• Published 13th May 2012
  • 5,365 Views, 202 Comments

Reaching the dark side of the moon - The Psychopath

A woman goes to Equestria in a form that isn't too well-seen.

  • ...

The strings of candy

Walking down the same path that the colts and fillies took yielded the same results with everypony who was on it. They ran away screaming and yelling. Pouting, Layda thought to herself:

"Pfff. Some 'dream'. How am I supposed to have fun or see dragons or something like that. Maybe even a creature that I've never seen back on Earth. Hmph. Instead, I get adorable little things that run away once they see me. What did Cosmos ever do that could have scared everyone so badly? Heheh. I bet that she tied to give an 'eternal night'. Ha! That would be ridiculous, although it would kill everything off after quite awhile."

Layda shrugged her thoughts off and marched towards the little town of Ponyville, not noticing the similarity of darkness that seemed to surround her despite the friendly smile crossing her face.

In the town everypony was busy buying things at the markets. It was the market rush, where beings from near and far would travel from town to town to sell a wide assortment of wares and foods. As negotiations were being made and objects were being packaged, a strong gust of cold wind blew through their collecive spines. Turning around nervously, everypony started to gasp as they saw little fillies and colts running wildly through the streets yelling:

"Nightmare Moon is back! Run!"

They all stared at these little children running towards their houses or running to the parents who were apparently shopping at the markets. As some started to watch the children be recomforted and others continued to tend with their shoppingn thinking that the previous shout-out was just the kids making a prank. Although some of them wondered why they weren't in school. These thoughts gave fruit when the appearance of a giant black alicorn wearing blueish armor stomped its presence near the entrance of the town. Layda was happy to see such a huge community full of somewhat strangely colored creatures. The second she took a step forward, panic began.

The new Cosmos' mood dropped to a decimated point as everyone started to run for their houses, destroying everything in the way. She had to stop this, and started to gallop towards the panicking scene.

"Wait! What's wrong? I didn't do anything. Stop running away. Huh?"

Some of the ponies had erected a weird barrier with the market stands and were hiding behind it, only letting the tops of their heads and their eyes stay visible. There was a single cheese colored staliion with carrot-colored mane and tail and what looked like weird lazy-eyes that was standing on it.

This wierd guy had a slice of cheese as a cutie mark. The most remarkable characteristic about this guy was his eyes. Layda just couldn't figure them out. Sure, they were golden, but they seemed to flop and spin randomly and wildly. How did he even see?

He suddenly roared out in a booming voice:

"Throw the CHEEEESE!"

Surely enough, the new Cosmos was getting cheese of all sorts thrown at her. Despite her protests, they continued.

Meanwhile, Applejack was walking with Twilight, Lyra, and Bon-Bon towards the market square in order to reach the Apple farm. The cowpony had to show her friend who she had found, and the two mares accompagnying them were going to leave Twilight at the markets. It was going to take a bit of buying to make the new foods the librarian lent them.

"-and so ah left 'er at mah barn. Hopefully, Big Macintosh is enough ta keep 'er at bay."

"Applejack, I seriously doubt that it could be Nightmare Moon. Luna WAS the mare in the moon, remember?"

"Yeah, but ah can't help but think that-

"Ya know, we can hear you quite well." Bon-Bon said in her rather elegant voice.

"That's okay. We're not exactly trying to keep something so ridiculous a se-" Twilight stopped abruptly.

Looking up front, one could see that crazy stallion Mangellis throwing cheese at Nightmare Moon. It's not just that that cretin was using dairy products as a weapon, but that Nightmare Moon, despite the impossibility of her being there, wasn't even fighting back using her magic.

"Is that...is that N-N-Nightmare Moon?!" Lyra screamed as she stood behind Bon-Bon.

"Yeah. See? What'd ah tell ya Twi? Isn't that proof enou..." AJ suddenly facehoofed. " What was Big Mac doin'? What'd she do ta him?"

"I don't think that's truly Nightmare Moon." Twilight said as she looked at the scene in a questioning way.

"Whadda ya mean?"

"Look. She isn't using her magic. And now that her tail has moved away...she has no cutie mark." Twilight was squinting.

"Huh? Yer right, but wasn't that the princesses' cutie mark?"

"Maybe, but this just gives further proof that it can't be the true Nightmare Moon."

"Then what is she? Maybe we should help her." Bon-Bon proposed.

Applejack averted her face from the alicorn who was becoming a cheesy mess. Eventually, she was being taken by remorse. She hated Nightmare Moon in her entirety, and although a large portion of her was telling Applejack to leave the alicorn to her cheesy dilemma, another portion was telling her that Twilight was right.

"*sigh* Fine. Let's go help 'er."

Twilight and Bon-Bon nodded. The three quickly galopped towards the scene, leaving Lyra to float in the air like she was still lying down on Bon-Bon's back. Barely a second later and she was on the floor, coughing with the dust everywhere. She stood back up and, with a look of worry on her face, hurried towards the three others.

Finally in place, Lyra could see Applejack and Twilight arguing with Mangellis, whose eyes kept flopping and spinning wildly. Bon-Bon was trying her best to get the cheese off Cosmos with a rather long stick she found, but all it did was just get entangled.

"Ah hate ta say it, but ah don't think that's Nightmare." AJ said as she pointed towards the cheese alicorn.

"That's not true. Iz got ta be 'er. Look! She's Nightmare Moon!"

"No! You all know that only Princess Luna was Nightmare Moon, and that we helped her become herself again. Whoever this is, she has some strange appearance similarities that I'd need to check up on."

"No! Iz the mare in the moon! It's-ooooooh!"

Applejack was holding some mozarella in her hoof and was swaying it in front of Mangellis' face. The idiotic cheese -making stallion just stared at the pieces of white that had flown to the floor during the fight.

"Ya see the cheese? Go GET the cheese!" Applejack said as she threw the mozarella against a buildin's wall.


After seeing the idiot smack into a wall and pass out, the group that was following Mangellis simultaneously groaned and facehoofed. They apologized and walked away while still giving menacing glares towards Cosmos. Applejack snorted in disgust, but walked towards the cheese-drenched alicorn.

"Oh. It's you." Cosmos said half-heartedly.

"Yeah. Sorry 'bout bickin' ya earlier."

"Thank you for apologizing, but I should also apologize. I'm not used to flying, and I crashed through your barn's roof."

"N-n-not used to flying? B-but you're an alicorn! You should know how to fly!" Lyra nervously stuttered.

"Well, this isn't exactly...never mind."

"Isn't exactly what?" Bon-Bon tried to say while pulling on some hardening cheese.

"Nothing. Let's leave it at that."

"Do you have anyplace to stay?" Twilight stared curiously at the now free face of Nightmare Moon "And do you have a name?"

"To answer your questions in order, no. And my name is Cosmos Lune."

"Pleased to meet you. My name is Twilight Sparkle. My friend here is Applejack."


"And I'm Bon-Bon. My scared friend there is Lyra. She's a harpist."

The turquoise colored pony was trying to shrink down as much as possible

"So...where is she going to stay?" Bon-Bon asked.

Everypony stared at Applejack.

"Oh no. She still destroyed mah barn. Ah ain't got room fer a giant like her anyways. No offense."

"None taken."

"And my library is too small for her."

The two mares stared at the others cleaning Cosmos up.

"What? No!" Lyra protested.

"Well, you're the only ones whose house is big enough for her."

"Yeah. Great." Lyra frowned and stared angrily at the ground. Bon-Bon tapped her on the back.

"Sure. We'll do that. She can stay with us until things are sorted out. AND we can help her with some...errr...social problems."

"What social problems."

Bon-Bon stared awkwardly at the situation. Luckily, Twilight broke the silence:

"Well then, I can see that you've had a bad day. So, I'll let the girls take care of you while I send a report to princess Luna."

"OH! By the way. Who is princess Luna? And who is Nightmare Moon?"

Everypony that heard stuck their heads out cautiously to stare at Cosmos. Even Applejack and Twilight were shocked.

"Wait...so...you don't remember anything?" Twilight asked.

"What am I supposed to remember exactly? This is the first time I've come here."

"Mhmm. Applejack" Twilight whispered "I think that this really isn't the mare in the moon. Perhaps some time with those will help things out, and I can get to the bottom of things."

"Yeah. Let's just go." Applejack stopped being secretive and hollered with a smile "Well. We best be gettin' going. See y'all later then."

"Buh bye." Lyra shouted as her friend gave a more distinguished method of farewell giving.

"You already forgot about our guest?" Bon-Bon said with a sarcastic smile. Lyra's pupils shrunk. as her foreleg lowered slowly down.
