• Published 5th Jun 2015
  • 1,621 Views, 10 Comments

Ruin for Pun: the kilala97 Edition - TheMessenger

A collection of either five delightful short stories ruined by a single line OR five unnecessarily long jokes with extremely lame punch lines, all taking place in the kilala97 universe.

  • ...

Baseball Bat

The kitchen was silent, save for the clock hanging on the wall. There it sat, ticking away as it counted away the seconds. Both the clock's hands and the sky outside, painted orange by the rising sun, visible by the window above the sink, told of the early hour. Two bodies huddled over the table, their necks bent and backs hunched. The lightly colored mare shivered and wearily brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes. A large leathery wing extended and draped over the mare's shoulder, covering her like a blanket. The mare sighed and laid her head against the neck of wing's owner. He smiled at the mare's touch, flashing a set of pointed fangs.

For a moment, the two shared a look, staring into the other's eyes before reluctantly turning to the pair of ruby red tickets sitting on the table in front of them. The mare sighed again, this time out of exhaustion, while her mate's grin turned into a frown.

"You know," Turquoise began, drumming on the table's edge, "we don't have to go." The taps ceased as he started to rub his claws against each other. "I mean, I know you were looking forward to this, but we could always do something else for our anniversary."

Anthea hummed as she removed herself from Turquoise. She stared at the tickets. "It be an awful waste, though."

"We could give them away," the scaly stallion suggested. "Surely there's somepony in town that could use them."

"It's too late now," Anthea said. "If the day of the cruise wasn't today, maybe. When does boarding start again?"

Turquoise turned to the clock. "One hour, but the taxi arrives in ten minutes," he answered before resting his chin on the table, right beside the tickets. "We really should've planned this better. Maybe if we had looked for a babysitter earlier, this wouldn't have been a problem."

"Yeah, who would've thought everypony in Ponyville would be busy on the same weekend?" Anthea said with a huff as she laid down beside Turquoise. She opened her mouth to continue speaking, only to be stopped by a series of loud knocks from outside. She and Turquoise immediately raised themselves, wincing as their heads collided with each other. Muttering apologies, the two cradled their heads and waited for the room to cease moving.

"You think that's her?" Turquoise asked, staring out of the kitchen, past the living room, toward the front door being pounding on. A muffled shout came from the other side.

Anthea nodded. "That has to be. Come on." She got up on her feet and went forward, moving as quickly as she could while feeling her way through the house. Turquoise followed closely beside her, rushing forward every so often to push aside furniture and forgotten toys in the blind mare's way. As the couple drew closer to the door, the knocks grew louder.

"Sheesh, it sounds like she's trying to bust in," Turquoise muttered as he reached for the latch. "She knows why she's here, right?"

"Well, I--"

The door flung open, striking Turquoise dead center in the nose. As he stumbled back, a dark gray mare leapt into the house, breathing heavily with her wings spread and her horn glowing. She scanned the room until her eyes found Anthea.

"Nidra--" Anthea began before the mare pushed past Turquoise and placed her hooves on her shoulders.

"You alright?" Nidra asked, checking over the unsettled unicorn. "I came as soon as I heard. Where'd they go?"

"Where'd who go?" Turquoise demanded with a claw over his snout. "Am I bleeding? Please tell me I'm not bleeding."

The mare gasped and released Anthea. She slowly raised a hoof and pointed at the dragon-pony. "You're, you're alright?"

"Sure, alright," grumbled Turquoise. He lowered his claw, looked down into it, and grimaced. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"But, Anthea, your letter..." Nidra sputtered, her hoof jumping between the two. "It said Oasis and Apollo were kidnapped and Turquoise was attacked."

The unicorn frowned. "I didn't write that. I just said we had an emergency and needed your help. Who'd you get the letter from?"

"Illusion," Nidra answered before groaning. "I should've known."

Anthea turned to Turquoise. "Why did you send the letter to Illusion? We knew he was busy."

"Dad always had the spell linked to Princess Celestia," Turquoise considered, scratching his chin. "Maybe that had something to do with it. Sorry."

"Well, I'm here now." Nidra kicked the door shut with a scowl. "This emergency had better be just as important. I'm not supposed to be up this early."

Anthea and Turquoise shared a nervous look. "It's--"

"Who's at the door, Mom?"

Everyone turned to the top of the stairs leading to the second floor. A little pink filly slowly descended the steps, rubbing her eyes and yawning as she attempted to brush her mane with her hooves. At the sight of the alicorn guest, she gasped and skipped down the rest of the way, her wings stretched out in excitement.

"Princess Nidra!"

Almost instantly, the princess's expression brightened, and she held out her forelegs, catching the filly in a hug. "Hey, Oasis," she laughed. "It's been a while, huh? I hope you've been practicing."

"Uh huh," Oasis answered, nodding and flapping her wings, the same kind growing out of her father's and Nidra's shoulders. Lowering her voice, she added, "But Dad's not a lot of help. He's not as good as a flyer as you are."

Nidra chuckled. "Well, let's see if we can get in a few flying sessions later, okay?"

"Oasis, why don't you see if you and Daddy can fix your hair?" Anthea said, extending herself forward. When her snout found her daughter's cheek, she gave her a quick nuzzle before the filly was released. The two mares watched as Turquoise and Oasis headed upstairs looking for a hairbrush.

"So, the emergency?" Nidra prompted.

Anthea sighed. "Remember last week, when Turquoise won those cruise tickets at Creme's charity dinner?"


"Well, we need a babysitter, somepony to watch over Oasis and her little brother."

"Okay?" Nidra waved her hoof in a lazy circle. "And?"

"Well, my first choice was my mother, but Cerberus got a tummy ache so she and her friends are in Tartarus right now."

"Again?" Nidra said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep, so that means she and Turquoise's parents can't do it."

"What about Del or June?"

"Del's in Appleloosa and June's in the Crystal Empire," Anthea explained. "And I'm pretty sure Apollo's still banned from Sweet Apple Acres after his last adventure."

"And Claire's with my brother, so those two'll be too busy too. What about Cotton Candy or Starburst?" Nidra asked.

"Busy and busy," Anthea said, shaking her head. "The only pony in Ponyville not doing anything is Prism Bolt, and, well..."

Nidra leaned against a wall and frowned. "And let me guess, that just leaves me."

"What, you're not upset that you're our last choice, are you?" Anthea asked as she stepped up to the alicorn's side.

"Please, I'm not that petty," Nidra said, folding her forelegs over her chest.

"So you'll do it?"

"I didn't say that," the princess replied, turning away from Anthea's wide grin. "Look, I love Oasis, but did it ever occur to you that, as a princess of Equestria, I might also have something to do this weekend?"

"Do you?" Anthea leaned forward. "Is it a date?"

"What, a date?" Nidra tried to move away, but the wall behind her kept her from escaping. "No, it's nothing like that, just, you know, I have that thing, at the place, with, uh, the ponies..." She groaned. "Alright, fine, maybe I don't exactly have anything planned, but that doesn't mean I'm not busy. Something might come up."

"Like a friend asking for a favor?" Anthea asked, tilting her head.

Nidra's eyes narrowed. "Like something important."

"So Turquoise and I aren't important?"

"That's not, I meant like a national emergency or something like that." The princess breathed deeply. "Look, Annie, I know how much you and T need this vacation, but I just don't think I'm up for babysitting. You know I'm horrible with foals."

"You handle Oasis pretty well."

"Yeah, but--"

The patter of hooves alerted the two of the filly's approach, her mane curled and carefully styled. Turquoise walked behind her, carrying a brush. Behind him was a little colt, rubbing his eyes as he sleepily followed his sister and father down the stairs. He yawned, revealing a single pointed fang amidst a row of flat incisors. While Oasis all but bounced toward Anthea and Nidra, the colt shuffled his clawed hooves lethargically.

"Apollo," Oasis hissed, reaching over and giving him a shake. "It's the princess, stop acting so rude."

Slowly, Apollo blinked. He finally removed his hoof from his eye and shook his head, looking around as if trying to determine his location. Eventually, those draconic eyes of his, almost as prominent as Turquoise's, found the princess. "Morning," he muttered before throwing his head back and yawning. "Is it time for breakfast yet?"

As Turquoise, Anthea, and Oasis planted their faces into the centers of their hooves, and, in Turquoise's case, claw, Nidra bit back a smirk. "Well, you're quite brave, aren't you, young colt," she said, leaning over Apollo, "speaking so flippantly before royalty."

"Nah, just tired." Apollo yawned again.

"Please excuse my stupid brother," Oasis pleaded, shoving the sleepy colt to the side. "Would you like to join us for breakfast, Princess Nidra? Mother and Father must depart soon, but I'm sure we have some time before the babysitter arrives."

"Um, about that..." began Turquoise, rubbing his neck as he glanced over to his wife.

Anthea quickly cleared her throat. "Oasis, Apollo, how would like it if Princess Nidra watched over you this weekend?"

Nidra threw a dirty look at the mare, but before she could express her displeasure with words, she was interrupted by a scream.

"Can she? She is?" Everypony's ears flattened against their heads as Oasis started to squeal. Her wings shot out, knocking Apollo to the floor, and she began to hop excitedly. "Yes yes yes yes, a thousand time yes." Blushing as she noticed her parents and the princess's discomfort, Oasis forced herself to stand still, pressed her wings against her sides, and coughed.

She dipped her head toward Nidra and swept a foreleg behind the other. "We would be honored if the princess watched over us," she said, her tone still and steady, though the grin threatening to break out across her face betrayed her enthusiasm.

Nidra bit back a groan and shivered. She forcefully turned away from the filly's shimmering eyes and whispered something into Anthea's ear. The unicorn giggled and rolled her eyes before turning to her daughter.

"She said..." Anthea paused and leaned forward, watching Oasis shake with anticipation. The filly nodded rapidly, urging her to continue. "She said, yes."

Once again, a high pitched cheer forced everyone to cover their ears. As Turquoise tried to calm Oasis, Anthea reached out toward Nidra, pulling her into a hug. "Thanks."

"You owe me," the princess grumbled, patting her friend's shoulder. "You two should get going soon."

The two separated, and Anthea made her way to Turquoise's side. Oasis sat snugly between his forelegs while Apollo stood nearby. "Alright dears, while we'll gone this weekend, Daddy and I need the two of you to be on your best behavior, okay?"

Oasis nodded immediately, but Apollo took a little longer to answer. He frowned before asking, "Why can't we go with you? I wanna go on a cruise, it sounds like fun."

"Sorry, kiddo," Turquoise chuckled, ruffling the colt's mane, "maybe next time. But doesn't spending time with a princess sound pretty fun too?"

Apollo glanced over toward Nidra, who raised a hoof and gave a small wave. "Yeah, maybe," he answered with little commitment. "Why do we need a babysitter anyways? I'm not a baby."

"Of course you are," Anthea cooed, latching herself onto the colt. Apollo yelped and tried to escape, but Anthea's magical kept him from breaking her physical one. "You're my little baby, forever and always."

"Mom, stop it!" Apollo cried as he struggled. Nidra managed to keep her mirth hidden, but Oasis shook with giggles. Apollo's limbs grew limp, and he pout as he stopped trying to fight off the affectionate unicorn.

A horn blared from outside, and the colt finally slid out of Anthea's embrace as she released him. "That's the taxi," Anthea gasped. "The bags, where are the bags?"

"They're in the living room. Don't worry," Turquoise assured, gently but firmly holding his wife back with a claw, "I'll get them. You just make sure the taxi knows we'll be ready soon."

"Right, okay." Anthea took a deep breath, then turned to Oasis and Apollo, giving each a hug a a quick kiss on the forehead. "Be good," she said sternly as her lips left Apollo's head before pulling him into another hug. Though his eyes were rolled, Apollo returned the embrace as enthusiastically as Anthea did.

"Do you have to go?" Nidra heard the colt whisper, almost whimper.

Anthea bit her lip. "No, Daddy and I don't, but we'd really like to. Tomorrow's a really special day for the both of us, like a birthday, and we've haven't had much time to ourselves, and..." She looked over at Turquoise as he approached with a pair of suitcases and blushed. "I'm sorry, Mommy's being selfish, isn't she?"

"That's okay. You'll be back in time for my birthday, right?" Apollo asked.

"Of course," Anthea assured, nuzzling the foal's cheek. "It's only for the weekend. Try not to get into too much trouble, okay?"

Another impatient blare came the taxi. "Shoot." Anthea's embrace tightened quickly before she and Apollo separated just as suddenly. "Oasis, please watch your brother," she said as she grabbed one of the suitcase and nearly ran into the wall.

Nidra led her to the door. "Have a safe trip, you two," she said. As Anthea passed, the two mares shared another quick hug before the unicorn dashed out and waved at the taxi waiting for them. Before following after her, Turquoise bowed awkwardly toward the princess.

"Thanks, Nidra," he said, raising his head. "This means a lot."

Nidra lifted a hoof, but it stayed there wavering in the air before lightly tapping the dragon-pony's shoulder. "Just make sure the two of you come back home happy, alright big guy?" she ordered.

Turquoise returned her smile before running off. From the doorway, Nidra, Oasis, and Apollo watched Anthea and Turquoise pack their luggage and pile in quite snugly in the taxi, given Turquoise's size. Those standing at the doorway waved as they in the taxi waved until the cart began to move and grow smaller and smaller. Soon, the taxi disappeared from view, and Nidra released a hefty sigh.

This is going to be busy weekend.

The sound of soft sniffs drew her attention, and she looked down in time to see Apollo wipe his nose and his eyes as he tried vainly to follow his parents.

This is going to be one heck of a busy weekend Nidra amended. Her wing hovered hesitantly over the colt's shoulder for a moment before returning to her side. Instead, she looked away, pretending she saw nothing. Once Apollo had calmed down and had hidden any signs of crying, Nidra cleared her throat.

"Alright, I guess we'll spend the rest of the day in the palace," she announced as she tapped on her chin thoughtfully.

"We get to spend the day in Canterlot?" Oasis said, already jumping onto her feet in gleeful eagerness.

Apollo, however, frowned, evidently less excited. "Why can't we just stay at home, in Ponyville," he asked.

"Because I work in Canterlot," Nidra answered shortly. "It'd be easier to keep an eye on the two of you there. Hmm, the palace isn't too far. Oasis, how well do you think you could handle a distance like that?"

"I've never tried flying somewhere that far, but what about Apollo?" The filly gestured to her brother. "Even if I could fly all the way to Canterlot, how would Apollo get there?"

"Right, right, he doesn't have wings." Nidra rubbed her forehead. "Ugh, it's too early for this. Wish I came with a chariot escort."

"What about the train?" Apollo asked. "That's how most ponies get to Canterlot."

"But the princess isn't most ponies," said Oasis, shaking her head. "If ponies saw her walking down the street out in the open, we'd be trapped by the crowd within seconds. We'd never make it to the train station."

Apollo's lips tilted into an incredulous frown. "Would a mob really form?" he asked. "I mean, Ponyville's got our own princess, and Princess Twilight never has any trouble making her way through town."

"Yes, but that's Princess Twilight Sparkle. She's, well..." Oasis's hoof drifted in the air as she struggled with an answer. "She's the people's princess. She approachable and everypony's friend. But Princess Nidra's special. You can't just walk up to Princess Nidra."

"How does that explain why a crowd will form around her but not Princess Twilight?"

Oasis sighed and placed her hoof on Apollo's head, giving it a condescending pat. "Perhaps one day, when you're older, you'll understand."

"Well, we might not have much of a choice," Nidra said as she pull the curtains aside and peeked outside through the window. "It's still pretty early, we might not run into anypony on the streets. If we're careful and quick, if we--"

Apollo's head sprung up. "Like spies?"

"Yeah, sure, like spies," Nidra said absently. She let the curtains fall back over the windows. "Does your mother have a sweater or something like that? If I could hide my wings--"

The door suddenly flew open with a noisy bang, knocked aside by a wave of colored paper bits that showered over everypony. A pink earth pony stood just outside, wearing a huge smile. She leaned over a large cannon, it's smoking barrel pointed into the house. "Ooh," the mare sang, "have a nice trip-a-versary, we're sad to see you leave. But life's too short to--"

"Mother and Father already left, Mrs. Pie," Oasis interrupted as she tried to remove the confetti from her mane. "You just missed them."

Pinkie Pie all but tumbled over the cannon as her song came to a forced stop with an audible screech. "What?" she screamed. "You mean I'm late? But I spent all night preparing a short good bye and see you on Monday party for them. I even made an apology cake."

The mare pulled out a large cake decorated with pink icing flowers on the edges. In the center, written in chocolate, it read Sorry for being too busy baking cakes and stuff to babysit.

Apollo licked his lips. "You know, we still haven't had any breakfast yet."

"Absolutely not," Oasis sniffed. "It's far too early for something so sweet and so filling." Turning back to Pinkie Pie, she smiled sadly. "Sorry, Mrs. Pie, but surely you could turn this farewell party into something else, for somepony else."

Pinkie Pie gasped. "Of course! I don't have to let this party go to waste. Maybe for Pound's three-week-and-a-half-aversary with his new fillyfriend, new record by the way. Or to celebrate the recent lack of arsonists at town hall. Or, or, or..." She gasped again and leapt inside. Nidra found herself once more stuck between a wall and a mare without a care for personal space.

"Or a party to welcome to Ponyville for Princess Nidra!"

The young princess tried to smile politely as she attempted to move past Pinkie. "Oh, please, no, not on my account. From what I understand, much of the town is busy, and I really must be--"

"Too busy for a party for a princess?" Pinkie Pie snorted. "Come on, Niddie, it hasn't been that long since your last visit to Ponyville. You know how much we love parties and cake and piƱatas and..."

A trickle of sweat dripped down Nidra's brow. Slowly, she motioned the foals toward the door, around the bubbly mare as she listed all the games and snacks she'd prepare. "Yes, sounds lovely, but there's no need something so, er, extravagant."

"Really?" Pinkie Pie tilted her head and frowned. "But last you were complaining about how your birthday bash wasn't extravagant enough."

"Yes, uh, well, a lot can change in a year," Nidra replied with a forced grin. "And besides," she added, laughing weakly, "this is so sudden. I'm sure everypony already has plans, and I'd rather not--"

Again, Pinkie laughed. "Please, as if we couldn't spare a few minutes welcoming everypony's sixth favorite princess."

"No, really, it's, did you say sixth?"

Pinkie pushed herself off the wall, away from the princess and toward the open door. Oasis and Apollo stepped out of her way as she inhaled and screamed, "Hey Bon Bon! Yeah, you, oh and Roseluck too! You ponies busy? Too busy to welcome Princess Nid--"

A spark flew from Nidra's glowing horn, and Pinkie Pie suddenly collapsed. Nidra's horn lit up again as she all but carried the foals out the door with her magic. "Okay, let's go, let's go."

Slowly, Apollo turned away from Pinkie's motionless body. "You killed her!"

"What?" The princess nearly tripped over the colt's accusation, and Apollo and Oasis dropped to the dusty dirt road. "No, she's asleep. Really."

"There's a spell that can make ponies fall asleep?" Apollo's fearful expression morphed into one of fascination as his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Cool. Does Mom know it? What about Princess Twilight? I wanna learn how--"

"Later!" Nidra pushed the foals forward. "Right now, run!"

"Hey, it really is Princess--"

Another flash and suddenly the vender and her customer were slumped over the flower stand, crushing petunias and scattering petals. "To the train station," Nidra ordered, lowering her head and charging into town. She spared Oasis and Apollo a quick glance over her shoulder. "Keep up!" she shouted, fighting urge to gallop ahead.

With two wing flaps, Oasis was airborne. She scowled as the wind undid all of her mane brushing, but at least now she could match Nidra's pace. Apollo, however, had more difficulty as his claws dug into the dirt with each hurried step, and he quickly lagged behind.

"Hey, wait for--whoa!" The body of a snoring stallion fell at Apollo's feet. He tried to leap over, but the stallion rolled in his sleep and struck the colt's hind leg, pitching him forward face first into the ground.

At Apollo's cry, Nidra turned back. Biting back a curse, she rushed to his side and threw him roughly onto her back before galloping off. "Hold on!" she commanded, only to wince as Apollo's claws grabbed tightly around her wings. With Oasis just barely behind, Nidra ran through Ponyville, charging past houses and passed out ponies she had enchanted, littering the streets with sleeping ponies.

The station was soon in view. They could see the ticket booth and the platform, both which were rapidly approaching. The mare behind the booth's window blinked tiredly as Nidra, Apollo, and Oasis drew close. As their figures grew larger, so did the ticket clerk's eyes. She rubbed them and squinted, then reached for the mug resting precariously on the sill in front of her.

A pair of hooves slammed against the window, shaking the entire booth. The mare shrieked, drenching herself with coffee. "I need three tickets to Canterlot, now!" Nidra shouted while Oasis landed beside her and tried to catch her breath.

"O-o-okay, just, one m-m-moment please." The clerk ducked down and pulled out a coffee stained calendar. "T-t-the next train t-to Canterlot is, uh, i-i-is--"

A shrill whistle rang out. "All aboard that's comin' aboard!"

Nidra swore loudly, causing the mare behind the glass and Oasis to blush. Grabbing hold of Oasis, she ran forward onto the platform, where a few ponies and a train met them. The station master stood at the edge, staring at his watch before nodding at the stallion leaning out of the train foremost car. The train release another whistle, but just as the wheels began to spin, Nidra, with Apollo on her back and Oasis cradled in her magic, brushed past the station master and jumped onto the caboose's railed platform.

Ignoring the shouts from the station master, Nidra made her way into the car. With a groan, she let Apollo slide off her back and slumped against wall. "Mother's going to kill me when she finds out," she muttered, bringing a hoof to her forehead. "You two alright?"

"I'm alright," Oasis answered. She sat beside her brother, nuzzling him. When he didn't react, Oasis frowned and gave the princess a worrying look. "Apollo, are you--"

"That. Was. Awesome!" the colt exclaimed, leaping to his feet. "Did you see that? We flew! We flew and jumped onto a moving train, just like in those Old West stories Grandpa Spike tells us. That was so cool!"

"Yes, cool," Nidra mumbled, leaning her head back. The panicked use of her magic had taken its toll on the princess, and her head throbbed uncomfortably. She shut her eyes and sighed, wincing as she rolled her sore shoulders.

"That was so much fun! Can we do it again? Can we?" Apollo placed his hooves on the princess and shook her before Oasis could stop him. "Can--"

"No, knock it off!" Nidra shouted, shoving Apollo away. Her scowl swiftly disappeared, however, and her eyes flew open before Apollo had even finished tumbling. "No, wait, I..." she began, raising a hoof uselessly as Oasis hurried to her brother's side. Nidra's heart and features sank as the filly glanced over to her with a timid, unsure look.

"Sorry, I..." Nidra looked away. "I'm sorry, I-I'm just, using that spell so many times in succession and running all the way through town like that leaves me stressed and tired and, and I'm sorry Apollo."

Nidra slowly turned to the colt. Apollo kept his head low and avoided the princess's gaze. He huddled closer to his sister. "Will you be alright?" she asked carefully.

Apollo nodded but continued to stare at the ground. With nopony else to turn to, Nidra looked to Oasis. The filly smiled when their eyes met before she returned to gently patting her brother's back. The smile was reassuring, and Apollo seemed to begin relaxing as well. Still, Nidra sighed.

This is going to be harder than I thought the princess said to herself before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.


"Princess? Princess Nidra?

Nidra groaned and shook her head before rolling onto her side.

"Please, you have to wake up."

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open. Oasis sat before her with Apollo right behind. "What's going on? Are we in Canterlot yet?"

A blush creeped across Oasis's face. "Um, actually, we fell asleep too, and--"

"Now approaching: Manehattan Grand Central Station."

"What?" Nidra flung herself up and stared out of the window. A forest of tall skyscrapers and vast buildings greeted her that swiftly disappeared as the train was swallowed by a tunnel. She turned from the windows and started to pace. "How did we end up in Manehattan? This train, this train was for Canterlot, wasn't it? There would have to had been a transfer to get from Canterlot to Manehattan, I'm sure of it. How could this have happened?" Nidra turned to the foals. "Did we ever stop at Canterlot?"

The two glance at each other before Apollo shrugged and Oasis shook her head. "I don't know," Oasis said. "We only woke up a little while ago."

"Great, perfect." Apollo and Oasis flinched as Nidra stomped past them. Her hoof shook as she grabbed hold of the caboose door's handle, and she took a deep breath to steady herself. "Come on," Nidra said, gesturing to the two. "Let's talk to the conductor, maybe find some answers."

They got up and made their way to Nidra's side and left the train car together. The station platform was already growing crowded as ponies and luggage bags streamed out. Carefully, they walked onto the platform and trudged through the mob to the uniformed stallion lazily leaning against the engine with his eyes glued to his watch. Oasis and Apollo suddenly found themselves pressed against the princess's sides as Nidra kept them together with her wings.

"Ahem," Nidra greeted when they drew near the stallion by the train engine. The conductor didn't react, continuing to find interest in his watch. "Ahem," Nidra tried again, only for the stallion to continue ignoring her. "Ahem!" she tried a third time, this time more loudly.

The conductor rolled his eyes. "An excuse me sir would've been nice," he said snottily as he lowered the watch. "Well, what is it?"

"Excuse me, I am Princess Nidra."

"Didn't ask for your name," the conductor said, though his eyebrows did rise at the sight of Nidra's wings. "Well, wha'daya want?"

Oasis gasped, and she and her brother looked nervously toward the fuming princess. Nidra took a few breaths before muttering something too quietly for them to hear. "This train is from the Canterlot-Manehattan line, correct?"

"Hardly," the stallion scoffed. "It's the Ponyville-Manehattan line. Yeah, never thought there'd be enough traffic between the two to need one either," he said when Nidra's mouth fell open and her eyes widened in shock. He checked his watch one last time before placing it back into his pocket. "Well, ma'am," he said, tipping his hat before walking away toward the crowd.

"Wait, wait!" Nidra ran forward and stopped the conductor. "Look, I need to get back to Canterlot. Ponyville will work too, but we can't stay here."

"What, Manehattan ain't good enough for a princess?" the stallion scoffed. "Look, I'd like to help, but I'm on my break. See that little mare behind the glass over there?" Nidra followed his gesture toward the ticket booth. "Maybe she can help. Me, I've got more important stuff to deal with."

The conductor shook a tin lunch pail in Nidra face, forcing her to step aside. Oasis watched the stallion disappear into the crowd before turning to the princess beside her. "How in Equestria could he act like that to you? He could lose his job or at the very least be banished and imprisoned!"

"If only," Nidra grumbled. "Being a princess doesn't hold as much weight in the big city as you'd think. Well, at least on the streets anyways," she added, rubbing her chin. "Hotels and restaurants, fancy establishments and the like, those know how to treat royalty. Out here?" Nidra scoffed. "I'd have just as much trouble hailing down a taxi as anypony else."

With a sigh, she started toward the ticket vendor. "Come on, keep together," Nidra ordered, holding the two foals close with her wings. "If I end up losing you two here of all places..." Oasis and Apollo felt the princess shudder.

The mare behind the glass, noticing Nidra and the foals approach, quickly sat up and smoothed out her uniform. "Yes, can I help you?" she asked when they arrived.

"We need tickets for the next train to Canterlot."

The mare's small smile faltered. "Oh, I'm sorry, but all trains to Canterlot are delayed indefinitely, until the rails are repaired. It could be some time, I'm afraid."

"What about to Ponyville?" Nidra asked. "Is there still a train to Ponyville."

"A train to Ponyville?" the vendor repeated. She ducked down and flipped through a notebook. "Yes, most certainly. In fact, you're here just in time for the twelve o'clock."

Nidra breathed out a silent declaration of thanks. "Perfected."

"That will be eighteen bits total, miss." A small slot at the window's sill slid open, exposing a little collection tray. Nidra blinked slowly before paling.

"Miss, is everything alright?"

"Y-yes, just..." The princess turned to Oasis. "Tell me one of you brought money," she whispered.

Nidra grew whiter as the filly shook her head. Desperately, she looked to Apollo, who simply copied his sister's motions. She turned back and watched the vendor's appearance sour; the mare started to frown, her eyes narrowed, and she began to tap on the counter impatiently. With a bored shrug, she slammed the collection tray's gate shut and waved them away.

Nidra opened her mouth to protest, but a forced cough from behind cut her off. A line of ponies had formed, waiting for the princess to finish her business. The pony who had coughed, a stern looking mare with glasses and her mane in a bun, gave Nidra a look of annoyance tempered by mild sympathy.

Sorry, her eyes said, but you're in the way, and I'm a very busy pony.

The mare lowered her gaze as Nidra threw out her own glare. With an angry huff, she led Apollo and Oasis away, forcing through the crowd toward the station's exit.

"What now?" Apollo asked, doing his best to keep up. Noticing the colt's struggles, Nidra slowed her pace.

"Well, like I said, Manehattan's hotel's definitely know how to treat a princess, so we won't have to worry about finding a place to sleep, if it comes to that. The problem is finding a way to get back." Nidra frowned. "If I can get a telegram to the castle, they could send me some funds. We'll have to stop by the post office," she said as they stepped out onto Manehattan's streets.

Apollo's draconic eyes grew large at the sight of the massive buildings towering overhead. His ears perked at the clicks and clanks of taxi cabs rolling by and the calls and chatters from all ponies around him. The scent of grilled carrots drew him toward a metal cart, where a stallion in a greasy apron served ponies of all sorts of attire, from the bright yellow vests of a construction worker to the professional jacket and tie of a business pony. Bright lights from the billboards grabbed hold his attention like a beacon, advertising Bridleway musicals, the latest fashion lines, even cat food. Apollo's head swerved as he tried to take in all of Manehattan, its sights, its smells, its sounds, its ponies, everything. He took a step forward.

"Be careful!"

Nidra's cry and the impact against her wing jolted Apollo out of his trance. His heart leapt to his throat as a taxi thundered past, less than a foot away.

"What were you thinking?" Nidra demanded, pulling Apollo away from the edge of the sidewalk. "This isn't Ponyville, where you can just wander off and do whatever you wish! Do you understand?"

A chill ran through the princess as Apollo shrunk away after nodding. Prompted by a nod from Oasis, Nidra pulled the colt closer to her. "Listen, Apollo, I-I am sorry. I should not have shouted. I just want to make sure the two of you stay safe. I don't want to act mean, and I apologize if I've seemed that way."

"I want Mommy."

Apollo had spoken under his breath, so quietly that Nidra almost didn't hear. Almost, and she felt something inside her shatter as if struck by those words. For a moment, she felt nothing. Then, there was warmth by her side. Nidra turned and found Oasis leaning against her. No, not leaning, Nidra amended, embracing. The filly smiled, and slowly, Nidra felt warm again. Wordlessly, she folder her wings over Apollo and pressed him against her chest. She lowered her head and began to hum. It was a lullaby, one her mother used to sing, though Nidra could never get the lyrics right without butchering the entire thing.

Still, her hums seemed enough; Apollo had returned the embrace enthusiastically. For a moment, the three sat there on the street holding each other tightly, ignoring the looks and glances of the pedestrians passing by.

Apollo released himself from the princess almost as suddenly as they came together and blushed. "I'm, I'm alright," he assured, doing his best to look serious. His appearance dissolved into a pout as Oasis giggled, and Nidra's sides stung as she fought the urge to join in. Instead, she blanketed the colt's shoulder with her wing.

"Come on," she said, nudging him forward before jerking her head at Oasis. "Let's see who the Marette'll kick out to make room for us."

"The Marette?" Oasis squealed. "The hotel where anypony that's anypony stays at?"

"The same, though perhaps sending a telegram first would be a better idea." Nidra quickly shook her head. "No, I'd need a return address first."


"Yes, Apollo?" Nidra said, looking to her side.

"I was just wondering," Apollo began before becoming distracted by a trio of fedora wearing stallions in gray overcoats. "Um, yeah, could we do a little, um, exploring?"

"Exploring?" Nidra repeated, her eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, exploring. I mean, Manehattan's so..." The colt bounced while he thought of a word. "...big, and there's all these things, and what are those buildings for, and where's everypony going, and I wanna see it all!"

"All might be a tall order for a day, especially without any bits." The princess chuckled. "Still, I don't see why we can't visit a few places. Let's see, if I recall correctly, tours to the Statue of Liberation are free for foals on weekends after twelve, or was it before twelve?"

"Oh, I'd love to visit the Manehattan Art Gallery," Oasis said longingly. "I don't suppose..." The filly slowly looked to Nidra and pleaded wordlessly with a forlorn gaze.

"That should be doable," Nidra said. "Mother made a recent contribution from her personal collection, one I doubt the curators will forget soon. That might be enough for an admittance." She turned to Apollo. "What about you? Is there anywhere you'd like to see in particular?"

"Um, uh..." Apollo chewed his lip as he thought. Grandma Rarity used to tell all sort of stories about Manehattan, of the different places she had been to and the ponies she had met. There was, there was...

The colt frowned as he tried to remember his grandmother's tales. Just as he was about to give up with a shrug, a fluttering red flag caught his eye. Several others flew beside it from long poles extending from a rounded building. The structure's shape and the white marble pillars that extended from the base to the ceiling reminded him of the ancient colosseums pre-Equestrian pegasi would compete in. Like the one in Cloudsdale, Apollo added, only this one was made from stone instead of clouds.

"What's that?" he asked, pointing. Nidra followed Apollo's gesture toward the building and frowned. She recognized the building as important, but for the moment it's identity and purpose escaped her. She lit up at the sight of the banners hanging over the entrance, the picture of a crimson pegasus with golden feathers and headband jolting her memory.

"Ah, yes, the Warmblood Stadium," Nidra answered, nodding.

"Warmblood?" Apollo gasped. "You mean the baseball team."

Nidra hesitated. "Yes," she said slowly after a moment of uncertainty, "the baseball team. Do you follow the sport, Apollo?"

"Do I?" The colt laughed. "I love baseball! It's like, my favorite sport ever."

"Last month you were into hoofball," Oasis said, rolling her eyes. Apollo stuck his tongue out in response.

"Yeah, 'cause it was hoofball of season, duh." He turned back to the princess. "Maybe they're playing right now! Can we go? Can we? Can we? Please?"

"Apollo!" Oasis hissed. Her nudge in his side calmed her brother, or at least quieted him, and had won a glare from the colt. It vanished vanished after Apollo followed Oasis's motion toward Nidra and noticed the thoughtful frown on the alicorn's face.

"I mean, we don't have to, I guess." Apollo rubbed the back of his neck. "Whatever's cool." He looked up as Nidra's hoof brushed his shoulder.

"I'm afraid we might not be able to see much of the stadium, much less a game," she said with a sad smile. "Tickets are out of our reach, after all. Will a simple tour around the edge, perhaps a peek inside, suffice?"

"Um, suffice means..."

"Will it be enough?" Nidra explained.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure! Really?" Apollo began to bounce excitedly as Nidra nodded. "Yes! Come on, let's go!"

"Calm down, the stadium is going nowhere," Nidra said, keeping Apollo and Oasis by her side as they crossed the street toward the sport arena. Names of ponies she had never heard of spewed from Apollo's mouth as they approached. Nidra turned to Oasis for clarification, but the filly looked just as lost as the princess certainly felt.

Apollo soon became quiet, however, once the stadium drew close. Though she never felt much interest in sports, Nidra could still appreciate the impressive grandness of Manehattan's stadium. Designed to house thousands upon thousands of ponies, it put most of Canterlot's architecture to shame in terms of vastness. They could hear cheering and shouts echoing from deep inside, and for a moment Nidra felt empty.

Is this what the common pony likes? she thought as she considered the great number of ponies within the coliseum's walls. How many ponies were there that she, as a princess, couldn't connect with, couldn't even begin to understand? Nidra turned to Apollo and noticed a small gleam of wanting as he stared.

Shouts from a group of stallions standing at the entrance pulled her out of her thoughts. The one in a simple white shirt and red cap grumbled loudly at the stallion in the full suit. The third stallion, an older, wider pony also in a suit and tie, nervously dabbed away the sweat from the top of his head.

"Well wha'da want me to do?" the suited stallion was saying. "Ms. Shores had something come up, and there ain't nothing we can do about it. Can't you just start the danged game without some star throwin' the first pitch?"

"Youse crazy?" the pony with the hat shouted. "Maybe, if this weren't the game of the century. We've finally got the Cream Drafts on our turf, and we've gotta crush 'em in style. We don't start this off with a bang, youse gonna see blood in the stands."

"Maybe, maybe we could find somepony else," the older stallion suggested, letting his handkerchief fall to his side. "There, there must be somepony in this city, Bridleway stars and models." He gulped. "I-if it came down to it, I-I suppose I could..."

"No offense, Mr. Mayor," began the pony with the hat, "but that just won't cut it. It's gotta be bigger, like Sapphire Shore's big, maybe even Princess Luna big."

"And even if was somepony else that big in this city, how are we supposed to get them here in time for the first pitch?" added the suited stallion.


The quiet sound of a throat clearing caught the arguing ponies' attention. They turned to find Princess Nidra standing behind them with two foals, one on each side of her. With her head held high, she spread her wings, throwing shadows over the staring stallions.

"Is this big enough?" she challenged. The stallions exchanged looks before stumbling clumsily into bows.

"P-P-P-Princess Nidra, w-what an honor," the mayor sputtered. "I-I wasn't aware you had a visit scheduled."

"I didn't, so I take no offense to the lukewarm welcome I've so far received." Nidra watched as the stallion sighed in relief before turning instead to the pony wear the red cap. "You mentioned needing somepony to..." She motioned to the pony who quickly caught the cue.

"Throw the first pitch, Your Highness," he said. "Course, if youse ain't to busy with, uh, royal stuff, Manehattan'd be awfully grateful if you could do it." He lifted his gaze. "You'd be making a lot of ponies in the stands happy."

"Very well," Nidra announced, and everypony breathed out in silent cheer. "However," she added, causing the stallions to freeze up again, "these two must be granted admission." Nidra placed her wings over the foals, drawing the stallions' attention toward them. Apollo looked up, gaping, and returned the smile the princess gave him. She could feel him shake with anticipation.

"Yeah, no problem, box seat's got room," the suited stallion answered, ignoring the glare the mayor shot at him.

"But that's my seat, with the important ponies! I don't want some foals with me for--"

Nidra cleared her throat.

The mayor shrunk back down. "W-well, since Sapphire Shores isn't here, I suppose there'll be room in the box."

"Yeah, yeah, perfect." The pony with the cap staggered to his feet. "Come on, I'll walk youse through what you gotta do," he said, leading the princess through the stadium's entrance. Everypony else swiftly followed, moving past the ticket stands and snack vendors. The mayor and the suited stallion sudden turned toward a flight of bright blue stairs, shepherding the foals away from Nidra and her guide.

"This way, kids," the suited stallion said as the hatted pony led Nidra further. Before disappearing, the princess waved to Oasis and Apollo, which they returned. "Don't worry, you'll be seein' her again soon enough."

Apollo all but bounced up the stairs, shaking at each step. "Apollo, calm down," Oasis said as she followed behind. The suited pony chuckled.

"First ball game?" he asked. Apollo nodded furiously. "Well, you're in for a treat." He pushed open the door at the very end of the stairway and held it for everypony else.

For an area boasted as being 'box seats', Oasis was not impressed. The seats themselves were made of some cheap rubbery plastic without cushioning or any means of comfort. Her keen eye spotted popcorn kernels and drink stains all over the hard concrete ground. If these were the box seats, she shuddered at what the regular seats were like.

Apollo rushed forward, ignorant to the stares the other patrons gave him as he pushed by. He stopped at the rail that guarded the very edge and used it to prop himself up. "Wow, look, we can see everything from here! Come on, Oasis, look!"

Oasis joined her brother, moving much more carefully and receiving fewer glares than he had. When she arrived at the edge, she realized just how close they were to the game. The third baseman was less than a stone throw away. If it were for the guardrail, Apollo, with the way he kept leaning forward, might have fallen right into the outfield.

"Isn't this a little close," Oasis asked nervously.

"Yeah, isn't it great!" Apollo grinned as his grip on the railing tightened. "I can't believe it! I'm totally gonna catch foul ball!"

Oasis slowly backed away and sat herself on one of the uncomfortable seats. She could feel the sticky surface cling to her bottom. She took a breath and tried to relax. Turning to Apollo, Oasis smiled. His excitement was contagious to the point where even she was starting to have trouble sitting still.

"And now, approaching the pitcher's mound of the Warmblood Stadium, the sensational pony of pop herself, Sapphire Shores!"

Even amid the cheers and applause, Oasis could hear somepony planting a hoof in their face. Something tugged at her wing, turning her attention back to the baseball diamond. "Look," Apollo said, pointing toward the elevated patch in the center, "it's the princess."

Nidra made her way to the pitcher's mound at a slow and steady pace. Cheers eventually died into murmurs as ponies realized who was making her way across the field. It might have been her imagination, but she could have sworn she heard somepony in the crowd say, "That's not Sapphire Shores." At this distance, Nidra doubted anypony would've been able to see her eyes roll, but she fought off the temptation.

Complete silence greeted her as she climbed the little hill. Thousands of ponies, in every which direction and of every color, stared. Her ears flattened as the stadiums buzzed alive with static. "And now, on the pitcher's mound of the Warmblood Stadium, Princess Nidra!"

Two small cheers from the box echoed out, followed by a hesitant applause. Slowly, the noise grew louder until the entire stadium was filled with cheering and hoof stomps. Nidra smiled. She lifted a hoof and waved to the stands. She extended her leathery wings and relished in the gasps and sounds of wonder. She wondered how many ponies here had even seen a regular bat pony, let alone the bat pony alicorn.

The pony beside her coughed, drawing her attention. With an exaggerated bow, he held the soft ball toward her. Nidra took it and let it roll between her hooves as the pony stepped to the side. Other ponies wearing similar colors also stood by, though they were focused instead on the pony at the very end, swinging a large wooden club over home plate. The pony straightened his helmet before lowering into a stance, keeping the bat steady with his hooves.

Nidra lifted the baseball, and the entire stadium became dead silent. She inhaled, pulled back, lifting herself with a flap of her wings, and flung the ball with as much force as she could muster. It flew through the air with a whistle, straight at the batter. Screaming, he lifted the bat to protect himself, only for the ball to force the bat back until it met with the pony's helmet, knocking him back into the catcher.

"Fowl!" an umpire cried, throwing his forelegs in the air before rushing to the other referees who were checking on the injured player. Up in the box, Apollo cheered as he tossed the ball he had caught in the air.

It didn't take the princess long to notice that just about ever jaw around her was dropped. "Is something the matter?" Nidra asked the pitcher who had flinched when she turned to him. "I was told to throw the ball as hard as possible at the pony with the stick. Was that not the right pony?"

"N-no, that's not exactly the problem." Gesturing to her to lower her head, he whispered into Nidra's ear. As he explained, Nidra's face began to redden.

"Ah, oh dear," she muttered.

"It's fine, I'm sure he's fine," the pitcher tried to assured. "Heck, uh, can I say heck around you?"

Nidra sighed. "Oh, why the heck not?"

"Um, yeah." He chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I'm sure he'll be fine. This'll probably be the highlight of his entire career. Not many ponies can say they were knocked clean off their hooves in a game by a baseball bat."