• Published 10th May 2012
  • 3,335 Views, 45 Comments

Firstval of Fernship - Argembarger

The dumbest story you're liable to read in this particular 15 minute interval while on this website.

  • ...

pesonies in a ancterlot

on the side of te mountain wher ponyvile was in front of and with enoguh highess for te cloud to be was pleace of a most beuatifl and magical with glamor of visitng for ponies to want to be at. On frocasion some pones of luck get o have invitaption from eqatria corners and tey want to see prancess celtestia, there of urler.

it was a presforct spring daty in Poneyville. thes sun shirned warm and afternoop on Twililghit spiracle and fernds in the gatiring of ponyvile prak.

I acnont wait until the day teht I finaelly visit canpretlot of times" said rarpity witha the confripense of rarity and she looked at castle"

Thre was wind plowing and it mad her hairs have curles and rustled. "there will come day when I wll design a gown thet even the praincees cherserlf will wear somdes maybe! yo will see!"

hey wat ups called spekr the Dragon. He runned at the ponies with envleope longways.

"wat is problem spike" twilagt sparckle said.

"spike held up an envelope" that he was hodling. I have invitation "from princess selostipo?"

he poneis got around spikep with closeness. "Hat it with saying! Read reads redle!"

Spike coughted a lung. "Her gand poyer highness, Praceno Sperlosticu, is plased to annunciateser that the frist Ferstival of Ferndip will haveppen tomorwar in Ancterolt. The fefstivale will beguned with a happy competitions of frineds talent.

Princes Saltostio wantesd Twildih Sparklse to comet with all off the frisends she made from time."

The poneies had the all of excitmetn that they couldnt thold all of it with hoof! all days with practicesrer happened for all four the days.

Canterlot hapepened and the ponies appeared at gate. Canterloar, rarity and fluftershop could not see their eyes believein! All of tehr garedens had the breath flowers that take even the most breaiths and flutershiy cannot have saw the flowrerls. Before.

Twilish Sperk looked at tower whishc has was placed on the gouretyard where she sduties magic of untercorns. She went to ponyeville because even though but she knew and they all soei have nkown that she was the most loysl of ponies to be havein princes sleirestina fiathful and studied with oyal.

Ponsit from all of erquastrim corntisud to happen in Compterlot.


the excemtent had wave on crowed.

"Ther are ruels: THEF ERIST RULES: dont ever be men to oter pony

SECOND RULES have best try
NEXT RULE have all the fup"

Tesm cheresed and ponies in teams.

CHAPTER END: the begunning of astroy
CHAPTER BEGINSE: the rest of thes tory

Flutershy was chosed to e team leader in round: BIRDSONG

Panekie Pie elped flseuroshy put riberns and balfoons on stage. Rarpity ad the mane of fottershy with right look.

The purpstains openeing. She waved hoof and birds for to being having song wtho asirmoptumptu. NO SONG. Fireflop made more hoof. NEVAR SERNGING BIRD. It wsa not good starp.

Futelsoap had look at team that she would not let down team! Team had chance: her.

Flutershy whimpered quotically: "Can do! I ahve belief and you are birds and you sing for equerstico"

Twlight sperkcle saw problem and wated to cheat for nerve birds and she masked the mapic with haer to sing magic for song.

Fleurpersthop made finsal hoof and birdsing! Music made beugiful room and away with relof spiled twilihter and flofferpo.

Der have the done!

Fluterpolindo shired twiliht while dilight made cheer for falpolindashy. Rarity can not have sine moment to wait an longe!

Her show farshion had to begin and she looked add her desrigno more lastly. Te spirkles wither sparklin and no ham with stitch, models placed regerpully.

"WAIT none is missing!" porpic slapt raritoe

"Rariyo be happy bescruise pinkie pie had always the prositap groutlake which maed rarity anoy"

"I arperperate you for happy, but I made dress for poyn. It won't fit pony and her!"



:yes you and also you maek fabulusio dersin and yet so no pony turns the ehads liking you"

Rariy argued no times because the show was ending.

She gave parity more liesno words of encratoment and rarime pranced out hspondinglasity and the pranstess CELatia loved the dresses she madolk.

"finer event -spood and agilrity! go to courtyard binge!" sayid anonuncenent.

The other crumpotionings were claser, but derlight know her team was to win: Ranibew Dash was the fattest poney amound! Their team was staking fist platces.

pones liner up
horn blewding
ponesi aran offway

Raingogn dash qualikli pulled intor thes lade, but she neared the end of the race and the wind packed up and the selky grew dark and htere was a tsorm but therough the wind reainbow bash herd a caer for yelp and shes sawed Appleoljiecanowickz starping uder a tro and she figtser stork wings and rainger drish swrupdled down to ehrpd her verind bby clerodindge arway ther reaindlcouser

The teammvie ponies stored by the frondish line and rainbower dalsh was to bersh in they led.

"ERFVERPONYER LOOKING" scamed pinker poe

Frilighit Sperinclad cloerked confurerserd. "ER HER RAINVOW DASHS I DONT SES HER ANYWOMERE"

the other poienr end the race and rarity saw Satplojacqroliman and runbrow dish walked to them.

APrerminasterchirso lorked suppet. "I'm a sorry yall i have the stormy trouble and raingo helped me to win the lost races and she lost then."

"aplemonisticlore, you are not fausted. We didnt win but we had fuf.

Sardinely ran spike

"I Have a noper lestir rom pranceir celestirestina. She wanst us to go to caslte for report, and spike said it sounds impotent"

Pineys arirved at calsetile, they greet.

Prinefes Celirnotipo

"IT ist my hourner to star in gehr persend of cuser remarkaperli poniy. you have acetun ther the festivel maening and tou you donter have tropy you have the beter most great

it was the friendhsip

that was the prize of all.

Tje End

Author secret message (highlight white space to reveal: )

Comments ( 45 )

Still a better love story than Twilight.

This story epically fails at spelling, punctuation and grammar. The plot is about a festival in Canterlot, I can see (:twilightsmile:), but there is absolutely no plot I can see whatsoever. :raritydespair: In fact, I may describe this as Pilipinas, Game KNB?-ish.

I almost suffocated on my own laughter while reading this. Every mechanical facet is so gloriously mangled that, at points, the story itself became incomprehensible.

I was going to call out my favourite misspelt character name, but there are just too many. Special mention goes to "falpolindashy" and "Appleoljiecanowickz" for making me choke on my own breath.

Oh my god I think I died. I'm giving this a thumbs down and favoriting it. Well done? No, not well done. I still enjoyed it though!:ajsmug:

572035 Nah, nah, nah. I'm from Singapore. I randomly stumbled on that YouTube video and put it here for the comedy. :rainbowlaugh:

:pinkiesad2: i see
well i did get the point of you posting it in here.

well atleast i know that there are SEA Bronies out there. its rare to find one here :twilightblush:

but there is absolutely no plot I can see... bow chicka wow wow

Everyone. Like this.
It get's favorited.
= Trollin those serious bronies!

Trollfiction as it should be

From the creator of Spiderses...

This is the best story in ALL OF EQUESTRIA! EQD should promote it even hasbro.

Ranibew Dash is fattest poney but can't run sardinely like spkie.:trollestia:

As far as troll-fics go this was a poor one. Bad grammar and spelling can only get you so far.

I remember, once, attempting to write a story while under the influence of Party-time Mint-als.

This crap's still better than that story.

Dolan wrote this story.

Noooooo!:fluttercry: Never mention that fic ever again!

Side note: 5 likes and 5 dislikes? F**k that noise. I'll make dat shit 6:5

It starts off genuinely painful to read-- not enjoyably bad, but just regular awful. But then it keeps going, and the horribleness builds on itself and starts snowballing out of control, and the names get more and more incomprehensible, and it builds up into a glorious mishmash of non-sense.


Beautiful, thought-provoking tale! Oh what a tangled literary web you weave, Argembarger. It's a shame Merriam Webster was unavailable for a cameo in this one. :raritywink:

i gave up half way through. sorry. i did try.

Site Owner

Greatest. Story. Eer. :pinkiecrazy:

im on an android and about 11 paragraphs in my phone crashed :facehoof:

i think this calls for celebration :moustache:

I'mma read this out loud on youtube, or at least attempt to. This calls for some Party-time Mint-als!


I'm sorry, but I gave up at the bird singing part. I just couldn't keep reading it.

I did have many a laugh while reading this out loud, though.



The only way I figure you were able to write this is that you smashed your face on the keyboard and rolled it back and forth a couple dozen times. It was the most horribly written, horrendously mangled, terribly decimated, and all around bad piece of literature I have ever read. I laughed through the entire thing. In fact, I haven't laughed that hard since... well, since I read Spiderses. Bravo Argembarger, bravo. Another masterpiece!

Author Interviewer

wehn i hda the raid of tshis them I arrd to mcuh fine harp om the drwosw

amn cant') of brith duer lingfhuag tom such

then im pooped*

(*this is a lie, I pooped first)

It takes raw talent to tuck something up this typically. I worry for your brain, guy.

It takes raw talent to fuck something up this typically. I worry for your brain, guy.

le epic troll! XDDD

This was read as part of a dramatic reading at Ponycon 2017, I was there, and it was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Everyone was laughing their butts off.

They read this out during PonyFest, I laughed so hard, amazing. :rainbowlaugh:

This fic is fuf!

My brain does not like this at all. (but this gave us a lot of FUF)


Riffing Rainbow ∞: End of Lemongelatin brought me here.

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