• Member Since 10th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

the frank


Hi, I'm Benjamin. Benji, as my friends call me.

I'm the average family guy, 85% straight, married. Drives a cab for a living.

I...uhm... Well...

I'm married to a pony. Pinkie Pie. We have four foals. Rose petal, Hurricane, Summer and Toffee.

That should be the perfect life.

That SHOULD be the perfect life.

Anthro, because it works best for me. Proofread (and edited) by NOPONY IMPORTANT. She did a great job, and deserves a big credit.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

Wow... Nice story! I liked it a lot.

... Wow... I honestly have no idea what to say.

Damn, the ending was unexpected.

In the words of the great Booker Dewitt,......"huh"

5891074 Thanks! :pinkiehappy:
5891111 It happens pretty often to me too.
5891270 I like dem twists. I can't help myself.
5891298 Are you married to Maud, then?

5892452 In the words of Jimmy Durante: "That's what SHE said". :twilightsmile:

I don't know what to say.
Not bad thought.

I've gotta ask is this gonna stay a one shot or are you gonna continue with this cause i can see an amazing story here with him trying to find the truth on what's real and whats not.

5910345 It's a one-shot. I do agree that would be interesting, but I don't think I can pull that off.
5898772 Then I say thanks!

Ah well that's to bad, but who knows maybe one day someone would ask to continue this you never know.

5911175 Well, anyone interested are welcome to do it! :pinkiehappy:

That's cool, I'd give it a shot but I've been rather busy as of late and wouldn't be able to give it the justice it deserves. I've already got one story going on in my head don't really need two, I'm not a great multitasker. Though if someone does give it a shot hopefully they give the people who liked this story a heads up.

This is actually a pretty funny story. I quite enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

Although, the guy in the cover art behind Pinkie looks like a anime character from a anime I know of and heard about... Awfully familiar...

5962216 Thanks! And yes, it is. I choose it because it was the only pic of anthro pinkie with a human guy I could find.

Needs a horror tag. I would say it needed a "mental break" tag but we don't have those so horror will have to do.

that is quite a lot to think about

this is amazing concept!

Heh, thanks. :)

Thaaaat's somewhat terrifying. Existential dread combined with the possibility you're losing your grip on reality, or worse, your world is being taken over by an MLP one. I don't think I could handle it. Will there ever be a follow up with this?

The funny thing is that it started out as pure fluff and in the middle of it all it all just took that darn twist. In one way I am proud of it, in another... I kinda feel I am cheating on the reader.

As for the question, probably not, I usually just go as far as the idea takes me. But if anyone want to expand the concept, be my guest!

I would love to see a fluff version of this. Because god damn it got dark.

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