• Published 2nd Apr 2015
  • 2,059 Views, 18 Comments

Apple Jewel - Vanilla Mocha

How would the Simple Ways episode have happened if Rarity and Apple Jack had switched personalities?

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Author's Note:

My own spin on the Simple Ways episode with opposite personalities. Honestly, I forgot how this episode was planned out, so this is my version of it. And if you haven't read Rainbow Drab (the prequel) I would suggest that- it is much less confusing that way. It's also written by me. Oh, and this is unedited. :raritywink: :ajsmug:

The orange earth pony jumped up and down from excitement. "OMG!" Apple Jewel squealed. Putting her front left hoof to her forehead, she fell backwards onto her bed. "This is going to be the best week ever! Oh, how I simply do love... hehehe... Tractorhoof! Oh, he is just simply-" She was cut off by the sound of the customer bell downstairs. I had better hurry down here, she thought, customer satisfaction is one way of keeping them coming back for more! She trotted out of her bedroom and down the stairs.

"Welcome to the Caro- Oh, hello Rakity darling! Haven't seen you in quite a long time, have I, dear? Anyways, what brought you here? I know you aren't one for dresses." She greeted her friend, Rakity, a white furred unicorn with a messy purple mane and hair. She wore blue jean overalls and a straw farm-hat.

"Well, I've been informed by Pinkie Pi and Rainbow Drab that you're needed down there at the train station... ah don't know why, though. They wantcha' down there fer some reason, and-"

"WAIT! Is today the 27th?"

"Yes ma'am! But, why do you ask-"

Apple Jewel squealed again. "Tractorhoof! He's coming today! They must've known... must have saw him! I knew those two... despite their nerdiness and shyness of course, were best shippers!" Jewel giggled.

"Who you be shipped with, exactly? And what at all does this have to do with the train station?"

"TRACTORHOOF IS COMING TODAY! HERE! TO PONYVILLE! HE'S MY CELEBRITY CRUSH, RAKITY! HE IS! I LOVE HIM! Come on, darling! let's go see him!" And with that, the two ponies ran down to the train station.

"You sure you ain't makin' no assumptions?" Rakity asked as they waited for the train.

"You sure you aren't making any assumptions," Pinkie Pi, one of their friends said, "You used a double-negative. So therefore it results in a positive, meaning that you are asking her is she is making assumptions whereas I believe that you were trying to ask her specifically if she was not making assumptions, resulting in the final-"

"You lost me when ya' tried to correct me," Rakity cut in.

"How'd you girls know about my crush on Tractorhoof... and about when he was coming?" Apple Jewel asked.

"You told us all last week... and the week before... and the week before that..." Rainbow Drab shyly responded. She was a blue pegasus with multi-colored hair for her mane and tail.

"And I remember none o' that!" Rakity chuckled.

"Well, it does not matter now... OMG! IS THAT HIS TRAIN?!" Jewel, once again, put one of her hooves to her forehead and began to faint. Pi caught her before she hit the ground. "Somepony... help!" She asked, trying to hold up her earth pony friend.

"Oh, yes, of course! Sorry about that Pinkie... I'm sorry... meep!" Drab whispered, rushing over to help her friend.

"No need to apologize, Rainbow. It's all good." Pi replied.

Apple Jewel was back on her hooves when the train pulled in. "Where is he? WHERE IS HE?!?!" She panicked, looking around frantically.

"Is that him over there?" Pi asked.

Jewel gasped. Ducking behind Pi, she whispered, "Yes!"

"Then why are you hiding behind me?!" She asked, becoming paranoid.

Jewel mumbled a few things.

"Look, we told you so that you could come meet him- now go say hi!"

"Can you... err... come with me.. please?" Jewel begged.

Rolling her eyes, Pi replied, "Sure... but you're the one talking."

After fighting their way through paparazzi, The two finally met up with Tractorhoof. "Hello, ladies! Come for autographs?" He smiled.

"Ah-haaaaa.....!" Jewel sighed with hearts in her eyes.

"I take it you're a fan... heh, I get that a lot."

"Yeah... I'm Pinkie Pi, and this is Apple Jewel. We can give you a tour around Ponyville if you'd like... I think that your latest fan was hoping you'd spend some time with her." Pi tilted her head towards her friend Apple Jewel, giving an obvious hint at who she was talking about.

"Oh- uh, yes, of course!" Tractorhoof replied.

"Jewel, why don't you show him your boutique?" Pi asked.

"MY BOUTIQUE! Uh, yes, of course... I'm sure you'd love it... ha ha!" Apple Jewel replied.

"So, you're sure that Jewel is actually going to let this guy leave her place? It's been hours and-" Rakity was cut off by the sound of hooves. Jewel, with Tractorhoof right beside her, came walking into the orchard.

"Speak of the devil, and she doth appear! Anyways, I gotta get going! Bye, Rakity! And thanks for these apples!" Twilight Sparkler, a unicorn friend of theirs, said. She left the farm with a basket of fresh apples in her aura.

"No prob, Twi! See ya' around!" Rakity said. She knew she had to get back to work, too. She was fixing to start plowing when her friend Apple Jewel called her name.

"And that's Rakity. Darling, could you come here real quick? I'd just like to introduce you to... hehehe... Tractorhoof."

"Uh... sure?" She replied, trotting over to her friend.

"Rakity, Tractorhoof. Tractorhoof, Rakity. Oh, this is so much fun! Now, you'd definitely like the next place we're going... it's similar to my boutique, except that it's a little bit-"

"I'd like to stay here for a little while longer." Tractorhoof interrupted.

"Oh... uh, yes. That's fine." She forced a smile, but on the inside, she had a bad feeling of worry.

Walking over to Rakity, Tractorhoof asked, "What are yo- is that a plow?"

"Why yes sir! Why do you ask?" She replied.

"Mind if I help you? I like the country air out here, and I've got nothing else to do."

"Weren't go getting a tour from Ap-"

"May I?"

"Uh... I guess?"

Apple Jewel clenched her teeth together. I see how it is, she thought, if he wants country, I'll give him country!

"Tractorhoof darling, I'll be right back..." She said.

"Alright! I'll be right here with Rakity."

Jewel turned around and rushed home.

"Look at me! Ah'm a country pony! Yee-haw!" A voice yelled. Tractorhoof and Rakity turned to see their friend- Apple Jewel- wasn't wearing anything fancy at all like her usual self- instead she had on a single cowboy hat. Her blonde hair was put back into a ponytail-type style for both her mane and tail.

"Hey! What are you doing to make fun of me?!" Rakity yelled at her.

"Rakity, darli- I mean, Rakity! I needs ta' speak to ya' a minute!"

Rolling her eyes, Rakity trotted over. "What are you doing?!"

"Hush! I don't want him to hear us!" She whispered to the unicorn.

"Well," Rakity whispered, "What's going on?"

"He likes you! I can tell... so I'm acting more like you!"

"You ain't anything like me!"


"Apple Jewel, come on now... "

"My name isn't Apple Jewel! From now on, I'm- uh, Apple Jack! Yeah, Apple Jack!" With that, she trotted off to see Tractorhoof.

Rakity gritted her teeth. I'll show her... she thought.

"Soup's on!" Apple Jewel, now known as Apple Jack, yelled, running out of the kitchen. "Ah made some cornbread, apple pie, peach turnovers, and we have water here to drink! Yee-haaaaaaaaw!"

"Well, none of this is fancy enough for me!" Rakity's voice yelled from upstairs. She came walking down and into the kitchen. Her mane was styled wavy, and she was wearing blue eyeshadow and lots of mascara. "I am Rarity now, darlings!"

"What is going on here?" Tractorhoof asked.

"My name is Apple Jack! I'm a country pony with a love for all things fresh out o' the orchard!" Apple Jewel said in her best country accent.

"And I am the fashion-lover Rarity! I love being fancy- Why, this stuff you call food isn't very civil! Ugh! You eat that trash, Apple Jack?"

"You wear that mess, Rarity?!"

"You are both crazy!" Tractorhoof yelled, exiting the farmhouse. "I know I should've stayed in Canterlot!" He trotted into the city.

Both mares looked at each other. Then they began laughing.

Comments ( 17 )

First I have to say, thanks! It's an honor to have a story written for me. Second, I couldn't help but laugh at the end! It was perfect! It was difficult to see the two of them with swapped personalities, but once they went into their Show personalities, I couldn't stop smiling! It was wonderful!

Now, if only you could rewrite the entire series like this, I'd be one of the first to fave and like it!

This is hilarious! I love how you give Applejewel the 'valley girl' accent. And Tractorhoof? :rainbowlaugh: Really funny story, I need to go back and read the prequel now!

Paradise Oaisis

5815182 No problem! I was actually considering doing one like this, but I didn't know if people would be interested enough to read it. Boy, I was wrong! :ajsmug:

I read a bit in, and to be honest all this seems to be is a story where their personalities are switched up, and names are slightly altered.

Sorry, but I was unable to enjoy this.

5815642 if you read the prequels (I don't know if you did or not) then it would make more sense. There is a total of two short stories like this one that come first, making this almost like a series.

The best way to enjoy the story is to read Apple Jewel's voice in Applejack's Mid-Atlantic accent and Rakity's voice in Rarity's Southern accent from S04 E13. :ajsmug: :raritywink:

Anyways, that was a nice story to read. I like the little cameo from Pinkie Pi and Rainbow Drab. :pinkiehappy: :rainbowdetermined2:

Okay, maybe I was skeptical at the start of the story. And the middle bit.

But the end. Was great.

Like the previous two in this series, the story needs more meat. But also like the previous two in this series, I enjoyed it. :) I think there's a lot that can be done with this concept.

6918799 This person Made a comic arc like that, actually ^^ I used to follow it, but then I got bored of comics altogether :P

We need a full on story of this universe.

7331300 I've considered it. ^^ I might write it... Idk. I've gotten a lot of negative feedback on the idea.


I know ill enjoy it, I have already been thinking up ways it could start.

7331370 ^^ Alright. I may do that.

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