• Published 6th Apr 2015
  • 10,114 Views, 507 Comments

Ponyville Police Department - Omega6047

Policeman and his dog are trying to survive in pony society.

  • ...

14. Pink Matchmaker

--Chapter 14--
Pink Matchmaker

After 10 minutes of lying alongside Twilight, while she held him like her favorite plushy, Revan decided to take a nap as well. It was rare for him to sleep during the day, unless he was after sleepless night, or after really, hard work out. This time though, what lulled him to sleep was pony-plushy that was hugging him. He had to admit that Twilight was really nice to cuddle with, even despite the awkward awakening that was to come. It didn't even bothered him that the bed was too small.

He closed his eyes and let the dreams overtake him. However, before he fell asleep he felt something jump onto the bed, right between his legs. Working automatically, he threw the dog who surely tried to sneak to the bed with him again, off. He was rewarded with sound of paws running down the stairs. Now free of dog playing with his hands or waking him up by licking his face (at least this time), he could go back to sleep.

Only few minutes after Revan had fallen asleep, Twilight was waking up from one of best naps she ever had. Almost immediately after she awoke, she felt that there was something warm pressed against her. Eh... I thought you already grew out of sleeping with me, Spike... There was something wrong, however. ‘Spike’ felt different than the last time he had joined her in sleep.

In fact he felt different in general. He was more fleshy than usual, as if his scales were gone. He was also MUCH bigger; at least three times larger, and his arms were enveloped around her, while normally he could barely put his arms around her neck. With all that in mind she quickly figured out it wasn't Spike she was hugging. Though if it wasn't her dragon assistant, than who was it?

Hesitantly, she opened her eyes. Through blurry vision, she had noticed something large and blue covering her view. She blinked few times to clear her vision, and inspected the blue object. She could clearly see it was clothing, which further supported the fact that it wasn't Spike; the young dragon really hated wearing anything unless he really had to. However, it have given her a pretty good idea who was lying with her in the bed. There was only one being she knew, that matched the description.

She slowly rose her head, hoping she was wrong.

Of course, she was right. Her human friend, Revan, was lying asleep in her bed, hugging her like a plushy, just like she was hugging him. Oh, sweet motherbucking Celestia PLEASE tell me we didn't do what I think we did! She felt her cheeks warming up as she tried to free herself from Revan's hug. Not because she didn't like it -the opposite actually- it's just that the whole situation was a tiny bit too awkward for her liking.

She slowly began to move the human's arms off of herself and when she made enough space for herself, she attempted to leave the embrace. However, the attempt that was unsuccessful, as immediately after she pulled away, Revan reached out to caught her and pulled her even closer to his chest.

However, as he did so, some of hair from Twilight's mane, tickled his nose, causing him to sneeze, and after that wake up. As he was slowly leaving his slumber, Twilight began to panic, and she began to look for a way out of this situation. Revan's arms were still tightly clenched around her, and teleportation spell takes too long to channel so it can be performed it at will, not to mention it was hard to concentrate at the moment.

With a loud yawn, Revan awoke from his nap, immediately he felt something moving next to him. He looked down to inspect the movement, only to see Twilight looking around with panic inprinted on her face. „Oh good, you're finally woke up, took you long enough.” That got the Unicorn's attention, and she turned her muzzle towards him. The moment their looks met, Twilight's face almost coughed fire.

„Um... h-hi?” She said, giving him embarrassed smile.

He looked at her for a second, only making her blush more. „Why are you blushing so hard?”

„Um...” She looked around, motioning him to do the same.

Following her example, he did just that. "Oh, right." He removed his arms from around her, and in response she slightly moved away from him, her blush was still burning on her muzzle. "Sorry about that, since I was a kid I liked to hug stuff when I'm asleep and I never grew out of it. Heh, I remember the one time when Mischief jumped into my bed and wanted to sleep there. I caught him in my arms and hugged him so tight that from now on whenever he tries to sleep in my bed, he makes sure I have my arms somewhat immobilized or sleeps near my legs."

He sighed and laughed a little, then he got out of Twilight's bed and stretched his back. He looked at Twilight who immediately began to avoid his glaze, still blushing. "Seriously Twilight, what's with the blush? I expected this will be awkward for you but not to that level."

Twilight took a deeper breath to calm herself (not that it worked) and spoke with stuttered voice, still avoiding his glaze. "D-did anything… h-happened?"

He looked at her confused. "What was supposed to happen? You passed out after I explained you my memory card and I brought you here. That's all."

"O-oh! I thought that we..." She gave embarrassed laugh. "But why were you sleeping in my bed if we didn't... you know..."

"Because you wouldn't let go of my arm and I didn't really have a choice. And you were too cute to wake you up"

"Oh... sorry about that."

"Nah, it's okay. Besides you were pretty nice to snuggle with." He laughed at that a bit, making Twilight's blush reappear. "Wait a sec, you have actually thought we had sex?" He asked.

In response she hid her face behind her mane, looking away from him and slightly nodded. After that Revan burst into laughter, startling Twilight. "Ja pierdole, to jest komiczne! Przecież jestem całkowicie ubrany jak niby mielibyśmy mieć sex!? ((Holy fuck this is hilarious! I'm fully clothed, how were we supposed to fuck like that!?)) He said between laughs, eventually his legs gave up and he fell on the floor, still laughing like an idiot.

“And besides we know each other for a little more than a week, and I’ve been sleeping most of the time!” He continued to struggle to breath.

Twilight stood on the edge of the bed, looking at him with half-angry, half-embarrassed expression. “I-it’s not funny!”

Suddenly another voice spoke, the one that belonged to neither Twilight, nor Revan. “*GIGGLE*SNORT* Of course it is Twilight! Don’t you see how hard he’s laughing.” And with that said, all the laughs in the room were silenced. Twilight and Revan looked at each other and then slowly turned their heads towards the voice.

“PINKIE PIE!?” They screamed in union.

“Heyo!” She responded with her ever present smile.

Revan quickly got up from the wooden floor and looked at the pink pony. “Pinkie, how long were you here? And how did you even get here?”

“Long enough to see two of my best friends cuddling. I mean you two were just SOOOOOOOOOOO cute!” She jumped, and defying the laws of physics stayed in the air until she finished the sentence. “And as to how I got here. Do you really want to know about what happens behind the scenes? About the things that would change your view on the world and possibly yourself? Things that most ponies can’t handle and slip away into madness?”

“Um… yes?” Twilight responded.

“Well, that’s too bad, I don’t know about anything like that, but I’ll make sure to ask Author about it at some point. But hey! Do you know what time is it? It’s time for you two to eat something! And I know just the place, you can come with me to Sugarcube Corner! My treat of course!” She rushed to Revan’s side and jumped to his eye level. “So what do ya think?”

“Um, Fluttershy probably thinks I’ll be back for dinner, and will be worrying herself over this.”

“Oh don’t worry, I’ve already had Gummy to deliver her a letter saying you will eat at Sugarcube Corner, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

*KNOCK*KNOCK*KNOCK* Fluttershy run over to the door and peeked outside. To her surprise there was nopony there. Which doesn’t mean there was nothing there. “Gummy? What are you doing here all by yourself?”

“Well, I guess I could go than.” Pinkie jumped up again and have him a quick but still incredibly powerful hug. After she was done he was left breathless. It’s a damn miracle my ribs are still intact…

Pinkie Pie turned her attention to Twilight. At first she despaired from the view of both Twilight and Revan but then jumped the Unicorn from behind the bed. “And you? You wanna go!?”

*EEP* P-Pinkie how did you do that!?” She asked startled.

“I dunno, I’ll ask Author about it too. But you wanna come?” She pressed her muzzle to Twilight’s, giving her another wide smile.

“S-sure!” Twilight responded. As a reward, she also received a bone-crushing hug from the pink maniac. I know what you feel bro… sis… Revan commented in his mind.

As quickly as with Revan, Pinkie pulled away from Twilight and left the breathless Unicorn on the bed. “Now that we got this out of the way, I will leave you two for yourselves. ♪See ya!♪” With that said she approached the window, and jumped out.

Acting on instinct, Revan rushed after her. However, he stopped himself from doing the same after he saw that Pinkie Pie was cheerfully bouncing around the street, as if nothing happened. “*SIGH* Is this how she’s usually acting?” he said as he stepped out of the window.

“Yes, and I have close to no idea how she does half of this. My only guess is that she possesses some sort of magic that allows her to do this, but I would need my research equipment to see if I’m right, and it’s still left in Canterlot.”

“Alright.” He leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. They both stayed silent for a moment, until Revan spoke again. “Are we going there now or-“

*RUMBLE*” Twilight’s stomach spoke up. This ‘statement’ made Twilight blush a bit.

“I’ll take that as an answer.” He began to walk towards the stairs. When he reached the third step he noticed that Twilight wasn’t following him, he looked at her bed only to see her staring at him with a thoughtful expression. “Twilight, you going?” This snapped her out of her trance and a faint pink blush appeared on her face.

“Oh, sorry about that, I was just thinking about...stuff.” She jumped out of the bed and stretched her body, much like Revan did before. “I must admit, despite all the embarrassment that was the best nap I’ve had in awhile.”

“Yeah, I’ll double that.”

He didn’t see her blush.

She followed him downstairs, and they approached the stairs to the ground floor. However, as they were about to go down, a loud snoring caught their attention. They turned their heads towards the noise, only to almost explode into fists of laughter. Revan covered his mouth with a hand and almost fell on the ground, while Twilight bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.

The reason for this was what they found in Spike's basket. The dragon was lying there, with a big dog on top of him, hugging him with his two paws and sheepishly chewing spikes on top of his head. Mischief wasn't left without the reward however, as Spike was busy chewing the dog's tail. Spike's basket was barely big enough for Mischief to fit in, and both of his back hind legs were lying on the floor.

Twilight couldn't stop herself from using her magic to open one of boxes lying around the room and taking the camera out of it. She pointed the device at the image before her and as her eyes began to water (so did Revan's) took a picture.

The flash of light erupted from the camera.

And unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) it was enough for Spike's mind to be consider as a danger, and his sharper set of teeth appeared in his mouth. Using those, the dragon bit hard onto the dog's tail. Mischief jumped out of the basket with a yelp, the dragon still hanged on his tail, and it didn't seem like he was interested in letting go.

The reaction like that was natural for all dragons. Many of them spends most of their lives underground and a flash of light usually meant that there was another dragon trying to expend it's hoard. The cave's current resident had to wake up fast a be ready to fight. In Spike's case however, said instinct was somewhat damaged (he should have jump out of the bed and attack the source of light); so were many other dragon characteristic features. For example he had no wings and his growth speed was drastically slowed.

As Mischief kept running and jumping around the room in desperate attempt to shake the dragon off, Twilight and Revan were struggling to breath as they laughed and rolled on the floor. Eventually, Mischief managed to shake the dragon off of his tail by swinging it into the wall.

The dragon released the dog and finally woke up, he rubbed his eyes to restore his vision, but before he could get up, he was pinned to the ground by Mischief, who began to bark and growl at him.

Immediately the laughter in the room died out "Whoa! Whoa! Calm down Mischief!" Said Revan, as he got up and quickly walked over to the dog.

In the instant Mischief stopped barking at the dragon, but still remained on top of him. Revan grabbed his collar and pulled him away from Spike. The dragon immediately stood up and run between Twilight’s legs, who began to stroke his head. “Shhh… It’s alright. He was just angry because you bit him, that’s all. He won’t do anything like that again.” She said to him softly and looked at Revan looking for conformation.

In response he nodded. He was sure that as long as anything like that won’t happen again an time soon, there was no way Mischief would never attack Spike. Also, the dog wasn’t going to be punished for that stunt since it no one could have really blame him for this reaction.

Spike took few breaths to calm himself. “Alright, I’m good now. Thanks Twi.” He slowly walked downstairs, still consciously looking at Mischief.

For a second Twilight and Revan looked at each other in silence.

“So… are we going?” Twilight finally asked.

“Yeah, let’s go before something else happens.” And with that said, they headed to the Sugarcube Corner.

With a slow walk, the two began walking towards the bakery -which doubled as a cafeteria and on rare occasions also as a restaurant. "Sooooo except storing mind-blowing amounts of data, what else your computers can do?” Twilight asked as they left the library’s doorstep.

“Twilight, you passed out after I told you how much a simple SDcard can hold, if I would tell you about an actual hard drive -or anything else for that matter- I’m not sure if your brain would stay intact.” She looked at him with puppy eyes. “Twi, stop, this might work on some people but not on me.” She kept staring, this time adding a quivering lip to the mix.


He looked at her for a moment before speaking again. “Jezu, ty naprawdę chcesz wiedzieć (Jeez, you really want to know, don’t you). Alright, I’ll tell you, but not now. Let’s say when you’ll have your computer back, I’ll just compare each part separately. It’ll be better that way since you may be using parts that we don’t and vice versa.”

Twilight stopped her cuteness assault and threw her hoof in the air. “YES!” she screamed and gave an exited smile. This brought some attention to her (not that walking with a bipod through the street didn’t bring any). She didn’t mind, or simply didn’t noticed.

“Alright, no need to scream like that, better tell me did you get that letter Celestia was supposed to send me?”

She stopped in her tracks and facehoofed. “Eh, I got it this morning and forgot to tell you, sorry. We can go back and get it after we’re done with the dinner. And speaking of…” They just approached their target. Not wasting any time, Twilight approached the door and opened them. “Colts first.” She said with a small smile on her face. (also a blush, but her lavender fur was able to mask it)

He looked at her a bit surprised before he came to a realization. Oh right, our gender rules are almost entirely opposite of each other. He looked at her, returning the smile and walked towards the door. However, he looked at her for a bit too long and failed to notice that he had to couch to enter harmlessly. In the last moment he lowered himself to dodge the impact. And he almost managed to do it.


Despite his best efforts, his forehead hit the doorframe. The impact made him lose balance and he landed on the ground, hitting his head again, this time in the back. He caught his head with his hands. “Kurwa, to bolało! (Shit, that hurt!)”

Twilight instantly rushed to him. “Revan, are you alri- woah!” She was thrown off of her hooves, as Mischief run towards Revan, not caring that the Unicorn was in front of him. As she fell, he run towards Revan’s side and once there began to lick the human’s head. In response, Revan pushed him away with his hand. In the mean time, Twilight got up, but to her surprise, she wasn’t standing on a ground.

“Yes, Twilight I’m alright. And would you mind getting off of my crotch or are you glued to it?” Revan asked.

After hearing that, she growled in frustration (and blushed like mad). “Why does it keep happening to me?! I mean us. I mean… *GROWL*BLUSH INCREASED* It’s just so frustrating!”

“Can we discuss this after you’ll get off me?” He said somewhat irritated. In the instant she jumped off and extended her hoof to help him get up. Acting out of habit (he certainly had to be helped with getting up often) Revan took her hoof in a hand.

However, this was a mistake on both ends. Revan was too high for her to effectively help him with getting up, and the fact that he is twice as heavy as an average pony while she’s low for a pony, lighter than average and physically weak even by Unicorn’s low standards didn’t work in her favor either.

Instead of pulling Revan up, it ended up with her being pulled towards him. She ‘eep’ed as she landed on the human’s chest, with her face way too close to his for her comfort. Their looks met, and as the time went their faces grew more and more red, but neither was willing to break to break the glaze for the time being.

The first one to break out from the trance was Revan. “Um, could you get off me Twilight?” He said as he broke the glaze.

“O-Oh, right.” She jumped off and Revan quickly got up on his feet. Before any of them could have said anything more, they heard a disappointed ‘ooooooh’ coming from the bakery.

They turned their still red faces towards it, only to see the one and only Pinkie Pie with a disappointed look on her face. She was also holding a camera. “I was kinda hoping you two would do something interesting.” She said.

“What do you mean ‘interesting’? And why are you holding a camera?” Asked Revan.

With the speed faster than an untrained eye could see, she hid the camera in her mane. “What camera?” She asked innocently and not waiting for response continued. "That's not important now though, what’s important is that you’re finally here!” She jumped to Revan’s eye level, giving them both a cheerful smile. “Now come on!” She said as she landed and walked into the bakery (or more like bounced).

Twilight and Revan looked at each other again and sighed simultaneously. “Let’s get this over with before my brain will explode.” Said Revan.


Revan was the first to move, this time as he approached the door, he ducked underneath it and was forced to keep his head low since like most of ponies houses, Sugarcube Corner’s ceiling was too low for him to walk around freely. Twilight followed him inside, and they sat behind the closest free table. Before any of them could have say anything, Pinkie appeared again. This time however, she was dressed like a waitress, her mane was combined in a bun. "What can I get ya?" She placed two menus on their table.

Revan opened his menu and soon stated his order. "I'll take tomato soup; two portions, I eat more than ponies."

"Rice, hay, or noodles?" Pinkie asked.

A soup with hay? Seriously? "Noodles." Pinkie wrote it down in a notebook. I could have sworn that she wasn't holding anything before… Revan thought.

Pinkie turned to Twilight. "What about you?"

"I think I'll just take hay fries."

"Hay fries? Not really romantic is it?"

They both looked at her surprised. "And why is this supposed to be romantic?" Asked Revan.

She have him an ‘you’ll find out soon enough’ smile but said nothing. She wrote down Twilight's order and walked away, leaving confused human and pony behind.

Revan looked at Pinkie for a bit more until she disappeared behind the door to the kitchen. Then he looked back at Twilight who was just as confused as he.

However he quickly noticed something. In the table in the corner of the room sat two ponies. White unicorn mare with red eyes and blue hair that were stylized with huge amounts of hair gel, and a gigantic stallion, with coat and eyes that matched the mare’s and short yellow hair, he also looked like he’s been spending a bit too much of his free time in a gym.

The appeared to have a date.

And after a candle ‘mysteriously’ appeared on his and Twilight’s table it wasn’t long before the realization struck.

Revan looked at Twilight with a wide eyes and kept looking at her like that for a few seconds. “Revan, are you alright?” Twilight said.

And then, without any warning, the human exploded with laughter, bringing some attention to their table (not that there wasn’t any before). Twilight almost jumped out of the chair after that. “W-why are you laughing?” She asked.

He managed to take few breaths to muster the answer. “Oh, It’s nothing my dear Twilight.” He laughed a bit more. “I simply realized that Pinkie just set us up on a date, that’s all.”

In the instant Twilight’s body went stiff and her eyes widened. “A-a date!?”

“Yeah, can’t say I’ve ever had one set up for me. Usually I’m the one setting things up for my friends.”

“B-but I haven’t been on a date in years, I don’t even remember how I’m supposed to act or anything. And besides we know each other for only a week!”

“And for half of that week I was unconscious. Listen Twilight,” He began. ”I’m not sure about the whole thing myself, but based on the look Pinkie’s giving me right now, I suggest we just go along with it. And besides, last time I checked going with someone on one date doesn’t equal being in a relationship, so just stay calm and go along with it.”

“A-alright. But still, I don’t know anything about dating. I’ve been on three maybe four dates but that was years ago, and even then I was only doing it because my foalsitter wanted me to. I have no idea how I’m supposed to act or anything. What if I say something that I shouldn’t or that will upset you. I don’t want to lose a friend because of something like that. And-” She was silenced be a hand wrapped around her muzzle.

“Jeez, calm down Twilight, I’m not going to stop being your friend if anything goes wrong. Dates are just for letting two persons –or ponies- know each other better, nothing to worry yourself over.” He let go of her muzzle. “Now take few breaths and calm down.”

She did as he said. “Sorry, I guess I over reacted a bit. But you seem to be strangely okay with it. Why?”

“Trust me, on the inside I’m freaking out almost as much as you, I just don’t show it, nothing good ever comes out from that. But let’s change the subject on something more interesting.”

“Like what?”

“You.” He pointed at her with a finger as she blushed slightly. “Almost all time I was in the hospital we were talking about each other’s worlds and cultures, and I’ve also answered questions of other girls so you got to know plenty about me, but outside of you being Sunbutt’s student, the biggest bookworm I’ve ever met and a new national hero I don’t know much about you.”

“Alright, what do you want to know?”

He thought for a moment. “You said that you’ve been on few dates before, how did they go?”

“Not much to say about them, my foalsitter wanted me to ‘go out more’ so she set me up on some dates. Only one time it went anywhere further, but after that it didn’t end well. I’d rather not talk about it, but I pretty much gave up on dating after that.”

“Let me guess, he fooled you with sweet words and you really liked him but eventually he broke your heart and left you for someone else?”

“H-how did you know?”

“Well, first of all, it’s not really hard to figure out, and to be honest,” His look turned grim. “I’ve been there before.”

“What do you mean?” She asked concerned.

“What I just said, I’ve met a girl, she tied me around her little finger and left for some other guy.” They both stayed silent for a bit. “Alright, let’s talk about something else, talking about past relationships never ends well.”

“I guess so. But before you ask something again, I have a question that’s been on my mind lately.”


“Why do you know so much?”

He looked at her puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s just that whenever pony gets their cute-mark, from then on their education is based solely around that area. And you seem to have knowledge in just about everything. You can name almost every part of your body –both on the inside and the outside, you know most of your world’s history and even about yours universe creation, basics of economy, computers, geography, physics, you’re a walking law encyclopedia and much more. Where does all of it comes from?”

“Why do you sound surprised, you know pretty much all I do and even more. It shouldn’t be a surprise that others like to know stuff too.”

“That’s the point. It is a surprise. The reason why I’m studying so much isn’t just because I want to, what I always wanted to do is to inspire others to do the same, to show them how it can benefit them, but I’ve never met anypony who would even think about learning outside of what their cute mark says. The reason why I started to learn so much isn’t just because I like to, when I was younger I wanted to inspire other ponies to do the same -something I gave up on before but want to try again- and you just seem to do what I want other ponies to try –just try to be better in things other than what your cute mark’s telling you.

You wouldn’t believe how overjoyed I was when you asked me to bring you all those books, many libraries gets closed all around Equestria simply because nopony reads any books. And even more when you were actually listening to me when I go into ‘lecture mode’ as Princess Celestia called it, without falling asleep half way through like most ponies do (if I’m lucky). I just… admire you for this…”

Revan listened to her silently and as he thought about it began to make sense. Ponies had cute marks to tell them what they’re good at, and it was obvious that they were too dependent on them, while humans didn’t have anything like that, and had to try many different things to find out what they are good at, sometimes never finding it.

He felt flattered by what she said. Though he never thought of himself as someone extraordinary smart, he always was a good listener and had a good memory, which combined with the fact that he simply enjoyed listening to others talk let him remember much more from his school days then most of his school mates did. “Thanks Twilight. It was really nice of you to say. If you will ever want some help with that ‘inspiring’ you can count on my help.”

“Well, what do you think I should do about it? I don’t really have any ideas.”

He rested his chin on his hand in thought. “I think you should start from your friends and maybe siblings if you have any. I wouldn’t try with parents though, or anyone older for that matter, they can be a bit hard to convince. Younger minds are more open so you could also try doing something in school.”

A smile appeared on her face. “That’s a great idea. I always wanted to do something like that for foals.”

“Just make sure you’ll have their attention. You could for example teach them something they can have fun with so they’ll be more willing to go along, show them it can be fun.”

“Alright, but what do you think I should start with, I doubt they would be interested in advanced magic use. Maybe something more physical. Any suggestions?”

“Well, you could teach them how to swim, Fluttershy told me it’s not a common skill for ponies, especially among foals. And if you don’t know how to swim yourself then I could just teach you, and then help you with kids. You would need additional lifeguard anyways.”

She smiled warmly. “Thank you. This really means a lot for me.”

Revan returned the smile. “Anytime Twilight. And since we’re on the subject of kids. Could you tell me something about Spike. Like for example, how the fuck did you got a dragon as your assistant?”

“Ooh, um… that’s kinda a long story.”

Revan looked at the clock hanged on the wall. “Well, we have time, it’s not like the food is here yet.”

“Alright. So, it began when I was a young filly, about 9 years old if remember well. It was around that time my parents decided to sign me up to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. At the time I was self learning magic for 2 years, and was far above what an average filly of my age should be capable of. Still, I had to pass a test to be accepted into the school.

The test is usually unique to each student and mine was to open a dragon’s egg. But before you will go to a conclusion that somepony stole an egg from some dragon’s lair, the egg was found by a group of royal guards in abounded cave. It was brought to the academy where professors confirmed it was unfertilized.”

“Then how was he even born if his egg was unfertilized?” Asked Revan.

“That’s because of me. You see, at first I had problems with even making a crack on the egg- I didn’t find out until later that I wasn’t even expected to do that since dragon egg’s shell is nearly as hard as steel, the test was supposed to test my determination and row potential. But when I was about to give up, I felt a powerful surge of energy and it opened closed part of my mana reserves. At first I was unable to control it properly and I began to cast spells randomly.

One of that spells ‘fixed’ the egg and mixed my own DNA with it as well as boost the growth. And that's pretty much it. I got accepted to the school, became Princess' student, got my cute mark and the best assistant I could ever ask for." She finished with a large smile. "That was the best day of my life." She added.

Revan thought about that for a moment. "Soooo... basically you are kinda his mother?"

She blushed slightly and looked away. "W-well... y-yes, I am. Princess even proclaimed me the youngest mother in the world." She smiled and chuckled a bit. "It feels really strange, but I wouldn't change it for anything."

Revan also smiled but said nothing.

Their ‘date’ progressed on its own from there. Pinkie eventually brought their food, along with some meat for Mischief (they didn’t know where it came from, neither did Pinkie). Revan asked her where he could find Lyra Heartstrings, and as Rarity informed him, Pinkie knew where to find her. She was usually spending time in a park during her stays in Ponyville.

But before he’d head there, he had to read the letter from Celestia.

After he and Twilight finished eating, they thanked Pinkie and left back to the library. Once there, Twilight quickly found the letter and gave it to the human. As Celestia promised, the letter contained the information when he will have to travel to Canterlot to pass some tests, as well as what those tests will be all about.

“General physical condition, unarmed combat, knowledge of law and swordsmanship.” He read out loud. “Wait. Swordsmanship!?”

“Yes, what’s so strange about that? Is there some problem?”

“Of course there’s a problem. I don’t know shit about swords!”

She looked at him surprised. “But I thought you were a guard!”

“First of all, I was a policeman, not a guard. And second, police training doesn’t include sword fighting. Swords are rarely used in my world, at least outside of some sort of competitions.”

“Well, what are you going to do then? Swords may not be used in your world but here they are guards primary tool here, and if you will fail with that test you may fail the whole thing.”

He leaned against the wall and stroked his beard in thought. “You think there’s somepony in this town who will be able to at least teach me basics in two weeks?”

“Not really, I haven’t lived here long enough to know if there’s anypony here with any knowledge about sword fighting. And Ponyville’s currant lead guard is well past the age he was suited to teach anypony how to fight.“ She responded. “Perhaps Rainbow will know. She seems to know about things like that.

“Well, I guess that’s my best shot. I’ll ask her about when I see her.” He gave a letter final look before hiding it in a pocket. “Alright, I’ll be going now, I have something to do in the park and I promised Rarity I’ll come over.” He opened the door. “It was nice dating you for half an hour.” He walked out, closing the door behind him.

“Yeah… likewise…”

Author's Note:

Lately I've been thinking about that story and I realized that it might take me a really fucking long to finish this, and since I have few (or rather a lot) ideas for different stories, I've began to wonder 'should I start another story along that one?' I doubt it would effect my writing of that story much, since I write only when I want to and don't follow any schedule and it might prevent me from getting bored of writing that story. So With all that in mind, do you thing I should start making another story along with that one? A story that happened long ago in a galaxy far,far away?

Song of a day: Korn - Love & Meth