• Published 19th Mar 2015
  • 416 Views, 39 Comments

The Doctor's Experiment - Daylight Glimmer

This story is about Dr.Stable having an experiment and Lyra sacrifices herself for this experiment.

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Chapter 1

Lyra walked calmly through the hospital walls. She had grown used to their sad, blankness. Lyra turned the corner back into her the hall where her room was. I can't believe I've been here for a whole week! I have only been here because of a bad concussion,but at least I haven't lost my memory. She sat back on her bed and stared up at the ceiling. This hospital is sooooooo boring! Maybe Bonbon will come by to talk. There was a knock on the door and Bonbon walked in. "Speak of the devil!" Lyra cried out.

"I think this concussion has done more damage then those doctors will ever know," the earth-pony muttered loud enough for her friend to hear.

"Hey, how would you like it if I said that about you?!" Lyra threw back accusingly. "And I only said it because I was wondering if you would come by!"

"I was only joking," Bonbon answered. "Anyways I ran into Dr.Stable on my way here. He said he was coming by in a bit."

"Ugh, not him again!"Lyra yelled annoyed. "I mean I get he is a doctor and I am his patient, but seriously. Does he have to come by everyday?!"

"Listen Lyra, it's his job so don't go giving him any crap about it ok?!" Bonbon lectured her friend. "Here, this is a new book written by Princess Twilight. It has something to do with an alternate wor-," she was cut off by a loud scream of excitement from Lyra.

"EEEEEEKKKK!!!! HANDS!!! I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW THE WERE REAL!!!! IN YO FACE 'QUESTRIA!!!" Lyra bragged as she danced on the bed.

"Lyra! Keep your voice down and stop acting like a filly. geez," Bonbon said in a most annoyed voice.

Lyra stopped and threw her arms around Bonbon. "Thank you," she told the earth-pony.

Bonbon blushed. "Think nothing of it, we are best friends for life," the cream coloured mare replied.


In came the well known Dr.Stable! He had Nurse Redheart with him. "Hello Ms.Heartstrings," the unicorn doctor said warmly.

"Hey Doc," Lyra replied forced.

"And how are you today Ms. Bonbon?" he asked the sweet making mare.

"Good, and you Doctor?" she replied.

"Fine, fine," he said.

"You are being released today Ms.Lyra. I want you to remember to not do anything big for a week,"he informed them.

"FINALLY, I'm getting out of this prison!" Lyra exclaimed relieved.

"Uh-huh, well then just sign these papers and you can be on your way. Also I have a experiment I am trying to do , but I need somepony to try it out on. I thought you would be good candidates," he told them handing them a paper.

Bonbon took the paper and glanced over it before quickly stuffing it in her saddle bag. "Thank you doctor," Bonbon said quickly forgetting the flyer.

"Ok, I'm done signing this thing! Come on Bonbon you have no idea how long I have been craving a hot fudge sundae!" she excitedly said to her best friend.

"Alright then lets go," Bonbon said back to Lyra. "Thanks again," she told the nurse and doctor while giving them a small bag of bits.

They went to Sugar Cube Corners and Pinkie immediately freaked out when she saw Lyra. "YAY! You're out of the hospital!! Now I get to throw a 'Welcome Home' party! How does 5 o'clock Friday at your place sound?" she asked Bonbon enthusiastically.

"I think we should wait another week Pinkie Pie," Bonbon replied with a smile.

"Ok! What'll it be for 'ya? Wait! Whatever you order is on the house!" Pinkie told them with an ear to ear smile.

"Two hot fudge sundaes!" Lyra told the bubbly pony with another smile.

After eating their sundaes they went home, but a few ponies gave Lyra smiles and 'Great to see you better!' type of stuff on their way.

When they got inside the mares settled down at the table and emptied out Bonbon's saddle bag. Bonbon saw the paper the doctor gave them and picked it up surprised.

"Wow I totally forgot about this!" Bonbon exclaimed staring at the flyer. It read:

Dear Reader,

Recently I have taken most knowledge from ancient pony times all doctor knowledge, and such. I have come up with a way that could make ponies lives longer or shorter, but I need a test subject for my experiment. Please, if you are interested take this flyer to Ponyville General Hospital and I will personally talk with you about everything.



"Interesting....." Bonbon whispered. "Maybe we should put this in town hall or the message boards."

"With something as big as this maybe they already have," Lyra countered. "I think we should get more info.," the green mare continued.

"Oh, well. I am done with that place! This is going in the garbage," she told her friend.

"I can put it in the can in my room," Lyra said quickly taking the paper in her magic. "Goodnight!" she called back to Bonbon.

" 'Night?" Binbon replied confused.

In her room Lyra read over the letter a few more times and put in her desk drawer. Make ponies lives shorter or longer...... This could make ponies live forever!!! Hmmm, I am gonna take this to the hospital tomorrow and ask about it. He gave it to us just today! It's not like somepony already decided to do it.

"AHH-AH-ah-ah," she yawned. "Welp, looks like it is time for bed!" Lyra looked across the room at her warm clean bed. She snuggled under the covers and sleep overwhelmed her.

Author's Note:

I am really bad at comedy and things but I tried to put a couple of cute stuff in there. Please check out my other story:
The loss of a Heart

Thank you!