and their wellbeing. Just then, she remembered that she had told herself that she would talk to Luna, and have her explain her dreams. At that moment. She turned the corner, and opened her mouth, ready to say something.

Author's Note:

Hope You Guys Like the new chapter :twilightsmile:

OMG a new chapter in less than a week :pinkiegasp

Cliff Hanger Sorry. Maybe there will be another soon in the next month or so.

But serially have fun reading TwilightXLuna Out :heart::twilightsmile: