• Published 1st Apr 2015
  • 1,255 Views, 19 Comments

Lost Letters - RarityEQM

Writing a letter to your mother can be very difficult. Especially when you don't know who she is.

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Dear Mom...

Dear Mom

Hi! It's me again! Your daughter Diamond Dancer. I've been living in Ponyville for a few years now, but still haven't gotten any letters in return. Maybe this one will find you. I hope it does.

Things are going really swell! I work for Princess Luna, and I'm a member of her Royal Court. I'm a Servant of Shadow, which means I get a lot of super very important missions that only I can do. Princess Luna says she's very proud of me, and that I'm very good at my job! I work in Canterlot, but I live in Ponyville. Talk about a commute!

I have a big brother named Bardigan. He adopted me, while I was homeless, so I wouldn't have to live under bridges anymore. He is very nice, and I love him a lot. Don't worry, I still love you a lot too, even though we've never met.

I wonder where you are. And how you're doing. What color is your mane? Are you a pegasus like me? What color is your coat? Do I have any other brothers and sisters? I would really like to meet them someday if I do. I hope we can all meet someday soon. I've been working really really super-duper hard to get really popular and famous so you can come back and get me. I know you had to leave me behind when I was very little. You probably don't know where I am, but I'm sure you can find me if you ask about me. I'm the Miracle Mare of Manehatten. It's a really long story, and I'll totally tell you when we meet. I'm also known as the Star Seeker, the Night's Errant, The Fantastic Filly, and the Impossible Pony. I've got a lot of nicknames but I earned them all, so asking about any one of those should work!

I got the world's highest-flying record for a filly by flying up into the mesosphere during a contest held by the Wonderbolts (At least I think I still hold the record). I helped save Canterlot from a changeling invasion, and I became the youngest pony ever to join the Royal Court of the Night. I know you must be looking for me. You must be really far away since you haven't found me yet. I hope you find me soon. I really miss you. Sometimes I cry at night because I want to tell you about all the stories I have working for the Princess, but you're not there to hear them. (Don't worry, I'm saving them for you. I promise!) I'll tell you all bout how I got my Cutie Mark, and the monsters I fight, and the missions I go on and stuff like that! I know you'd be super proud of me! I'm trying my best!

Sometimes it feels like I'll never get to meet you, but I know that's not true. I have a very special secret. The first mission I took from Princess Luna was to reignite a fallen star. When I completed the mission, Princess Luna said I triumphed against all odds, and that's how I became a royal member of her court. She gave me a piece of the star as a memento, so don't worry, cause every night I wish on it, hoping that I'll be able to find you. Or maybe you'll come and find me. Because I really, really miss you, even if we've never met. If I wish hard enough, though, we will. I'm sure of it. It's how I keep going when things get dark.

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I know I must be very very far away, but I want you to know I love you very very much. I'll keep doing things and saving the world, and working for Luna. I swear I'm really trying mom, and I think if I try hard enough, and If I get into enough papers, one day you'll see me and you'll realize I'm your little girl, and you'll come and get me. And then I won't be sad anymore, and we can be a family again. Until then, I've got my star, so I'll be okay. Don't worry about me.

I don't know where to send these letters, so sometimes, I fly up really, really, really high and just let them go. I watch the wind take them away and then I go home and wait for you to respond. But you never write back. It's okay, though, because I figure maybe the letters take a while to get to you. I used to give them to Derpy, (she's our mail mare) but one day she just burst into tears and hugged me. It was really weird, so I don't give them to her anymore. I don't want to make her sad. Other than that, I guess my life is pretty normal. Although, I do sometimes have bad dreams, where I think that I see you, but I can't get to you. I run and run and run as fast as I can, but it's never fast enough. You're always going to fast for me to catch you and you're always walking away from me. I guess you don't know I'm behind you, and you can't hear me, cause I keep trying to yell for you, but you never turn around. But secretly, even though I wake up sad, I am happy I still got to see you. At least for a little while, even if my head makes up what you look like. You have bright blue hair and it's sorta spikey and stands up. You've got a voice like wind chimes and you're very nice. I hope you're like that if when we meet in person. If not that's okay too.

Well, the sun is coming up, so that means I've got to go to bed. (Working for Princess Luna means I get to stay up all night and sleep during the day. ) I'll write again tomorrow, mom. I hope your happy, wherever you are. I love you very much.

Your daughter, Diamond Dancer.

P.S. (I'm sorry if the paper is wet and it's hard to read. Sometimes I cry when I write these.)

Author's Note:

If we reach out for someone, long enough, maybe someone will write back. Even if they don't, it's important to never stop reaching.

Comments ( 19 )

So bittersweet...I love it.

She works for Luna and has never thought to ask her to find her mother. The princess of dreams would be able to manage it I would think.

5809977 Implying Diamond's mother is still alive. :raritycry:


This was lovely, a good read.:raritystarry:

I run and run and run as fast as I can, but it's never fast enough.
-If I might suggest: Consider replacing the "run"s with "fly"s.


Ahh, I suppose you're right, but run is more accurate, since Diamond doesn't trust her wings too much.

Altitude record holder and doesn't trust her wings?


Reasonable way to write her for pathos.

5947664 Not since she got sick. Diamond can't feel her legs, arms or wings, so flying always, -always- results in crash landings. Sometimes she can't even get off the ground, so running is usually her best bet

Well, I didn't realize this wasn't a stand-alone story until you mentioned that. I'd have a link to the first one in the long description of each story... On a Good Day in this case, right?

BTW, after reading that other story: I like that she LITERALLY reached the stars.

Do you and/or she have leprosy? I learned about that from "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" (I do NOT recommend them for anyone under the age of... let's say 16?). If you do: lucky thing (for some future generation at least?) about the armadillo's eh? Identical quadruplets should make getting the experimental and control groups better matched easier...

As for crashing... strategically placed mats (clouds?) could help with that. I realize that doesn't stop the emotional effects, but it would be a good bit of world-building to have that as part of her adaptive strategies. And... actually, based on RL, roller skates could theoretically work. I mean it isn't like a biplane pilot could... no, wait, an airplane pilot can feel the moment of touch-down literally in the seat of their pants and stomach. Maybe she can't even feel that? I specificied "biplane" because that would lack most of the instruments of, say, a 747 (altimeter? airspeed meter?), I think that the minimum instrumentation MIGHT have been a clock and a compass at one point in the 1960's or earlier. A biplane pilot can feel the eddy currents from around the windshield which might help them judge speed, but they glance straight down and see the landing strip I don't think.

... can you tell I'm REALLY into world-building? Take it or leave it...


That was lovely. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Your story have just received a reading by ObabScribbler on youtube:

Author Interviewer

And Rainbow Dash gets the Worst Mother award.

I mean, c'mon, who else is gonna have a kid that amazing and leave them behind? :B

That was sad. I hope her mom is actually alive and just in hiding.:raritycry:

I don't know where to send these letters, so sometimes, I fly up really really really high and just let them go. I watch the wind take them away and then I go home and wait for you to respond. But you never write back. It's okay, though, because I figure maybe the letters take a while to get to you. I used to give them to Derpy, (she's our mail mare) but one day she just burst into tears and hugged me. It was really weird, so I don't give them to her anymore. I don't want to make her sad. Other than that, I guess my life is pretty normal.

You lose the italics within the first sentence of this paragraph.


Heartbroken sorrow
A connection across time
Lost forevermore

Oh, this is another RarityEQM story, now my heart is broken twice now.

Rest in peace, wonderful writer.

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