• Published 18th May 2012
  • 3,736 Views, 34 Comments

The Lost One - redpyramid1

Fluttershy finds a creature in the everfree forest crying and alone so she decides to take it home.

  • ...

(3) Sorry for late update.

"Now Colt, don't go wandering off on me, & I want you to be on your best behavior... And stay close to me, & don't talk to strang-"

'uhg' "C'mon Fluttershy, lets get gooo already! Colt's gonna be fine. nothing bad's gonna happen." Exclaimed a fairly bored out of her mind pegasus

"Oh, but i worry about him, what if he gets lost on the way to twilight's, or worse get fillynapped, or *Gasp* or worse!" Exclaimed Fluttershy in a not so 'Fluttershy' way. Colt was sitting next to Fluttershy watching angel mimic something to him. He didn't really understand what it was the bunny was doing, but it involved allot of movement and paw signs.

"Oh c'mon! he's not gonna wander off, did you see how he reacted when he saw me! And what was that last part about him talking to strangers? Can he even talk?"

"Well...no.. I don't think he can talk but,... i'm really nervous about taking him somewhere new. What if everypony doesn't like him, what if they all shun him like they shunned Zecora. And what if he walks off when i'm not looking?"

Rainbow huffed a stray strand of hair from her face. "Alright then, if you afraid he'll run off when your not looking, make it so he can run." said rainbow as she flew over to Colt and picked him up. "Wauu!" Yelped Colt as he was picked up by Rainbow and placed on Fluttershy's back. Rainbow landed in front of Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was trying to have a better look at Colt, but wasn't having much luck. "Well?" asked Rainbow in a slightly annoyed tone.
"Do you think he'll be alright up there?"

"He'll be fine now lets go, i'm starving." said rainbow as she started walking away from Fluttershy and towards ponyville.

"Hold on tight colt, don't want you falling off now do we." As Fluttershy began to walk, Colt wrapped his arms around the back of Fluttershy's neck. Firmly yet not tight. Fluttershy grew a warm smile, and picked up her pace a little. just to catch up with Rainbow.

And Time Warp... Slightly.

The walk to and through ponyville was very uneventful. Mainly because Fluttershy tried her hardest to hide Colt with her wings. Colt wasn't sure why she was doing this, but her soft feathers where rubbing against his face. He assumed he was get some good old fashion Love and Affection. which looked fairly new for him. Rainbow was watching Colt Rub his face on one of Fluttershy's wings with small smile. "Wow, he really like's you doesn't he." Asked Rainbow.

"Oh, do you really think so?"
Asked Fluttershy with glee. (<- that work)?

Rainbow hovered over Colt, watching him rub his face against Fluttershy's wings.
" Well, either that or he really likes your wings" Fluttershy deflated slightly at that, but at least he likes her... right?

"Hey there's the library, finally I can get some food in me!" Proclaimed Rainbow, as she landed next to Fluttershy, and picked up her pace. Fluttershy looked at the library and slowed down a bit. She felt nervous. What would her friends think of her new friend? Would they like him? Would Colt like them? These thoughts raced through her mind as she made it to the front door. 'This is it'. Thought Fluttershy, as Rainbow banged on the door of the library.

"Hey Open up Twi! Were here for the party!... And i'm starving!"

Fluttershy snapped back to attention when she heard Rainbow yell. This is it. no going back now. All her friends will see Colt, and she was going to make sure they like him. The door opened to reveal Twilight Sparkle, with a bit of frosting on her nose.

"Oh good you made it!" exclaimed twilight as she let them through.

"Sorry were late Twi, but Fluttershy had a problem with her new animal friend." said Rainbow as she walked passed Twilight, and headed straight to the food table.
"New animal friend?" Asked Twilight as Fluttershy walked passed her. she walked to the center of the room and sat next to Rarity. Every one of her best friends were in a circle at the center of the room. Twilight closed her door and walked over to Fluttershy, and took a seat next to her.
"You got a new animal friend, that's great Fluttershy! what's it's name, and what is it?" asked Twilight

"Well, his name is Colt. and I don't know what he is... I brought him with me though."

"Really!" yelled everypony, with the exception of Rainbow who was sitting between Aj and Pinkie.

"Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, where is he, whats he look like, is he Invisible, is he huh, huh, huh?" Exclaimed a happy pinkie pie. oh so very excited to make a new friend.

"He's right here, but he's kinda shy..." Fluttershy lowered her left wing and felt Colt slowly slide off of her. she felt him hold onto him as he touched the ground. She moved her hoof over to colt and brought him in front of her. Colt was holding on to Her in a tight hug. face in her chest not wanting to see anything right now.

"Wow," said everypony as they looked on in amazement at the creature. none of them had ever seen such a strange, yet cute creature like this before. It look almost alien to them. Colt turned his head slightly to see what was going on around him. At the sight of all the other mares in the room he felt his nervousness grow. Fluttershy, sensing this gave him a hug to comfort him. "There, There Colt no need to be nervous." Colt visibly relaxed at her words. He turned around and sat under Fluttershy, and observed what everypony was doing.

Everypony was awestruck,

Author's Note:

sorry for not updating in a... long while. I got lost with this. and still am lost the only reason i stopped where i did was because i didn't know where else to take this. so if you wanna help out send me a message.

Again sorry for being so late with an update. whats it been like almost a year?

Comments ( 8 )

Completely forgot about this story, nice to see it being updated.

You will need someone to proofread your work.

Where do you want to take it?

Well what MrZJunior said is true, where do you want to take this? Why don't you think back to the start and remember what you want. For example, do you want Colt to be an important figure, being hunted by a group or a key to unlocking a weapon etc. Because we would all like to know how and why Colt is in Equestria, thats something that could be looked into. Building his character through chapters, talking to other ponies, exploring, helping others etc. Will he have a love relationship with a pony when he gets older? will he go to school? Will Colt and Fluttershy be true mother and son? There are so many things you can do, you have to think about this. Go back and think about your character to develop him, relations with characters and is he a major part of the plot. Speaking of plot, what is the story? Is the first few chapters about Colt growing up with Fluttershy and his friends? When he grows up, will he become part of something serious that may risk his life? Create a plot that you think will work.
Good luck with your story and I'm glad to see you return.


you... are very helpful. everything you said will be taken into consideration while i make my next chapter.

all i need now is a way to start it.

Honestly I don't know where to go with this, I completely lost my train of thought for this one. Plus I keep getting distracted with other story ideas. Sorry 'bout that :twilightblush:

Want some help with this story?

Is this going to continue?

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