• Published 2nd Apr 2015
  • 4,098 Views, 577 Comments

Memoirs of a Magic Earth Pony - The Lunar Samurai

My name is Starswirl and I am an earth pony. This book is simply a collection of memoirs about my life. It details my work in theoretical magic, and the events surrounding my rise to fame and fall to exile. This is my life.

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XV. Entrance

“Are you ready?” Amethyst asked as we stood before the massive doors of the union.

The word ‘nervous’ would not begin to describe the emotions that coursed through my veins like lightning, but I still responded with, “Absolutely”

“Alright then,” Amethyst said as she gestured to the door, "lead the way!”

We had come a long way from the night before. The wound on my head had devolved into an unsightly bruise, and I could cover with my mane. My adrenaline squashed any pain that rushed from my forehead, and I had somepony by my side who wanted to succeed as much as I did. I was thankful for Amethyst, and I really wish I had taken the time to let her know before we stepped into the Union. This was a time for me to pave my own destiny, to write my own story, I really wished I had written her in as well.

I pushed the doors open with enough force for them to bounce on the walls with a loud knock. Luckily, I was too determined to see the angry glares from the unicorns who were changing classes. I was on my way to the Assembly, and no pony was going to get in my way… as long as I could find it. For a brief moment, I felt a twinge of fear as I realized that I didn’t have a clue where the assembly was, or if it even was a room, but Amethyst trotted past with an equal amount of determination.

“It’s this way, you can’t miss it,” she said as she cantered by. I quickly matched her gait and trotted through the mass of unicorns that filled the union.

It felt as though the entire group was pushing themselves aside, parting the waters as it were to make way for us. We wore confidence on our face and the intimidating stare of inevitability we bore pushed the ponies on our sides to either side of the hall. The Union represented the world that I would soon be a part of, and this was my main entrance. I was going to make a huge impact and change the world, and I was going to be part of these ponies that stood around me. It was invigorating, and the power that flowed through my veins in those few steps through the crowd has remained unrivaled in my life. This was the time when my entire future was settled in my own mind, all I had to do was exist and I was going to become one of the great names in magic.

As we broke through the other side of the crowd a few seconds later, we were greeted by a magnificently inorganic hallway. The passage stretched deep into the Union. At the end I could make out two massive oaken doors. They almost seemed out of place in the swirled white marble and deep purple accents of the sterile building, but they held their own meaning. As I neared them, I noticed the reliefs that had been etched into their surfaces. They were depictions of the great conquests of magic in the past. They started with the earliest known magicians and showed detailed scenes of every achievement that had revolutionized the world of magic. One space, however, was completely barren. I made a point, in that moment, to have my image graven into that door one day. I wanted to be part of the impeding revolution that Amethyst had talked about nearly nonstop the night before.

If Amethyst hadn’t stopped me, I would have collided with that empty spot on the door, ironically fulfilling my newfound dream. “Easy there,” she said as she pushed me back a bit. “Alright, Starswirl… Remember what we talked about last night?”

“Every last word of it.” I wanted to sound as confident as I felt, but I didn’t honestly remember every word.

“Excellent. I’ll wait right outside expecting a hug.” Her declaration cracked at the mention of physical contact.

I didn’t question it, I wasn’t too aware of the implication anyway, I simply said, “I’ll be out in a few minutes. This shouldn’t take long.”

I stepped in front of the doors and placed my hooves on the panels. Before I threw the doors open, I looked to the walls. The hinges were on the outside. I let snickered as I placed my hooves into the handles and backed up a step. This is it… I thought as I pulled the two doors open.

Everything slowed down as I opened the final barrier to my new life. This was who I truly wanted to be, who I truly aspired to be. I was ready to take on the impossible and change my life.

Author's Note:

Apologies for the length. I've been crazy busy with school this week. This is all I was able to comfortably release.