• Published 11th Apr 2015
  • 2,245 Views, 38 Comments

Even Changelings Wear Masks Redux - Bakmah Genesis

Changelings have been depicted as cruel, heartless, love stealing monsters. Multiple ponies across Equestria would love to watch the race burned from the earth. But nopony ever realizes that changelings too wear masks. And behind them, is tears.

  • ...

Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Chrysalis woke up the next morning as Twilight asked, in the disguise of True Hearts. She stretched herself, trying to get out all the stiffness she gained from the past few months nursing her injuries on the floor of a cave.

As she finished, the smell of someone cooking breakfast reached her. Even though pony food couldn't sustain her, she still could eat it and her stomach still recognized it as food. The queen hummed as she started to walk down the stairs towards the delicious smell.

Reaching the kitchen, she was greeted by the sight of Spike, the baby dragon companion to Twilight, running from step stool to step stool, cooking something she couldn't exactly tell. When Twilight mentioned that the drake woke before her, she didn't figure that it was so he could start chores.

The dragon paused when he noticed he was being watched, turning around to face her before smiling. "Oh hey, Twilight said you'd be staying with us." said the drake, going back to his cooking. "You can go sit at the table, I am just about done." He thought for a moment. "Actually, can you go wake up Twilight?"

Chrysalis' eyes sparkled as a mischievous thought went through her head. "I'll have her wide awake in no time." said True Heart, grinning as she walked up the stairs.

Reaching Twilight's room, Chrysalis silently entered the room, closing the door as she dropped her disguise. She quietly padded over to the single bed in the treehouse, the sheets rising up and down slowly to the breathing of its occupant.

The purple unicorn looked, as much as Chrysalis hated to admit, adorable. She was curled up almost in a ball. In her hooves was on of her pillows. Either it simply felt comfortable for her, or it was her way of substituting her want for another. The queen shook her head before leaning down next to Twilight's head.

"Wake up, my pupa." said Chrysalis in her ear before nipping at it. Almost immediately, Twilight shot out of her bed with a yelp, crimson staining her cheeks. Chrysalis held her hooves to her mouth as she tried not to burst into laughter.

"What was that for?!" shouted Twilight in an adorable squeak. At that moment, Chrysalis lost it, falling onto the floor in a fit of laughter. Twilight let out a huff as she waited for the queen to stop. When she finally did, Chrysalis let out a sigh as she sat up.

"Spike wished for me to wake you up for breakfast. I couldn't help myself to play a harmless trick." she shrugged. "Better than me seeking revenge so you shouldn't complain."

Twilight sighed before levitating her brush over and started tackling the mess that was her mane. "So I guess you are already settling in just fine, then?"

"A bit. Of course, I've been locked in a library." Chrysalis stuck her tongue out at Twilight. "Besides, I've been awake just as long as you have. The smell of food attracted me."

"Wait, you can eat pony food? If you could, why throw away the treats Applejack gave you?"

"I hate apples." Chrysalis shrugged. "I just never liked the taste. And those "treats" we're full of them. It took all I could from throwing up." The queen scrunched her nose. "Of curse, apples are this towns favorite crop."

Twilight set down her brush with a chuckle. "I'm sure if you tell Spike he would refrain from meals with apples." She giggled as she walked towards the door. "Come on, Spike is probably waiting."

The two walked down the stairs to be greeted by Spike who was setting the table. Chrysalis almost bolted to the table at the sight of food, until she noticed that apple slices covered the pancakes that he was setting on the table. She could hear Twilight giggling behind her.

"I'm going to go vomit in the bathroom, send up some toast, will ya?" Chrysalis grumbled as she walked away from the food, cursing it for smelling so good. Spike raised an eyebrow at Twilight.

"What's her problem? Apples are amazing!"

After Chrysalis devoured the toast she was given to at least fool Spike into thinking she was a pony, Twilight and Chrysalis sat down in her bedroom while Spike was busy doing his chores downstairs as well as checking out books for anyone who came in.

"So," said Twilight as she sat across from Chrysalis, summoning a pen and notepad. "I first must ask if there are any comfort zones you wish I wouldn't cross during my questioning. I may not have agreed with your invasion of Canterlot or your methods of dong so, but I still believe in being fair."

The Queen shrugged. "None that I can think of. I would just prefer you stop if I get uncomfortable."

"Fair enough. Now, first question. How does the Heiarchy System work with Changelings? Is there only one super power or is there other leaders all controlled by you along with the entire colony?"

Chrysalis chuckled. "We aren't that complicated. I like to think of us as a highly intelligent Bee Hive. I am the only queen and ruler of my colony. I control over the different areas of my hive that all make sure it runs properly. From food, gathering, pupas and the drones that make sure the hive is protected.

"Each area has an officer, a drone or nymph that is in charge of making sure the other drones are doing their job properly and there are no trouble among the others. In the meantime, they relay and follow the orders I send down as well as inform me of the progress. Of course, we haven't had a healthy working hive in decades do to paranoia and lack of food."

"And this issue was brought on by ponies?" asked Twilight, her pen never stopped moving as she continued to write down notes. Chrysalis wondered just how much parchment they went through each week.

"Before I was born and my mother was in the throne, we were discovered by the king that ruled at the time. For three decades, two of which I was present for, the ponies started a witch hunt after changelings. For years, we hid in fear and scarcely went out for food. Soon, the ponies caught on and started raiding camps meant for trying to capture amounts of love." Chrysalis took a shaky breath. "My mother was visiting one of those camps when it was raided and the occupants executed. I was left to rule for the last ten years of the hunts."

Twilight stopped writing for a moment. "But, why did the hunts stop? Did they see their errors? Did not enough changelings show up like they used to? Or..."

Chrysalis chuckled darkly. "I impersonated the king's assistant and murdered him. The next king after him saw that continuing the hunts was dangerous, so he ordered them to stop. Of course, he mostly called them off in fear of ending up like the king before him."

"Wasn't there another way that you could have dealt with it besides murder? Maybe consult a meeting to try and convince him to stop?"

"All our attempts ended with the ambassador's head mounted on a stake in capital square." Chrysalis shook her head. "Trust me, I tried everything short of going out there myself in a suicide attempt to get it to end. I probably would of if I had an heir."

Twilight nodded. "So, if the hunts stopped, why did you still hide as you have?"

"Actually, after the hunts, we went to business as usual, which I was more than happy with. It has only been the last fifty or so years were the trouble has arisen." The Queen sighed. "Apparently, a changeling was found out by a very pesky peasants the eastern half of Equestria. He pried as much as he could out of the drone, including the location of our hive at the time.

"This stallion created a small terror faction that has now become a sizable cult that has kept itself hidden these past years. Which is understandable. If you go shouting out who you are and start showing your face, a few drones may be inclined to...silence you." Chrysalis let out a small laugh. "I would have loved to see that."

"So this entire time you have been hiding from a group of ponies? Is that your only reason of hiding?"

"Well, this group is close to six thousand strong. And, my dear Twilight, they have found a way to rid of us of our disguises. So avoiding them became difficult. They also don't just kill us, burn us, Behead us, or other. They torture their prey until they die from the pain." The changeling growled. "I have lost more drones and nymphs than I wish to count from this cult. I would like nothing more than for them to all die a very painful death just as my kin have." The queen sighed. "I think I have said enough, Twilight Sparkle."

The unicorn nodded as she set down her notebook. "Do you want to take a break?" The changeling took a deep breath.

"Yes, I'd think that would help."

"Alright, then, would you like to question me instead? It seems only fair." said the unicorn, smiling softly.

Chrysalis hummed thoughtfully before shrugging. "Might as well. So, I might as well ask what connection you had with Candence. Shining suggested you come and I just didn't,question why."

"Well, when I was a filly, my parents hired Candance to babysit me while they were gone. Shining was at Boot Camp at the time, I believe."

"Sounds reasonable. I'm guessing you two formed an everlasting friendship from that then."

"Something like that. We kept in contact after I was old enough that I didn't need a foal sitter anymore. She would occasionally stop by while I was working on homework for Celestia." Twilight chuckled.

"Explains why I was found out so easily." said Chrysalis with a laugh. "I was too focused on the outcome that I skipped the whole 'learn about your target' bit of training." The two laughed. "Anyways, we should probably head back downstairs. I don't Spike to come walking in."

Twilight nodded as she got up from her seat on the floor. They didn't get far as the bedroom door opened. "Hey Twilight, I brought you and Tr-" Spike froze as he noticed Chrysalis. The room was silent as the three of them stood there.

The silence was broken as Spike spun around, barreling out the door. It took Chrysalis a moment to register what happened before she got up after him, Twilight right behind her. The two of them followed him down the stairs. Before they could reach him, he slipped out the front door.

Chrysalis stared at the door for a second, knowing full well she couldn't chase him any longer. Finally, she was able to summeriaze her thoughts with one word.


Comments ( 23 )

5880852 Plug it back in, Putitbackputitbackputitback!!!!


Not good (for Chrysalis).

If they don't catch Spike in time, he would probably call direct for Celestia by using the DragonFire-MailService.


The purple unicorn looked, as much as Chrysalis hated to admit, adorable. She was curled up almost in a ball. In her hooves was on of her pillows.

Too cute to imagine!

I remember you reading the first one, so you know how well that goes. :raritywink:

I love how the story is progressing thus far! I do appreciate stories were Chrysalis is a maternal figure :twilightsmile:

I also like that you left the origins of Celestia and Luna as "manifest"; I always saw them as equivalents of the valar/maiar (JRRT's Simmarillian)

My only complaint is that Chrysalis herself admits to being at fault for the Canterlot Wedding blunder. My own headcanon was that her actions were deliberate (see joshscorcher on ze youtubez)... but this is your story and I look forward to reading more!

She put that situation perfectly. Also, I loved the original so I'm gonna follow the redux quite closely.

Let's hope that this is not going to die a third time.
Not enough Twisalis on this site...

Your first , ultimately deleted , version.
The version adopted by Watermane.
This one.
3 versions of this story ; two of which were discontinued. If this one was too , this would thus be the third time.

Only a second since the only thing that this was affiliated with was the title and a vague plot resemblence.

6304958 so any news on when this will be updated?

It is vary interesting to read keep up a good work update more soon.

6304576 Well, looks like you jinxed it.

It's cancelled when I say it's Cancelled. There is an option for that in the ediotr, even. I just haven't had the time or brain power for this or other stories.

There's also an option to put a story on hiatus.

Because no updates for over 15 months most definitely doesn't grant a story the status of being "in progress".

7431591 so is it cancelled for good? Or will you continue it at some point?

Sigh there go a series with so much hope if some one could just give it time

Sometimes they just don't have the time sadly.

and that why im not blaming any one at lest not trying to

You weren't, at least not in my opinion. :twilightsmile:

I was so interested in this too...

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