• Published 6th May 2015
  • 6,525 Views, 139 Comments

Once Monsters - SkycatcherEQ

Does Sunset really know Adagio as well as she thinks?

  • ...

Catch Me If I Fall

Sunset arrived at Carousel Boutique in a frantic state, nearly beside herself with guilt. Rarity had then hushed her upstairs to the couch in the second floor living room. It was there she still sat, with her arms folded on her knees and her head down.

Sunset felt the couch cushion sink to her right. When she looked up, Rarity handed her a glass of water. She dried her eyes and smiled before taking a drink. “Thanks, Rarity. I just really need someone to talk to right now.”

Rarity placed a gentle hand on her back. “I am sorry again for a few days ago. It was not my place to say anything to the others. But now, please, tell me what is wrong.”

“It’s probably not what you’re expecting.” Sunset set her glass on the table and took a deep breath. “My head's been such a mess these last few days. First I lose control on Rainbow like that. And now…” She covered her eyes with her palms before letting out a breath and running her hands through her hair. “I don’t know if Adagio will ever talk to me again after what I just did to her.”

Rarity gasped, her hand darting to her mouth. “Oh, goodness! Is there anything I can do?”

“I think you’re already doing it, just by listening. Thanks...” Sunset smiled at her softly and then looked down at the floor. “I’ve been so worried. I was so afraid she might be slipping back to what she used to be—and trying to take me with her. But it was all just ridiculous. All in my stupid head. And now, after tonight? What if I just pushed her there?” She brought a hand to her mouth as her voice cracked. “If nothing else, I think I just broke her heart.”

From there, Sunset shared with Rarity everything—about her nightmares, about her conversation with Twilight and the coincidental signs of the last few days. Through a few more tears, she explained what had happened earlier at the restaurant.

“I had been so sure some magical force was at work trying to warn me about getting too close to her, or falling into a trap. But really? I think it was just some part of me being afraid of the feelings I’m starting to have for her. And maybe all of this was my old-Equestrian-me’s way of dealing with it, especially with how horrible I used to be.” She slowly took another drink of water and then put her head down on her arms again.

After a few moments of Rarity rubbing her back, Sunset sat up and wrapped her arms around her middle. “What am I going to do? I can’t lose her, Rarity.”

Rarity took Sunset’s hands in her own. “I cannot imagine all hope is lost. You might be surprised at just how much can be mended through a bit of honest conversation and an apology.”

“I guess you’re right. But still… How could I have done that to her? She’s been nothing but warm and kind to me these last few months. There’s so much we’ve shared—so much we have in common. And then the letter from Celestia.” Sunset gave Rarity a look of utter sincerity. “She did that for me.”

Sunset sniffled and brought a sleeve to her eye. “And lately, in her own way, she’s made it clear she has feelings for me too. She’s been trying so hard to change. I must have hurt her so badly back there.” The memory of her heartache at Rainbow's recent comments drifted to mind. In a softer tone she added, “And I know exactly what that feels like.”

Rarity squeezed Sunset’s hands once. “I know you do.” She sighed regretfully. “I know.” After a moment, she nudged Sunset up by the shoulders. “However… I also know that you must talk to her. You need to go and fix this.”

“I know. It’s just… I don’t know how.” Sunset let out a long breath. She pulled Adagio’s broken necklace from her pocket. Turning it end over end in the light, she said, “What was I thinking?”

“Oh my." Rarity’s eyes fell to the gold clasp. "Is that what I think it is?”

“Yeah. Even after she stormed off in tears, it still didn't ‘click’ what I’d just done to her. Not until I saw that this is what she’d thrown at me to show how stupid I was being.”

Rarity gently took the necklace in her hand. “She still carries it with her, even after all this time.”

“Seems that way. I guess she keeps it as a reminder of what she doesn’t want to slip back into.” Sunset let out a defeated half-laugh and sniffled again. “Here, I’ve been the one helping her take every step. And now? I go and trip her at the finish line.” She put her forehead back down on her hands. “And then throw in a kick for good measure while she’s on the ground.”

“Thoughts and emotions are complicated things.” Rarity handed the necklace back to Sunset. “Do not be so hard on yourself. Because when you add regrets and fears, especially after everything you’ve been through…”

“You mean everything I’ve put myself through.”

“Well… yes. But, be that as it may, the scars are still there.”

As Rarity went to speak again, Sunset’s phone rang on the table. After picking it up, she lifted her other hand to her mouth and choked out, “It’s her.”

“Answer it, dear.”

Sunset pressed the button and lifted the phone to her ear. In a broken voice, she said, “Adagio… Hi.”

Adagio’s tone was firm, but sincere. “Sunset. Listen. We need to talk. I still don’t know what that was back there. But I’m not going to sleep tonight until we get to the bottom of it.”

After a few moments’ pause, Sunset responded, “Adagio, I—”

“This isn’t me asking you, Sunset. I presume you’re at home? I’m coming to pick you up.”

Sunset remained silent and looked up at Rarity.

Adagio sighed audibly over the phone, the edge in her voice dropping slightly. “Fine, you’re going to make me say it. Please, Sunset.”

Rarity nodded with a ‘go on’ gesture. Sunset answered, “You’re right—there is a lot we need to talk about. But I’m actually not at home. I could come and get you, though?”

“You know motorcycle helmets and I don’t get along.” Adagio grumbled something inaudible and sighed again. “I’ll just meet you there.”

“Where are we going?”

“That cafe over on Whitaker. Half an hour?”

“Alright. I’ll see you then.”

Sunset delayed pressing the END button, noticing that Adagio did the same for a few moments before finally hanging up and ending the call. Still holding the phone, she placed her other hand over it and lowered her head.

Rarity rested her hands gently on Sunset’s shoulders. “Go, darling. She’ll understand. If she really feels how you think she does, then she will understand.” She looked Sunset in the eyes and smiled. “Just tell her what you told me.”

“You’re right. I have to go do this. Can you believe it? After everything I just put her though, here she is reaching out to make things right.” Sunset lifted a hand to her mouth and shook her head as a few more tears streaked her face.

Brushing a hand on Sunset’s back, Rarity again smiled softly. Sunset caught—very briefly—the look of deep compassion in her eyes before she closed them and took a calming breath. “I am very happy for you. Go.”

The two then shared a long hug before standing up. Sunset put her jacket on and picked up her helmet.

“Thanks again, Rarity. This helped me more than you know.”

Rarity shared another smile with her. “It was my pleasure.” She then brought a hand to her chin and looked down in thought. After a moment, Sunset saw a glimpse of her unmistakable flash of inspiration, before it settled into a satisfied grin. “Allow me to walk you out.”

After descending the stairs together and into the boutique, Sunset continued toward the door, but Rarity stopped and said, “A moment?”

As Sunset turned around, Rarity flipped on the light and walked her over to a display case. Opening it, she retrieved a black cloth necklace. Hanging from its clasp was an elegant platinum G-clef—similar to those which adorned a number of Adagio’s outfits.

She passed the necklace gently to Sunset. “I’d like for you to have this.”

Holding the pendant reverently in one hand, Sunset traced a finger from her other down the strip of satin cloth. She let out a long breath. “Rarity… Are you sure? I can’t imagine how much you could actually sell this for.”

“Nonsense, darling. It is my gift.” She folded Sunset’s hand over the necklace. “What you do with it from here, however, is up to you.” She winked with a warm smile.

Sunset blinked back tears. She choked out a small laugh before wrapping Rarity in a hug.

“Thank you.”