• Published 23rd Apr 2015
  • 15,310 Views, 469 Comments

The Appearance of The New - Castok the Shadow

After five sleepless years, I'm ready for revenge

  • ...

A shocking surprise and a Bug arrival

Varlock POV:

A full retreat.... Even when we won the battle.

Dynol was furious, nay more than furious. He saw my son and all I felt from him was fire of rage and vengeance. He called upon all those who could still hold a blade and marched to the capital. Just in a few miles, some magical barrier was placed over the city, it had all the same colours that the royal princesses have. Dynol ordered all trebuchets and archers to fire everything at the barrier whilst he did the same with every spells he knew.

Not even a scratch was on that barrier.

Enraged, Dynol pulled all forces back to Ponyville, leaving only a token force from the army to guard the Golden Highway. He let my son ride on WoodFang's back as Behemoth showed us a shortcut through the tunnels to Castle Rhyfel. Llofrudd's state was unbearable to watch, Dynol healed as much as he could from his remaining strength, but alas, he could only heal Llofrudd's deepest wounds but not his spine...For now at least.

Right now, everyone was at Castle Rhyfel. Behemoth went to check with the remains of the 12th Arkron army to count the casualties whilst WoodFang and Dynol went to his meditation room, by the way Dynol looked, peace of mind might help him a bit.

I, along with Llofrudd and a couple of witch doctors were gathered at western side of the castle, in a room with an opening view of where the armies were training and forming into platoons. Llofrudd was laying on a table on his stomach, as witch doctors gathered their medicines and herbs. One doctor was a the end of the table speaking in our old language of the healing as another on the other side spread salt and crashed up flowers over my son's back.

"How is he?" I asked the leader of the which doctors; Iachau Llygad.

Iachau Llygad was the oldest and well experienced witch doctors in the Ogres of Red-Oath's history. He cured many illnesses and even cured my depression after my beloved mate, Harddwch died giving birth to Llofrudd. He was a pale blue ogre with his tusks having a yellowish green colour from his old age of eighty-seven. His hair was white as snow -much like his eyes- and grown all the way to his chest where his necklace of emeralds and pearls rested.

"It seems that Lord Dynol had healed most of the damage from the minotaur's attack" Iachau's old voice spoken in as any old ogre would sound like. "However, Llofrudd's spine remains damage and in a bad, bad state. Something I haven't seen in a long time"

"Can you heal him? Will he..."

"I do not wish to give false hopes chieftain, but we'll try our best"

I wished to ask more questions, but had to stop myself. "Alright, let me know if you need anything"

"Will do chieftain" Iachau nodded his head as he focused his attention to my son. "Will do, for Red-Oath"

I left him to it as I exited the room. Before I shut the door, I looked back and saw my son on the table as the doctors began their healing.

Once I closed the door, I slammed my fist on the opposite side of the wall that faced said door. I was a fool, how was I not prepared for this to happen? Why did I not fight with him? Why did I let him fight that minotaur on his own? WHY HAVE I FAILED YOU, HARDDWCH!!!

As my head rested on the wall, I heard the sound of footsteps coming from the west. I turned my head and saw the source of the footsteps. Behemoth, with his mace resting on his right shoulder, looked at me and then to where Llofrudd was.

He looked at me with pitiful eyes. "That bad?"

"He's in good hands" I sighed. "Witch doctor Iachau Llygad will do his best to save my son from remaining paralysed for the rest of his life"

"How are ya?"

"We've won the battle, taking over Golden Highway. Now with their main trading route blocked, their only point of getting supplies is through Cloudsdale, and even then it won't help them because of our armies just mere marching distances to their capital"

Behemoth took a step forward. "That's not what I mean"

I looked down for a moment before walking away from the dog. "Come on, lets see if Dynol has cooled down"

I heard Behemoth's footsteps catching up to me as we walked side by side. There was a short moment of silence between us before I said anything. "What's the casualties?"

"Around nine hundred of our forces has been killed, two thousands injured"

"They put up of a good fight even when their running into certain doom"

"Hmpf, you could say that" Behemoth looked at me. "It's not healthy for the mind to keep your grieves to oneself"

He's right, it wasn't good. "It's nothing, he'll be fine"

"Yet one must not keep his words trapped when they are needed to spoken out"

"Since when has a diamond dog spoke words that mostly comes from ones that doesn't like the Horde of The Forest's attacks on their 'fare' kingdom?"

Behemoth laughed. "Just because my people fight rather than talk, doesn't mean that their leaders are the same... Well, most of them. When trouble times strikes my people hard, I must keep them calm when all hope seems lost, and the only way I can do that, is by saying words that some may not understand yet takes comfort from them" He placed a paw on my right shoulder. "That goes to ogres as well now"

Red-Oath, I must be a bad state if a dog could give me good advices. I sighed. "I wasn't there for Llofrudd when Rock-Axes broke his back. Though I slaughtered him, it doesn't help the fact that I wasn't there to stop it"

We had a good view of the forest as we passed a balcony. "I promised my beloved Harddwch the moment when she told me she was pregnant that I would not let anything happen to our child like all fathers would say. But when she died from giving birth to my son, did those words stuck with me like Red-Oath's"

"Red-Oath's? You mean that your people was named after someone else?"

"Red-Oath was one of the mighty Gods of our homeland. He fought waves of demons and hellish creatures which made him our first chieftain. But when he was dying on the field of For'groldor, he made a oath in his own blood that he would guide our people, even when he was beheaded by the foul demons known as the 'Hunllef Lleng'. His words stay with us, even when our homeland was lost and our people becoming only a shadow of what it once was. In honour of him, we named ourselves Ogres of Red-Oath, the homeless warriors"

"Hmm, sounds like your people once had an empire"

"We did, although in our legends we were allies to the Old Empire of Gwaed Newydd. Though what that was, was lost in time"

Behemoth nodded his head. "So how did you met Harddwch?"

I chuckled as we were getting closer to Dynol's study room. "In combat"


"She tried to overthrown me as chieftain, saying I was more of a fool than a leader. She declared Gor'renn - Battle for Red-Oath - whoever wins the fight becomes the leader of our people. Normally it would only last a few hours, but we fought for what seemed to be days"

"I don't see how this made you fall in love for her"

"Neither did I, it became a draw. I didn't lose my title and she did lose her honour, we were the most trained warriors and thus we got to know who trained us, what skills we hold, and most of all... Why did she called me Varlly Willow-Oth"

Behemoth busted out in laughter as he lean forward, dropping his mace and placing both of his paws on his knees. "Varlly Willow-Oth? Oh that's a good one, she must had a good sense of humour then?"

Whilst he was catching his breath and giggling, I went on. "She only called me that two weeks after the fight. I gave her a place in my home- which was just a large hut- I got to know her then, she didn't show her emotions or feelings, but she was a sucker for poetry"

"Oh don't tell me-"

"No! I didn't went there, I just got her some poetry after a year of fighting together. Soon, like all cliches should, we began having feelings for each other. In a few more years, I asked her to be my mate which she smiled and shouted-"

"Pull!" Came a pissed off Dynol as we were just inches away from his meditation room. We heard something being placed down and shortly away a bright red light came from inside the room, glowing through the door.

Behemoth looked at me. "Really, she shouted pull and blew fire out of her eyes?"

"You get the picture, cutting my story short. Married then giving birth then ending with me putting her to rest in the ground" After our little chat, I opened the door to Dynol's meditation room.

Inside there was a round circle in the middle of the room, where three foot of water rested. On the far right was a large desk made of stone with that orb the Elder Council gave to Dynol on it. On the left, surprisingly was a pile of Royal Guard helmets with WoodFang sitting next to them. In the far end of the room stood a enraged Dynol, holding that book the dragons gave him in his right hand and a ball of water in the other. Just beside him stood Ormry, whose eyes looked concern for Dynol's sanity. She saw me and Behemoth and made her way towards us.

"What am I doing wrong?" Dynol angrily mumbled as he read the page he was on. As he read, the ambassador was able to talk to us.

"How is Llofrudd?" Ormry worriedly asked.

"He might not be able to walk or not, we do not know and that's how bad it is" I explained.

"Varlock, I'm sorry"

"Don't be, he is in good hands now"

As we talked, I noticed that Dynol was raising his left hand as the ball of water began to form into a biped being. As the water biped was formed, the water in the circle began to twist and turn, like as if someone was moulding it to the maker's imagine. That maker being Dynol. All of us, me, Behemoth, Ormry and WoodFang stopped what we were doing and watched the event being played in front of us.

As the water twisted and turned, something was coming out of the water. It looked like a arm, an arm that was coming out of the water whilst growing a hand and four fingers. I couldn't see Dynol's face, but the way he was leaning in to get a better look, he must had a wide smile across his face as he continued with what now I can guess is a summoning. But to summon what?

Things were looking well, until the water biped in Dynol's hand dissolved, which in turn the watery hand coming out fell like a waterfall back into the circle. I looked at Dynol to see him stopped leaning, a few moment of silence played before the ball of water in Dynol's hand turned to steam from his rage as fire engulfed his left hand.

Dynol roared in anger as he turned his gaze at WoodFang. "Pull!"

In a flash, WoodFang picked up one of the helmet in the pile and threw it up into the air. As the helmet flew, Dynol casted a large fireball and threw it right at the flying helmet. When the fireball hit the helmet, a big explosion of fire lighten the room, making me and the rest of the council cover our eyes from the blast. As I was covering my eyes, I did managed to see a piece of the burning helmet making straight towards the desk with the orb resting on it. I could only watch as the flaming piece crash landed onto the desk, causing the orb to roll and fall onto the ground, shattering into many pieces.

Once the light from explosion died out. Everyone's gazes was on the broken orb. Behemoth's eyes were widen, WoodFang yelped in surprise whilst Ormry had her claws over her mouth. Dynol's expressions were unknown because of his mask on his face, but I can only guess he's either in shock or in regret.

"That's, not good" Behemoth broke the silence as Dynol approached the shattered orb. He rested on one knee as he picked up one of the pieces of the once orb, explaining it up close.

Suddenly, a presence came up my spine. It felt quick yet if the presence's pleasing, also felt sharp like a sword yet stings like hundreds of hornets. I must not be the only one as WoodFang growled, Behemoth shivered and Ormry looked around like something toughed her shoulders. Dynol was the only one that didn't look like he felt anything. Instead, he looked more like he was listening to something. But to what? The shatter pieces of the orb began to glow a lightish blue aura like that of lighting. They continued to glow till it was impossible to look directly into them.

"What's going on?" I asked, not knowing what's happening in front of us. Sparks began to ignite from the shatter pieces, small to big. The sparks flew everywhere around the room, it bounced off walls, it blew away the pile of Royal Guard helmets and landed into the water circle. Everyone dodged and jumped out of the way from the sparks, all expect Dynol.

The piece Dynol was holding started to spread its glow onto Dynol's arm. He noticed this, but the glow spread too quickly and before he knew it, the lightish blue aura was all over him.

"Dynol!" Ormry cried in shock to him, before another -more brighter- explosion made all of us again to cover their eyes.

Dynol POV:

What happened? Where am I?

Everything was white like snow, almost like the elementals' realm. There were flowing balls of energies, covered in what looked like lighting.

The place gave a unsettling feeling, like I was being watched and being analysed. But it wasn't like whatever the thing was doing was evil, more curious, trying to understand, gathering up its thoughts. It didn't felt right at all though.

As I turned my head to look at my right, I happened to noticed something at the corner of my eyes. I couldn't get the full picture, so I turned around to see what was behind me. It was the orb that I broken in my blind rage, it was flowing towards me, like it was riding on a soft wave and that wave was heading in my direction. I did not like this one bit, as my hands increased with flames, ready for anything. As if the orb had eyes, it stopped dead in its tracks, just a few feet away from me. An awkward silence played as both me and the orb were just standing there, waiting for one of us to make a move. The silence ended with the orb sparking some light.

The orb unfolded itself, like a jigsaw puzzle, forming into what gladiators wore, a breastplate that looked like a chest. As it was unravelling, the sound of rolling thunderstorms roared in this realm as lightings came out of the orb and was forming into slim yet powerful legs and arms. Behind it grew what looked like black clouds to form a cloak to go around the collarbones and to cover its lighting arms. As soon as the orb completed its transformation of its body, only the head remained to form. Parts of the black cloud cloak raised up to form a hood, as lighting went inside, creating two light-blue eyes and a bread made of the lighting and thunder.

Once the orb had completed, its eyes looked directly at mine, even as I was wearing my mask.

"What are you?" I asked with my hands still covered in flame.

It looked at me and spoke in a booming voice. "I am the Elemental of Lighting, and you have freed me from my slumber"

My eyes widened from what I'd just heard, another Elemental? This one Lighting? "You're another Elemental"

"Indeed. By the mask you're wearing and the fire around your hands, you must of met Fire and in turn Water, Air and Earth"

"That must of a glue?"

"No, it takes one with the blessings of the Elementals to free another" Lighting explained.

"To free another?" I repeated.

"When a Elemental is weak and its powers are gone, to which it cannot return to the home-realm, they turn into a shape -most commonly an orb- to regain one's powers and strength, but also must fall into a deep slumber" Lighting showed a wide grin across its face. "And thanks to you, I'm free once more"

I cannot believe what I was seeing, another Elemental! Which means...

"You control the very storms?" I asked, carefully to get on the topic of gaining this power.

"The sound of thunder and sight of lighting are all under my control, even when I slumber for eons" Lighting raised a hand and as it raised, the sparks of lighting blew out of its palm in a furious rage. "But I can see in your eyes, you were learning how to summon those Aspects of ours"

I was taking back by how quickly Lighting knew what I was doing in my meditation room. "How did you know that?"

Lighting chuckled. "Just because I was slumbering, does not mean I couldn't hear what was happening outside, and when summoning a Trobwll - one of Water's Aspects- I felt that a champion of the Elementals was near and was doing a poor job at summoning"


"It was quite funny actually, has neither one of them told you that you need a blessing to summon Aspects?" Silence went by as I realised my stupidity. This just made Lighting to chuckled even harder. "Classic! Well then, what's your name, mortal?"

"Dynol" I introduced myself.

"Well Dynol, for your aid in freeing me I shall grant you my blessing in summoning the Aspects of the Elementals! As well as the powers of Lighting, and my weapon crafted in the First Storm of the North; the Bladed Chains of the Daran"

After that, Lighting raised both its arms into the air as lighting gathered around me and stroked deep into my body and felt as if it was reaching into my very soul, before my vision went white, blinding me. But in that blindness, I felt a new power flowing in my veins, a power that joined me and wrapped around my arms like chains.

I heard the sound of people talking, but it was muffled and I couldn't get what was being said. My vision also returned, quick and sharp, I was staring at the broken pieces of Lightning's orb. I felt someone pulling me onto my back, that someone was WoodFang.

He yelped as he licked my face, was my mask off when I returned? His cold tongue made me raised an arm, to which WoodFang bite on to help me get up.

"Dynol!" Came Varlock's voice as he too helped me up. "Are you alright?"

I didn't say anything, I was still trying to over the fact that I've just freed an Elemental and also feeling a power that needed to be control.

Once I got on my two feet, Behemoth and Ormry rushed up to me. Ormry held my mask in her claws.

"What happened to you?" Behemoth asked as the ambassador gave me my mask, to which I put on my face. "When that bright light died down, we found you laying down on the floor with your mask off and your eyes white as snow"

Once again, I did not say a word. Instead, I felt pins and needles in my arms and hands. I turned my gaze at one of the Royal Guards' helmets that was laying on the ground.

As if I had no choice, I shot my right arm outward, like I was trying to grab the helmet. I then finally knew what was making those pins and needles. Around my arm were chains made of pure lighting, it looked like these chains could reach targets a few miles from where I stand. At the end of the chains, was a blade, crude and intimidating like that of warlords. The blade stabbed into the helmet with ease. I then grabbed the chains and pulled it back, in doing so, bringing the blade and the helmet back as well. As soon as the blade was reachable, I grabbed the handle and just stared in awe as to what I just did and what new power I now wielded.

"What is that?" Ormry asked, eyes widened to the event that was played in front of her. I looked at her and smiled.

"These are the Bladed Chains of the Daran"

Suddenly, bursting from the enterance to my meditation room was an diamond dog, who looked like he just ran a marathon.

"Lord Dynol!" the dog said as he catched his breath. "Hundreds of bugs are seen over the eastern walls, their heading this way!"

Thrid Person POV:

Canterlot was in mourning. The bodies of the soldiers that could be retrieved were being laid to rest in Canterlot's finest burial ground for fallen heroes. Many ponies cried and many held their families close, only the ravens watched in silence. High Chief Rock-Axes' body was sent back to the minotaurs as they don't laid their chiefs in the ground, they burn them with honour. The princesses paid their respects to their fallen soldiers, as shall bravery against the Horde of The Forest must be honoured. Princess Celestia looked at her subjects with a heavy heart, seeing her people like this torn her apart, what must she do to stop this war? Ask for peace, capture Lord Dynol The Dammed or kill him? She does not know what to do, her people is divided between peace or execution. Princess Luna on the other hand, watched with anger in her eyes. Her hatred for Lord Dynol was more than even King Sombra's, she wanted nothing but to have Dynol in chains and sent to Tartarus for the rest of his life as death was too merciful now. But she felt helpless, she tried to invade Dynol's mind, but that blasted void blocked her every time. Every time she tried to break in, foul liquid comes pouring out and spread across the Dream Realm. It even managed to enter another's mind and plagued the dreamer with terrifying nightmares. Luna entered the dream and saw a monster incarnated, a biped monstrosity, blade imbedded in one's arm. The terror fought like a demon, but the princess managed to get the upper hand and banished the being from the dream. That was the last time Luna tried to enter Dynol's mind. While Princess Cadence did felt sad for everyone, she was also still confused at to what Dynol is after. After their battle, Cadence began to ponder on Dynol's words, he wants justice, yet he turned to war to find it? It made no sense... Unless he was trying to draw them out. It would make a bit more sense, massive loss of live and territories, then the guilty passes to the ones Dynol's after, making Equestria weak, to bring his targets forward in confine and wanting peace in exchange for their surrender. But Cadence doesn't know who Dynol's after, not until someone comes forth. But when that day arrives, this war will rage on.

Meanwhile, in the castle, Twilight was watching from the window, seeing everyone like this made her felt helpless. Normally when something threatens Equestria, Twilight and her friends could handle it, but now this is bigger than ever. A full alliance of several races at war with Equestria, along with another war with the Dragon Holds and the Griffin Empire, as well as Zebra Rebellions, this won't end anytime soon.

Twilight sighed as she walked away from the window, heading down the hall to where she could get some fresh air. She looked at how empty the hall was, normally there would of been guards standing on duty, but there was no one there, just an empty hall where brave souls should be.

She walked passed a door to one of the guest rooms and heard a conversation taking place.

"Applejack, I can't take this anymore" Came the element of Kindness, she sounded like she was crying.

"Sugercube, what else can we do?" Applejack said as Twilight leaded onto the door to hear more. "He's not gonna listen to you, I mean look at Spike"

"But I must try"

"You could be capture"

"I'm willing to risk it"

"You could be killed on sight"

"Like those soldiers?!" Yelled Fluttershy, making Twilight jump from her outburst. "Like those minotaurs? Like the Yaks? Like everyone in that dammed army?!"

Twilight looked through the door lock to see where Fluttershy and Applejack was. Applejack was standing and looking west where Fluttershy was watching the funeral of the fallen guards. Fluttershy's eyes were overflowing with tears.

"look at them, there are wives, husbands, even foals who've lost someone close to them in that battle! Can you imagine seeing them go off to fight and then seeing them being put to rest, it's unbearable!"

"But that's war, Fluttershy. There will be lives lost, and sacrifices must be made to save everyone and stop this war"

Fluttershy glared daggers at Applejack. "A war that we've created?!"

"Shy, that happened five years ago-"

"And yet, he did nothing to us! Now he's like this, wanting us to answer for what we did to him!" Fluttershy cried. "Oh why didn't I stop us from saying those things and making him flee into the Everfree? He must of been so scared, so confused and...and, AND I DID NOTHING TO STOP IT!!" The yellow pegasus broke down again into another deep cry, Applejack could only watch, she wanted to help her, but how?

Twilight moved away from the door, Fluttershy still believe that this was their doing. Twilight remembered Dynol before his attack on Ponyville, the way ponies ran in fear from his sight, foals cried for their mothers and how Dynol didn't improve by showing his teeth and plan skin.

Twilight walked away from the door and pondered.

Was this still their fault or has Dynol's rage made this bigger than it should?

Dynol POV:

"How many are there before you told me this?"

"I dunno my lord, maybe enough to take a small town"

"And this threatens us because...?"

"They're fighting each other"

We arrived at Ponyville, dozens of warriors were gathering at the eastern walls, armed with spears and bows. Varlock stayed at Castle Rhyfel with Ormry, whilst Behemoth and WoodFang came with me to Ponyville to sort out these bugs that I'm hearing about.

"Come on" Behemoth said as he spun his mace. "Lets go see to them" He headed towards the stairway that leads to the walls, I was about to follow him, when I realised. I looked down at the Bladed Chains and then looked up at the walls, with wide grin on my face. I swung the two blades at the top of the walls, imbedding deeply in. I pushed my body forward, in doing so, a force in the chains lifted me up like I was a feather, flying high enough to land on top of the walls. The blades that was in the walls came off as I flew. Behemoth watched in awe at the sight, but then shook his head. "Show off!"

I chuckled at Behemoth as I looked down over the walls to see these bugs, to which I widened my eyes.

"So they've answered my messages"

On the left stood hundreds of Changelings with white and blue light armours, some of them held flags with the symbol of a thunderbolt. They were all hissing on the right, where another hundreds of Changeling with red and black heavy armours hissed back at them. Their flags held the crimson coloured symbol of two insect wings. Neither of them were fighting each other, rather they were splitting hatred at one another, but why?

However, there was two Changelings that stood out from the rest. Both of them were in front of their respectable group, one was covered in blackish robes and the other in black-iron armour. They looked like they were having an argument between each other, to the point that they looked like they were about to attack one another. I must step in.

"May I help you?" I called down at them as Behemoth was now standing next to me. Every Changeling stopped what they were doing and looked at me, the way their eyes looked, I could only see desperation. But the ones in front of their groups, their eyes held something else, as if they want something, as if they are willing to do what they can for a favour.

The Changeling in robes spoke first. "Greetings, Lord Dynol, I have answered your message" His voice was like a man giving up smoking as well of have a insect clicking noise. The black-iron Changeling looked at the other.

"You mean, I've answered his message!" This one's voice was hash and boosting than the other. "I've traveled far to reach this place, unlike you, Blitzscreamer!"

"Shut your mouth, Crimson Twit!"


"Mindless brutes!"

Once again, the two groups of Changelings started to argue again, throwing insults and other words at each other. I shook my head to this, too busy at fighting one another than to look at the bigger picture. I looked to my right to see Ogres and dogs looking at each other at to what they were seeing, unorganised and always at someone's throat. I turned to my left to my Right Hand chuckling.

"These are the Crimson Wings and Blitzschlag? They can't stop pointing fingers at each other"

"Gang warfare" I groaned, seeing the chaos below me. "I thought as much...Should of sent those messages couple of days in front of each other, then I wouldn't have to deal with this nonsense" As the Changelings argued and hissed at each other, something was flying over the distance, something alive. One of the Changelings shrieked in fright, in that shriek, grabbed the attention of the others, including the leaders. All of them were now backing up, some shaking in their armour whilst other were hiding behind their allies. Soon that flying being landed where some of the Changelings stood, now was half a circle as to not get anywhere near this being. I leaned forward, placing one of my hands on the embrasure and the other on the merlon.

It was another Changeling, this one much taller then the others. It wore full suited black armour, an imitating bascinet helmet and a green cape. On its back was a long aqua halberd, the spearhead is crude with spikes coming down half way so whoever is unfortunate enough to stabbed by it, will have a agonising painful death. The Changeling held in its right hoof a black steel buckler, in the centre of the buckler was a symbol of two green insert wings with a crown in the middle of said wings. Who is this?

The Changeling started to walk towards the groups. The Changelings of Crimson Wings and Blitzschlag moved out of the Changeling's way, whoever this is must be someone no one wants to mess with. The path this changeling set made some of my own warriors wary of its arrival.

"Who is that, Dynol?" Behemoth whispered.

"Fury Cake"


"Of course not! I don't know everyone's names off by heart"

When the Changeling arrived at where the groups' leaders were, it lifted up the bascinet's visor, to reveal its dark blue eyes, narrowed and glaring at the two leaders.

It hissed at them. "You two, and all that follows you, WILL come with me! You will answer for disobeying your graceful queen!" The two leaders gulped as they lowered their head in submission.

'Think you could just walk in and take those I summoned here, will you?!' I thought furiously. I decided that this is a good time to jump in, as I flowed down with the air slowly.

"And who might you be?" I called to the Changeling. "What brings you here, in front of my walls?"

Once I landed, the Changeling looked up at me, its eyes examining me carefully. "What the Tartarus are you?"

"I am Lord Dynol the Dammed, and you haven't answered my question"

"Lord Dynol? The one that has declared war and invaded Equestria? I guess, it's a honour to meet the one at war with my queen's arch-nemesis"

"Stop changing topic and answer my question!" I growled at it, I'm in no mood for this.

"My apologise, I am General Whisper Parallel" Parallel introduced as he nodded his head at me. "Superior Commander of the Hive Army and Champion of the beloved Queen Chrysalis, and I'm here to take these traitors back to the kingdom for crimes against our queen"

This now got interesting. "I'd heard about your queen, tried to invade Canterlot, and failed quite terribly in the process"

I think I hit a nerve as Parallel's wings buzzed and growled. "It was a mirror setback"

"That setback was the result of these Changelings here to leave your kingdom and cause a great crisis for your people, a blockade over your homeland and being hated throughout all of Equestria and her allies. Forgive me for saying this, but she isn't quite good at invasions and to keep her people from deserting"

"She's a better ruler then you'll ever be!" The general yelled.

I grinned. "Really? In my time leading, I've managed to have the Everfree forest as my domain, rallied allies like the Ogres of Red-Oath and the Diamond Dogs Clans of Bytheiad and Mwngrel to name a few. So far your queen has done nothing like this and has no allies to call for aid...A pity"

"I don't have to listen to you" Parallel grunted as he looked at the leaders of Crimson Wings and Blitzschlag, who was standing on both left for the Blitzschlag and right for Crimson Wings. "All of you! Come! Now!"

"They're not going anywhere with you"


"I have called them here, I've giving these Changelings a place in the Horde of the Forest, protected and safe from outside harm" I glared at him as my right hand held a ball of air.

"They will come with me! Wherever you like it or not!" Parallel threatened me.

"You're in no position to demand me, cause you are not in the right shape to do so"

"I'm no pushover!"

"Really? And that's not the air around your throat, ready to choke the life out of you"

The general tilted his head as he looked down. Around his neck was a thin yet noticeable line of air like a rope for executions, ready for lever to drop the victim to their death. When Parallel noticed the air rope, I lifted my right hand up to my chest, causing Parallel to be lifted up by the neck. Parallel raised his front hooves up to his throat, gasping for air.

"Now you listen to me, General Whisper Parallel!" I spoke fiercely. "You'll tell your queen that these Changelings are under the protection of the Horde of the Forest, and if she manages to send an army here without Equestria noticing it, she will have another enemy on her list! Tell her that she has no power over these Changelings anymore and if she wants them back, she'll have to deal with me and all of the Ogres of Red-Oath, Diamond Dogs of Clan Bytheiad and Mwngrel and the very Everfree forest itself!" I let the general go, making him fall to the ground and breathing the air once more.

"Do I make myself clear?"

Parallel got back on his hooves and glared daggers at me, I glared daggers back. He stood there for a while before his wings buzzed and he flew up into the air with his visor down.

"This isn't over, Dynol" He warned.

"The Play between Changelings, no. But you, your little scene is done"

With a finally hissed from Parallel, he flew back to where he came, going to where the Changelings' homeland should be. Once he was far enough, a heard a single stomp from a Crimson Changeling, then another from a Blitzschlag, and then more and more stomps can be heard as cheers rang from within the groups. I looked at the leaders of Crimson Wings and Blitzschlag, their eyes were in shock but they also held gratitude.

"No one has ever defended us before" The Crimson leader said as he looked at my mask. "All the works we'd got, the clients just paid us and didn't care what happens to us afterward"

"But you stood for us?" The Blitzschlag leader entered the conversation. "Why? We own you no loyalty or anything, and yet you defend us?"

"I've heard of your people's troublesome past" I explained as the stomps from the Changelings died down slowly. "I know that you all were following orders from a queen that wasn't thinking straight. How your people are hated and thrown out of this world's society and laws, never hearing an single one of your thoughts or ideas. To be judged like that, is unacceptable, and thus I called you here not to just be apart of the Horde of the Forest, joining our war. But to let you all join a new faction, who'll welcome you all with open arms, no matter your people's troublesome past"

The leaders looked at each other, before the Blitzschlag leader stepped forward. "I am Battle-mage Fangro, leader of Blitzschlag and request to join the Horde of the Forest"

The Crimson Wings leader too, stepped forward. "I am General Sourgrin, Ringleader of The Crimson Wings and I too request to join the Horde of the Forest"

I looked at them before looking up at Behemoth, giving him a nod. In doing so, Behemoth ordered the guards to lower the bridge and open the doors for the Changelings to enter into Ponyville.

"Your requests is welcomed, but this means no infighting between your Crimson Wings and Blitzschlag, we have enough problems with other Dog Clans as it is, understand?" Fangro and Sourgrin nodded their heads as I stepped aside to let them and the other Changelings in, where Ogres, dogs and forest friends gathered to welcome their new allies.

As the Changelings entered, I looked over the east, where that General Whisper Parallel went. He'll be a problem, but because of his loyalty to his queen and the fact that Equestria is keeping a eye over their borders with the Loyalists, that problem won't come anytime soon. But that is not why I was looking east. Varlock mentioned about a fortress far east from here and how it is a defendable position for Equestria if they flank their armies, making us fight two fronts.

Time for him to avenge his son, as I'll try to summon the Trobwll, as well as the other Aspects for this war. And once that fortress falls and burns to the ground.

Manehatten shall fall as well, with weapons and fire, Horde and Aspects. The city of business will be a different place once it's nothing but a memory!