• Published 4th Apr 2015
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The Iron Horse: Everything's Better With Robots! - The Hat Man

A cute robot pony. A mysterious origin. A princess who believes anyone can learn friendship, even a cold, logical machine. A journey begins...

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Rhinestone Eyes, Part 2

Turing Test gazed up at the creature before her. His grin remained in place for a few moments, but it started to falter when she remained both silent and motionless.

“Uh, hello?” Discord said, waving a paw before her eyes. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you that it isn’t polite to stare?”

“I do not have a mother. Or eyelids.” Then she lowered her head. “I did not realize my manner of looking at others was rude.”

Discord bent down and lifted her chin. “Now now, I think in your case we can make an exception.” His grin returned. “Besides, it’s not like I’m known for my etiquette in any case,” he said with a chuckle.

He then took to the air and began circling her, his long body curving easily as he observed her closely. Turing watched as he circled.

“Analyzing… error.” Her eyes contracted. “Unexpected.”

“Something wrong?” Discord asked, stopping to levitate in front of her.

“My ocular sensors are capable of analyzing different objects and organisms. This includes heat, vitals, and magical energy. I am able to gain data from seeing ponies cast spells and analyze it. You are also producing a noticeably large magical field, but I am unable to properly identify and analyze it.”

He thrust his lion paw at her, poking her tiny nose. Her eyes momentarily became red circles with a white X in their center.

“ERROR,” she intoned.

“As I said, I’m the Master of Chaos!” He stood up straight, spreading his arms wide. “Trying to make sense of me? No wonder it’s impossible!”

He then transformed into a sizable yellow book that flopped onto the ground before her. It bore the title Discord For Dummies on the front cover. “If you want to read me like an open book,” came his disembodied voice, “then you’ll just have to read between the lines!”

Turing hesitated a moment, but when he said nothing else, she flipped the book open. No sooner had she done so, when Discord’s eagle claw reached out of the book, seizing her foreleg, and dragged her inside.

When she looked around her, she was in an off-white world filled with jumbled text and illustrations all around her.

“What is this place?” Turing asked as Discord walked over to her, only now seeing that he appeared to be a colorless, inky sketch.

“Oh, just the world of books. And not just one book, like the spell that Haycartes guy came up with,” he said, rolling his eyes and making sarcastic circles in the air with his finger. “No no no, this is the world of all books! Here, watch!”

He snapped his fingers, and a dark rectangular panel appeared above them. Turing suddenly heard Spike’s voice.


Spike looked down at his comic book. “Oh wow, how will the Power Ponies get out of this?” he said. “I can’t wait to see them take on the Mane-iac!”

He turned the page and saw a panel in the middle of the page that was in black and white. Discord flew up to the panel, and was now wearing a white shirt, black pants, and a black leather jacket. He also had his mane styled into a mass of curls.

“Hey, Spike!” Discord shouted, his rotoscoped face leering up at him. “Think the Power Ponies could take on me?!”

Spike yelled and dropped the comic book, letting it shut. He rubbed his eyes. “Did… what just happened?!”


Turing tilted her head to the left and right as Discord doubled over with laughter.

“We were in Spike the Dragon’s comic book?”

“Exactly!” Discord managed to say between laughs.

Turing Test looked all around her. “This world… I cannot analyze it.”

“Oh, stop analyzing!” Discord snapped, straightening himself out, glaring down at her. “Quit being so analytical and just experience things for a change! What, have you been spending time with Twilight Sparkle?”

Turing’s ears perked up. “You know Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes, although it seems she didn’t see fit to tell you about me in return.” He crossed his arms, pouting. “Why if she were here, I’d…” He paused and then grinned as he steepled his fingers.


Twilight sat in her hotel room in Appleloosa, reading a book. She turned the page and was confronted with a picture of Discord, tinted blue.

“Twilight!” he cried. “I must have the blue pages!”

“Uwah!” Twilight exclaimed, sitting up straight.

“Is that Twilight Sparkle?” Turing Test pushed into the tiny window next to Discord. “It is. Hello, Twilight Sparkle. How are you?”

“Wha… Discord? Turing?! What are you--”

“I’m introducing myself, Twilight!” Discord said, beaming at her. “Have fun on your little mission! In the meantime, I’ll be having fun with my new toy.”

The picture went blank before Twilight could respond. Her eyes widened as the book dropped from her hooves.

“Oh, Sweet Celestia…”


There was a flash and Turing saw that they were no longer in the world of the book, but back outside on the pathway between Fluttershy’s house and Ponyville.

“Your power to manipulate the world and reality to your will is impressive,” she said.

“Why, thank you!” he said with a bow. “Still, you seem a bit blasé about the whole thing. Most ponies find my abilities simply mind-blowing!”

At that, his head exploded in a loud burst of flame and smoke. A bag then appeared in his claw that said “Spare Heads” on the side. He unzipped it, pulled out a fresh head, and put it back on his neck, the bag disappearing promptly afterward. He looked down at her expectantly.

She only stared back at him.

“Well, um,” he muttered, clearing his throat, “enough about me. Why not tell me more about you, um… Tur… Turny? Turbo?”

“Turing Test.”

“Right, right...”

“As previously stated, I am a robot. A machine. I also must correct you, Discord: you referred to me as a ‘toy.’ I am not--”

“Oh, but I’ve seen mechanical ponies like you before!” Discord exclaimed. “I only got to see them since my release from my stone prison, but I didn’t realize they made them so large!”

A large wind-up key appeared in his hand and he jammed it into Turing’s back, turning it with several loud clicks. When he released it, Turing’s legs stiffly began to march her forward.

“This is not my intended use,” she said as she mechanically walked face-first into a nearby tree. Her legs kept moving even though she was no longer getting anywhere. “I must ask you to stop. I am not a wind-up toy.”

“Oh, of course, silly me!” Discord said, pulling the key from her back. “You’re more like one of those action figures that really talks!”

“I have already demonstrated speech--” She stopped when a plastic ring attached to a string appeared on her back. “What is this?”

Discord picked her up, holding her around the midsection and pulled the string back before letting it go.


“Oh my goodness, that’s hilarious!” Discord guffawed loudly as he pulled the string again.

“I must insist DEAD - OR - ALIVE, - YOU’RE - COMING - WITH - ME.” She shook her head. “Why am I saying these things?”

“No idea! Let’s try the next one!” He pulled the string.

“No, I do not WHAT - AM - I - FIGHTING - FOR?!”

“Eugh, that one was a little melodramatic,” he said, making a sour face, pulling the string once again.


“I’m inclined to disagree, but I think this gag has overstayed its welcome,” Discord said, holding Turing up to his face. “Any more features? Ooh, do you have ‘Karate Chop Action?’”

I find this degrading. Put me down.”

Discord promptly dropped her, letting her hit the ground heavily, a metallic clang ringing through her body. “All right, all right, I was just having a little fun! Yeesh, aren’t you touchy!”

Turing got to her hooves and lowered her head.

“I am sorry,” she said quietly.

Discord froze, tilting his head, noting the tone of her voice. “Come again?”

“Your treatment of me was causing me to move and talk regardless of my own will. Although Twilight Sparkle has encouraged me to exercise my own will, I began as a purely functional machine. As I have become more aware of my own identity, I have also come to value having certain freedoms to choose.” She sat heavily on the ground, lowering her ears. “However, I recently was given total freedom to act and I used that freedom in a way I had not anticipated. I believe I did something… bad.”

Discord looked down at her. He then sat down, coiling his snake-like body into a tight heap, and smiled at her.

“Tell me about it.”

Turing then began to relate the story of what had happened several days earlier, including the events of the Nightmare Night celebration, the visit to the Castle of the Two Sisters, what happened to Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle, and finally what she had done to subdue Grace and Glory.

“My!” Discord said, sitting up straight at the conclusion of the tale. “That certainly was dramatic!” He rubbed his chin. “So, let me see if I’ve got this straight: you think you did something wrong because everypony told you it was wrong to use violence and that you would be punished if you ever did?”


He raised an eyebrow. “Even though everypony now says otherwise? Even though Celestia herself excused you?”

“I have noticed that organics are often kind and say that something was of no consequence even though the opposite is true. Furthermore, being forgiven for an action does not mean the action itself was positive. It was made clear to me that I had no right to use violence. It was made clear to me that a robot using violence against organics was the worst offense one could commit. I then made the decision to do so. If I was given the freedom to make the choice and accept the consequences, then I am also free to judge my own actions.”

Discord pursed his lips. “I see.”

“I anticipate that you will now attempt to mollify or console me.”

Discord raised an eyebrow, then held up a paw, waving it. “Nah.”

Turing’s ears straightened. “‘Nah?’”

“Is there an echo out here? That’s right, it seems you’ve already made up your little mechanical mind, so why should I bother to change it?” He yawned. “Besides, you may be right. After all, Celestia is quite forgiving… another thing I’m an expert on, by the way.”

Turing said nothing at first, though her ears were twitching. “You are a very strange lifeform, Discord. Even for an organic.”

“Why, thank you!” he exclaimed, putting a claw to his chest. “But let’s change the subject, shall we?” He craned his long neck, stretching it down to look Turing right in the eyes. “Would you mind telling me why you were visiting my dear friend Fluttershy?”

“My primary directive is to make friends. Spike the Dragon pointed out that Fluttershy was in need of a friend to watch the butterfly migration this afternoon. My directive demanded that I attempt to befriend her.”

“And yet she turned you down?” He frowned. “Tell me,” he said, his voice growing darker, “what reason would she have to treat you so harshly?”

Turing recounted the first time she’d met Fluttershy and scared the metaphorical pants off her.

“Ah. That would explain it.” He smiled. “By the way, when I get up close like this, your eyes sort of look like rhinestones!”

“They are polished amethyst.”

“Never mind that.” He stood up straight once again. “Well, as it happens, I happen to be a friend of Fluttershy’s and Twilight Sparkle’s. And any friend of Twilight Sparkle’s is a friend of mine!” He frowned for a moment. “Except for that Minuette… little meddler told me she could help ‘correct’ my teeth, as if anything were wrong with them!”

“Please clarify: you are offering to be my friend?”

“If you’re willing, that is!” he said, his smile returning.

“I see. Very well. I accept your friendship.”

“Excellent!” Discord said, leaping into the air and remaining there. “Then let us proceed!”

He snapped his fingers and the world around them disappeared in a flash, only to be replaced with a grove filled with flowering trees and bushes.

Turing Test looked all around her, taking in the view. Flowers of red, white, orange, and yellow covered every plant in sight. She detected heavy amounts of pollen in the air. “What is this place? And what did you mean by ‘proceed?’”

“This is the Autumn Bloom Grove,” Discord replied, sweeping his clawed arm around demonstratively. “These peculiar trees and bushes all bloom in late summer and early autumn, making them the perfect stop for butterflies migrating south for the oncoming winter.”

Turing spotted several butterflies that had already arrived and were fluttering from one tiny flower to another.

“Then this is the place where Fluttershy will arrive to watch the butterfly migration, correct?”

“Correctomundo, Amiga 500!”

“I should take my leave before she arrives and I frighten her.”

As she turned to go, Discord whipped his tail forward and wrapped it around Turing, lifting her up to his eye level.

“Oh no no no!” he said, wagging a finger at her. “This is how I’m going to help you out, my new friend!” He narrowed his eyes at her, a knowing grin on his face. “Though I, for one, find you positively adorable, it seems Fluttershy is a little intimidated by your looks. So I’m about to give you a makeover the likes of which Rarity could only dream of!”

“I do not--”

Discord snapped his fingers.

“--understand.” Suddenly Discord’s face was exponentially larger. Turing looked down and saw that she was now standing on the very tip of Discord’s tail, the tuft of fur at its end nearly as tall as she was. Furthermore, her legs were now segmented and pointy. Also, there were six of them. She heard Discord’s rumbling chuckle and tried to twitch her ears, only to find that they were gone. Instead, she noticed, she had two long spindly wires running from her forehead: antennae.

She swivelled her head around to confirm her suspicions. She saw that she had two wide, thin wings that were made of the same polymer as her mane. She was still metallic, still a robot, but no longer a pony.

She was a butterfly.

“Ha ha! Even cuter than before!” He made a show of making big, glassy “puppy-dog” eyes, but then resumed his usual smug expression. “Now then, you might want to try flying.”

Turing wasn’t sure what the point of this was, but decided to try it out anyway. The motors and servos in her oblong body came to life and her wings began to beat rapidly, allowing her to easily take off and hover. She wasn’t sure how she knew how to do this, but supposed it was a side-effect of Discord’s magic. She came closer to Discord and hovered before his eyes.

“I must ask you to return me to my normal form, Discord. I do not wish to be a butterfly.”

Discord frowned and tilted his ear toward her. “What’s that? I’m afraid you’ll have to speak up!”

“I asked you to return me to normal.”

“Nope, just getting little high-pitched squeaks.” He shrugged. “Oh well! The important thing is that now Fluttershy will find you irresistible! Although I imagine other predatory animals will too, so, you know, keep your wits about you.”

“Predatory animals?”

“Still didn’t catch that. Anyway, my little Iron Butterfly, you stay put here with the other cute, dainty little Lepidoptera and have a good old time until I return!”


Discord vanished in another flash of light. Turing found herself alone… until she realized that many more butterflies were beginning to arrive.

Analyzing situation… aborted. She cancelled the analytical process. Re-evaluating prior instruction: Discord told this unit to ‘quit being so analytical’ and ‘just experience things for a change.’ This may be the correct course of action. If this unit is to pose as a butterfly, then I should join other butterflies and attempt to socialize with them.

Turing Test spotted a nearby bush with many flowers and began to approach it. She set down on the petals of a large white flower, noticing that it barely bent at all under her weight. She was used to the idea of being exceptionally heavy compared to other ponies, but was now light enough to alight on a flower without disturbing it much at all.

As she walked forward, into the eye of the flower, the chunks of yellow pollen began sticking to her legs. She held up a leg, gazing at it.


“Yo, you gonna drink that nectar or just sit there all day?”

Turing turned her head and saw a large Monarch butterfly hovering nearby. Curiously, it was speaking through the end of its proboscis, sounding a bit like somepony speaking while holding their nose.

“Ah. No, I am… full.” She moved over, letting the Monarch land on the flower. He began to lap up the nectar.

“Aw daaang, these are some good flowers! Hey, Twinkle Wings!” He waved his front leg at a passing Monarch. “Yo, man, try this!”

“Oh, sure, bro!” the other butterfly said. He came down and likewise took a drink. “Duuude, this is some primo nectar! Like, I haven’t had stuff like this since last spring!”

A few more butterflies came down nearby. “Twinkle Wings, Schmetterlingo, that you?” asked one.

“Pollinate my garden, it is!” said the other, with a bit of a twang. “How you doing! Ain’t seen y’all since you were caterpillars!”

“Same here, Pupa D, Pappy Low!” Twinkle Wings said.

“Yeh, but you look like you coulda stayed in yo’ cocoon a few more days!”

“Ohhhh, dude, bro!” Twinkle Wings and Schmetterlingo bumped thoraxes, laughing hysterically as the other butterfly, Pupa D, rolled his compound eyes.

“Whoa, whoa, hold up!” said Pupa D’s companion. “Who is this pretty little thang?” He fluttered over to Turing, giving her the best bedroom eyes a butterfly could.

“I am Turing Test.”

“Well, Turing Test, that sure is a shiny abdomen ya got there,” he said, walking around her. “In fact… I can see myself in it.”

The other three made various guffaws and cries of “Ohhh!” as they high-”fived” each other.

Turing’s antennae twitched slightly. “Yes, my outer chassis is somewhat reflective.”

“Yo, hold up, Pappy Low,” Schmetterlingo said. “This chick ain’t no Monarch. Hey, baby, what species are you?”

“My species?” The other butterflies were all looking at her expectantly. “I am a… Robotterfly?”

“Figured,” Twinkle Wings said, heaving a sigh. “Just leave her alone, Pappy.”

“Tch, y’all are just closed-minded.” He took Turing’s front leg and used the end of his proboscis to kiss it. “Don’t pay them no mind, miss. Say, it ain’t mating season, but come next spring, if y’all are interested…”

Turing tilted her head as he trailed off. “You are asking me to mate? I do not believe that will be possible.”

“Shot dooowwwn!” Pupa D hollered.

“Aw come on, girl,” he said, looking wounded. “It ain’t like we’ll live forever.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” Pupa D said, fluttering over to another flower. “Way I see it, we--”

There was a sharp shrieking sound that Turing noticed sounded remarkably like a bird chirping and a bright red blur swooped in among them. There was a yell and suddenly Pupa D was gone. They looked up at the sound of his voice and saw a cardinal flying away with him in its beak.

“Awww snap!” Schmetterlingo moaned. “Dang tweety ate ‘im up!”

The three were silent for a second.

“Ah well, y’all wanna get some more nectar?”

“Sure thing, bro!”


Turing was still processing what had happened. “Wait,” she said. “You do not wish to express further sadness?”

“No time, baby,” Schmetterlingo said. “Just the Cycle of Life.”

“Shyeah,” Twinkle Wings agreed. “Besides, we only live to be like… what, three years old?”

“Yo, my gramps lived to be five until a spider ate 'im.”

Turing watched as the three of them flew away.

Recommencing analysis… complete. Findings: butterfly socialization does not match expectations.


Fluttershy, wearing a wide-brimmed sun hat and a pair of binoculars around her neck, approached the clearing of trees. Discord, dressed similarly, walked casually beside her.

“I’m so glad you decided to join me after all, Discord!” Fluttershy said, smiling up at him. “I thought you said butterfly watching was boring!”

“Boring? Me?!” he gasped, placing a hand on his chest, as if stricken. “You wound me, mon capitan!”

She raised an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t that be ma capitan?”

“Heck if I know! Aaanyway, butterfly watching can be loads of fun!” Under his breath he added, “If you know how, that is.”

“Discord, did you just mutter something under your breath?” She flew up, hovering in front of him with a reproachful look in her eye.

“What? N-no, of course not!” he said, refusing to meet her gaze.

“Hm.” She shrugged and returned to the ground. “Well, never mind that! We’re here!”

They entered the clearing of the Autumn Bloom Grove. Her eyes lit up as she saw literally hundreds, perhaps thousands of butterflies swarming over the trees and bushes. They came in all manner of colors and flew all over in great clouds and small groups alike. The sound of their tiny wings beating all around could barely be heard in spite of their sheer numbers over the gentle breeze that made the branches of the trees sway.

“Oh my goodness! How wonderful!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “Aren’t they just beautiful, Discord?”

She looked up at him and he was sweating and his left eye was twitching.

“Discord? Are you all right?”

“Uhhh yes! Yes, I am! I just… didn’t know there would be, um… so many of them!” He gave her a weak smile which didn’t seem to totally convince her.

But then she covered her mouth, stifling a small chuckle. “Oh Discord, you silly draconequus! It’s okay if you’re afraid of butterflies! They can be a little intimidating with all of them swarming like this.”

“What?!” He took to the air, fists clenched and arms ramrod straight. “I’m not… that is-- gah, never mind!” He landed back on the ground, arms crossed as he pouted. “Just… tell me about the butterflies.”

And in the meantime, he told himself, I’ll do my best to keep an eye out for Turing Test. I didn’t think there would be this many of the blasted things!

“Well, there are three species of of butterflies in this migration,” she said, pointing to them in succession. “The orange ones are Monarch butterflies, the black and yellow ones are Swallowtails, and the blue ones are called Blue Morphos.” She heaved a happy sigh. “Oh Discord, they’re all so gorgeous!”

“Yes. Um…” He kept glancing around. “You don’t happen to see any different butterflies here do you?”

She raised an eyebrow. “No. There really should only be those three types. Why?”

“No reason!” he said, eyes shifting left and right.


Turing Test was on a flower a few dozen meters away having a discussion with a (comparatively) deep-voiced blue butterfly.

“Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?”

“I do not dream.”

“Oh.” The butterfly cocked his head. “Well, that sort of kills the metaphor.”

“Yes, although your perspective on existence is indeed interesting, Blue Morpheus.

She scanned the area and saw that Fluttershy and Discord had arrived.

“Ah. Pardon me. I must go.”

“So, that’s a no on the mating?”

Turing ignored him and began flying over to the yellow pegasus and her draconequus companion. She was engrossed in her butterfly watching, so Turing decided to try and fly into her field of view. She heard Discord saying something and Fluttershy’s eyes seemed to light up as she spotted her.

She didn’t seem to recognize Turing either, because she seemed fascinated rather than frightened or annoyed.

She flew low to the ground to stay separate from the other butterflies flying above. “Observe, Fluttershy. I am now a butterfly. Perhaps now you will--”

And then there was a loud croaking sound and a sticky pink mass shot out, ensnaring her, and pulling her into a black pit.


“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy said, her hooves going to her cheeks and she cooed in delight. “Look at that one, Discord! It’s so shiny and it has little purple eyes!”

“What?! Where is it?!” He shot forward and looked for it before he finally spotted it. Turing! There you are!

“Oh look! It’s coming this way!” She held out her hoof. “Come here, little butterfly! I won’t hurt you!”

She could have sworn she heard the tiny creature make some sort of sound when suddenly a nearby frog hopped out of its hiding place and snatched the little butterfly out of the air with its tongue before swallowing it whole.

“No!” she shrieked, rushing over to the frog.

“Ribbit?!” the frog croaked defensively.

“Please, Mr. Frog, I know you have to eat, but, well, if you spit that butterfly out, I’ll give you a nice tasty food pellet instead!”

“Ribbit!” the frog said, turning away.

“Oh come on, pleeeease?” she asked, her lower lip quivering.


“Pretty pretty pleeeeeeeeeeeease?”

The frog sighed. “Ribbit...”

“Oh, thank you, Mr. Frog!”

The frog rolled his eyes and, with a mighty heave, spat Turing Test back out.

Fluttershy passed the frog a food pellet and she swept up Turing Test, still not recognizing her, and cradled her in her forelegs.

System diagnostic: no longer in corrosive environment.

Turing’s eyes adjusted and she saw Fluttershy’s enormous face looking down at her. Turing unfolded her wings and flapped them, clearing the gastric juice that coated them.

“Oh, thank goodness, you’re all right!” Fluttershy hugged Turing to her chest.

From Turing’s perspective, she found it curious that Fluttershy could embrace her so delicately that her wings were undamaged. She sensed the warmth from the much larger body and could hear Fluttershy’s massive thundering heart beating inside her chest.

“Poor little butterfly,” Fluttershy said, breathing a sigh of relief. “You’re safe with me now.”

Discord was also breathing a sigh of relief, but quickly composed himself.

“You know, Fluttershy,” Discord said, leaning down, making a sour face at the butterfly in her embrace, “that little bug doesn’t look like any of these other butterflies. It might be some moth or maybe some sort of parasite.” He made a gagging motion. “It’s ugly too. Maybe I should just smash it and put it out of its misery.” He made to reach for it.

Fluttershy gasped and took to the air, holding the butterfly away from him defensively. “Really, Discord! I would think that you of all creatures would know not to judge by appearances!”

He raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Yes! Just because you’re a little intimidated by butterflies and just because this one isn’t as cute as the others doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve to be cared for and treated right!”

Discord grinned broadly. “I am so glad to hear you say that, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy blinked. “Um… okay. Why?”

“Did you, by any chance, take a good close look at that little butterfly you’re holding?”

Fluttershy squinted her eyes and peered down at the little butterfly. When the tip of her muzzle was just in front of it, she finally recognized its face.

“Hello again, Fluttershy,” came Turing’s tiny voice.

“Eek!” Fluttershy squealed, flying over to Discord, hiding behind him for protection.

“What’s the matter, Fluttershy?” Discord asked, his grin spreading from ear to ear.

“Th-that’s not a butterfly!” she hissed.

“No, not really, but does that matter? If you’d known what she was, would you still have let that frog eat her? Or let me squish her?”

Fluttershy stopped cowering. “N-no, of course not!”

“And didn’t you say we shouldn’t judge by appearances?”

“I… yes, I did say that, but sh-sh-she tried to--”

“She tried to make friends with you?” He made an overdramatic gasp. “Oh, how terrifying!”

“Yes! I mean, no! I…”

Discord stared down at her and at last she let him go, setting herself on the ground.

She sighed. “All right. I see your point. Discord, please change her back now.”

“As you wish,” he said, and snapped his fingers.

In a flash, Turing Test stood before them again, back in her original form.

“My apologies for frightening you earlier, Fluttershy,” Turing said. She sat down in the thick grass. “I realize that you are frightened of me. I do not blame you for this, as, after my recent actions, I have considered that fearing me is normal. Even though I did not deserve your kindness, I thank you for saving me.”

She got up and began to walk away.

“W-wait!” Fluttershy cried, holding a hoof out. “Just tell me, please: was it your idea to trick me like this?”

Turing looked back over her shoulder. “No, it was Discord’s idea. He believed it would enable us to make friends. Though I do not agree with his method, I am grateful to him as a friend for attempting to assist me.”

“You two are… friends?” She looked back at Discord.

“Oh, most certainly!” Discord said, flashing over to Turing and picking her up, holding her in one arm. “We’re chums, pals, compadrebots!”

Fluttershy swallowed. “I… I think, even though it was really irresponsible and mean,” she said, glaring up at him, “that, well… you were right. I was being unfair.”

She managed a smile and looked over at Turing. “O-okay, Turing Test. Let’s try to become friends. You can come over tomorrow and help me with my animals. Um, if that’s okay with you, of course.”

Discord set Turing Test down. The mechanical mare slowly approached Fluttershy, careful not to frighten her, and then gingerly extended her hoof.

“Your proposal is acceptable.”

Fluttershy looked down at the hoof and extended her own, finally tapping it ever so slightly. She let out a deep breath and let the tension drain from her body. She then took Turing’s hoof properly and shook it.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Will Turing win over Fluttershy? Will the readers forgive me for waiting this long to do her arc? Is the Author's Notes section really the place for rhetorical questions? Tune in next chapter to find out!

Oh dear sweet Celestia, the references... well, here we go!
-Discord's appearance in Spike's comic book mimic the famous music video for "Take On Me" by A-Ha.
-His appearance in Twilight's book and demand for blue pages is a reference to the video game Myst, one of my childhood favorites.
-Turing's lines when her pullstring is yanked reference GlaDOS from Portal, RoboCop, and Zero's infamous line from Mega Man X4.
-Discord calls Turing his "Amiga 500" which is a classic home computer from the 1980s used widely for early video gaming.
-Discord's line to Fluttershy references his VA, John de Lancie's best known character, Q, from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
-Blue Morpheus is a reference to Morpheus from The Matrix and the Blue Morpho butterfly.
-Subtle one, but Discord calls Turing the "Iron Butterfly" referencing the musical group of the same name, most famous for the song "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida."

Remember how earlier I joked that this story has its own TV Tropes page? Well, as of this posting (9/13/15), it actually does! Enjoy!

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