• Published 6th Jun 2015
  • 1,247 Views, 35 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Mark Of The Mara - LightOfTriumph

The Doctor has regenerated and landed back in ponyville with a mysterious Stallion on board. But what is this "Mara" he and his passenger keep mentioning?

  • ...

How Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth

And so, the Mara began to die.

It was bluffing when it mocked the Doctor. It had no plan. There was no "Galilee." It was over... This was the end.

It moved throughout Ponyville, looking for someone, anyone to take him. But no dice. This place was like poison to it. Every pony was so sickeningly happy. No one would take him. No one would listen. The game was over, the Doctor had won. After all that struggle, the Doctor had won.

There was no option left. It had to crystallize. It had to revert to it's jewel form, otherwise it would evaporate into nothingness. It haad to revert to its gem form and shut off its awareness so it didn't burn out. It knew it might be a thousand generations before it woke up again. As it solidified into the harmless little thing, it cursed the universe that had brought it this low. It cursed the young lovers. The musicians. The Law. The scientist. Most of all, it cursed the Doctor. It slowly began to lose consciousness...

When something picked it up.

This creature wasn't a pony... No, it was something else... Something... Something angry!! Oh, yes, something furious!! Something neglected, disrespected, patronized... Something scorned. Oh, yes... Oh yes... This would do. This would do greatly.

The Mara perked up... Maybe the game wasn't over just yet.

"Okay," Blue said quickly, reaching for his watch. "I've got to get back."

Those words seemed to unfreeze the room. Vinyl immediately went over to check on the unconscious Octavia, and the Doctor and Applejack went over to Blue. "Just a moment, young man," the Doctor said sternly. "I would like to know why exactly you came here, and why exactly you dumped the Mara on us."

"I can't," Blue said breathlessly. "Everything was kind of... Exploding when I left. I need to get back and see if we live. Doctor, do you still have the note I left you?"

"Yes," the Doctor answered. "Its still in my TARDIS. Why?"

"Look on the back of it," Blue explained. "Those are the Time-Space coordinates to where you need to go next. Yes the coordinates are correct. Yes you need to go there. When you get there don't leave until you've figured out what's going on."

"And what exactly is going on?" the Doctor asked.

"Spoilers," Blue answered. The Doctor rolled his eyes. "Look... I know it seems like I'm leading you on, but you have to understand... My story is almost over, yours is just beginning.When you get... Where you're going, you're going to find a pony who needs your help. Maybe several... It gets harder from here on out... But don't worry!"

"Yes, yes," the Doctor smiled. "I told you I shouldn't worry."

Blue smiled. "Good luck," Blue smiled. "Not that I think you'll need it."

With a few quick adjustments to his watch, Blue was gone. Leaving the Doctor and Applejack alone with the two musicians.

"Good luck," the Doctor repeated. "I intend on leaving very little to luck."

The next few hours were very calm. Almost serene.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders had come back to check on things, and when they were informed of what happened in their absence, their jaw hit the floor. Octavia had woken up to see Vinyl taking care of her, and they had a long discussion that the Doctor couldn't hear. And Ponyville itself was unaffected. Some parts still rebuilding from the Master's attack. The Mara did all that it did almost entirely unnoticed.

The Doctor resolved to head back to the TARDIS as quickly as possible. There was somewhere he needed to go, and some pony waiting for him there. He strode down Main Street in Ponyville, key in hand, and found his beautiful little blue box waiting for him just where he left it. He smiled and went to open the door.

"And where exactly do y'all think you're goin'?" came a thick drawl from behind him.

The Doctor smiled. "You know, its funny," the Doctor smiled. "In each and every persona I've had, one thing has remained consistent." The Doctor turned to face Applejack. "I've never liked goodbyes.'

"Well don't that just suck for you," Applejack smiled. "It's what you do when you're leaving family."

"Family?" the Doctor asked.

"That's right," Applejack nodded.

The Doctor silently laughed, then decided to try something futile. "There's plenty of room in the TARDIS," he said sadly. "One more ride?"

Applejack smiled and shook her head. "You know I can't, Braniac."

The Doctor nodded. "Yes, I do," he said sadly. "You're place is here and mine... I don't know if I have one anymore... So we must part. Before we do, I must ask you a question. And it is important that you answer truthfully. Understand?"

"Eeyup," said AJ, impersonating her older brother.

"Did it stop being fun?" The Doctor had a catch in his voice. "The travel... The TARDIS... Me... Did it stop being fun?"

"No," Applejack said softly. "It just stopped bein' practical."

The Doctor closed his eyes, and tipped his head up. "I can live with that."

They both wrapped each other in a tight embrace. "Good luck, Braniac!" Applejack said happily. "And you better come back and visit, you hear?"

"Understood!" the Doctor smiled. "And you! Take care of that sister of yours! She is quite close to getting her cutie mark! Keep an eye on her!"

"You know I will!" Applejack laughed. "One more thing, I left you a little present in there. Don't you think about returning it. You can thank me later!"

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "What you have just said concerns me greatly!" He called to Applejack as she started to gallop away.

"Good!" AJ smiled as she walked away. "See you round, Braniac!"

The Doctor shook his head, and opened the door to his TARDIS.

He was greeted by an image of his former self.

"Hello Doctor!" the hologram said. "A little bit of advice from a younger you!"

The Doctor was confused for a moment, but he soon recalled what he had done. Just before the regeneration, he had left a message for his new self. "Very well, Doctor. Let's hear it."

"Listen," the much younger looking pony said frankly. "Its going to be hard, but you can do it. First things first, don't travel alone. Whereever it is you're going you're going to need help. I know it seems like you don't, but you do."

"I don't doubt it, Doctor." the Doctor sighed. "But I really have no other option at this point, unfortunately."

"Second," the Holo-Doctor said. "Keep track of the little things. Repeated phrases. Things that shouldn't be there. Gut feelings. They always mean something."

The Doctor nodded. "I've kept track of a few things, already actually."

"Finally... urgh..." The Old Doctor seemed to twinge with his regeneration. "Finally... Be careful. That note made me more than a little nervous... I think there are hard times ahead for you, Doctor... I'm sorry."

"No need, old friend," the Doctor smiled. "Hardly your fault."

"I think I hear Applejack coming to," the old Doctor said. "Just remember, you are the Doctor. Keep that in mind and you should be alright."

With that the Hologram shut off. Leaving the Doctor in a contemplative silence.

... And then something broke the silence.

"So that was the old you, huh?" came a familiar casual voice from the Doctor's right. "Dude, I gotta say, you traded down. He was super hot."

"Oh, I don't know," came a familiar Trottingham accent from the Doctor's left. "I think I like the older, more distinguished look."

"AH!!" the Doctor collapsed to the ground, startled by the sudden presence in the room. He looked up to see what that presence was.

"Hiding under the weird table was like," Vinyl said calmly pulling her shades off. "The best idea you've ever had."

"I like to think so," Octavia smiled.

"What the devil are you doing in my TARDIS?!" the Doctor asked, his voice cracking a little.

"We're a present!" Vinyl said happily. "Aren't we adorable! AJ gave us her key."

"We're coming with you," Octavia explained.

"And who, precisely," the Doctor said straightening himself out. "Decided that, eh?"

"We did," Vinyl explained.

"You can't get did of us," Octavia said firmly. "We're coming, and that's that."

"Why?" the Doctor asked, biwildered. "Why would you want to after all you've been through today?"

"That's just it!" Octavia protested. "Today I have had a personification of pure evil in my brain. He saw my thoughts, and more terrifying? I saw his. It made me truly understand what a monster was. More importantly, it was recovering. Recovering from a battle with you. I didn't see much of it's past but I saw that. I want to be a part of that battle when the time comes."

"And I thought what she was doing was dangerous, stupid, and borderline suicidal." Vinyl let out a huge grin. "So naturally, I wanted in."

The Doctor looked at both mares. Then took a deep breath and walked over to the TARDIS console. He found the note Blue left. The one that warned him of his coming regeneration. He looked on the back, and he saw... "Oh," he said to himself. "Oh, that's interesting. Very interesting indeed." He folded the note and put it in his pocket.

"What?" Vinyl asked.

"Look," the Doctor said in a dark serious tone."This won't be like travelling with me normally. Usually I wander. I putter about time and space, I have a general lark, and get myself into trouble. I won't say I never look for trouble, I do. But this is different. I shall be on a mission. To save some pony who needs my help, and stop a multidimensional threat. This journey will be all business. From beginning to end. It is far from certain that we all escape with our lives. Can you handle that?"

"I'm in, old man," Vinyl smiled. "But you better be around to explain stuff. I don't science."

"I understand the risks," Octavia said, straightening up. "And I am ready for them."

"OUTSTANDING!!" the Doctor bellowed, flicking a switch on the TARDIS console. "I must say, I am looking forward to this! A fresh new pair of eyes, and the whole universe waiting for them! The Doctor and the Duet! Next stop, everywhere!"

The TARDIS began to grind and wheeze as it took off.

"Uh, Octy?" asked one half of the Duet. "Did he always have the crazy eyes?"

"Honestly, Vi," answered the other. "I'm looking forward to finding out!"

The Solicitor, and the Barrister were arguing with the Warden.

"This is just wrong!" argued the Warden. "I cannot condone this course of action! You must say something to the judge!"

"Our client is imprisoned for his entire immortal life," the Barrister said sternly. "And you're worrying about the cattle?!"

"They aren't cattle!" the Warden shot back. "Have we learned nothing from our last encounter!"

"Our 'last encounter,' as you put it was with a very notable Time Lord," the Solicitor clarified. "And why are you bringing this concern to us?! We are here to free our client! You are here to make sure he is well cared for."

"With respect, Solicitor," the Warden spat. "I am here to make sure the prisoner remains confined. I will not be lectured to about my job by a few men so untalented at theirs that their precious 'client,' was sent up for an eternity!"

"Gentlemen!" came a booming voice. The Judge entered, backed by the Crown Prosecutor.

The three turned and bowed their heads. "Your honor.

"Do not ever forget the solemn duty you all hold," the Judge continued. "We have existed since the beginning of time. This prison has stood as a monument to the order we bring. We have seen the universes born in chaos, and die the same way. We have seen the Black Guardian spread his evil across reality! We have been there, and in service to the White Guardian, we have kept watch. For in this chaos called reality...

"We are the Law!"

Author's Note:

Anyone who makes the Judge Dredd reference gets punched.:ajbemused:

Anyway, that's the first Temptation of a Time Lord out of the way, please stay tuned for the second.


See you then! Please rate and comment!

Comments ( 5 )

Let me guess: the Mara looks like this.

Rereading the beginning of this chapter, I realize that "spoilers" is not the word they should be using. Yeah, it takes the fun out of it and it is technically "spoilers" to what will happen, you literally can't tell what will happen in the future, cause if you do, it will mess up a huge timestream.

Telling someone their future of what is going to happen will either make them embrace it or just shun it entirely and make the best efforts to change it. In which case, things become out of whack and that future doesn't entirely happen again. All in all, it creates an infinite paradox where one person had to have come back to tell them the future, but then the efforts continue changing for all of eternity, and then there was no one to tell them the future.

Unless the universes live in a way where the person who told them came from an alternate timeline where it already happened, and telling them just creates 2 separate timelines from the point he was told or found out about it. Creating 2 universes so that one will continue as if never told, and the other will continue as if they were.

All in all, "spoilers" is not the word to use. "Wibbily Wobbily Timey Wimey" is the phrase.

i imagine the new doctor being voiced by peter capaldi

Huh, interesting. Well I imagined Peter Davison (old present day Peter Davison, not young 1980's Peter Davison).

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