• Published 10th May 2012
  • 1,017 Views, 7 Comments

Surrogates: The Darkest of Nights - UnweptSchlipps

A series of one-shots exploring the relationships of everyone's favorite equines of Equestria.

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The Magician's Assistant

Well, after that rather mature chapter, let's move on to some backstory, yes? This one is by far the longest chapter, which is funny because I had a really hard time coming up with an idea for this one. In fact, this could probably be it's own fanfic if I wanted to.
I think this one is more like the show than the others; whether that's good or bad is for you guys to tell. And it gives me a reason to insert a background pony that I like! I personally think this one starts off slow, but gets better towards the second half. But enough of my rambling, let's continue with your feature fanfic presentation!

"If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were"

"Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.”

The sun’s rays streamed through the shutters of the Books and Branches Library, trying to brighten the world below before the clouds can swallow them up. It was the afternoon on this cool autumn day, and most ponies were outside to enjoy the crisp air while it lasted. However, not surprisingly, two figures remained inside the humble tree. A lavender unicorn sat at a desk, scribbling notes legible only to her. The other sat next to an open window, taking in the world. Suddenly, a cool breeze flowed through, ruffling the pages of the studious pony.

“Spike, could you please shut that window!” she said crossly, holding the leaflets down.

“Sorry Twilight,” the dragon apologized, shutting the window. “The air was just getting a bit stale-,”

“Yes, yes, yes. It’s just that I don’t want the wind to be blowing away all my papers.” Twilight Sparkle gathered her scattered papers, stacking them neatly next to her quill and ink. Then, flipping another book labeled Pony Psychology open, she began to jot down some more notes. The sound of her quill scrambling and tapping across the wooden desk was all that filled the library for a few minutes. Twilight remained quiet, completely focused in the task before her. And Spike…well…he was literally doing nothing but wallowing in the awkward silence.

Visible bags were showing below his eyes, and every now and then he’d find them slowly closing from lack of sleep. He silently yawned, trying not to break the silence Twilight Sparkle had set up.

Finally, after getting tired of watching a spider crawl up a wall, Spike muttered innocently, “Soooo, yeah…” But suddenly, the unicorn slapped the book shut, causing the dragon to jump in surprise. However, the pony didn’t make any acknowledgement of her companion, magically levitating another book to her study table.

For a little bit, Spike sat twiddling his thumbs nervously. He knew all too well how Twilight could be when she was in one of her study moods. Interrupting her would be a very bad idea. Perhaps even fatal…depending on the book.

But finally, the purple reptile racked up his courage long enough to say, “Hey Twi’, can I ask you something?” He waited for a response, but all he got was the scrambling quill. “Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes, what is it?” the unicorn inquired, heaving a long sigh, not even stopping her quill.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead, just make it quick,” Twilight answered. But she didn’t even turn to look back at her assistant, instead preferring to flip through a tome labeled The Mind of a Mare.

But Spike wasn’t fazed, and continued to say, “I was just wondering…there’s this thing going on down at Lyra’s place and…believe it or not I was invited to go. I know right? Me? A little ol’ dragon like me got invited to a party? So, I was thinking…since this is my first real party, y’know, besides all those ones Pinkie throws every two seconds-

“Your point is…” the unicorn impatiently uttered, her hooves still skimming the book.

Twiddling his thumbs, Spike answered, “Right, sorry. I was just wondering if I…could…take the night off.”

This statement finally caught the purple unicorn’s attention. Her ears immediately pricked up and her eyes widened in surprise. Quickly slamming her book shut, the uncorn quickly (and rather clumsily) got out of her desk saying, “What? Oh no, no, no, no Spike. It’s the first Wednesday of the month today! Don’t you remember what we do on the first Wednesday?” The pony was now standing in front of the dragon, confronting him, prodding his memory.

The sight of Twilight practically looming over him made Spike look timidly down at the floor. Feeling a little guilty, he said, “We…have a…study session.

“That’s right, Spike!” Twilight responded, pacing around the library. “We’ve been doing this ever since we were little, remember? I can’t let you go tonight!”

“Well, I was hoping that maybe I could skip this one for once.”

But the pony was already scanning a bookshelf, magically levitating random books out and placing them next to the study table. But with the tone of a mother scolding her child, she said, “I’m sorry Spike, but you can’t go tonight. Princess Celestia has asked me to do an important study on psychology, and I need someone to assist me. Everypony else is busy today, so you’re the only one who can help me.”

“But Twi-,”

“Sorry Spike. That’s final,” Twilight delivered, the ultimatum hitting the baby dragon hard. With not so much as a second glance, Twilight Sparkle returned back to her oh-so-important studies, beginning her cycle of flipping through the pages. Meanwhile, Spike couldn’t help but just stand there in shock. Disappointment flooded his body, and he had to lean against the wall in order to remain upright. Part of him wanted to disobey his studious friend’s order, and just storm out right then and there. But instead he just found himself longingly staring out the window once again.

“Spike?” Twilight said, breaking him out of his trance. A bit of hope flashed inside for a moment, and Spike thought the lavender unicorn had changed her mind. But then she continued, “Could you head down to the market and buy me these things?”

Spike’s hopes flew out of him with a hefty sigh. Seeing as though he had nothing else better to do, the dragon nodded submissively, took the unicorn’s list, and headed outside. Hey, at least she lets me out every now and then…


The Ponyville market was quite slow today, not surprising since it was a weekday. Miss Cheerilee liked it much better this way, however. Less crowds, better prices, and most importantly, it puts her in a happier mood. So much better than having to shove past some rude ponies, the teacher thought as she surveyed the stalls for anything she might need.

Cheerilee was grateful to be a teacher, especially to little colts and fillies. Not only did she enjoy it, but she always got out of work two hours before everypony else. And that was a reward in itself.

But as she picked out a nice bundle of carrots from a vendor, the school teacher couldn’t help but notice something. It was a small figure stumbling through the streets groggily, dangling a small bag from its fingertips. If Cheerilee didn’t know any better, she would have thought it was a drunken…thing. But upon closer inspection, she saw purple and green scales that she could recognize anywhere.

“Spike?” she called out, quickly paying the store owner. She carefully made her way to the little dragon, who was leaning on a park bench, snoring. The teacher gave Spike a tentative poke, startling him awake.

“Wha-oh, hi Miss Cheerilee,” he said tiredly. He tried to stifle a yawn, trying to distract Cheerilee by slinging his bag over his back. But nothing could hide the dreamy, unfocused look he had in his eyes.

Concerned, the school teacher said, “Spike are you…okay?”

Seeing as though I would be no use lying, the dragon groggily answered, “Actually miss, I’m pretty tired.”

“Well I can tell!” the pony replied, her teacher-like concern beginning to show on her face. “You look like you haven’t had sleep in days!”

Shrugging groggily, Spike told her, “It’s just that Twilight’s been working me to the bone lately with all her studying and all that. Sometimes they go on all the way into the night, you know? It’s a lot of…lot of…” The dragon’s voice began to trail off as his eyelids began to descend. His head tilted forward and he began to snore, somehow managing to remain upright.

But Miss Cheerilee tapped the dragon’s head once again, and the startled figure finished, “Of hard work!”

“Well, why don’t you ask her for a night off?” she suggested.

“Well, actually, I tried asking her to give me the night off so I could hang out with some friends,” Spike said, scratching the back of his head. He continued to explain, “But she’s got this really important project she has to do for the Princess. I’m supposed to help her out.”

“Why don’t you let her do it herself?” Cheerilee suggested. Trying to put more force into her words, she told him, “You need the rest!

But the loyal little dragon just waved it off, and he said with a tired smile, “Oh no, I could never let her do that work alone. I’d never let her down. She’s…she’s…”

The dragon paused for a bit, unsure of what he could say. There were many things he could have said to describe the lavender pony that was Twilight Sparkle. But with utmost sincerity in his voice, Spike stated, “She’s my best friend. And…and that’s what friends do for each other, right?”

He looked up at the sun to realize that it was getting late; he had stayed out longer than he had thought. So, with a friendly nod and an exhausted wave, the purple dragon said, “Oops, I need to get back the library anyway. Well, it was nice seeing you Miss Cheerilee!”

The baby dragon headed back to the Books and Branches Library as fast as his tired legs could carry him, with the school teacher watching him go worriedly.


Spike barreled through the door, quickly slipping off the pack of supplies while saying rapidly, “Sorry I’m late Twilight. I kinda got held back for a bit, but I got the-.”

“Oh, you’re back. I didn’t even notice,” Twilight interrupted, peaking her head over the railing upstairs. She quickly made her way down the stairs to pick up the bag. Spike told there proudly, his chest puffed out, saying in his mind, Another job well done, Spike.

“Spike!” Twilight called.

“Yes?” Spike said smoothly, waiting for the thank you.

“You forgot to buy the quills!”

A frown quickly overtook Spike’s features, and his hand fell limp at his side. Although he tried his best to hide his disappointment, nothing could be rid of the nasty feeling he had in his gut.

Groaning, Twilight picked up the saddlebag and told him curtly, “Here, I’ll go get them. You just…just organize the bookshelves or something. This is going to put us off schedule…”

Despite his tiredness and disappointment, Spike answered loyally, “Yeah, no problem Twi’.” But the unicorn was already out the door.


Cheerliee was still at the marketplace, shopping for her last items. The place was a little more crowded now; her conversation with Spike had made her lose track of time. The earth pony couldn’t help but feel a twinge of concern for the young dragon’s well-being. After all, it was only her nature to care for young ones, ponies and dragons alike. That’s the teacher’s pledge, she thought.

Her worry for Spike had taken her complete attention; she had already bumped into three ponies because she couldn’t concentrate. And now, as she was walking slowly down the road, a rude pony swiftly trotted into her, nearly knocking her into one of the stands.

Cheerilee was ready to call the “assailant” out, noticing that it had stopped at a vendor nearby. But then the teacher noticed the saddlebag with a purple star hanging by the mare’s side, matching the cutie mark on the lavender unicorn’s flank.

“Twilight? Twilight Sparkle?” the concerned teacher called out.

The unicorn paid no heed to Cheerilee’s call at first, absorbed in the stack of supplies before her. But soon she heard the mare’s shrill voice, and replied, “Oh, hello Ms. Cheerilee. Good afternoon!”

Deciding not to bring up Twilight’s rather rude behavior, the teacher began, “Yes it is…umm…So how are you?”

“Oh you know, the usual. Studying, writing, nothing much,” Twilight replied happily, not noticing Cheerilee’s rather urgent tone.

“Erm, have you seen Spike lately?”

“Of course! He’s back at the library right now,” Twilight answered. “I’m actually just picking up some things he forgot while he was shopping here.”

“Well you see, that’s just it,” Cheerilee said. She strolled up to the studious mare, and with the tone she’d use while talking to a mother about her child, Cheerilee began, “When I saw him today, he was walking around like he was really tired and depressed. He came up to talk to me, you know. And well…he talked on and on about how tired he was. How he was going to miss a party tonight to help you study. How…how…”

“How you’ve been working him to the bone,” she finally brought herself to say. She saw a look of confusion appear on Twilight Sparkle’s face, so the understanding teacher asked, “Have you…have you ever noticed how tired he was?”

The unicorn thought hard about it. But some reason, she couldn’t even remember how Spike had looked that morning. “What? That can’t be. He hasn’t told me anything about it,” the unicorn confessed, even though part of her doubted the truth of that statement.

Remembering what the dragon had told her earlier, Cheerilee suggested, “Has it ever occurred to you that, well, he hasn’t told you because…because he doesn’t want to hurt you?”

“What do you mean?” Twilight sincerely asked, feeling a ball of guilt form in her stomach.

“I mean, when was the last time you’ve given him a break? I know you two work hard in that library of yours, and I’m sure that must be extremely tiring for a baby dragon such as him. I should know. I see little ones like him tire out from just playing hopscotch,” the teacher explained.

“My point is he’s done so much for you. He’s done so much hard work without complaint. Why? Because he’s your friend. A die-hard, trustworthy friend. And I think that, for everything he’s done, you could at least give him the night off.”

Twilight Sparkle stood there, not even able to bring herself to look up. Part of her wondered how Cheerilee could even know about all this. She didn’t even know her that well; how could some stranger tell her how to treat her assistant? But no matter how many times Twilight tried to reassure herself, the teacher’s caring voice had said it all. Cheerilee had told no lie.

It became apparent that there wasn’t going to be a reply, so Cheerilee placed her hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder and said, “Just think about it for a while, Twilight Sparkle. Don’t you think Spike would have been okay if you wanted the night off?” And with that, the teacher scooted off, finished with her errands.

Twilight Sparkle watched the teacher go off, leaving her to stew in her own distress. Frankly, Cheerilee’s words had indeed hit home, and Twilight pawed at the ground, half-embarassed, half-ashamed. A voice pricked her brain, whispering, You don’t give two bits about him, do you? Two bits…

“Are you gonna buy those or what?”

The vendor’s gruff voice got the unicorn’s attention, continuing, “Those quills are two bits lady! C’mon, ain’t got all day!”

“Right. S-sorry,” Twilight replying. Quickly placing a few coins on the table (not even bothering to count them) Twilight Sparkle took the pencils and shuffled away, towards the library.

As she slowly made her way through the sunlight-bathed streets of Ponyville, Twilight’s mind was still stuck in a rut. Denial crept into her head like a vine, twisting her, engulfing her, choking her.

No, no. Spike…he’s fine, right? I can’t have been working him that hard, she thought, her rational mind sorting through her memories like a machine, searching for any proof that she was right. Sure, Spike complained sometimes, but she had figured it was just him being the lazy baby dragon he was. But then she began to recall the sight of him earlier that day, staring out the window mindlessly. She remembered the little details of his ragged face, the bags under his eyes, the blank stare, his limp arms, all of which she hadn’t really noticed back then. Perhaps, just maybe, there was more to it than just laziness.

He’s done so much work for you. Because he’s your friend. A die-hard, trustworthy friend,” Cheerilee’s voice said, echoing in the unicorn’s mind. And now, without being surrounded by the books and the notes, Twilight saw that it was true. How Spike was working his butt off for her, and how she wasn’t doing the same for him.

Maybe…maybe I have…Oh sweet Celestia…Twilight thought. The image of the tired dragon filled her mind, and she began to gallop faster and faster back to the library. She found herself dodging past crowds of ponies, all the while trying to get back to her home.

The purple unicorn practically barreled through a duo of tropically clad unicorns, standing in front of a bright little boutique surrounded by luggage. “My, what’s got her so excited?” the stallion uttered. To the two unwitting ponies, it may have seemed like a big hassle. But to Twilight Sparkle, for some reason, this little decision meant everything in the world.

Finally, Twilight galloped up the library tree. Swinging open the door and depositing her saddlebag, the unicorn called out, “Spike? Are you here?”

A mumbling reply came from the stairs, saying, “Yeah, yeah. I’m just getting the books you asked for.” Spike carried the large pile of textbook down the flight of stairs, setting them down next to the many bookshelves.

Relived to see her friend, Twilight said, “Thank you, Spike. For…for everything you’ve done. I...really appreciate it.”

“I…I guess you’re welcome Twi’. That’s what I’m here for after all,” Spike answered amicably, leaning against a wall tiredly.

“About that,” Twilight began. She appeared to rethink about what she was about to say, but then with her head held high, she said, “Why don’t you take the night off Spike? Go to that party of yours.”

Spike eyes lit up when he heard this, springing off the wall. Although part of him wanted to run up and kiss the unicorn’s hooves, he still held some concern for his lavender friend. He replied, “But…I thought you needed me to help you out with your psychology stuff. Are you sure you can-“

“I’m sure, Spike. Now go on. You definitely deserve it,” Twilight said with a chuckle.

With huge grin, the little dragon said happily, “Th-thanks Twi’!”

He grabbed a coat and began to run outside. But before he could leave, Spike looked back to see the unicorn grabbing a set of books, a tired smile on her face. She looked so sad…so depressed…

Before she knew it, Twilight found herself locked in the tight arms of her little dragon friend. At first she was shocked, unprepared for the sudden embrace. But soon she found herself returning the gesture of affection, holding the dragon, hoof in hand.

“Later Twilight,” Spike said. Letting go, he gave a small wave and headed out the door. Little did he know, that simple gesture had meant more to the unicorn than he realized. Because when Twilight rubbed her cheek, she found it covered with tears.


It was ten o’clock at night. Rain plopped on the windowsill, and the leaves of the library rustled with the chaotic wind. The place was lit up only by the faint glow of lantern placed on Twilight Sparkle’s desk, where she was reading. Tonight, without the help of her little assistant, the unicorn had spent her time intently taking down notes of her Pony Psychology textbook. It was quite an interesting read indeed, but the lack of sleep was beginning to dull her brain from actually enjoying it.

Placing down her quill and rubbing her eyes, Twilight looked up at the clock. Seeing as though it was absolutely late, she whispered, “I should get to bed.”

The unicorn quietly and tediously crept up the stairs to her room. She looked out of the window to stare at the meticulous drops of rain smacking against the glass, remembering the disastrous sleepover with AJ and Rarity. She was already in her bed when she realized the lantern was still glowing downstairs.

“Spike, could you-.”

Twilight voice stopped as the sudden realization came to mind. Spike still wasn’t home. Oh well, she thought to herself. I guess I’ll just be…sleeping alone tonight.

The unicorn turned off the lantern, trotted back up the stairs, and began to go to sleep. At least, that was the plan. But the mare found herself tossing and turning in her bed, unable to drift off to slumber. Soon, minutes passed into an hour, and Twilight still couldn’t drift away. All she could think of…was Spike. Seriously, it’s really late. Where is he?

Suddenly, a thump sounded at the bottom of the staircase. Twilight Sparkle shot up in her covers, whispering, “Spike?” She got out to check, and to hopefully see her assistant standing downstairs. But, to her despair, it was just a fallen book.

Dejected, Twilight moped back to her room to hid under the covers. She gave a sad glance to the little cushion where Spike would usually have slept.

What if…what if he doesn’t come back?, a voice nagged in the back of her mind. What if something bad happened?

“No!” Twilight exclaimed to nopony. “It can’t be. It’s Ponyville…nothing bad ever happens in Ponyville.”

But there’s always a chance, the voice continued to say. The unicorn tried to turn in her bed and bury her head in her pillow, trying to mute out the voice inside her mind. But it kept saying the worst, the absolute worst possible things imaginable. Spike’s not coming home…you were so mean to him…treated him like dirt…he can't defend himself, he's too tired...

Suddenly, booming thunder rocked the tree, shaking the lonely mare to her core. She trembled in her sheets, not able to overcome the fear and guilt residing deep inside. The dark…the thunder…the possibility of Spike…it was too much for Twilight Sparkle to handle.

Finally, she couldn’t lay around any longer. The unicorn shot out of her bed and began to pace, thinking that would ease her fears. Walking around aimlessly, she realized she had never picked up the book that had fallen earlier. So seeing as though she didn’t want to face the cracking lighting outside, Twilight did what she did best. She read.

Levivitating the book over, she began scan the book’s cover. The unicorn let out a gasp as the dust cleared, revealing the title: My Little Scrapbook.

Her hooves delicately skimmed the pages, containing picture upon picture of distant memories. There were her parents standing proudly at her graduation. There was Shining Armor, still a colt, giving her a playful noogie. Princess Cadance when she was just…Cadance, sipping a smoothie alongside her favorite foal. And lastly…a picture of a small dragon, clinging onto her back.

My parents…my brother…Cadance…they’re not here with me anymore. All I have left is…

Before she knew it, Twilight was back at Canterlot.


The tiny unicorn filly skipped through the door, another day of Magic Kindergarten finished. Today was extremely exciting, since today was also the first day she had been put under the tutelage of Princess Celestia herself. Overjoyed that she had gotten to learn with her mentor, the studious little filly came through the door with a floating stack of textbooks she had decided to read.

The living room was empty, which was to be expected since her big brother was out on another date with her foalsitter. Her parents were probably in the backyard, who had taken a particular interest in plants for some reason following the filly’s entrance exam. Not wanting to disturb her parents, the pony decided to go back to her room. She wanted to check up on the new friend she had gotten from Princess Celestia (who had done so after much pleading, crying, and tantrum-throwing). It was only for a week, sure, but the filly wanted as much time with him as possible.

However, when she walked into the room, she saw an unpleasant sight. A tiny dragon had a tiny lion doll in its clutches, and surrounding him were several others with the stuffing ripped out of them. Completely shocked, the unicorn tried to snag the little toy away from the baby dragon, saying, “That’s my doll Spike! Don’t touch that!”

The two struggled for a bit, with the filly constantly saying, “It’s mine!”

Finally, after much pulling, there was a sudden rip. In the dragon’s hands, he held the lion’s footpaw. In the filly’s hooves, the rest of its body. Maddened by the sudden destruction of one of her precious toys, the little pony said, “Don’t touch my dolls, Spike! Bad!” Then she stormed out of the bedroom, and began to sulk in the living room.

For a while, the unicorn sat alone, looking sadly at the torn toy in her hooves. A small tear formed on her face as she ran her hoof along the place where its leg used to be. But after a few minutes of sad mumbling, something caught her eye.

There in the doorway was a tiny little dragon. In his claws he held a small toy. The ragged doll looked like a pony, yet its mismatching button eyes, uneven stitching, misshapen head showed that it was obviously made by unskilled…claws. But the lavender filly just couldn’t stop staring at the little figurine. She could make out two words shakily stitched onto the doll’s bottom: Smarty Pants.

Then the baby dragon stretched out his arms, offering the measly gift to the young unicorn. With a tear in his eye, Spike whispered, “I’m sowwy Twily.”

And before she knew it, the filly was crying too.


The unicorn cuddled the doll, staring at the pictures before her. And like the filly a long time ago, Twilight Sparkle held the messy toy with tears running down her face, whispering, “I’m sorry too Spike…”

For what seemed like forever, the unicorn sat there, clutching Smarty Pants as thunder continued to boom around them. Her eyes were closed, silently wishing for Spike to come home and save her from the horrible nightmares. And for a while, her prayers seemed to be going unanswered.

But suddenly, Twilight heard to door downstairs swing open with a Thump! At first, the unicorn thought it was just the wind, and was prepared to just let the cold breeze rush in. But over the thunder and lightning, the mare could hear someone mumbling, “Oh man, she’s gonna kill me!”

Leaving the doll on her bedsheet, Twilight rushed to the railing to see a small, scaly figure shut the door. And for her, that measly wet little dragon was the most welcoming sight she had ever laid her eyes upon.

“Spike!” Twilight exclaimed. The drenched figure waddled into the library with a worried look on his face.

“Twilight, I am so sorry I was out so late!” he began to apologize. “It just that the rain was so hard-.”

But before he could finish his statement, Twilight Sparkle swept him up in a tight embrace. Her grip was so tight, as though she was afraid he would fly away if she let go. She kept him close, slowly rocking back and forth as she said, “Oh Spike, thank Celestia you’re back. I was just…I didn’t…” She couldn’t bring herself to even finish that thought.

The young dragon was, needless to say, stunned. He stood wrapped in the pony’s embrace, taken aback by her shaky voice. He noticed a tear beginning to roll down her face, so Spike whispered caringly, “Twilight…you’re-you’re crying.”

With her voice becoming more and more unsteady, Twilight Sparkle said, “I was so scared Spike. I was so…alone. I thought you…you were going away.”

“What are you talking about?”

“All those times when I’ve kept you up… all those times when I didn’t thank you for helping me…” she attempted to reply. But her sentences were punctured by uncontrollable sobs, and she found herself crying so hard that she was unable to finish a single thought. “How could do that…to my best friend? I’m…I’m…”

With her voice almost inaudible, Twilight whispered, “I’m sowwy, Spike.”

The young reptile was quite confused from the outburst. He wasn’t used to seeing his usually stolid, logical friend so…so distraught. But despite this, with the knowledge of a longtime companion, Spike said quietly, “Twi’? Don’t cry Twilight. I’m not goin’ anywhere. Not now, not ever. So please stop.”

The unicorn’s sobs began to fade, and now tears only trickled down her face. With a voice barely audible, Twilight asked, “Spike?”


“Promise me you’ll always be the friendly little dragon you’ve always been, even when I’m not,” Twilight said, looking into her long-time assistant’s eyes.

And with a loving smile, Spike replied, “That’s a promise Twi’.” Then, wiping a tear off his friend’s face, he inquired, “And can you promise me something?”


“Never say the word ‘sowwy’ like that again.”

With a chuckle, Twilight Sparkle ruffled the dragon’s scales on his head and told him, “Love ya Spiky.”

And, returning his best friend’s gesture, the young dragon found himself saying , “Love ya too Twily.”

Then the inseparable duo headed back upstairs, not even noticing that outside, the thunder had stopped rumbling.

Comments ( 2 )

another depression story ? well, I'm a happy person, I'll survive it....at least..I hope

Nicely done. The little details about Rarity's parents tying in and Twi's gave it that extra bit. It was pretty moving, Spike works hard after all.

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