• Published 22nd Mar 2015
  • 1,308 Views, 4 Comments

Darkness and Light - Dark_Soliloquy

This is a story of the two alicorn sisters, a tragic story... Their story is a dark one, a troubled one. And Luna isn't the only one who struggled. As much as Luna was pained, Celestia was even more. But she's just hiding it better...

  • ...

The Darkness that Traps us

Luna looked in the mirror, tears streaming down her regal face. Her reflection looked as it lately had: a slightly messy mane, a crooked crown and marks that tears left on her face.

Suddenly her reflection changed. Instead of a deep blue coat, this haunting reflection-mare had a pitch-black one, and her mane was as mysterious and untamed as the sky itself. The reflection-mare had a sickly smile, and her teeth were as sharp as blades. At the sight of this, Luna screamed and with a swoosh of her hoof, smashed the mirror.

The reflection-mare just laughed.


Celestia swiftly turned her head as she heard the sound of glass shattering, followed by a faint sound of maniacal laughter. Those eerie sounds appeared to be coming from Luna's room. She wanted so badly to go over there and see what was wrong, comfort her sister, but an invisible claw held her back, almost immobilizing her. Celestia let out an odd strangled sound.

Tsk, tsk, Celestia. If you want to save your sister, you must give in to me. Comply, and your sister will suffer less pain. At least, Nyx won't harm her. But when I'm through with you, you might. The voice laughed, its laughter was strangely similar to the maniacal laughter from Luna's room.

Celestia was filled with so much fear she couldn't respond.


Later that evening, at dinner, the dining room was silent except for the sound of clattering silverware. The sisters did not say a word, and once the meal was over they both retreated to their bedrooms.

Luna flopped on her bed and began to cry. Her heart was broken, practically shattered like her mirror. She made a mental note to fix that before Celestia saw.

"Oh, Luna, I understand your pain..."

"What?" Luna was rather surprised at hearing another voice, this one was crooning, smooth, and slightly hypnotic. Luna raised her head and almost gasped when she saw a body (If you could call it a body) in front of her. There was a swirling mass of shadows, with tendrils of dark smoke glided across the room.

"You want some admiration, yes? That I can give to you, and much more..." The Shadow's dark blue eyes blinked sympathetically.

"I..." Luna knew it wasn't wise to talk to a stranger, much less an eerie shadow who seemed to know too much about her for her own comfort. But that thought eased to the back of her mind and she found herself pouring out her emotions to the Shadow.

"-Oh, and Celestia is just terrible! She-" Luna stopped herself. She loved Celestia, but... She felt... Angrier, somehow. She used to be depressed, but now she was just angry.

"Shhh. I can help you, Luna. And, my name isn't 'The Shadow'... You may call me Nightmare, or Nyx, if you wish." Nyx laughed at this, though her laugh was more of a slithery rattle, it was quite unnerving.

"Do I... Know you?" Luna's eyebrows were laced with confusion. Nyx seemed so familiar... But Luna's memories were coming more and more blurred and unimportant the more she talked to Nyx.

"Oh, yes, you know me. From long ago." Nyx smiled. Her body now took a more concrete form of a mare, somewhat, but she still looked as if she were made of smoke.

Luna suddenly remembered, that one morning... In Everfree... She saw something... It was Nyx. She was so small then...

"Ah, Luna, I think we're going to get along perfectly..."


Celestia paced around her room. What was that nagging voice in her head? If her suspicions were correct, Luna was having the same problem. She had to tell Luna!

Celestia stopped her pacing and faced her mirror. She sighed as she saw how sloppy her mane was, and how tired her eyes looked. Then her reflection changed. Instead of a beautiful white mare with a flowing pink mane, there was a cruel orange mare with black armor, and her mane was made of flames which danced across the mirror. The reflection smiled, showing rows of sharp fangs.

Celestia screamed. Somehow that image made all her worst memories come flooding back, especially the time she yelled at her sister for wanting more. She hated her self for it.

You can't stop us, Celestia... Time for a new age of Nightmares to arise.

Author's Note:

The last chapter is up next. Stay tuned!