• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 6,730 Views, 42 Comments

Uninvited Guests - Inky Shades

Sunset Shimmer is awakened in the middle of the night by the sounds of furious knocking coming from the front of her home. When she investigates, she's surprised by the source of this disturbance.

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Uninvited Guests


Inky Shades

The night was quiet, peaceful. Sunset's chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. Crickets sang their song right outside her window. The sweet melody drifting into her room lulled her further to sleep. She pulled the covers closer to her body. Her lips formed into a content smile. There wasn't a better way she could think of ending the day of the Battle of the Bands.

Then she heard a knock. It was a faint sound so she paid it no mind. Perhaps it was just a raccoon that decided to scamper around in the front yard. Another knock, louder than the previous one. A second raccoon? Were they fighting? Did raccoons fight? She didn't know. But again, it didn't matter.

She drifted back to sleep. More knocking, loud, furious. Whatever was making that noise wasn't a raccoon. Her eyes shot open and she sat up in bed, stretching out her arms. She leaned forward, listening to the sounds that disturbed her slumber.

Yup, definitely knocking, and from the sound of it, it was coming from the front of her house. Someone was at the front door. She glanced at her clock. “It's three in the morning.” She yawned. “Who on earth could be at the door?”

Sunset uncovered herself and slid her feet into her slippers. As she turned the knob, her bedroom door creaked open. Inwardly, she winced. Way to be quiet, she thought. Just what she needed right now, her parents to wake up because her door refused to be opened in silence.

Though, as she made her way downstairs, she heard no activity from her parents' room apart from the snores of her father. Relief coursed through her veins, but that feeling was soon replaced by annoyance. Annoyance that she even found herself up at this unearthly hour, wandering across her living room, heading towards the door.

Perhaps it wasn't the brightest idea. Open the front door in the middle of the night because you heard someone knocking. This should be the one time you shouldn't open your door. The situation Sunset found herself in reminded her of something out of a horror movie, but her sleep deprived mind didn't care.

“Whoever is at the door better have a good reason for being here,” she muttered. The knocking continued up until she opened the door. “Alright, you can stop, now. You're going to wake my”—Sunset's jaw dropped at the three girls standing on her porch—“parents,” she said. Her eyes narrowed at the Dazzlings. “What are you guys doing here?”

“It sure took you long enough to answer the door,” Aria said dryly, crossing her arms.

“Well it's not like I expected visitors. It's the middle of the night and—wait, I don't ha—” Sunset was cut off when Sonata embraced her.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, you heard me!” Sonata said, squeezing her tighter.

How could I not? Sunset thought, struggling out of Sonata's grip. “You just about woke up my parents.” An over-exaggeration, sure. It would take the house being on fire before they'd wake up, but she didn't care. The Dazzlings were here uninvited, in the middle of the night.

“Do you mind if we come in?” Aria asked, walking past Sunset.

“Whoa, hold up!” Sunset placed her hand against Aria's chest, stopping her. “Yes, I mind. Why are you three here? If it's about the battle, you lost fair and square. I don't want trouble.” Her eyes fell upon Adagio, but the leader of the Dazzlings said nothing in return. Strange, she thought she'd at least receive a snide remark. Something was wrong.

Sonata got uncomfortably close to Sunset's face and said, “I'm so sorry we woke you up, but can we please come in?” If Sunset didn't know any better then she'd say Sonata was pleading with her. “Please! It's dark and cold and.... and something touched my leg earlier!” Sonata's eyes glistened like she was on the verge of tears.

How could she say no to that? Something was off about Sonata, a certain desperation that wormed its way into her words, but it wasn't just her. Both Adagio and Aria seemed off, too. She still didn't know what was going on, but she did know one thing: she couldn't turn them away. “Fine.” She relented. “Just don't make too much noise.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Sonata hugged Sunset again. “Come on, Aria,” she said, taking Aria's hand.

“Yeah, Thanks,” Aria muttered.

“Are you coming too, Adagio?” Sonata frowned when she didn't get a response. With a shrug, she went inside with Aria.

Crossing her arms, Sunset peered at the star covered sky. This night was crazy. Maybe it was all a dream. Wouldn't that be great? She inhaled the chilled air. Answers. She needed answers. Exhaling, she saw that Adagio had moved away from the porch.

“Alright,” Sunset said to herself, walking towards Adagio.

She felt Adagio tense when she placed her hand on her shoulder. “I didn't mean to startle you,” Sunset said.

Adagio turned on her, eyes narrowed. “Please, you think a loser like you could startle me?” She flicked her wrist. “Don't make me laugh!”

“So you can still speak.” Sunset could feel her blood simmer. “I'm just trying to be nice. You're the one who came to my house in—”

“You call this a house? It's very plain. Kind of like you.”

Sunset clinched her hand. No, relax. “Why are you here, Adagio?”

Adagio crossed her arms. Sunset didn't know if it was because she was annoyed or because it was cold out. Maybe both? “Well, it wasn't to see you in your ridiculous outfit. Seriously, what are you five? Who wears pajamas like that?”

Sunset took a deep breath. If she didn't then she was certain she'd end up slapping Adagio. “Answer the question.” Adagio turning her back to her was the last straw. “Fine. Don't answer me! Stay out here. I don't care. I'm going back to bed!”

“We have nowhere else to go.” Adagio's voice was quiet.

It took a minute for the words to sink into Sunset's mind. “What?” She stopped and walked back towards Adagio. “What do you mean you have nowhere else?”

“Are you stupid? It means you're it. The end of the line. There's no one else.”

“Bu... but don't you guys have a home?” Adagio's words still weren't completely registering with her. They had to live somewhere, right?

“Not since we lost our voices and could no longer influence who we were staying with.”

“Oh, well I'm sure you could've stayed at someone else's house for the night.”

“No. We couldn't have.” Adagio's voice was definitive.

That couldn't be true, could it? “What about Trixie?” Sunset asked.

“That talentless hack was the first person we went to. She gave us a reason as half-baked as her 'spells' as to why we couldn't stay with her. And before you ask, yes. We tried others. Well, Sonata did. However, they weren't as 'considerate' as Trixie was. Most didn't bother answering their door,” Adagio said. “Or lie when they actually did.”

“That's... that's terrible,” Sunset said. Though, it didn't surprise her to hear. She could relate to their situation. It pained her to know that she could. Right after the Fall Formal, it wasn't like anyone had clamored to be her friend or help her either.

“Did you expect to hear anything else?” Adagio asked. “In case you hadn't noticed, we aren't exactly popular right now.”

“What about Fluttershy? Pinkie Pie? Any of the other girls? I'm sure one of them would've let you guys crash for a night.”

“Why do you care so much?” Adagio snapped. “After what we did to you, too. You should hate us as much as they do. Perhaps more.”

She should. She really should, but she couldn't. It was like she'd just peered into a mirror of herself before the Fall Formal, and it hurt. They were her and she was them. The difference being she got a second chance because of Twilight and her friends. Could Adagio... could they want a second chance too? Did they even know if they did? Were they here so that she could offer them that chance?

Sunset's vision blurred. “Did you... did you want to come inside now? It's freezing out here.”

“Why do you care?” Adagio emphasized each word.

“No reason,” Sunset said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “You just remind me of me.”

“Okay, fine. If it means I don't have to listen to you be such a sap anymore then I'll go.”

As Sunset walked Adagio to the door, she caught a glimpse of Sonata watching them from the curtains. “I think we have an audience.”

Adagio looked at Sonata who retreated from the window. “Idiot,” she muttered, rolling her eyes.

Before they went inside, Adagio stopped and turned to Sunset. “So, I guess, thanks for letting us crash here.”

Sunset nodded. “Sure.” She closed the door behind them.

To her surprise, Adagio's words sounded genuine. Then Adagio's face contorted like she was about to be sick. “That sounded wrong. This is a nightmare.” Still, Sunset thought there was at least a little truth to Adagio's thanks, and that was good enough for her.

“Hey, Adagio, we saved you a seat!” Sonata patted the center cushion of the couch.

“Quiet please,” Sunset said.

Sonata grinned sheepishly.

Adagio glanced around the room before collapsing on the couch. “Your house is just as boring inside as it is out.”

“I'm going to see if I can find you guys some blankets,” Sunset said.

“Okay!” Sonata said contentedly.

“Whatever.” Aria crossed her arms.

Adagio yawned into her hand.

As Sunset went to find a blanket in the hall closet, she overheard Sonata ask Adagio what they talked about outside. If Adagio replied then she didn't hear it. When she opened the closet door, she was relieved to find a folded blanket on the third shelf. Hopefully they didn't mind sharing.

However, she never got a chance to ask. When she returned to the living room, Sonata had curled up, treating Adagio's lap like a pillow. While Aria had leaned into Adagio, using her shoulder as a head rest. Adagio didn't appear to mind any of this, having reclined against the back of the couch. Sunset noticed that Adagio had a hand on each girls' shoulder. The gesture implied a sweetness she didn't know Adagio had. Perhaps she read too much into it, but it made her smile regardless.

Not wanting to disturb the scene before her by accidentally waking them up, Sunset draped the blanket over the arm of the couch. As an alternative, she went to the thermostat and raised the temperature a few degrees, yawning as she pressed the button. This would be sufficient right? She hoped so.

Another yawn escaped her lips as she trudged up the stairs. Closing her bedroom door, she collapsed face first onto her bed. As she felt sleep take hold of her, a final thought entered her mind. How would she explain the presence of the Dazzlings in their home to her parents? She had no idea. That would be a question she'd leave for the morning.

Comments ( 42 )

No explanation on the parents, nothing about what happens next? Story has potential, but...this needs to be more than a one-shot.

5750405 I agree.

Granted the story is starting to get interesting.


I-I think thats a cliffhanger...:rainbowderp:

Must be!....:pinkiesmile:


GIVE US WHAT WE WANT!!!!!!:flutterrage:

Parents? Adopted? That part just got me confused. (Did Celestia adopt her?)

Overall, I like the story. It's short, sweet, and perfectly in character. Aria is arrogantly indifferent, Sonata is sweet and oblivious, and Adagio is cruel but pragmatic. Even Sunset, suspicious but sympathetic feels so right. (I swear Sunset and Adagio are almost identical)

I hope we get more. I'm genuinely curious to see who Sunset's living with, and how having three homeless girls crashing on the couch will affect things. Also maybe more big sister Adagio? :)

I further calls for a follow-up to this.

Thank you both for commenting. About Sunset's parents. While I feel that her parents were important enough to mention in the fic, they were not critical to the story I wanted to tell. Besides, they didn't wake up anyway. If I were to write a sequel then they would probably have a larger roll in the story. As for what happens next... that's to be determined. Maybe. Anyway, thanks for the honesty!


A sequel, eh? Maybe.

Thanks for reading!

Love this story! You do such a great job capturing the characters and what they would do in their given situation. Here's hoping for more :raritywink:


You nailed what I have planned for Sunset's parents. It's totally in my head that Sunset is adopted. It's probably not by Celestia, though. I'm glad to hear that you think that everyone is in character. As I was writing this story, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between Sunset and Adagio.

So you want a sequel too? Hmm. Rest assured, if I do write a sequel, there will be more of big sister/mom Adagio.

Thanks for commenting!


Thank you for reading. I'm quite pleased with my cover art. I think it captures what I wanted very well.


Indeed! Here's hoping. Thanks for reading!


What is your question?

I believe they are bringing up the point that due to being from another world, Sunset shouldn't have parents. At least not in the human world. So they might not have noticed your earlier comment about adoption and having a plan for who they are.

Was it only me wishing sunny had the English gangster accent and when she answered the door would ask "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU???"

aw come on there has to be more PLZ :fluttershysad:


There might be some more. We shall see. Thanks for reading!

Cute but why does Sunset from Equestria have parents in this world?


Maybe they got banished with her... thats all i got.

Oh so their Sunset's adopted parents. That makes sense because she is still just a teen a still needs a caregiver.

Other than that another chapter PLEASE? :fluttershysad:

5833038 Thank you for understanding!

Anyway, there might be more to this story. We shall see.

Please make more.


There may be some more. Just what happens in the morning, I wonder? We shall see. Eventually. Probably.

Thanks for reading!

This honestly feels pretty lacking as a one-shot. As a first chapter in a longer story? Well, then we're getting somewhere. But for now, it just feels incomplete.


You're not wrong. While I told the story I wanted to tell with Uninvited Guests, there is more to the story. As it is, it's an open-ended one-shot.

Thanks for the honesty!

Cute story; you really should consider adding more.

It's definitely under consideration!

Thanks for reading!

I enjoyed reading this, it's a nice sweet little story, and I always love some big sister Adagio moments.

Her parents must be really heavy sleepers if they didn't wake up to the loud knocking, and all the talking haha. I'm sure Sunset has taken advantage of that plenty of times.

To be honest I do agree with a lot of the other comments, It just doesn't feel like a one shot, it doesn't have that closure that you often see. It's really open ended, much more so than normal open ended endings, you have so many questions and potential plot lines here that it looks more like the first chapter of a multi-chapter story. I'd love to see more, I think you could make a really good story here, but I also don't want to push you into making a sequel if you don't want to. For now I'll give It a fave, and I do hope you continue, but if not thanks for the story.


I'm glad you enjoyed the story! Big sister Adagio is great, isn't she?

Sunset's parents are really heavy sleepers. I think your right. Sunset definitely has taken advantage of this. Hmm... could be another story idea.

The comments are not wrong, there is more to this story. However, this one-shot covered exactly what I wanted to cover. Anything else would have to be covered in a sequel, I'd just have to think of everything first. Though, I do have a few ideas. We'll just have to see. The story is rather open ended, but this is for a couple reasons. In case I wanted to write a sequel and because that's how I wanted to end the story.

I really appreciate your words. It makes me happy to hear that you want more and think it'd be a really great story with added content. I would be inclined to agree. Also thank you for not pushing me to write a sequel. While I definitely want to write one I have no idea when it would actually get written. It'd depend on if I had other stories to write or wanted to write, and more importantly, if I felt that I could make the sequel as good as the original.

I hope I find a satisfactory way to continue this story too. Anyway, thank you for reading and for taking the time to write a comment!

Oh yes, I've always liked stories where Adagio takes on that big sister/head of the house role. It's nice to see her caring for the others, and getting through hard times with the other sirens together.

Also glad I could give you a nice story idea :pinkiehappy:

Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Come on, we are all thinking it! :raritystarry:

6144821 I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the future holds for Uninvited Guests. There may be a thing or two for it at some point. Thanks for reading!

I'll read this later its 2:26am here bit honestly to read fics

that sounds like the perfect time to read this fic

How does Sunset have parents if she's from Equestia?

this story feels very incomplete how did sunset get parents in the human world what happens next ect

Hm. Characterizations are spot on. The writing is solid. That's a ten.

Though, as she made her way downstairs, she heard no activity from her parents' room apart from the snores of her father. Relief coursed through her veins, but that feeling was soon replaced by annoyance. Annoyance that she even found herself up at this unearthly hour, wandering across her living room, heading towards the door.

Huh, didn't expect to find out Sunset has parents in this one. Guess the human tag was obviously a huge sign.

How could she say no to that? Something was off about Sonata, a certain desperation that wormed its way into her words, but it wasn't just her. Both Adagio and Aria seemed off, too. She still didn't know what was going on, but she did know one thing: she couldn't turn them away. “Fine.” She relented. “Just don't make too much noise.”

Something must of happened that caused this.

“That talentless hack was the first person we went to. She gave us a reason as half-baked as her 'spells' as to why we couldn't stay with her. And before you ask, yes. We tried others. Well, Sonata did. However, they weren't as 'considerate' as Trixie was. Most didn't bother answering their door,” Adagio said. “Or lie when they actually did.”

Dang, but tbt they choose a bad time of the day to do it.

However, she never got a chance to ask. When she returned to the living room, Sonata had curled up, treating Adagio's lap like a pillow. While Aria had leaned into Adagio, using her shoulder as a head rest. Adagio didn't appear to mind any of this, having reclined against the back of the couch. Sunset noticed that Adagio had a hand on each girls' shoulder. The gesture implied a sweetness she didn't know Adagio had. Perhaps she read too much into it, but it made her smile regardless.

Seems like she still cares about them even if they drive her crazy sometimes. I feel the same when it comes to my younger sister.

Another yawn escaped her lips as she trudged up the stairs. Closing her bedroom door, she collapsed face first onto her bed. As she felt sleep take hold of her, a final thought entered her mind. How would she explain the presence of the Dazzlings in their home to her parents? She had no idea. That would be a question she'd leave for the morning.

They sure will want a solid answer on why coming morning.

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