• Published 8th Apr 2015
  • 1,369 Views, 30 Comments

Where the Duck Nuggets are we? - Chrysanthemum

Twins, Mikayla and Maximilian Summer, end up in Equestria. How will the two silly teens get along in this world of colorful ponies?

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Chapter Two

Author's Note:

Writing for cannon characters is hard :facehoof: I struggle, so ones with more cannon characters will be a bit slower in the writing process. :twilightblush:


Ugh... My body hurts all over...

Struggling with my eyelid, I managed to open my eyes. Light attacked my sight. I heard a youngish, female groan next to me. Swiveling my head to look, I see a pale blue horse with wings. Aren't they called Pegasus, from myths..? I noticed a black thing in the bottom parts of my sight, right were my nose is. I moved my arm to find out what it is, only to find a... black.... hoof...? Ugh, its to bright to think right now. I crawled over into the shade of a willow, dragging the Pegasus with me. Slowly, I relaxed, before trying to stand, which is kinda hard when you have hooves.

But I managed, though walking would be another thing.

A another groan came from the Pegasus. This time waking up, "Ugh.... Hey... Where are you, Mikaylur...?" I snapped around to look at her.

"Maxie?" I questioned, leaning closer, "Are you a female?!"

The reaction was priceless! She, or he whatever, jumped and stared at me in disbelief, "AND WHY ARE YOU A REALLY TALL HORSE WITH WINGS AND A HORN?!?!"

I shrugged, "Dunno, but I got THE COSMOS AS A MANE!!!!! MUHAHAHAHA I WILL TAKE OVER EARTH WITH THE POWER OF ALIENS!!!" I playfully tackled my brother, or sister now. We both fell over in hysterics. After about 12 minutes of laughing, I struggled back to my hooves, "So we are horses and you have wings while I got wings and a horn with a badass mane!"

Max just shook his, or her, head, "Calm thy horse titties! And you are bigger so I must ride on your back!" With his words, Max jumped up and sat on my back, "Onward, my steed!" I laughed softly.

"Nope, Maxie. We should figure how to walk a bit first and maybe try flying like the badasses we are!" Agreeing with me, Max tumbled down, before climbing to his hooves. "I'm also guessing you are a kid again!"

A small pout came onto his face, "PUBERTY WAS HARD ONCE!"

I chuckled, "And now you are female and a horse." He playfully punched my leg, before trying to walk a bit. "LAST ON TO RUN AROUND THIS WILLOW GETS TO LICK IT!" I shouted, before taking off at a stumbling-running pace. Max yelled something about unfair, and chased after me.

He lost. And licked a tree.

"Luna? Is everything alright?" Princess Celestia asked, approaching her sister. The younger shook her head, "Nay, Tia. We felt something... powerful... And it worries us as it is near our ponies, by Ponyville."

"Would you like me to have Twilight look into it?" the elder sister asked, prepared to write to her faithful student. A sharp nod came from Luna, "Yes please, just tell her to be careful." With a nod, Celestia began to write.

Spike had just finished making a sandwich when Celestia sent a letter. "TWILIGHT! THE PRINCESS SENT YOU A LETTER!" In a flash, said pony come in and snatched up the parchment, and began to read.

"Spike, go get the girls together. Princess Luna wants us to investigate a magical disturbance near the Everfree." she said, while beginning to make a list and fill a saddle bag with things she believed she needed.

I groaned, laying on my back, "Why is flying so hard?!" Hovering beside me, Max smirked.

"You're just fat, Mikayla!" he jabbed playfully.

I groaned again, "I'm not fat! I'm fluffy!"

"Yeah, yeah." Looking at the sky, he pointed out, "We should hit the hay, and there plenty of space under this willow!" Max then dove into a spacious area under the tree, gesturing for me to follow. Rolling my eyes, I crawled in. Max crawled over me so that he was at my stomach. I smiled, ruffling his blue mane, "Night, bro."

"yea... night.... girl-bro..." dozing off, he laid his head on one of my hooves as I draped a wing over him, before falling to sleep as well.

Drowsily, I lifted my head up, just enough to watch the sunrise. A soft yawn left my mouth, as I looked down to see Max cuddled into my side. I poked him lightly, "Hey, bro! Wake up, I'm pretty sure there's a river nearby!" That woke him up. He shot awake, before glaring at me. I smiled innocently, "We should find something to eat, and if we don't find anything, we could clean some grass." Making a gagging face, Max trotted out from under the willow.

"I'll hold down fort here, while you search for food. Come back in a lil bit." I told him, while he nodded.

"YES MA'AM!" I chuckled as he trotted away, laying my head on my hooves with a soft sigh.

Six ponies and a baby dragon sat in the middle of the library, while, Twilight Sparkle told them what they needed to do.

"We won't into the Everfree, but we'll be close. I believe the area is just a bit away from Fluttershy's house." Twilight said, receiving a squeak from said pony.

"Twilight, I did hear some shouting last evening, but as soon as the sun went down, it fell silent. I thought one of them was a filly though..." Fluttershy said, shuffling slightly. The lavender unicorn nodded, "Well, then, we should check it out anyways, even if Princess Luna hadn't said so!" Rainbow Dash hover about Applejack, "Let's get going then! If anythings dangerous by Flutters, we'll kick it's flank!"

"Hold on now, sugarcube, we shouldn't jump to conclusions," Applejack said, "If it is dangerous, then ah say we try tah use as little violence as possible."

The group let out their agreements, before heading out.

I lifted my head of my hooves, only to see Max in my face. I jerked backwards, while he laughed. "I found a bunch of blueberry bushes, and a river. We both should go out, eat and drink, before it gets dark. We dunno what is out here, and I don't wanna find out and try to teach you to fly while trying to run!" he exclaimed, chuckling. I playfully punched his shoulder.

"Staph bullying me, brother!" I whined, but smiled anyways. I pushed him out of the willow, and crawled out, "Now lets go eat some heaven berries." He nodded, before flapping his pale blue wings. I stood up straight, stretching my wings and giving them a light flap. Max then took off down a path, leaving me to follow. I trotted after him, singing softly.

As I finished the song, I heard Max stomping on the ground, "Nice singing, girl-bro!"

I blushed, sitting down on the riverbank, "It's not that good..."

Tackling me with a hug, Max yelled, "Yes it was! Now stop saying that!"

I nodded, smiling softly, "Thanks, I needed that..." He gave me a sharp nod, and was about to say something when a shout cut him off.

Twilight could see the pale blue filly and Nightmare Moon. They all could see her and the filly. Of course, Rainbow Dash was the first to act, yelling out, "HEY! GET AWAY FROM THAT FILLY, NIGHTMARE MOON!" The filly had been cut off from saying something, turning to look at them, while Nightmare Moon stumbled backwards in surprise.

"Huh? Who are you guys? And who's Nightmare Moon?!" the filly asked, a confused look on her face, while a dark blue mane was ruffled by the wind. Nightmare Moon shifted, moving to look at where the filly was looking.

"Hey, Maxie? What's wrong?" Nightmare Moon asked the filly, before her gaze landed on Twilight, "Oh. There's others, get back on my back, I can run faster if need be." The filly, Maxie, looked up at her, before jumping onto her back. The two shared a look, nodding.

Applejack spoke up, "How do ya not know who Nightmare Moon is?! You're sitting on 'er back!" Nightmare Moon stared at the friends, eyes wide in terror. Her mane moved on its own, wisps of it moving towards Max.

Max shook her head, "No, that's my twin sis, Mikayla. And Nightmare Moon? That sounds like something from a babies show." She shoved a face into Nightmare Moon's mane, smiling.

Nightmare Moon shifted her gaze to the ground, "Y-yeah." She rubbed her forehead, her voice cracking as she spoke, tears prickling in her eyes, "I-I... I j-jusy wa-ant t-to g-go ho-ome..." Max shot her a worried look, before speaking to the friends.

"Two things. One, you are going to make my sister cry if you keep yelling, and two, the last thing that happened to her, was a shit load of pain!"

Rainbow ignored the first thing, yelling, "Yeah! Cause we blasted her with the Elements of Harmony!" Fluttershy stuttered something, hiding in her mane as Nightmare Moon moved her gaze to her. A pained smile was on the alicorn's muzzle, tears just starting to fall. Max frowned, pushing a few tears away.

"Not from any elements. The pain came from getting hit by a semi truck." Max said bitterly, hugging Nightmare around her neck.

Ignoring the others, Nightmare Moon looked at Max, "I-i'm so-orry. I-it w-was my id-dea t-to dit-tch schoo-ol." Max just shook her head, booping the other's nose. A small, strained chuckle came from said mare.

"OVER THERE, MY TRUSTY STEED! TO THE BERRIES!" Max shouted, pointing down the river. I nodded, before shaking my head.

"On-ne, I'm not-t you-ur steed. Tw-wo, ok-kay." she laughed nervously, trotting down the bank, while Applejack held Rainbow Dash back.

"Wait...!" Twilight shouted out, with no results.