• Published 10th Apr 2015
  • 9,154 Views, 182 Comments

The new Sombra - The tale of a villain, that tries to behave... like a villain? - Hoppa_21

Leon always had a lot of adventurous dreams in his life, but none of them could quite match this one. Being in the role of a unicorn villain, in a mysteriously well detailed world, in which he has to take over an entire empire!

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Chapter 1: Green Isn't My Colour

Cold. That’s the first thing I felt, what I can remember. It was cold. A light breeze was washing over me. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to recall the events that had happened. I think, I had an accident with my bike. I let out a frustrated sigh.

“Just. Fucking. Great. The bike was new.” I remembered when I bought it. It had such a nice, red, majestic colour. “Well, maybe it is not in such a bad shape. And maybe with some luck I’m not in such a bad shape either.”

I then noticed the cloudy sky and the snow that was falling on me. No wonder I was feeling numb. But it was still a little strange.

“Snow? A bit early. I mean it is August!” I chuckled lightly. “Fucked up weather. Probably global warming, but can global warming even cause snow in summer? I mean, it is technically called warming. Whatever, I should better stand up and look for my bike.“

I lifted my head up a bit and was utterly confused. I didn’t see the town or streets or my bike for that matter. What I could see was a landscape covered in snow and some mountains in the distance. It was strange that the environment shifted so drastically.

“Where am I?“ I asked out loud.

As I tried to stand up and use my hands to support my movement, I noticed something. Or I noticed, rather, the lack of something. My face blanched as I slowly lifted my arm in front of my eyes. My blood drained from my face. A stump.

“FUCK NO. A STUMP!“ I said quite panicked as I snapped. “I AM FUCKING MAIMED! GOD, NO! PLEASE NO! OH GOD!“

It took me a while to calm down and fully comprehend the situation I was in, or could you really comprehend something like this? Let’s just say, that I at least tried to understand it.

After I calmed down a little, I stood up and soon noticed some other changes. All my limbs were stumps and I was covered in grey fur. And I somehow had other clothes. A majestic red cape, which hardly covered everything it needed to cover.

I slowly tried to puzzle all the pieces together and then had an idea.

“This isn’t real. I just ended up in a hospital, probably in a coma. This must be what they call a lucid dream, right? Wouldn’t be the first time I had a dream about other dimensions. I can clearly remember my last one.“

I let out a dreamy sigh at the memory. I was in my last dream travelling to another dimension, meeting a group of hero wizards, who led me join their group, despite me being a normal human. We arrived in something, that seemed to be a wizard school and I met the principal there. Nice guy. Old and wise, just what you would expect of an old wizard principal. Nothing out of the ordinary. Of course I was intimidated, because I was just a normal guy, but he denied that. I wasn’t a normal human, I was… and then cliff-hanger! Just before he could finish it, the clock rang! Damn that thing. It’s the worst if you wake up in the middle of an exciting dream. You can compare it to a blackout, when you are just at the highlight of a good movie. Happened to me too. Really annoying, things like that. But now back to reality. I was in a new dream world and it seemed even more realistic, than the others I had been in before! I have to admit, that I was excited about this.

I slowly examined my new body. It had grey short fur, and as I tried to make out the form of my face, I could feel a muzzle. My hair seemed to be long and black. Black and grey were at least not a bad colour combination and this combined with the red majestic cape lets me really look like I’m some big shot around here.

“Maybe I am? The cape is at least worthy of a king.”

But first time to strike a balance. Overall I seem the be a creature with horse-like features. I also noticed something sticking out of my head.

“Is that a horn? Am I a wizard king? Or unicorn king? Hm… This might be interesting.“

I now also finally realized, that my voice had changed. “Not bad, too. Such a nice deep voice. Good to command thee! Well, as soon as I find someone to command, that is. MUHAHA! Man, that laugh is also admirable.“

I took a hero like stance. “Don’t fear fair citizens of Horsetown! Cause I, Leon the Great, the First, the Unstoppable, the Kind, the King of Horseland will protect you from all evildoers, that may appear!“

I guess it would have looked better, if I actually had some spectators or if I would have known what the country is called, that I’m reigning over, ‘cause let’s be honest here, Horsetown and Horseland is pretty lame as a wildcard.

“So maybe I should gather information,” I pondered. “But I should probably also revise these lines. If I want to be a great king, I need to express myself flawlessly. On the other hand… Would the fragments of my mind, or just the people, or uh, horses even mind such flaws?“ I thought out loud, and in my opinion it was a valid question.

I then sat on the ground. It was comfier and less awkward than standing on four hooves. I probably have to get used to it. I then slowly looked around. I noticed a city in the distance. It was radiating with light and seemed to be made out of crystals.

“Just wow. This is definitely worthy of a king. And that videogame logic! Snow falling near the city, but not inside of it! There is a huge hole in the cloud rooftop! It’s like god himself just punched a hole in it!“

I continued to stare at it with fascination, as a noise sounded right behind me.


I blanched. I turned around to hope that I was mistaking it, but as you could have expected it, I didn’t have that much luck.

“Aw, crap.“

Right in front of me was a goddamn train closing in! I acted on reflex and tried to jump out of the way, but I was too late and the train loaded me up.

Just before it hit me I concentrated and my horn began to glow. Shadows were forming around me and they seemed to have softened the impact immensely. So at least I didn’t just go ‘Game Over‘ at the beginning.

It was certainly interesting to find out, that I could somehow control shadows. This might come in handy for fights. But now I had first to deal with a different situation, with being loaded up on a train and all.

Let me say this: The pressure of the air was overwhelming! Almost reminded me of riding my bike, only difference was that this train was a lot faster than it and the air pressure was therefore a lot stronger.

I tried to get a good hold on the train before taking a look to see where it headed. Seems like this train brought me straight to my destination. Convenient, though I have to admit that I’m still going to give the conductor a hell of a complaint for just running me over like that and not even stopping afterwards.

With nothing else to do, I waited. I of course didn’t have to wait too long, since I my destination was already near.

I jumped off, as soon as the speed died down and entered the station.

I only took a brief look at the train. It was made out of Crystals, just like the station and the houses in the town. I really like the design, but I had a certain conductor to talk to. I couldn’t just let him run over everyone who was accidentally standing on the tracks. I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.

I pounded in an upset manner on the door, not even trying to hide my temper.

“Get your a-, uh… what was it called again? Argh! Forget it, just get out here!“

The conductor soon opened the door with an annoyed look on his face. As soon as he saw me it faded and his face blanched. I was slightly confused by this, especially as he started stuttering some incomprehensible stuff.

Before I could even react, he shut the door closed and suddenly drove off with the train!

“Hey! You know, this is a clear case of hit and run!“ I yelled as the train started to move. A second later I noticed something severe. I was dragged along with it! My long hair was stuck in the damn door.

“HELL, NO! STOP!“ I shouted as I ran next to the train and tried to get my hair out of the door.

I hastily stood with my two hindlegs on the train door and tried my best to use my forelegs to yank my hair out of there. The lack of fingers didn’t really help my grip on the hair and I grunted in annoyance.

But luckily for me, I was able to pull my hair out of the door quickly and tumbled to the ground. I at least landed right in the meadow. Don’t want to imagine this landing on stone, but I still groaned. Landing is landing and this wasn’t the softest landing either.

I gathered myself, as I stood up. At least I was still in the city. It would have sucked to get dragged out of town by the train and its crazy conductor!

“I will get you for this. I will write down your number!” I shouted after him, before wondering, “Do trains even have numbers? God dammit! Best I just forget it. This is just a dream after all. No need to get upset over something like that.“

As I turned around to walk into the city, I saw two ponies staring at me in shock.

“Have I something on my face?“ I asked in a slightly annoyed manner. I probably can’t say that I’m always in full control of my temper. I mean, I was interacting now with the characters of this game. Couldn’t hurt to be nice to them. They could be helpful in the future. Oh and yeah, I prefer to refer to this as a game. Kind of reminds me of one, because of its atmosphere. I think I will soon get my first quest.

Meanwhile, the two horses ran away screaming and panicking. I just tilted my head, confused.

“I don’t think my manners caused that. Well, I should probably still act nicer, if I want to get on their good side. But maybe they are disturbed by something else. Could it be my looks? Would at least explain the conductor’s behaviour.”

My eyes wandered, meanwhile, to the city and I could see a small pond not that far away from me.

“Might as well check the rest of my look. And maybe I could practice my great entrance there too,“ I shrugged. Better than standing around and whining about my failure of interacting with the citizens.

“Well, I can still get a hang of this. I mean, not all of these horses are probably that fast panicking, or at least, that’s what I hope,” I said, as I started walking. And let me tell you this, it is not easy to switch from two legs to four. I had to walk slowly, to get the hang of this.

I slowly approached the pond and looked over its edge. I was fascinated by what I saw. Armor, crown, horn, eyes…

“Hey there, good looking. Man, not bad, I look like a real badass! I mean, just wow! This nice red colour of my horn, with the armour, the cape, the red pupils and my colour scheme is just great! Only one thing I can’t quite agree with...“ I mused.

“Green instead of the white of normal eyes? Green isn’t my colour. I probably could poison people just by glaring at them! No wonder they were scared.“ I then tilted my head to the side. ”And the fog radiating from them doesn’t make it better. Can I even look sympathetic like this?“

I tried to put on my best smile and then found something rather interesting. ”Are those fangs?“ I licked with my tongue over them. “Yep, definitely fangs. I look more like a predator, than a hero. Maybe I’m a dark hero?”

I stood up determined. “Then let’s start the dark hero theme of Axel, White Tiger!” I hummed the theme song of one of my favourite game characters contently, as I struck some poses, while playing an air guitar.

I suddenly stopped as I noticed a little filly in front of me. Her jaw dropped and her eyes were wide.

I blushed slightly, but shoved the embarrassment back to lower myself to her eye level. Might at least try to make a good impression on that little one.

“Hey there little one,” I said with a smile. Somehow it didn’t seem to put her mind at ease. “Let me introduce myself,” I continued as I stood up, “I am the great King Leon, the dark hero, avenger of the innocent, terror of every villain’s dreams, master of the shadows and pizza lover!” I struck a dramatic pose, as I stood up on my hindlegs, moving my body to the side, while leaning one ha-, I mean hoof at my hips, while the other pointed triumphantly towards the sky. Would definitely look better with an index finger.

A light wind blew, as the silence between us dragged on and I was slowly feeling uncomfortable. I let out a disappointed sigh.


That caused her to giggle. “So you are not that mean King? I first thought that, because you kinda look like him. Are you his twin brother?” she said wondering.

“Mean King? Twin brother? I didn’t plan to take on such roles. I thought more about being a hero or a dark hero. I’m still not sure about this, though.”

“What is a dark hero?”

“A more selfish version of a hero. Someone who tricks others and so on. It would definitely suit my dark look.”

“Is that even a hero?”

“Dunno. I never really thought about that. And I am still not sure how to act in this new form I got either. I mean, I’m technically an Alien to you horses.”

She giggled again. Just too cute. “You are strange, but I like you. And I would like it, if you would stay just like that.” she said with a cute smile.

“Hm… Dunno.”


“Cuteness overload! Hhhnnnggg!” I said, as I fell to the ground with my hand grabbing around my chest.

The little filly was quite shocked. “A-are you a-alright M-mister?”

I sat up, as I answered. “Sorry. You are just too cute!” I squealed. “I just lost my strength for a moment. You are more dangerous than you might think. You could easily go to the military. Not every creature can use their cuteness as a weapon!”

“I’m going to join the guard, when I’m grown up. Just like my parents.”

“Love to hear that. By the way, what is this city called?”

The little filly beamed with pride as she threw her hooves over her head. “This is the Crystal Empire!”

“An Empire? Sounds good to me. Maybe I should find the big shots around here. They will probably aid me in my quest. Or at least provide me a quest to begin with. They are in the large building in the middle, right?”

“Yeah. Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor. They are really nice.”

“Interesting. A monarchy. Thanks, you are helping me a lot. I’ll bid my farewell, then. I should keep going and I guess you should also hurry to your parents. I hope they are not worrying about you.”

She seemed disappointed but obliged after she said her goodbyes.

I then realized that I hadn’t even gotten her name. I just shrugged, since it wasn’t important.

“An interesting start.”

At least I had a destination for now. Maybe I should keep my performance for the two rulers. This will certainly be interesting.