• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 2,710 Views, 150 Comments

We All Live In A Pokemon World... - 4428Gamer

An aura pulse spreads across the skies of Sinnoh, resulting in a few Equestrians to appear across the world of Pokemon. In other news, it seems a new Pokemon Trainer called 'Spike' has begun his journey with a familiar young trainer from Hoenn.

  • ...

Sweetie B and Miror B (Side Story #1)

“Ludicolo, ludi-ludi. Ludicolo, ludi-ludi~”

“Ludicolo, ludi-ludi. Ludicolo, ludi-ludi~”

“Ludicolo, ludi-ludi. Ludicolo, ludi-ludi~”

Ugh. Rarity, turn off the music…

“Ludicolo, ludi-ludi. Ludicolo, ludi-ludi~”

“Ludicolo, ludi-ludi. Ludicolo, ludi-ludi~”

“Ludicolo, ludi-ludi. Ludicolo, ludi-ludi~”

“Rarity, turn off the music!” Or at least, that’s what I tried to say. All that really came out was a bunch of mumbles and other sounds that nopony could understand.

I don’t really know why, but for some reason Rarity and I are not morning ponies. She always drinks coffee so that wakes her up pretty quick, but apple juice just doesn’t have the same kind of kick. A bit of a shame really. I drink apple juice almost as much as Rarity drinks coffee.

That’s when something finally clicked in my head. There’s no way Rarity’s listening to music right now. Mainly because, one; there’s no way she can make that much coffee so fast. Well, not unless she’s freaking out about some kind of design or something. And Rarity hates any kind of noise in the morning. Especially music.

Actually, it kind of explained why the Crusaders and Pinkie Pie aren’t allowed in the Boutique until noon.

And then there was a second reason. Rarity would never be caught dead listening to rumba music!

The second that the horn section starting blaring was the second my head sprung off the pillows. After a quick glance I could tell that I was still under the covers. Except for some reason everything seemed to be a little smaller.

Slowly I peeked my head out from under the covers and came face to face with my own hair blocking me from seeing just about everything around me. Although I did manage to get to spot where I was. Outside.

I was outside and still laying in my bed somehow. That alone didn’t make any sense. Although something that made even less sense was exactly where I was. Because not only was I outside of Rarity’s Boutique, but apparently I was nowhere near Ponyville at all.

Pushing some hair out from the front of my face, I immediately came face to face with what had to be the most random thing that I had ever seen. For dancing around my bed were three happy looking, perfectly in-step, dancing, sombrero-wearing pineapple ducks.


Very slowly, as if not to interrupt the happy pineapple ducks, I lowered myself back under the covers. Then I closed my eyes as if to drown out the image of said pineapple ducks dancing to rumba music.


Oh, and screaming. I also began screaming. Very loudly. Did I forget to mention that before?

WOAH! Jazz, Rock, Salsa, what’s going on over there?!”

When I started hearing another pony’s voice I stopped screaming. I couldn’t tell whether this was some kind of dream or real life, but somepony else was still a gift from Celestia as far as I was concerned.

Help me!” I cried from under the covers. “Get the creepy pineapple ducks away!”

“Pineapple...Oh! You mean my darling Ludicolo? Fuhohohoho!” A high-pitched man’s voice rang out in a fit of weird laughing. “Why don’t you worry little lady. These three mean you no harm.”

I froze underneath the covers. “They...They don’t?”

“Of course not! Why, they simply wanted to perform a show for you! Let the music pause!” As soon as the stallion called that last part out, the rumba music had stopped instantly. “Now then. How’s about we all bear witness to that darling face of yours?”

“...” With shaking hooves I lifted my head back from under the covers. And just like last time my hair was down in my face. It was kind of weird too. Obviously my mane wasn’t as swirly as it usually was in the morning, but it never drooped down this low. Not unless I was pulling it down by force at least.

So after begrudgingly moving the hair out of my face for the second time, I saw the face of the stallion that had been talking before. Only, there was a sliiiiiiiight difference from what I expected:

He was a dragon.







Everypony, the pineapple ducks included, all looked to the left in confusion to see a weird pale and red baby bear that was having problems standing on two legs.

“...Fuhoho…” The purple and pale dragon was the first to regain his composure. “Nice to hear that you jumped in on the fun too my young Swing.”

“Now then-WOAH!” He turned back towards me just in time to see a pillow being thrown directly towards him. And as if he expected it, he dodged underneath it by doing the splits with the kind of agility I thought only Pinkie Pie had.

“What’s the big idea miss—” “What do you want with me, dragon?!” I placed my hoof on another pillow and gave him the nastiest look I could. I wasn’t afraid to use this pillow and I wanted to prove it to him!

“Dragon?” With a pinkish talon, he lowered his funky-looking sunglasses and looked at me with a skeptical look. “Now young lady, what gives you such a notion to think me a dragon of all things?”

“My sister told me about dragons like you!” I swallowed that feeling in my throat. “She said that teenage dragons were really tall and skinny and creepy and were really really weird!”

The dragon stiffened up and took a step back with a pained expression behind his sunglasses before falling to his knees in defeat.

“Such injuring words from such a young heart...It pains me with every fiber of my soul…”

“Ludi…” One of the pineapple ducks starting making his way over towards the—dragon(?)—and put a hoof...Claw...Leaf— Whatever it was —on the dragon's shoulder.

"Thank you Jazz,” He smiled up at the pine...Jazz, as his name was apparently. “But I believe I’ll be alright. Truly.” With a nod, he stood back up on two legs.

“Uh...Th-Then what are you then?” It was kind of weird talking to him while I was still halfway under my covers, but I still didn’t want to get out of bed until I knew just what was going on. “I-If you’re not a dragon, I mean.”

He started to smile before running his claw over the giant white and red afro that sat on his head. “Well I’m glad you asked young lady. My name is Miror B! One man Orre sensation!” As if he were in a photoshoot, he pointed up into the air and leaned to his side just like a disco pony would.

“Well, um...I-I’m Sweetie Belle and...” I looked around and saw nothing but desert for miles. “Uh, where are we exactly?”

“Hmm. You don’t know where you are? Funny. With your groovin camp I figured you lived somewhere out here.” He put his claw under his chin in thought. “Well, regardless, we’re out in the deserts of Orre right now. More specifically, between Pyrite Town and Realgam Tower.”

I stayed silent and watched as the man leaned to his left leg with a claw on his hips. “I suppose you don’t know where that is now do you Sweetie?” It was hard to tell behind his glasses, but I think this Miror B dragon was giving me a worried glance.

“N...No…” I looked over everything around us. The three pineapple ducks and the dizzy bear were watching me by this point. It was kind of creepy, but they all looked a little worried about me as well. “Do you...Do you think…”

“That I can help you find your way back to the sweet stage of civilization?” He flashed me a grin. “Why I believe that we would be honored to help a young lass in need. Isn’t that right everyone?”




“Spin! Spin!”

“Well I guess it’s official!” He spun around in place and struck another disco pose. “The Orre Restorers are here to assist!”

“Uh...G-Great. Yeah, thanks!” I couldn’t help but smile a little myself. “I guess all teenage dragons aren’t as bad as the ones my sister met after all!”

Uhhh,” His smile turned to an awkward one as he stayed in that pose. Though he quickly recovered. “Well, assumin’ that’s a compliment, I’ll take it with spirit to spare!”

He went back to leaning on one leg again in a casual pose. “Now then, are you fine with leavin’ now or do you wanna try and pack up your bed there? Fuhoho...”

“Oh yeah…” I didn’t really have a way of knowing why I was out in the middle of nowhere with my bed of all things, but I didn’t really have any way of bringing it with me. Besides, Rarity would probably scream if I came back home with sand and dirt all over the bedsheets.

“I don’t think I can.” I turned back to the teenage dragon. “So I guess it’s probably better if we just leave it.” With the one hoof I had under my blanket, I got ready to push the covers off of me. Although for some reason it was kind of difficult to get a grip on the covers.

“Fair enough, your call.” He turned over to the four weird things that were gathered up around him. “Alright boys, the plan still stands! We’re heading off to Realgam Tower. From there we’ll check in with the rest of our posse and drop off Ms. Sweetie while we’re there. Next up, we find whatever Shadow Pokémon that are out in the wild! Sound like a plan?”

The four things all called out random words in agreement, looking determined to do what Miror B had told them about.

“Alright then! So with that said!” He took in a deep breath and stayed quiet for a few seconds as if building dramatic tension. “LET THE MUSIC PL—”


Oh what now?!” With sudden anger, Miror B turned over to glare me down in rage. “You just went and threw off my groove! What is wrong now child?”

“Why...Why…” I couldn’t put words together to answer him as I kept staring at my...At my... “Why do I…”

“What? Speak up child, I can’t hear you when your all silent!” He put both claws on his hips as he and the four weird things looked me down.

“Ludi?” One of the pineapple ducks, the ‘Jazz’ one I think, looked towards me with a concerned look.

“Why…” I was shaking, but I finally managed to look up at Miror B with a devastated look on my face. One that immediately made him drop his glare.

“Why am I a dragon?”

Miror B stood there, not reacting as he and the weird things around him all just continued to look at me for what seemed like a good minute.

Then I watched as Miror B gave a very slow nod, his expression still unchanged. “W...Well then…” Slowly, he let out a sigh from his trembling lips. “It seems this is going to be a challenge in and of itself…”

“Spin—Daaaaa~” The red and pale bear did a small twirl, trying its best to make a disco pose like Miror B had done. Only it couldn’t keep its balance and instead fell flat on its face.

“Yep,” Miror B shook his head with an exasperated style. “Could not have said it better myself Swing.”

Author's Note:

What's wrong everypony? Is this not what you had expected? :scootangel:

If any of you have ever played/heard of Pokémon Colosseum or Pokémon XD? If you have than you'll no doubt know about the Orre region or Mirror B here. And if not, go ahead and check those links for the pictures. The hilarity that is Miror B's appearance alone is worth it.

So next chapter were going back to Kalos with Spike. But don't worry about Sweetie Belle. We'll hear about her as the story goes on. Or at least, if you guys vote to check in on her we will. Until then we'll leave her in the capable hands of the Orre Restorers number one sensation, Miror B!

QotC: Including the Orre Region on this list, what is your favorite region in the series?

Careful with your choices now. You never know who it might effect. :pinkiesmile: