• Published 2nd Apr 2015
  • 429 Views, 6 Comments

Taalbarrière - Civviq Writer

what if you get sent to Equestria... but nopony speaks your language?

  • ...

Language Barrier

It was a great day in New York. Even though the day hasn´t even started yet, Clint had a feeling this would be a good day. He sat up and stretched his arms, wiggling his fingers. He smiled, feeling well-rested, ready for the day.

Poor Clint. He couldn’t have been more wrong.

It all began as soon as he saw the first pony ad as he started his computer. He opened another website - another ad. He talked with one of his friends via Skype.

More ponies.

wtf, what are those ponies? Clint typed.

Their so awesum u gotta check them out, his friend replied. PP is best pone!!1! MLP 4evah!!11!

He had also sent a link to some art website. It was some kind of Chuck Norris meme - comic- thingie, with a pink pony and some other strangely colored horses in them. The pink one carried some sort of cannon, the ‘party cannon’, as they called it in the comic.

wtf? Clint typed, Isn’t that a show for little girls?

He could almost see his friends’ grin through his words.

Let me show you the woooorld!

Another link, this time to Daily Motion. Clint trusted his friend, he hoped nothing serious would come from this. It’s just some kids’ show, he thought. I wonder what all the fuss is about.

These thoughts would become his downfall. From the moment he had clicked the link, he was doomed for a life full of ponies. From the moment the video started, he was enchanted by the colorfullnes and the witty dialogue of the characters. And the moment he had started the next episode, his fate was sealed: he was now a brony.

The weekend, he had hoped to spend usefully, flew by in a second as he chose episode after episode. At sunday evening, as he finally closed the video of the season four finale, he looked outside the window. Twilight was falling. He sniggered as he imagined Twilight actually falling from one of the rooftops, struggling to pull up, and at the last minute a rainbow streak would come to the rescue and pick Twilight up so she can land safely on the sidewalk.

He opened Skype again, looking for his friend.

Heya, bud, he typed. Just watched all the eps! It was awesome!

Now you’re officially 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat, his friend replied. Welcome to the herd!

Clint laughed to himself. He stretched his arms again, and wiggled his fingers. He wondered how it would be if they were hooves.

He stood up and got ready for bed.

May Luna guide your dreams, his friend said as goodbye. Clint smiled, typed a reply and shut his computer off for the night. He stepped in his bed and fell asleep, his head still whirling with pony.


Dokter Sterk Hart sloot het dossier van zijn nieuwe patiënt. De hengst zuchtte en draafde naar een van zijn assistenten.

“Wat is dit?” zei hij, geïrriteerd. “Is dit een grap, of zo?”

De assistente haalde haar schouders op. “Weet ik niet… hij kwam gewoon zo binnen, Luna droeg hem op haar schouders. Ze vroeg ons goed voor hem te zorgen en toen ging ze weer weg.”

Dokter Sterk Hart mopperde geïrriteerde geluiden en verwensingen. Hij duwde het dossier in de hoeven van de merrie en draafde naar de kamer van de patiënt.

Op het eerste gezicht zag het er gewoon uit: een pony, in ziekenhuiskleding, liggend in een ziekenhuisbed. Er zat een polsbandje om zijn arm, die aangesloten zat aan een apparaat om de hartslag te meten. Zijn borstkas bewoog regelmatig op en neer, en zijn hartslag was stabiel.

Hij was een eenhoorn, vaalbruin van kleur, met roodbruine manen. Oogkleur wisten ze nog niet, hij was nog niet wakker geworden.

“We weten niets van hem,” zei een van de verpleegsters die bij zijn bed zaten. “We weten niet wie zijn familie is, waar hij vandaan komt, niet eens hoe hij heet! Misschien spreekt hij onze taal niet eens!”

De dokter zuchtte. “Een manier om erachter te komen…” Hij keek naar de eenhorn hengst die in het bed lag. Voorzichtig boog hij voorover en porde hem in zijn schouder.

“Heh.. huh…?”

De ogen van de hengst openden, langzaam, en keek door de ruimte heen.

“Where the hay am I?”


Clint’s eyes fluttered open as he felt someone poking his shoulder.
What the hay´s going on? he thought.

wait… hay? Why did he think hay instead of… something else?

He groaned and put a hoof to his forehead.




Clint looked took a good, long look at his new, tan-colored hoof and screamed like a little filly. The nurses jumped and rushed at his bedside.

“Meneer, wat is het probleem…?”

He stopped screaming and stared blankly at the stallion. “What?”

“Meneer, ik vroeg wat het probleem was.” he repeated.

It was all gibberish to him.

“S-sorry, I don’t understand you…” he said, slowly, clearly and very much shaken. The nurse frowned and looked at the doctor.

“Welke taal spreekt hij nou weer?” the mare asked. The stallion in the labcoat shrugged.

Weet ik niet, maar als hij hier wilt wonen, moet hij wel onze taal kennen.”

The doctor turned back to him.

“Ik ben Dokter Sterk Hart.” He pointed at himself and repeated part of the sentence.

“Sterk Hart.”

Clint frowned. Is that a name? Strange name. He tried to repeat it.

“Staahk Heart.” he repeated, slowly. The doctor smiled and nodded.

He pointed at himself again. “Sterk Hart.”

Then, he pointed at Clint.

Clint got the message and pointed at himself.


The doctor smiled and repeated his name correctly. He smiled and offered him his hoof to shake it. Clint hesitantly took it.

“Aangenaam kennis te maken.” the doctor said, smiling and nodding. Clint smiled and nodded back.

“P-pleasure to meet you too…” Clint answered.

Well, at least he thought they were off to a good start.


Een April, kikker in je bil,
die er nooit meer uit wil

April Fools, frog in your butt
That won't come out again

Author's Note:

Happy April Fools guys!

A few notes:

Yes, the picture is real, but I have no idea where it is. It is one of the reasons why I had joined the fandom in the first place, but I’ve never been able to track down the picture ever again. I found it on DeviantART. If anypony knows the pic, plz send the artist some love, because he/she is one of the reasons why I started writing pony. ^^)

The language in this story is Dutch, my mother language. Maybe I’ll translate it to English if you want. Maybe not. :trollestia:

Heck, maybe this doesn't even go through moderation at all, but hey, let's hope for the best :derpyderp2:

Comments ( 6 )

Dit doet mij lachen:pinkiehappy:
have a like

Oei, wat een combo! :pinkiegasp:

Oh thank all that's holy. I thought they were going to be speaking Finnish.

Een April, kikker in je bil,
die er nooit meer uit wil

Begin April, croaker in ya butt,
that're not emerge out will


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