• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 1,311 Views, 45 Comments

The Yellow Apple Blossom of New Texas - Stainless Steel Fox

The 80's cartoon Bravestarr is my favourite space western. However I always felt sorry that Thirty Thirty, Bravestarr's 'big pard' seemed to be the last of his kind. Maybe if he met the right filly...

  • ...


Applejack awoke to darkness and the smell of old metal. She was back on New Texas, in Thirty Thirty's bed, and her limbs were once again made of bronze metal. Said limbs included hands, as she'd found sleeping on her back in biped form was so much more comfortable for her Equestroid body. She got up and stretched as she brushed her unbound mane back out of her eyes as she remembered seeing the place for the first time last night.

The Equestroid deputy's home wasn't exactly Sweet Apple Acres. According to Thirty Thirty, it had been a cargo container left by a Kerium freighter, and from the outside it looked like a metal box. External cables, tubing and boxes of various mysterious purposes had been added on as an afterthought. Like all of Fort Kerium's housing, it fitted into it's place in the walls when the town went to Fortress mode. There were no windows and a door with a bank vault style wheel that opened it, as well as a pad with numbers on built into the door that apparently acted as a lock.

Now she glanced around, taking in the unfamiliar shapes of the interior. A cool breeze and a low hum came from a grate in a box that had obviously been welded in to fit a hole in the metal. The room was dimly lit by a few small lights built into various pieces of equipment. After a moment of thought, she pressed a pad on the wall, and the main ceiling lights lit up. Fortunately, light switches were one thing common to both Equestria and New Texas, if not the Apple household.

The interior furnishings had a haphazard, salvaged look, not helped by the fact that items like the seats had clearly been adapted from their original size to fit someone larger. Equestroids, even in bipedal form, were larger than most of other bipeds the furniture was designed for. Between that and a deputy's less than munificent salary, he'd had to take what he could get, and make do where he couldn't. It did feel more like a place someone slept and ate rather than a home. It was a single big open space, except for what Thirty Thirty had referred to as a refresher, which was a single, integrated module that had clearly been taken from somewhere else.

The tangle of exposed plumbing and dohickeys mounted in casings on the exterior of the gave it a distinctly industrial look. It apparently contained a toilet, a basin and a stand up 'shower' and was clearly designed for someone of regular human size. Faded signs with ominous red hatching around them warned about using a face mask in zero gravity and other unfamiliar hazards. Though that did provide her with one useful fact that she hadn't really been aware of before, she could read the lettering despite it not being written in Equestrian script or words.

She got out of bed and checked the saddlebags by the bedside table. Despite not having moved since she put them down, they were now full of her provisions and Twilight's device, which appeared to have shrunk, though she quickly realised it was because she had grown. It was still clicking and whirring away merrily, the ticker-tape spooling through, covered with arcane symbols. She stashed the fixings for the salad and vegetable crumble in the ice box, actually an electrical refrigerator like they had in Manehatten, and started to get herself ready for the day.

Thirty Thirty had taken her through the workings of the referesher before he left, plus there were instructions that explained the things he'd glossed over in disturbingly frank detail. The shower, while cramped, proved to be surprisingly refreshing. A button infused the water spray with a pleasant scent and did something that made her coat tingle. When the water spray stopped, she could feel rather than hear humming vibrations running over her body, massaging her muscles and lifting the water off. Finally a wave of hot air washed over her and swept the freed droplets down into the drain.

She couldn't do anything about her metal limbs beyond giving therm a quick wipe over with a rag, but she determined to get a tin of metal polish or whatever it was you did with the darned things. She'd managed to fit a spare toothbrush and hair brush in with the rest of her stuff, so fixing that up was the work of a moment. She found having hands made putting her mane and tail in their regular braids a lot easier. A mug of something called Hotstim - a hot drink that tasted almost but not quite entirely unlike coffee - and one of her cupcakes, and she was ready for whatever came.

There was a clock on the wall, though it was odd to see the time as glowing numbers rather than on a dial, which showed it was almost time to go to the Marshall's office for her first day as an official New Texas deputy. It was early by this world's standards, but a farm mare like Applejack was no stranger to early starts. Setting her clothing in place, she went out to see what the day had for her. It was still cool outside, the suns just starting to burn off the chill of the desert night, and the streets were almost empty, except for a couple of townsfolk out on various erands.

Applejack went to quadruped as soon as she was outside, it felt more natural then bipedal mode even if she was able to balance just as well on two legs. She gave a smile and a friendly greeting as she passed folks, and got a couple of smiles and nods in return. Nobody seemed to give her a second glance despite the fact that she was the only quadruped out there. Either they'd heard all about yesterday, or they were used to folks with different shapes around here, either was good as far as she was concerned.

The strange triple shadow made her look up at the sky, shading her eyes with one fore-hoof. Two of the suns were fully up and the third was on the horizon. A large moon was just setting on the opposite side of the sky, and a smaller one was moving into eclipse behind it, the mix of light giving the sky a plum coloured hue, shading into deep blue. Say what you would about this place's climate, the sky scenery around here was pretty spectacular. Though it would probably give the princesses fits trying to manage it all.

Her tourist phase didn't last long, as Fort Kerium wasn't a big place and the layout made it easy enough to find the central area where the Marshall's office was. It was easily identified by the big star shaped sign sticking out from above the door, and was already open. She wandered in to find an office pretty similar to Sheriff Silver Star's in Appleoosa, a desk, notice board with pieces of paper pinned to it and some reward posters. There were a few chairs and storage lockers around the walls, and doorways that lead through to a cell area and some stairs.

The only real decoration was on the wall behind the desk, a pair of crosssed flags. One was white with three pairs of red stripes meeting in the centre where there was a a blue circle with a five pointed yellow star in it. The other flag was a deep blue with a star field and a number of larger coloured circles spread across it. in the centre was a symbol of a set of scales, surrounded by a laurel wreath.

Thirty Thirty, Bravestarr and J.B were all there, along with a new person, who was about half the height of a human. All that was visible were his beaver-like face, hands, and bare, clawed foot paws. Everything else was hidden under a full length brown greatcoat, and a tall stetson with a deputy's star on it. He also had a puzzled look on his face.

"Howdy every-p... everyone! Good to see you all again."

"Good to see you too, Applejack." J.B replied. "Did everything work out the way the Shaman said?"

"Yep!" Applejack had a broad smile. "Woke up in Equestria, back to normal. And please, mah friends call me A.J, if they like. I hope ya'll will too."

"Sure we will." Thirty Thirty said. "I hope you were okay at my place. Ain't exactly a hotel or nothing."

"It was fine." Applejack reached back into one saddlebag and pulled out a box with her teeth, putting it on the desk. "I brought y'all a little thank you for bein' so hospitable. There's some assorted cupcakes for everyone, fresh today from Sugarcube Corner, and I've got the fixings for a salad and a vegetable crumble back at Thirty Thirty's place. With what you said about fresh food being imported, I figured you might appreciate some fresh picked, home cooked ingredients. I reckon on making it for this evening."

"That's right kindly of you, A.J, but first we've got to get you fixed up." Bravestarr said. "You're the first new full time deputy we've had since I came here, so we've got to do the datawork. The judge is a notary so she's here to make it all legal."

"New deputy?" the little guy asked in a worried tone.

"It's okay, little pard, this ain't any kind of replacement for you, any more than Long Arm John was. Applejack, meet Fuzz, my other deputy. He's prarie people, one of the locals here, and a dab hand at fixing or building any kind of technology. He was the one that fixed the defence grid. Helps out with patrols too, he's pretty good with a lasso. Fuzz, this is Applejack, the one who helped out J.B yesterday."

Applejack held a fore-hoof out and down to shake. "Pleased to meetcha. I hope we can be friends."

The little guy took her hoof with a grin. "Fuzz like new friends. Pleased to meet A.J. too. Glad you not here to take over from Fuzz."

Bravestarr spoke. "Lil pard, this is something I've been thinking on ever since the Mayor hired Long Arm John, and yesterday made me decide. A marshall and two deputies just ain't enough to cover New Texas properly and handle the office too. Sure, we've got folks like J.B. and Handlebar to help out, but they've got their own jobs, and expecting them to do more just ain't right. I was half thinking of calling Long Arm John back, but he's settled in well at Deep Plains.

"Look at yesterday, we were off the other side of the planet, you were rebuilding the defence grid and Handlebar was out of it. That left J.B to have to deal with Tex Hex, and if Applejack hadn't been there, things could have gone real bad real fast. I figure if Mayor Derringer squawks about the payroll, I can use him hiring Long Arm John to show we can afford it. Now Applejack comes from a world that's pre gal-tech level, so she'll need help understanding how to work all the things here. Will you help her out?"

Fuzz nodded eagerly. "Fuzz can do that. Fuzz good at that."

"Marshall, I was expecting to help A.J here." Thirty Thirty interjected.

"No reason you can't. I figure there's going to be enough to go around." Bravestarr motioned to a large seat by the desk. "Apple... A.J, sit yourself down a spell and we'll get you sorted. Doc Clayton gave me his files on you, so this shouldn't take long. He's already set things up with the judge so you're a citizen of New Texas."

Applejack shifted to biped form and sat down as Bravestarr pulled another of the book devices from the drawer under his desk, a flat mirror-like plate with bunch of buttons at the bottom. He started tapping buttons and images of various forms appeared on the blank surface. True to his word, it didn't take long for him to fill in the details.

"Right, now all we've got to do is swear you in and issue you your gear. Stand up, please, and hand me back your badge for a moment." She did, and took off her hat, holding it to her chest. He handed her the device, which now showed a short paragraph of text.

"You have any problems with the oath?" He suddenly frowned. "Can you read galactic standard?"

"If that's what all the writing is, then it appears so, though I don't rightly know how I'm readin' it." She read through the oath, it didn't seem to be a problem. She put the device back on his desk. "Looks fine to me."

"Then repeat after me. I, Applejack Jacqueline Apple...." "... do swear by that which I hold most dear..." "... and do take this oath without reservation or attempt of evasion..." "... to become a Deputy of the Galactic Marshall's Office of New Texas..." "... To uphold the principles of the Planetary Union..." "... To protect the innocent..." "... bring the guilty to justice..." "... and uphold the law."

She completed the last line, and Bravetarr smiled broadly and handed her back her badge, following up by shaking her by the hand. "Congratulations Deputy Applejack. it's now official."

"Man, that takes me back." Thirty Thirty said, taking his hand off his own badge.

"Not quite." J.B walked over to the desk and took up the device, putting a stamp of some sort into a recess on the casing and tapping a button. There was a bleep and the screen flashed green for a moment. "Now it's official."

Applejack was surprised about how the ceremony had moved her. It brought home to her that she was now a citizen of two worlds, both Equestria and New Texas, this wasn't just some one off adventure any more. All the others were clapping, and she blushed slightly, pulling down the brim of her hat to hide her face.

Bravestarr pulled some other objects from his desk and laid them out on it. "Okay, as an official deputy, you get the following equipment. One secure comm-link, pre-set to official frequency bands. One pair of electro-binoculars with thermo and infra-scan. A standard issue data slate, pre-loaded with the basics, Galactic Penal code, Encyclopedia Galactica, AV recording function and text/speech interface. Also a couple of other useful functions. Not fancy but it's rugged and does the job."

He pushed the gear over to her. "A type 23 neutralazer is also part if your kit, but I can't hand that over until you've tested out and proven you can handle it. Of course, you can always use your own weapons, I don't think Thirty thirty or Fuzz have ever used theirs."

Fuzz answered first. "Fuzz happy with lasso!"

Thirty Thirty reached over his shouler and the big weapon he'd been using yesterday appeared in his hands. "Don't need it, besides, it'll make Sara Jane here jealous."

Applejack nodded and patted the lasso at her belt. "I figure I'll stick to old Bessie here. I've always got Bucky McGillicudy and Kicks Macgee for back up if I need more of a hooves on approach."

She tapped her rear hooves on the floor in turn as she named them.

"I'm beginning to think I should come up with a pet name for my gavel." quipped J.B.

Bravestarr grinned at the byplay. "Likewise you have access to the Marshall's office vehicle pool, which I don't think you're going to get any use out of right away. Unless you know how to pilot a pusher prop aerodyne flier, or ride a turbomule."

"Not even sure how to spell it. The only vehicle licence I have is a commercial haulers licence, for carts up to fifty ponyweights."

Thirty Thirty snorted. "Mmmph! Around here we let the turbo-mules do the hauling. Though you're saying that little version of you we saw can pull fifty times your own weight?"

"Nope, that's the cargo load. Add another ten for a cart big enough to carry that much."

"Woohee! Maybe Bravestarr here should be calling on Strength of the Pony when he does his spirit animal thing."

That got a chuckle from most of the room, apart from Applejack, who decided to ask about it later.

Bravestarr spoke up as they quieted down. "With Applejack sworn in, let's go through our workload today. First, we've got to keep a close eye on the dingoes we have in the cells. I've sent a comm message to the sector HQ for a prison barge to take them to trial, but it's going to take a couple of days to get here. Faster than waiting for the next freighter though.

"Tex Hex shouldn't poke his mustachioed mug out of the Hexagon for a couple of days at least after the beating J.B and A.J gave him, so we should have some down time. Fuzz and I will stay here. We'll watch the dingoes and the scanners for any trouble. Big pard, you'll take A.J and patrol Fort Kerium. Show her around town and introduce her to folks. While you're out you can take her to Ironarm's Repair Station. I know Doc Clayton's given her a clean bill of health, but he can double check her cybernetics are operating correctly. After all, that's a brand new set of gear she's got."

"So this Ironarm fixes stuff like my legs?" Applejack asked.

"Yep, he's the best cyber-tech on New Texas, and he fixed up Thirty Thirty's leg good as new when it got busted."

"Better than new." Thirty Thirty admitted grudgingly. "Don't mean I enjoy being strapped into that Rigelian Torture Frame he calls a patient's chair."

"Well, as long as he can sell me a can of oil and some metal polish, or whatever I need to keep these babies trotting, I'll be fine." Applejack said, then looked worried. "But I don't have any bits yet. How do I pay him?"

"Credits are the standard galactic currency. You'll have your first two weeks pay in an account at the bank by the end of the day." Bravestarr replied. "I'll give you the details. But you're okay for Ironarm's, and Doc Clayton's, the Marshall's Office will pick up the tab. Free medical is part of the job package."

"That's good to know." Applejack said wryly. "Let's hope that's one perk I don't need to use any time soon."

Bravestarr nodded then continued. "When you get back big pard, you and Fuzz can show A.J how to use her comm-link and gear."

"You got it, Marshal!" Thirty Thirty exclaimed.

Applejack spoke up. "I guess I also need to find a place to stay more permanent-like. While I'm mighty grateful, it don't feel right, depriving you of your bed."

"I can ask my father, or you could if you see him first." J.B replied. "He runs the local newspaper. If anyone's advertising a place to rent, they'll probably put in an ad."

"That's mighty decent of ya!" Applejack gave her a grateful smile.

"It's the least I can do after yesterday."

"Okay, everybody knows what they're doing?" Bravestarr looked around at the group. "Then let's get to it."


Thirty Thirty led Applejack around the 'square' at the heart of Fort Kerium, both of them remaining in biped form. Unfortunately, the bartender and owner of the local saloon, the oft-mentioned Handlebar, was still on the sick list, though Applejack had a chance to meet the robot bartender, Mix-up, who was substituting for him. Thirty Thirty introduced her to a drink by the name of sweetwater, a non-alcoholic but mildly euphoric beverage that was the biggest seller.

When they reached the offices of the New Texas Star, Angus McBride, J.B's father, was there to welcome them. He was a older male human with grey hair and a matching moustache, who rode around in a hover-chair. He moved out into the front office to meet them, pushing back the green visor that sat on his forehead.

"So you'd be Applejack, the new deputy my daughter was telling me about?" His voice had a burr from the Highlands of the Griffish Isles. "I'm Angus McBride. I can'ne thank ya enough for your helping her out."

"Shucks, it weren't nothing." Applejack blushed, grinding a hoof into the floor. "I just figured J.B needed some-pony to back her up."

"Well I hope you'll let me interview you for the paper, both about beating Tex Hex and where you come from. I understand there's some mystery? Thirty Thirty over there won't tell me anything about where he comes from or Equestroids in general."

"And it's stayin' that way." Thirty Thirty exclaimed with a snort.

Applejack shook her head. "Ain't no mystery, I come from a land called Equestria, but I'm guessing it ain't where Thirty Thirty comes from. I was a hankering for some adventure and a good friend used magic to send me here, and fit me out with a new body. I shuttle back and forth between it and my original body, when I'm asleep there, I'm awake here and vice versa. I'm a pony there too, but we don't have any fancy spaceships or cybernetics; steam engines, airships and electric lighting is where we're at."

Angus had touched a control on a panel at the front of his hover chair when she'd started speaking. "Ye dinna mind if I record? Any idea where it is in relation to New Texas?"

"Nope, go right ahead. According to Shaman and Twilight Sparkle, she's a unicorn friend of mine and a magic researcher, they ain't even in the same dimension."

McBride's eyebrows rose. "That sounds like a bonny story that'll need more than a five minute interview. I'm guessing you need to get on with your rounds, but one more question. How do you like New Texas so far?"

"Well the folks around here are friendly, and there's certainly been plenty of adventure. I'm lookin' forward to findin' out more... Say, while I'm here, you wouldn't happen to know if there are any places for rent or such? Thirty Thirty let me use his home last night, but I need to find a place of my own. J.B said y'all might have some adverts and such."

The newspaperman scratched his chin. "I dinna remember any in the latest edition, but I'll check. Come back later, say around 4 o' clock? We can do the full interview then, get some pictures, and I can let you know about any places going free."

"Ah reckon I will. Thanks Mr McBride!"

"Och, you're welcome lass."

Outside, all three suns were well up, and the temperature was too, but Applejack barely noticed it. She'd just made another friend, and she felt she was getting used to the strange sights and sounds around her. Folks here seemed to be just as friendly as an Appleoosan, as both she and Thirty Thirty exchanged greetings with them as they walked.

The mayor's office was next, another two story building like the newspaper office. Thirty Thirty stopped outside, looking up with a sour expression. "Well, I figure we'd better introduce you to the Mayor, and get it over with."

"You don't sound to happy about that." Applejack prodded, getting a negative vibe from her new partner.

"Yeah... It ain't like he's a bad man, he's just kinda... he get's all bent out of shape over anything out of the ordinary. Around here, that means most of the time. However, since he leaves dealing with it up to the Marshall, I guess it works out."

"You reckon he's going to get mad that I was hired?"

"Maybe. Still, he ain't going to be any happier if we leave him out, so I guess we better, go say howdy."

They had to cool their hooves for a quarter of an hour in the front office, but soon after the robo-secretary sent them through to the mayor's office on the top floor. Mayor Derringer was well dressed, well fed and wore a natty bowler hat with a band of gold circuitry around it. He got up from his seat and came round to meet them, holding out his hand.

"So, you're the young lady who helped Judge McBride see off Tex Hex and his gang yesterday? I'm Mayor Derringer, and it's a pleasure to meet such a public spirited person. Let me officially welcome you to New Texas."

"Well, that's right neighbourly of you, yer honour. I'm Applejack, but my friends call me A.J. I'm just glad I could help out." She shook hands and he retreated back behind his desk.

"So, are you staying here in Fort Kerium?"

"I reckon so, Marshall Bravestarr figured y'all could use another deputy, so he offered me the job."

The genial expression vanished off the Mayor's face, replaced with shock. "He did? Without consulting me? This is most irregular."

"Hmmph! Marshall Bravestarr knows what he's doing." Thirty Thirty snorted.

"That's as may be, but the town pays for it. He might be assigned by the Galactic Marshall's Office, but Fort Kerium pays for the additional staff and equipment."

"You hired Long Arm John without the Marshall's say so."

"For a posse, not as a permanent employee!"

Applejack decided to see if she could pour some oil on troubled waters. She kicked Thirty Thirty's fetlock, getting a clang in response. "Mayor Derringer, I don't know about any of this, but I do know that if you're like the mayor back in my hometown, Mayor Mare, you have the welfare of this town and the folks in it at heart, that right?"

"Well, yes, of course." The Mayor was somewhat molified.

"And from what I hear, you trust Marshall Bravestarr with protecting them. Has he done a good job so far?"

"Yes, he has."

"He's the one who decided that to properly do the job of protecting the people of Fort Kerium and New Texas, he needed another deputy. He decided I could do the job, and I don't intend to prove him a liar. In fact, he said himself that your hiring of this Long Arm John fella is what inspired him to think about it. He's just following your lead."

The Mayor preened. "Well, yes, I suppose that makes sense. I'm sure we'll find room in the budget somewhere. After all, Fort Kerium is a prosperous town, and it's the fact that we feel safe here that allows it to prosper. You know I think I'll put that in my next speech."

"I was right, you are a lot like Mayor Mare, and that's a high complement."

They left on a wave of good feeling and an invite to come back anytime if Applejack needed help settling in.

It wasn't until they'd left the office and were well out of earshot that a mildly stunned Thirty Thirty turned to Applejack and said. "I seen it but I don't believe it! How'd you do that? I expected him to blow higher than a geyser in the badlands!"

"Didn't say nothing but the plain honest truth." Applejack grinned. "I just figured he needed to hear that he's doing a good job. He does do a good job, right?"

Thirty Thirty shrugged.

"I do most of the paperwork for Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac does the money side of things. It means I do quite a piece of business with Mayor Mare, and letting her know that her efforts are appreciated never hurts."

"I guess that makes sense." Thirty Thirty admitted. "I never thought of it that way."

They continued on their rounds, heading out of the central square and fetching up an angular metal building with a metal awning over an entrance that looked large enough to drive a carriage through. A metal sign over it spelled out 'Ironarm's Repair Station' in gold letters. The interior was a maze of bays and alcoves, a Tatooine junk dealer aesthetic tying the whole place together, filled with various robots and pieces of machinery in various states of repair. A large humanoid was neck deep in an access panel of one of them, occasionally reaching out to grasp tools from a battered toolbox.

"Huh! These power relays should have been replaced years ago... maybe I can jigger something from the parts in that synthematic I got in last week..."

"Ironarm! Got someone I want you to meet." The response to Thirty Thirthy's hail was a thump and a muffled exclamation that sounded like a curse, even if Applejack couldn't tell what it was. Ironarm extracted himself from the machine and stood up, turning to look at them. He was green and bulky, with an almost diamond dog-like face. He wore a worn waistcoat and pants, and a red bandanna round his neck. His right arm was a cybernetic limb that presumably gave him his name.

"Thirty Thirty! And this must be the new Equestroid everyone's been talking about."

"I guess so, Mister Ironarm. The name's Applejack, but you can call me A.J." She offered her right hand and recieved a hearty handshake. If she'd come straight here from Equestria, she's have been somewhat leary of him, as he looked a lot like the stories described the trolls of the Macintosh Mountains, but she'd seen sufficiently varied types of people on her walk about that his appearance barely registered.

"You can just call me Ironarm, everyone does." He grinned, showing a pair of upwards facing fangs. "I'm guessing you're here for a checkup."

"That's what they tell me." She replied.

Ironarm gestured to a medical looking chair, which had separate supports for arms and legs. "Take a seat."

Applejack got into the seat with some slight trepidation, mindful of her examination ysterday. Thirty Thirty leaned up against the wall. He asked, "So how long's this checkup going to take? Last time you had me in that chair, it took forever."

"That's because you don't come in for regular maintenance." Ironarm chided. "Huh! One of the toughest hombres on the planet, and he makes a big fuss over getting his hardware checked. One time he busted a knee-joint, and it's pure luck he hasn't damaged anything else, the scrapes he gets into."

"Mmmppph! I get by just fine, I don't need babying!"

While Ironarm was chatting, he hauled over several freestanding boxes that looked like gadgets from Twilight's lab. He used a similar tool to the one Doc Clayton had used to open up panels in her arms and legs and attached clips with wires leading into the gadgets to various places inside. Applejack felt jolts and twinges that were mildly uncomfortable, but said nothing. Ironarm started examining the readouts appearing on the display panels.

"Well, I can tell you right off, your hardware is practically factory new, like it was just built yesterday. High end cyberware too, the sort you see from the core systems. Your limbs all check out fine, power train, some seriously powerful actuators, backup accumulators, even the hoof thrusters. Keep them maintained and they'll last you a lifetime. Let's see what your internal systems are like."

One of the devices had a big translucent green plate on a metal arm, which he manoeuvred to sweep over her head and body. He looked at the outlines that appeared on the plate, along with lines and waterfalls of script.

"Yeah, this all checks out too. Your entire skeleton has duralloy reinforcement, and the limbs aren't just add-ons, they integrate right into it, just like Thirty Thirty's. Hardwired optronic neural overlay for the nervous system too, and a bunch of organ and digestive system nano-implants. It's a sweet system, you could survive just about anywhere for weeks using your body's recycling functions, even function in space for a short time."

He examined some more readouts on his device, and Applejack chuckled to herself at how she imagined Twilight would act in this situation.

"There's even a couple of gigaquads of multiprocessor memory hooked directly into your nervous system. Looks like it's mainly there for housekeeping and running your transformation program, also a pretty comprehensive translator program, but it looks like you should be able to consciously access the free storage space. That's something Thirty Thirty doesn't have, or rather the space is used for the additional control programs that allow him manipulate that dimensional pocket he stores that big gun of his in."

Applejack's expression showed her puzzlement. "I don't quite get what this 'multi-processor memory' is. I guess if it's a memory it can help you remember things, but ain't that what your regular brain does anyway?"

"Huh! You really don't know?" Now it was Ironarm who looked puzzled.

Thirty Thirty added his two bits. "She isn't a natural born Equestroid. Her hardware looks like it was created yesterday because it probably was. She's from another race of ponies, on another world, and a friend of hers used some hocus pocus to create a body that would fit in here. Her folks don't have computers, I reckon."

"Don't that beat all." Ironarm stood back and examined her. "Well, the main difference is you won't forget anything you store there. It's like having a data slate in your head. You still need to read something to understand it, but you could just glance at a page and store it, then recall it for reading later. You can recall it instantly too."

"That does sound mighty useful." Appejack said. "So, just how much stuff are we talking about, how many books?"

"You mean like antique paper and ink books? A couple of thousand. You should be able to do the same thing with sounds and sights too."

"Whooee! I got to try that out." She pulled the data slate from her saddle bags, and examined it. Thirty Thirty stepped forward and showed her how to turn it on and access the stored books. With coaching from Ironarm, she quickly skimmed the first hundred pages of the Galactic Penal code while willing herself to remember it. She found she could recall chapter and verse verbatim, though she didn't know what she had until she recalled it.

"Thanks a whole heap!" Applejack said to Ironarm as he sealed up her access panels. "For the checkup and everything. I just wondered, this memory thing is so useful, why doesn't everyone have it?"

"Some people do back in the core worlds, but out here... neural interfacing at that sort of level is way beyond my skill level, and practically anyone else out on the Frontier. Doc Clayton might be able to fix it, but I don't think even he'd risk trying to install some. Fortunately, it's like the rest of your cyberware, it's built well enough that it should never need fixing."

Ironarm unhooked the test machines and sealed her access panels back up. As she got up, Applejack remembered something from first thing that morning. "Oh yeah, do I need to do anything daily to maintain my legs? Rub 'em over with metal polish or oil them?"

"The bearings are self lubricating, but polishing your legs can't hurt. It'll prevent sand buildup in the joints." Ironarm rummaged around on a shelf unit and pulled out a metal can. "Here you go, I'll add it to the cost of the checkup. Wouldn't want New Texas's newest deputy to be unable to chase crooks because her joints were worn."

"Thank you kindly, again." Applejack put the tin away in her saddlebags and she and Thirty Thirty left. They circled the town and even went up in the cargo elevator to the top of the mesa where the starship dock jutted out over the town, providing a fantastic view. Thirty Thirty stepped up again, and showed her how to use the use the functions on her electro-binoculars to scan the town, and the dataslate's built in camera to record it.

Applejack looked in amazement at the playback. "Seems mighty strange that this little thing is a movie camera and a projection sceen too. I've seen pictures of the things they use in Applewood, great big things with huge reels of film. How much space does it have? I don't want to mess up the books on there already."

"It's a cheap one, so probably a teraquad. A hundred hours of video, maybe ten thousand of audio, music and stuff." He grinned. "So I don't figure on you filling it up any time soon. New stuff comes in on the freighters, I'll show you how to load stuff on it, when we get back to the Marshall's office."

Heading back into the town centre, they heard raised voices. Quickly moving towards the sound, they found a canvas covered hovercart with a dray turbomule attached, and a pair of slender, greenskinned humanoids in dusty prospecting gear who were in the middle of a blazing row.

"Hey now!" Thirty Thirty exclaimed. "What's all the ruckus? You're blocking traffic with that thing, and disturbing the peace!"

"He's a thief!" "He's a crook!" "He's trying to steal my rightful share!" "Your rightful share? I deserve it more!"

"Hold up!" Thirty Thirty yelled, showing his badge. "Let's get this cart parked up and you can explain, one at a time."

He got the story out of them bit by bit, and Applejack stood back and watched how he did it. The two of them were brothers, Fitz and Zip, who'd been out working a claim the two of them had prospected together. They were bringing in their first haul of Kerium to the bank to be assayed, and that was the problem. Zip showed the two Equestroids inside the back of the cart, where there were two piles of Kerium crystals and one huge prism of Kerium that looked like it weighed more than both piles put together.

"That's what we were arguing over." Fitz said heatedly. "I was the one that put up most of the money to get us to New Texas and grub staked our operation. I mortgaged just about everything I had. Therefore I should get the big crystal."

"Huh!" Zip replied. "I'm the one who studied mining and geology back on our homeworld. I worked mines for years getting experience. Without me, he'd never have found anything, or been able to mine it if he had. I'm owed that big chunk of Kerium."

"Didn't you agree any kind of split before you started mining?" Thirty Thirty asked.

"Fifty fifty split." Fitz admitted. "But that was before we came across that crystal."

"I figure there's an easy way to settle that." Thirty Thirty said, picking up the big crystal in both hands. He was conscious of Applejack watching him intently and wanted to make sure she saw how he could handle a situation like this.

He stepped up to put one leg up inside the bed of the cart, and broke the huge crystal across his knee into two equal pieces, then put one on each pile. "There y'are, a fifty fifty spilt."

Both the prospectors were looking at him in blank shock. Fitz spoke first. "I... I can't believe you did that!"

"Relax, it's not like I hurt it's value none. The Assay office at the bank don't care how many pieces it's in, just the weight and purity."

He sniffed, then tasted his palm and the granules sticking to it. "I figure you both got enough high-grade there to set you up for several years. Now move along."

Molified, the two prospectors got on their cart and drove it off. Thirty Thirty turned to Applejack. "You see, our job ain't just about fighting Tex Hex and his gang, sometimes it's just sorting out a problem with regular folks, helping to solve their problems."

He felt pleased with himself. It wasn't often he got to deal with something on his own, and it felt good to be teaching Applejack the job.

"I get that." Applejack said, nodding her head. "I was just wondering, what happens at the bank?"

"They assay the Kerium, like I said, and the bank buys it at a fixed rate, not quite what you'd get shipping it out on your own, but certainly a lot safer and easier."

"Pays out in those credits, right?" Applejack scratched the back of her head with a hand.

"That's right." Thirty Thirty started walking towards the town centre again.

"So, wouldn't it have made just as much sense for them to take the Kerium to the bank, get it assayed all at once, and just split the credits?"

"I guess..." Thirty Thirty stopped and gave a groan. "Yeah, I could just have told them to do that."

Applejack didn't have to be Fluttershy to get that he felt embarrassed. She quickly added. "Of course your way worked just as well. Plus it made sure they paid attention."

That clearly made him feel a little better, but he asked, "Why didn't you say something?"

"I figure you know more about this place than I do. If we was on the farm I'd be telling you what to do, but I'm the rookie here, so I aim to learn, which means keeping my mouth shut and my ears and eyes open."

"Mmmmph! That sounds like a plan. C'mon, it's almost 4pm. Time to head back to the newspaper office."

Back at the office, Angus sat her down and got a proper interview with her on the fight with the dingo gang yesterday, on Equestria and how she ended up on New Texas. Thirty Thirty was there too, listening intently to the interview as it unfolded. Applejack even pulled out the thaumometer from her hip/saddle bags to show the newspaper editor a genuine Equestian piece of technology.

At the end he said, "On some planets you might have a hard time getting people to believe this story, but after some of the things we're seen here on New Texas, alternate dimensions sound pretty tame by comparison."

Applejack nodded. "I get ya, I'd have said the same thing, and my world's full of hocus pocus. So what's the word on a place to stay?"

McBride shook his head. "Sorry, lass, but there haven'e been any ads posted. Places are booked up every time a freighter comes in, carrying a whole mess o' new folk hopin' to make their fortune. However, I may have a solution. My daughter and I both live here, and we have several empty store rooms. I'm sure if you talked to Fuzz, he and some of his people could built you some furniture to outfit one."

"You'd do that, for me?" Applejack looked both shocked and gratified in equal measure. "But you only just met me today! I'm mighty grateful, but I don't want to take advantage of you."

"Dinna fash ye'self lass. I said I wanted to thank you for saving my daughter, and you need a place. If you want, you can pay rent, but it's yours either way."

"Oh, I'm paying rent alright, and I'll make sure to bring some home-cooked apple pie for you and your daughter tomorrow."

Applejack thought about inviting him to join them for dinner tonight, but the quantities she'd brought over from Equestria, while more than sufficient for a family of ponies, was barely going to stretch to two hungry Equestroids and two humans, plus a prarie person. She decided first thing in the morning she'd ask Twilight or Rarity if they could magic her saddlebags to hold more stuff.

Thirty Thirty stirred. "Well, I guess it's good you've found a place, but we've got to get a move on. I'll check in with the Marshall while we take one last looksee around town. I figure we can circle the edge of town before the suns go down."

The rest of the day was uneventful; the perimiter patrol showed everything was in place, and according to the brief conversation Thirty Thirty had with Bravestar over his comm, everything had stayed quiet back at the office. At the end of it, Applejack went back to Thirty Thirty's place and prepared the salad and vegetable crumble. The screwy oven cooked the crumble far faster than the regular one at Sweet Apple Acres, but the top refused to brown. She eventually managed it by going quadruped, and tweaking one of her forehoof jump thrusters to low power to act as a blow torch.

The effort was worth it though. Showing up at the Marshall's Office with the ready-made food in her saddlebags proved popular, as did the food itself, especially the salad. The office had extra synthetic plates and cutlery for serving prisoners food, so setting up a meal in the front office wasn't too hard.

"Mmmpph! You sure do know how to cook." Thirty Thirty had gone through his helping of crumble and salad in short order, and was now scraping up what was left with a spork. "I ain't never had anything like this crumb thing, and the few times I've had salad, it's been kind of bland."

J.B, who had been there to help process the prisoner's records for the transport, had eaten her food at a more sedate place, savouring each bite. "Probably because even the 'fresh' produce from Missouri Prime has been sitting in a cryo container on a starship for a couple of weeks. This tastes like it was freshly picked this morning, and from a top quality nature farm, not hydroponics, back on Old Earth. Even when I was a student there, getting my law degree I only ate this well a few times, this sort of quality comes at a premium price. It's delicious."

Applejack blushed. "Shucks, it's nothing special. It's from our kitchen garden at Sweet Apple Acres. I figured from what you said about importing food that y'all might like a taste of good old Equestrian home cooking. It's a thank you for being so hospitable."

"Fuzz like it! Nothing like this grow here." The little fuzzball had been uncertain of the fresh greens at first, but quickly warmed up to them.

"I figure it goes both ways." Bravestarr added. "We're sure glad you're here to help, A.J."

The rest of the meal passed quietly, except for the occasional whines from the dingos back in the cells, complaining that they didn't get any of the delicious food they could smell. Applejack told the others about Angus McBride's offer, and arranged with Fuzz for some Prarie people to build her some furniture and fittings to outfit the new room, in return for another load of vegetables. After dinner, as promised, Fuzz ran her through how to use the rest of the new equipment she'd been given.

Eventually, Thirty Thirty escorted her back to his house, both of them in quadruped mode, as Thirty Thirty had followed Applejack's lead when she shifted into four foot drive outside the office. At the door, Applejack turned to him, lit in several overlapping shades by the rising moons.

"I particularly wanted to say a special thanks to you, letting me sleep here until my new room's fixed up, not to mention showing me around."

The big Equestroid looked almost embarrassed. "It's okay, I spend the night on a cot at the Marshall's office often enough that it ain't no big thing."

"Still, I want you to know I appreciate it." She leaned forward, bringing up a foreleg to hug him and nuzzled the side of his cheek. She moved back and shifted up to biped to use the door lock. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah... tomorrow." As she stepped inside, Thirty Thirty was still standing there, a dazed expression on his face. When he finally came to his senses, and started to walk back to the Marshall's Office, a massive grin spread over his face as he brought a hoof up to where Applejack had nuzzled him. Then he gave a whoop and cantered the rest of the way.

Author's Note:

I know this isn't a rip roaring adventure to make my return to this fic, but I need to get Applejack settled in before we can start throwing canon episodes at her, or the overarcing plot at Thirty Thirty.

Also... I'm actually writing again! At last!