• Published 1st May 2017
  • 4,869 Views, 74 Comments

Matters of Vice - Bookish Delight

The Dazzlings, and their malevolent Battle of the Bands, have left Vice Principal Luna discouraged and feeling powerless. To have any hope of solace... she'll have to have a long talk with herself.

  • ...

4: We Can't Do This on Equestria

She heard absolutely nothing, not even a breeze, and her vision was darkness. Moments later, her feet gently landed on solid ground.

"You may open your eyes now," The Princess said.

Vice Principal Luna did, and she saw everything. The stars were not only above them, but all around them. A blue planet was easily visible in the distance, along with other planets! And even a sun! A sun... an entire solar system... with one celestial object clearly missing...

She squealed in shock. "Luna, where have you taken us?"

"Calm down, Luna," Princess Luna said, with a chuckle. "I think you know. Oh, and do remember to breathe as well."

Vice Principal Luna did. "How am I breathing in space?" she squeaked.

Princess Luna pointed to her horn. "I'm taking care of that," she replied. "And the fact that we're not freezing as well. One might say I have... intimate knowledge of the conditions up here."

"I..." Vice Principal Luna looked around, finally taking it all in. "I'm... I'm in space." She looked down, tapping her feet on the rock beneath herself, and promptly figured out the rest.

"I'm actually on... no...."

She bent her legs, then jumped as high as she could manage—which, she quickly confirmed, was very high indeed. She let out a euphoric whoop as she sailed across the landscape, all of her cares forgotten in the moment.

"'One small step,' I believe the saying goes?" Princess Luna said, watching Luna bounce around. "Congratulations on being the first lady on the moon. Well, our moon, at any rate. Also, human lady goodness but there are a lot of qualifiers here I never planned on—"

"It's fine, I can deal with it," Luna said, as she landed. "This... this is even more beautiful than I imagined! And believe me, I imagined for years, watched so many videos, wore out almost a dozen telescopes, I—" She turned to Princess Luna with shining eyes. "I'm at a loss for words. I'm not sure that even a hundred 'thank you's would cover this."

"I was hoping it would be to your liking," The Princess said. "The very first time I ever crossed the mirror, I spied a dream of a little blue girl playing with a toy vehicle and speaking as if it were a star-faring vessel." Princess Luna winked. "Your happiness is my happiness. I'm simply glad to see I guessed correctly."

"So many years. I was sure it would stay in my dreams," Luna said, feeling exactly like that little blue girl again.

"Nothing has to," Princess Luna said, "be it traveling the stars or looking after one's home. Doing anything, being anything, living the life you want—it is always within your reach, If you're willing to do what is needed... and maintain both patience and faith."

Both Lunas stepped forward to view the twinkling stars, and the pony-populated planet in the distance.

"My sister and I," Princess Luna explained, "are amongst the most 'powerful' wielders of magic in our world." As she spoke, visions soared before the both of them, showing ponies which, once again, looked very much like Vice Principal Luna's students, battling all sorts of monsters. "Yet we entrust its protection to a handful of humbler ponies, some of whom possess no traditional magical training whatsoever."

"But why?" Luna asked. "You and Celestia can do so much. You can cross worlds, cast magic, awaken it in others—"

"One, because if a domain's leaders fall, that domain is that much easier to destroy from within," The Princess explained, matter-of-factly. "And two-because magical prowess is hardly everything. The ability to change the world is often said to be reserved for those with power. But in the grand scope of the universe, it is actually afforded to time. And waiting until it is right."

The visions from before shifted one last time, to show pony sister banishing sister into the moon itself. Luna gasped as she grasped the scene before them.

She looked to Princess Luna. The mare had closed her eyes, but was still unable to stop the tears from forming underneath them.

Luna turned around, and hugged her. Princess Luna sighed and sat, hugging Luna in return.

"Just how much sadness have you carried over so many years?" Luna whispered.

"I could ask you the same question," The Princess replied. "We could probably fill tomes, you and I."

The Princess sighed, wiped her eyes, and rose. "But I actually did not bring us up here to dwell on the past," she said. "You asked for guidance on the future. And speaking as somepony who has some years on her, I promise to do what I can."

"I appreciate it," Luna said. "The best I could ever could do in my world was train to be a… well. A normal teacher, teaching normal things. Which I was good at, don't get me wrong. But my sister was world famous for her knowledge. I envied her."

She looked away.

"But I also loved her. Even if I wasn't always sure that she felt the same," Luna admitted. "Then the scandal happened, and all of a sudden... she needed me. After so many years, my presence held meaning for her. And I couldn't have been happier."

She looked up into The Princess's eyes again.

"It was the closest I'd come in a long time to feeling truly special," Luna said, voice soft. "I... just wish it hadn't come at the cost of my sister's smile. If only I knew a decade ago what we all know now."

Princess Luna nodded. "I can see why you took to your newfound magic so well."

"I would do anything to help Celestia," Luna said. "Words I suppose you've constantly uttered too?"

Princess Luna nodded. "When I returned from my exile, I saw my own sister wracked with pain and guilt, not unlike mine. She put on a brave smiling face for her subjects, but even after our... long time apart, I still know her best.

"Even now, I can only sometimes get her to open up to me," The Princess said. "But I don't hold it against her. Because, unlike your Celestia, mine did not have her family by her side. So many years, so many storms she weathered all by herself. All because of me."

Luna gripped Princess Luna's withers. "But that's just it! Is this truly all we can do? Stand by and watch as our sisters hurt?"

Princess Luna chuckled. "You speak as if that's not one of the most important things one sister can do for another. Even amidst our turmoil, I still know beyond a shadow of a doubt that during the times when I was at my lowest, and and even when I was in exile, my sister never gave up on me... and she never will." She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Opening her eyes, she smiled at Luna. "That gives me the strength to keep going, despite our past mistakes, and to support her in turn.

"The sun blazes with power, drawing attention to itself and to the day," The Princess said, gesturing to the sun in the far distance. "The moon channels only as much of the sun's power as it needs. But otherwise, the night is patient. Its patience, its endurance, its willingness to step aside and let others shine when they wish, is its strength. So it is with you," She prodded Luna's chest with her hoof, "with me, and our sisters."

Both Lunas directed their vision to the blue planet before them. It looked bigger, somehow. Luna chalked it up to her imagination.

"This is who we are, Luna," Princess Luna said. "We are the watch. We are the guardians."


Woman and mare landed back on the beach. Both looked to the moon, nodding in reverence and understanding, then at each other.

"Usually when I enter dreams, my aim is to banish the fears which lead to nightmares entirely," Princess Luna said, cocking her head. "However, I must admit that I have no clue if I've managed to so do tonight."

"For what it's worth, you've done more for me tonight than I've been able to do by myself for years," Luna said. "But you've also done something more." She clasped one of the Princess's hooves in both her hands, expression earnest. "You've ensured that you have more than one sister in your corner. Even if she has to cross an entire world to get to you."

Princess Luna smiled and nodded. "Consider the sentiment returned," she said. "Shall we get back to our lives for now, then?" She lowered herself, and waved an inviting wing.

Luna slid back on. "I have this sudden urge to buy the darkest riding mare I can find when I get back to my world," she said, giggling.

Princess Luna laughed as she took off. "Perhaps you should. I'll come visit you both."

"Can you actually do that?"

"Technically, I could," The Princess said, "but in all seriousness: our visits should remain as scarce as possible. However, should you ever need to converse about matters both worldly or…" She glanced back at Luna, "personal, again, contact Sunset Shimmer. She will know what to do."

Princess Luna flapped her wings grandly, climbing higher. Soon, The moon and stars seemed almost in reach.

"I will," Luna said, lying against Princess Luna's shoulder. She closed her eyes, and enjoyed the soft breeze of the flight. "Thank you for everything."

"You're quite welcome," Princess Luna replied. "I extend my own gratitude in return. It's nice to be able to step outside of yourself once in awhile."

Luna would have agreed... were she not currently deep in the midst of the most relaxing sleep she'd had in months.