• Member Since 8th Jan, 2015
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Fic writer/reader. Humor, romance, drama. You can read stories by me about other fandoms at my ff.net account :) And please support me on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=319852&u=319852&ty=h


Note: This fic is based on the brief animatic we saw during the hiatus between seasons 4 and 5. It's not necessarily canon with the actual events of "Make New Friends but Keep the Discord." Thank you!

A short, sweet, somewhat fluffy, Celestiacord story based entirely on the season 5 animatic we saw recently :)

"Announcing, The Smooze!"

Yes, the season 5 animatic clip showed us that there will be a Smooze episode! :pinkiehappy: And it also interestingly showed us that there will be a dance/gala episode coming up...and that Discord will be there in a tux and top hat (cue fangirling)...and that Celestia seems pretty happy to see him when he shows up :raritystarry: This story is one little potential scenario for how Celestia and Discord's interactions together might go based on reading a lot into that look Celestia gives Discord when he walks in, the flowers from season 4 (of course), and the fact that I just think these two are such a compatible couple :twilightsmile: Enjoy, and thank you for reading!

We're so close to season 5! I don't know about you, but I'm going stir crazy! :trollestia:

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 32 )

Since I usually read Dislestia angst, this was a nice change :twilightsmile:
I swear my heart fluttered each time they did something cute :3 good job in making me squee

"Announcing, The Smooze!"

I'm sorry, but I need a link to the animatic like right now so I can start Fan-boying all over the place, may I please have a link?

I love these two as a couple of dorks. You achieved that here I think. And I really like how you play out on Celestia's chill and understanding side. Even though it felt a little to fast between them, this was pretty cute.

Animatic Clip

Here's EQD's post of it--it's the full Entertainment Weekly trailer (not the teaser). If you just want to see the animatic and want to avoid any other clips/spoilers, go to about 1:05 in :)

Seriously, for about twenty minutes after watching it, I basically just walked around laughing about The Smooze and saying to myself over and over again about Discord 'Omg he looks so cute in the hat!' I'm going to predict that ep as one of the best of the season, no question :pinkiehappy:

OMG OMG OMG I LOVE YOU FOR MAKING THIS! :flutterrage: :heart:
I like how you kind of eased these two into love over the course of your stories, it really feels more natural than any other dislestia fic I've come across so far. Just...wow. :twilightsmile:


5765740 Calling it now, Pinkie X Smooze will be the next big ship to do, maybe it'll be a crack-ship, considering they were together on the stage for less than five seconds, but still. I just can't believe it, it's the freaking Smooze! I'm going to freaking love that ep.

5765575 Thanks, I'm glad you liked the fluffiness! :twilightsmile: I've been squeeing ever since this animatic came out--I can't wait for this episode!

5765664 Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the story, and thank you for your note about the speed :twilightsmile: And I'm really happy the dorkiness came through--I was really going for that lol.

5765764 And I love you for your enthusiastic reviews :rainbowlaugh: Seriously though, so happy you liked this! I haven't been able to control myself ever since this clip came out--I'm dying to see this ep! And I'm happy the love feels believable between them :twilightsmile: Shippy or not, as long as we have them in the same room like the animatic shows, I cannot wait for the new season to start and for this ep to premiere! :heart:

5765778 I'm already looking forward to the fan art. Heck, if this ep is as good as it's clearly going to be, we'll probably get our fair share of fan fiction about it (I would LOVE to try writing that XD). Ugh, I just hope that ep is scheduled for some time relatively soon in the season! :raritystarry:

Also, thanks for favoriting!

5765787 oh, and I'm not sure if this would technically count, but you might want to consider adding a 'sex' tag because of the last chapter and the joke with raunchy implications :derpytongue2: But that's up to you!

5765804 Thanks for the note--I split the difference and upped it to a teen rating just in case :twilightsmile:

wooow Azure you are killing me today :DD
this absolultely amazing NEW STORY and a new Long chapter of best night ever^^
XDD what did i do to deserve such nice treatment? :DDD
oh man but srsly this one was perfect as always ^^ <3 love you so much
keep it up

~Chris aka NerfStranger


Episode is speculated to come out in May since it seems to be episode 7 in production order. Let's hope it is so. It's really all I'm looking forward so far, lol.


Thanks for the info, so glad it's relatively early in the line up :pinkiehappy:


Aw, thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed the updates! And nice reviews like yours are more than enough reason for new posts :twilightsmile: Also there's the fact that I can't help myself when it comes to writing about these two XD I can't wait for this ep! I really hope they do dance, even if it's just a background thing :pinkiehappy: Oh and thanks for favoriting!

The dislestia in this is awesome!
Although I'm a Twiluna fan and would have prefered that alongside discord getting close with Celestia, the quality and nice natural slow build to Celestia and discord getting together was so good, it was easy to ignore Luna in this.

I wish they would make the DisLestia part of this story into an episode. It would work well and be hillarous

Thanks, I’m happy you liked it. :twilightsmile: Yeah, I just stuck with the Celestiacord/Dislestia for this because I wanted it to be a really short thing, but I’m glad you thought the relationship developed well. And thank you :pinkiehappy: Even if it doesn’t go exactly like this, I at least hope they do something about Celestia and Discord in that episode—I’d even take some background ballroom dancing (though of course something on camera with speaking and a lot of obvious flirtation would be ideal!).

Oh and thanks for favoriting!

This episode was confirmed by staff to be fluttercord-centric, though

5773733 I'm sure there'll be plenty to read into the ep regarding any popular ships. This is just one Celestiacord-based take on how things could go. :twilightsmile:

5773733 Would you mind me asking where you heard that?


5774209 Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed it! Also, thanks for the favorite and the watch! :pinkiehappy:

6169924 Lol, thanks, I'm glad you liked it :pinkiehappy: And thanks for another favorite!

6173125 Thank you very much! :twilightsmile: Romantic comedy is probably the main style I write, but it's important to me to make it something enjoyable and with some quality instead of just predictable shipping for the sake of shipping. And luckily, Discord and Celestia have so much chemistry that they practically write themselves lol. :heart:

Somewhere down the hall, Discord followed by Celestia actually fell to the floor in laughter.

And then they fucking died

YAAASS!!!! i read this 3 times and still can't get enough. IT'S SO DAMM GOOD!!:pinkiehappy:

THEY KISSED! THEY KISSED! THEY REALLY, REALLY KISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart::heart::pinkiecrazy::yay::twilightsheepish::rainbowkiss::raritystarry::trollestia:

Thank you!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed this story! :twilightsmile: And yes, lol, I have a little obsession with making them kiss XD :trollestia:

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