• Published 14th May 2012
  • 6,053 Views, 189 Comments

Home is Where the Heart is - smileyfacer

Scootaloo struggles to know she is an orphan and wants nothing more than a family of her own.

  • ...

Chapter 16

“Oh, hi guys! What are you all do-” Rainbow Dash’s sentence ended midway, as she realized a certain lavender unicorn was with the rest of her friends. The cyan pegasus glared evilly, before continuing her conversation.

“What are my five best friends doing here?”, she said with a cruel smile on her face. Although Rainbow Dash was well aware of how much it would hurt Twilight to not count her as one of her best friends, she wanted nothing more than to hurt the unicorn in the same way she had hurt her.

“Rainbow, please, just listen to me.” Twilight begged.

“Listen to what?! You calling me a bad mom again?” She shouted, her voice quivering slightly as she spoke.

“No, Rainbow, please! I never meant to say it that way!”

The pegasus scoffed loudly and rolled her eyes in response.

“In what way were you meant to say it then!”

“I, um, you see...”

Rainbow Dash lifted her hooves over her head in annoyance, before sealing the window closed.

“RD, please, hear the girl out! Ye’ kno’ as well as I she sometimes says thangs she don’t mean!” Applejack hollered, ignoring the glare she received from Twilight.

“I can’t hear you, and I don’t care, even if I could!” the pegasus retorted, her reply muffled by the cloudy walls that separated them.

“Um, Rainbow... maybe it was just a, uh, misunderstanding?” Fluttershy meekly suggested.


Fluttershy squealed loudly and quickly hid behind the farmpony. She carefully glanced up from hiding behind the orange mare, before receiving an encouraging nod from Applejack to continue.

“Maybe it’s all just a, um, misunderstanding?”

“Fluttershy, is that you! You need to speak louder!”

“Oh, good heavens, we will never console her this way!” Rarity wailed, before giving Twilight a determined glance, “Twilight, we need to levitate everypony up there! We must reach her, she is inconsolable from down here!”

“But, that’s an invasion of privacy! We can’t just march into her home like that!” Twilight objected, but nonetheless, lit up her horn as preparation to cast the spell.

She knew that they had little to no chance to talk Rainbow into letting the unicorn be her friend again as long as they were standing down there. She supposed that some things have to fall apart, in order for greater things to be. At least Rainbow’s privacy would have to fall apart for a short while, until Twilight was able to regain her position as a best friend.

“Desperate times calls for desperate measures!”

The lavender unicorn said no more, but slowly, although steadily, began levitating Pinkie Pie up to Rainbow Dash. It was a much harder effort than the usual book or tea pot, and Twilight let out a slight groan of concentration.

“Weee, look at me! I’m a pegasus!” Pinkie cheerfully exclaimed, all of her limbs stretching out in an attempt to move forward, although the position she was in, was firmly held by Twilight. The pink pony squirmed about, making it so much harder for Twilight to levitate her.

“Urgh, Pinkie, stay still until I’m done! You’re not making it any easier!”

With a frown, Pinkie forced herself to sit still, while Twilight gently placed her upon the cloud. The unicorn let out a sigh of exhaustion.

“Dashiiiiie, why are you so mad at Twilight?” Pinkie said, and continuously bounced up and down on the soft cloud beneath her. She didn’t pay any attention to Applejack being levitated up by Rarity, who struggled even more with the spell than Twilight.

“Because she’s an egg-head! That’s why!”

“Well, you’re an egg-head too! You read books, dontcha? Especially that book about foals and fillies and colts and being a mom!”

“I, uh, that’s different, Pinkie!” Rainbow shouted, after a few silent seconds.

“Sugarcube, please let us in. We jus’ wann’ talk wit’ ya?” Applejack pleaded the second she stepped upon the fluffy clouds.

Rainbow remained silent for an agonizing amount of time, before she quietly opened the door, and glanced out.

“You can come in, but she can’t.” the pegasus said in such a tone, that there was no doubt that Twilight couldn’t enter the house. The five mares glanced at each other, then to Twilight, and then back to each other again. Applejack was the first to speak.

“Uh, Twi, ye’ think ye’ can just stay... here, for a tiny while?” Applejack sheepishly said, with a slight shrug of her shoulders.

“Well, I was hoping I could come in, aswell...” the unicorn muttered, before suddenly standing face to face with Rainbow Dash, who had flung herself out of her house.

“You hoped wrong, Twilight!” she hissed, before coughing, and hovering as far away from Twilight as possible, “she stays here, or nobody comes in at all.”

Twilight gloomily understood, and sat down with no further objections. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy sent sympathetic glances her way, almost to ensure her that it wouldn’t take long before she could speak to Rainbow Dash inside. But for now, she just had to wait.

“So, what’s up?” Rainbow Dash quickly asked, and invited the five friends inside.

“Rainbow, darling, I know you’re upset and all, but you must speak to Twilight. You know she says things she doesn’t mean.”

Rainbow Dash’s face didn’t reveal any emotions, and instead of replying to Rarity’s comment, the mare went towards Applejack.

“I’m sorry that I haven’t been around to help you out at the farm, AJ.”

Applejack scoffed playfully.

“Help? Sugarcube, ye’ don’t do nothin’ but sleep in mah trees!”

A slight blush spread on Rainbow’s cheeks, before she went to spoke to Pinkie.

“Um, Rainbow, can you please let Twilight in?” Fluttershy weakly asked, and quickly went to hiding behind Applejack, as Rainbow didn’t hesitate to give her a stare that could almost rival her own.

“Why should I let her in, ‘Shy? So she can call me a bad mom again?”

“Well, how does she know if you’re a bad mom or not Dashie?” Pinkie asked, which left all of the other four mares confused.

“Well, uh, Twilight knows everything, Pinkie! If she says something, that’s just how it is.”

“That’s just silly! She thought my Pinkie sense was wrong all the time, but she was wrong!” the pink pony gasped loudly, “oh oh oh! Does this mean Twilight can look into the future? If she can, can she teach me? I got a neat crystal ball already! Then, I can predict all my parties, how cool is that?!”

Nopony bothered to mention to Pinkie that she somewhat had the ability to gaze into the future, by her Pinkie sense.

“That’s astonishing, Pinkie, it truly is.” Rarity interjected, “but although this whole matter is not about Twilight being accurate or not, Pinkie does have a point. Just because Twilight says so, it does not automatically means it is true.”

“That’s right! Never know if you’re good at something until you try!” Pinkie cheered, before continuing to ramble about the varied positive and negative things about being able to tell the future.

Rainbow glanced at her hooves, and didn’t say a word for some time. Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity remained silent as well, waiting for the cyan mare to speak up herself. The only sound seemed to be Pinkie still discussing the possibilities that came with fortunetelling.

“I guess... I should let her in?” Rainbow quietly said, and looked towards her friends for reassurance. She received five, well, four nods, and took a deep breath to let Twilight in. The mare walked towards the door, and quietly opened it, to see Twilight smiling sheepishly and her ears down in humbleness.

“C’mon in Twilight,” Rainbow Dash cooly said and almost aggressively motioned for Twilight to come in, “before I change my mind.”

Twilight didn’t hesitate and quickly entered the house of clouds. The unicorn realized within few seconds, that this was the first time she had been inside of Rainbow’s house. She had seen it from the earth, but never actually been in there.

“Hey, Rainbow...?” Twilight mumbled, as the unicorn and pegasus joined the others in the living room.

“Mhm, ‘sup?” Rainbow responded, her voice in the same cool tone she had kept with Twilight as before.

“This is the first time we’ve all been inside of your home.”

Everypony seemed to realize it just as Twilight’s sentence finished, and they all glanced towards Rainbow Dash for some sort of response. The mare’s ears hung low, and her lips seemed to quiver with emotion.

“Heh, yeah, I guess so. What do you think of my home?” she asked.

All ponies glanced around the home, and couldn’t help but smile.

Various posters of the Wonderbolts adorned almost every possible piece of wall. None of them knew how the posters were sticking to the walls, so Twilight, of course, reminded herself to ask Rainbow at a more appropriate time. Most of them pictured Spitfire or Soarin’ in a heroic pose, either with or without each other and the whole squad. If it wasn’t motivation enough to have her idols on the fluffy walls, there were several magazines and books that focused purely on a right diet and exercises to become a more muscular, agile and faster flyer. Several muscular ponies, although mostly stallions adorned the front page of the magazines, with various sleek outfits on that made their muscles come across as larger and more defined. Applejack went closer to almost every poster, skimmed through most of the magazines and turned to Rainbow with a grin on her face.

“Now if you’ve been doin’ all o’ them fancy exercises, ye’ shoul’ look a mighty bit stronger than that!”

Rainbow Dash blushed, before letting out a huff.

“I’ve been having a break, big deal.”

Applejack let out a giggle, and continued glancing around the room.

Even if the living room seemed clean, the kitchen and her room did not. For whatever reason, Rainbow Dash seemed to keep the living room nice and tidy for visitors, but her kitchen and own room suffered horribly. Dirty dishes filled the sink, the trash was piling up, and Pinkie had checked the fridge in hungry desperation. Rarity wrinkled her muzzle, and held a hoof up to it.

“Rainbow Dash, darling, Scootaloo will be removed from here the instant she arrives, if you do not clean up such a mess.”

Rainbow both blushed and gasped, before glaring evilly at Twilight, who helplessly drew circles with her hoof.

“They had to know.”

The cyan mare mumbled something incomprehensible.

“Rainbow, I, um, think it would be lovely of you, if you, um, adopted Scootaloo.” Fluttershy said, and all mares nodded their heads in agreement. Rainbow Dash motioned for them to leave the filthy kitchen, and instead to sit on the cloud couch and chairs she had available. Pinkie obviously found the temptation too great, and quickly started bouncing on the cloud furniture. Rarity only had to send the pink pony one glance, before she sat down in silence.

“Why?” Rainbow Dash harshly asked as she sat down, before pointing a hoof towards Twilight, “she obviously doesn’t think so.”

“I think Twilight’s wrong! You love Scootaloo, Dashie! Then you’ll be a good mother for her! I just know it!” Pinkie cheerfully said.

“Rainbow, I’m really sorry about what I said, alright? I never meant for you to understand it in a way that would hurt you. Nopony I know, could take better care of Scootaloo than you. ”

Rainbow Dash remained quiet, then placed both front hooves in her face.

“I just want to make sure she’s cared for. I know she isn’t telling anypony, but she’s so miserable, and I know just how she feels.”

“How does it feel, RD?” Applejack quietly asked.

The usually confident pegasus glanced up, and wasn’t surprised the slightest to see the shock on her friends faces as they noticed the trail of tears on her cheeks.

“Unloved, unwanted and uncared for. Do any of you know how that is?”

All ponies, each with their different family struggles had gone through many rough patches in their lives, but they all knew, that their parents would have their backs, until they were a couple of feet below the ground.

“Didn’t think so. I thought I had outgrown it, but Scootaloo’s actions lately have made me relive it all, and I feel really really bad that I told her off like I did. After what Twilight said,” she sniffled and wiped some tears away, her tone nowhere near hostile, “I couldn’t consider being her mom again. I just can’t. What if I disappoint her? Or myself, and she is taken back to the orphanage, and someone else adopts her?”

“Rainbow Dash, you’re so committed to everything you do! Never once have I seen you do something with half a heart. I know that Scootaloo will be in the best of hooves, when you make her your own. She adores you, and you her. If you ever doubt yourself, you should know that ponies grow and learn with tasks.” Twilight said, and smiled at her friend.

“She’s sayin’ wise words, sugarcube. I tell ya, even if I was a natural at applebuckin’ all day long, sometimes it wasn’t easy. I was no good at buckin’ when I was jus’ a lil’ filly, but after hard practice and some tricks from ma and pa, I’m great! I can tell ya right now, that no beginnin’ is easy.”

Rainbow Dash shyly glanced around all of her friends, whom all nodded in agreement to what Applejack and Twilight had said. She pondered about what the two ponies had said, before speaking.

“So I’m not going to be a bad mom, or sister?” she meekly asked, and sniffled at the mere thought of her friends not thinking poorly of her.

Rarity walked over to Rainbow and held the mare tightly.

“Darling, I know you will make a terrific sister, and mother to Scootaloo,” the mare wrinkled her muzzle as the embrace ended, “but you must clean this house. Scootaloo cannot live in a place this... Uncouth!”

Rainbow grinned sheepishly, before glancing towards her other friends.

“I know you’ll be a great sister, Dashie! You love Scootaloo so so so so much, that you can’t do anything but be good for her!”

“I’m tippin’ my hat to ye’, RD. You’re doin’ somethin’ mighty kind for that lil’ filly.”

“Oh yes, it is so lovely of you to care for Scootaloo, the way you, um, suggest it.”

“Rainbow, I know you’ll be a wonderful sister. Or mother, or whatever you prefer, really. I just know in my heart, that you’ll be great.”

As each of her friends confessed to how they thought her skills at a mother would be, the mare couldn’t help but tear up. She sniffled slightly, and motioned for her six best friends to come over for a group hug. The hug ended abruptly as everyone felt Rainbow Dash loosen on the hug, and her ears hanging low.

“What’s the matter?”, Twilight asked, before desperately looking towards her friends, “Did I say something wrong?”

Rainbow Dash gloomily shook her head.

“No, you didn’t, Twilight. It’s just... Scootaloo came to visit me, after her whole running away thing, I was horrible to her. I don’t know if she’d speak to me again.”

“Don’t be like that, I know that Scootaloo can’t stay mad at you for too long. We’re just going to have to sort something special out for her.” Twilight said, with a sly grin.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, let’s make sure that Scootaloo forgives you, and wants to be a part of your family.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t hesitate to share hoof-bumps with all of her friends, as they began to think about the best way they could make Scootaloo forgive Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie was the one who came with the most suggestions, whereas some worked, and some did not. None of the mares really noticed when the sun had begun to set, and Luna’s stars had come out to play.

“Wow, it’s so late! Have we really been here all day, talking about that awesome thing for Scootaloo? Let’s have a We-love-you-Dashie-slumber-party! Who wants smores?!”

All of the mares quickly glanced at each other, before nodding and letting out cheers of excitement. According to Rainbow Dash’s commands, Applejack went to get some blankets, which, of course, had the Wonderbolts on it, Pinkie and Rarity went to sort out snacks, and clean the kitchen, whereas Twilight and Fluttershy kept the cyan mare company.

“I’m really glad you came to see me today, Twilight. It means a lot to me.” Rainbow said, cursing herself for being so sappy.

“Me too, Rainbow. This is the first time I’ve ever been in your house, and slept over too! Good thing those cloudwalking spells last for awhile.” Twilight giggled.

Pinkie, Rarity and Applejack quickly returned with blankets and foods galore, and more conversation ensued for the rest of the night. It felt like it had been ages since the six mares had laughed so much, especially Rainbow. When they were waiting for their stomachs to stop hurting after yet another laughing fit, Fluttershy quietly spoke.

“Girls, um, can we maybe promise one thing?”

“Sure ‘Shy, what is it?” Rainbow said, with the approving nod of the other mares.

“Maybe we should visit Rainbow more often?”

All the earth ponies and unicorns glanced towards each other, and grinned widely as they nodded.

“You can count me in, sugarcube! It’s mighty nice to walk on these fancy schmancy clouds!”

All of the ponies quietly giggled, but loudly vowed to visit Rainbow Dash more often.

Hi everypony. Just a little message from me! Whether you like it or not, I must admit, that this story is coming to an end. I don’t know exactly how many chapters left there will be, but I can tell you that it’s not many. I’ve also been so lucky to get a proofreader, who will hopefully make the chapters even better! Welcome aboard, C Note! :D

It’s my pleasure to proofread this wonderful story!! I will be sad when it has to end though.. D: