• Published 1st Apr 2015
  • 476 Views, 1 Comments

The Red Sky Burns! Go, the Beating of My Heart! - D4ftP0ny

Octavia and Rarity discuss the future of their relationship, and it is not at all what they expected.

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The Rest of the Story

Rarity and Octavia blinked at one another as Sweetie Belle smiled happily up at them, her green eyes sparkling in the light of the spring sun.

“Well?!” she squeaked as she bounced on her hooves. “What did you think?! Wasn’t it super awesome and cool?!”

“Ah…” Rarity ran her hoof over the small stack of papers that Sweetie had presented to her roughly a half an hour ago, the ink from Sweetie’s quill smudged and scratchy from the excitement that had filled the young filly as she’d written. “I thought it was truly… unique, Sweetie Belle!” she managed after a moment of awkward silence. “It was certainly colorful… a-and I thought that your descriptions were all very…” She floundered for a word and cast a glance at Octavia, her eyes filled with pleading.

Thankfully, Octavia was used to subtle pleas for help. “They were very… exciting,” the gray mare said with a gentle smile. “You did a wonderful job of making a very energetic and… intense story.”

“Scootaloo and I worked really hard on it,” Sweetie said with a happy bounce. “It’s for a project at school- we have to work in pairs and write something together, so this is what we did!”

“I think I can see plenty of both of you in here,” Rarity said after a moment, her eyes scanning the pages once more. “Ah, yes… such as when… I said that Octavia was a ‘super-great kisser’..?”

“That was Scootaloo!” Sweetie chirped. “She thought that Octavia must be a super-great kisser, since you guys are always doing that when you think we’re not watching.”

Rarity’s face flushed from her nose to her mane, and Octavia had the grace to color slightly in her cheeks though it was much less noticeable against her gray coat. A moment of awkward silence passed as the two mares gazed down at the strange story that loosely resembled their lives, and finally Octavia cleared her throat.

“And… when I called Vinyl a knave..?”

“That was me! I read a lot of those words in other books, and even though I don’t quite know what all of them mean I really wanted to use them in this story. Soooooooo…” Sweetie Belle leaned close to them, her eyes wide and her smile broad. “Did you liiiiiiiiiike it?”

Silence fell once more between the three ponies, and it was only after a long moment that Rarity sighed. “Sweetie Belle… I truly do admire your dedication for writing so much, and I love the creativity that you’ve used here…” She slid out of her chair and started for the door, her face coloring slightly as she went. “…b-but I would never want anypony fighting for my hoof! And I’m… not nearly so dramatic!” Her magic ignited, opened the door just fast enough to allow her hasty retreat from the room before slamming closed behind her once she was through, leaving Octavia alone with Sweetie Belle. The young unicorn’s ears drooped and she let out a sigh.

“Oh… well, I had a feeling she might not like it… after the whole incident with the school newspaper she really doesn’t like me writing about her much…” Sweetie gave her head a shake. “Oh well… maybe I’ll get a good grade for creativity…” she muttered as she reached her hoof out and slid the papers towards her. Before she could pick them up, however, Octavia’s gray hoof shot out and stopped her. Sweetie blinked in surprise and brought her gaze back to the earth pony, her ears perking up slightly. “O-Octavia..?”

To her surprise, Octavia didn’t look upset or offended at all; instead, the earth pony gave her a happy smile as she leaned forward and patted Sweetie atop the head.

“It was a wonderful story, Sweetie Belle,” she said quietly. “I hope that you will continue to write creatively- I think you might have a promising future in it.”

“D-do you really think so?!” whispered Sweetie, her eyes lighting up. “I tried really hard while I was writing this, and even though Scootaloo and I couldn’t always agree on which words to use I thought we did really great and…” Her ears drooped towards her mane and she blushed. “…and I’m really glad that you liked it, Octavia…”

“I did really like it,” the mare said. “But there’s just one thing I have to ask you.”

“Oh?” Sweetie’s ears perked up again as she looked back to Octavia. “What’s that?”

The earth pony leaned towards her, a broad smile sliding onto her features. “…who wins?”

Sweetie Belle frowned at her for a moment, her brow crinkled as confusion ruled her features; after a moment, however, the young mare’s face lit up with excitement and she gave Octavia a firm nod before grasping all the pages in her magic. She favored the older mare with a brilliant smile before dashing out of the room, her mind already spinning with ideas.

Author's Note:

All right, so CLEARLY this is not the actual sequel for WMHL. It was, however, something hilarious involving my OTP that I just couldn't get out of my head... so naturally I had to write it! It's been in planning since before I finished WMHL that on April Fool's Day I would post something like this, sooooooo mission accomplished! *thumbs up!*

This is, as I said before, NOT the actual sequel, so surely you're wondering: where IS the sequel, D4ft?! WHERE IS IT YOU LYING PIECE OF FILTH!?

And my answer is: Such harsh words! You should be ashamed for thinking them. XP

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