• Published 19th Apr 2015
  • 6,988 Views, 221 Comments

The Fillies of Canterlot Castle - MrAlterad

The young Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset are taught by Princess Luna in her castle. Exposing the fillies to everything that comes with being the Princess of Equestria.

  • ...

13. Nightmare Night - Fearless Filly

Disclaimer: This chapter may be scary. It may have something involving a spooky castle, ancient ghosts, screaming fillies, and tomato sauce. It may need to be read in a well lit room. Seriously though. This chapter has the [Dark] tag. You have been warned.

Twilight and Trixie were waiting outside of Twilight's home, waiting for Sunset. The sun had been lowered early today, the moon set low in the sky, appearing larger in the sky than normal. It was Nightmare Night, and ponies of varying ages were wandering through Canterlot, dressed for the occasion.

Twilight fiddled with her costume as they waited, shifting her set of dark blue wings. Her coat and mane were dyed a matching color, and she had a black splotch with a crescent moon covering her cutiemark. The wings strapped to her back were a little uncomfortable, and she had to keep straightening them, or they'd fall off. Despite this, she was happy with how her costume turned out. Trixie sure enjoyed it when she first saw it.

“I wonder what Sunny's gonna be?” Trixie asked curiously, her top-hat tilting over her eyes, making her lift it back up, again. To go with the hat, she had a black cape, with a red underside. She also had a black wand, with a white band wrapped near its tip. Finally, she had a balloon, bigger than she was, of a manticore, which she kept close. She was dressed as Hat Trick, her floating companion being his stage companion, Leo the Tame.

“Don't know. She didn't seem all that happy when we left the castle yesterday.” Twilight pointed out, “I really hope she's coming with us.” She added, and almost as if on cue, there was a flash of emerald, revealing the mentioned filly, wearing a tight red and yellow suit. The suit had a pair of yellow lightning bolts covering her cutiemark. Sunset's mane was brushed back, as if she had run really, really fast, and she blushed slightly when she noticed her friends eyeing her costume.

“Ooo. What's Sunny dressed as~?” Trixie asked energetically as she circled her friend, making Sunset glance to the side, muttering something under her breath before turning her back to them.

“Tch. Dressing up like this,” Sunset began, “it's embarrassing. Why do we even celebrate this stupid holiday.” She muttered, getting a confused look from Trixie.

“For candy and fun?” she replied as she tilted her head.

“Luna told me,” Twilight began, “that we celebrate to honor the classical writer Poor Poe.” Twilight then smiled, he voice carrying more enthusiasm as she added, “His short stories like The Tell-Tale Beat and Mask of the Crimson Scythe caused nightmares that needed to be scared away. Only on Nightmare Night are these nightmares allowed to run free, so we all dress up in costumes to blend in with them, and gather candy to stave off their hunger.” She explained, getting an almost glazed look from Trixie, picking out only one tidbit of all that info.

“Wait. Mr. Tale has a story named after him?” She asked curiously, “Trixie likes Luna's version more. She told Trixie we do it because dress-up is fun, and candy is great too.” She added, making Sunset shake her head.

“Twilight, Nightmare Night predates Poor Poe,” Sunset said as she gave Twilight a cross look.

“Oh. Right.” Twilight replied with a sheepish grin. “Guess I overlooked that,” she added, getting a sigh from her friend.

“This holiday is just dumb.” Sunset began as she eyed her costume, “Can't believe I even decided to wear anything-” She added, pausing when a certain colt left Twilight's home.

His mane and tail were dyed silver, mixing well with his white coat. He was wearing a light blue and dark blue jumpsuit. The dark and light colors were separated by a white lightning bolt, and he paused when he saw the others.

“Shouldn't you three be out getting candy by now?” He asked with a small smile, getting a nod from Trixie.

“Yeah~! Let's get candy!” She replied energetically. Shining Armor then noticed Sunset's costume, and she herself was giving him a small glare as she took in his. A glare that was also working to hide her blush.

“You dressed as Flashsilver?” She asked in a disgusted tone, getting a little laugh from him.

“What about you? The Quick? I thought you hated him.”

“Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that his suit matches my mane.” She retorted, “And I can actually go places very quickly,” She added as her horn flashed, before she teleported next to him, “Unlike you.”

“Can we go now?” The Hat Trick filly asked in a bored tone, “Trixie's bag is still empty.”

“Go on. Have fun!” Shining said as he passed them, “I have some friends waiting on me anyway.” He then looked to them over his shoulder, “By the way, Trixie, your costume looks great, and yours looks good great on you too, Sunset.”

“You gonna visit the castle with your friends?” Twilight asked, getting a nod from him.

“Wouldn't miss the main event!” He added, before leaving, getting a sigh from Sunset, before she adopted a small smile. He complimented her stupid costume, so a small part of her considered it worth the discomfort the outfit caused.

“Let's go~!” Trixie let out, about to run off into the street, before Twilight stopped her with her magic. “Wwhhhat?”

“Our first stop,” Twilight began with a slightly sly smile, “Is here~!” she let out, before turning on her hooves, and knocked on the door to her home. After a moment's wait, the door opened, revealing Twilight's parents, both dressed as matching vampires in black robes. “Nightmare Night, what a fright, give us something sweet to bite!” Twilight let out cheerily, getting a small laugh from her parents.

“Come now you three, let's get your bags started.” Mrs. Velvet replied, levitating treats out for each of them. Trixie eagerly brought her bag forth, while Sunset considered hers for a moment, before doing the same. After placing treats into each of their sacks, Twilight Velvet tilted her head, “And what do we say?”

“Thank you Mrs. Velvet.”

“Thanks Twilight's mom~!”

“Thanks mom.”

They each replied, getting a happy nod from the mare.

“Make sure not to eat all your candy at once,” she began, specifically looking at Trixie as she did, “And make sure the three of you have fun!”

“We will~!” Trixie quickly replied, before running down to the street, “Come on slowpokes!” She added, having Sunset teleport next to her, who adopted a smug grin, before Twilight flashed to their sides as well, and together, they set out. And they were far from alone in their endeavor.

All of Canterlot was in the festive spirit, and the entire city was decorated to match. Street lamps were surrounded by hay, gourds and pumpkins. Gates and fences had spiders, bats and black cats adorning them. Fillies and Colts were going from home to home collecting treats. Mares and Stallions celebrated with friends, at home or out in Canterlot's shopping district. The entire city was buzzing with activity.

The three fillies went from home to home during this most festive of nights. Their collection of candy growing with each stop. Some homes had only a modest collection of decor. Other homes were entire displays of wonder and fear, as if trying to compete for the scariest home in Canterlot. One house they happened upon, one of a wealthy noble, had a hedge maze of spooks and dead-ends in front of their mansion.

Sunset found the entire labyrinth to be tiresome and boring. Her only spark of interest gained when they came upon a room of metal walls in the center of the maze. There were figures of ponies cowering in fear, and in the center was a table, a swinging pendulem hanging over it. While Sunset found it interesting, Twilight and Trixie on the other hoof, let out a sigh of relief when they finally reached the mansion. Only to find that there was no candy, or answer, waiting for them at the door.

“Oh look, it was a waste of time.” Sunset stated, getting an annoyed look from Trixie, while Twilight let out a sigh.

“How come Sunny didn't scream? Not even once!” Trixie asked as she eyed the orange filly suspiciously.

“What's to be scared of?” Sunset asked as she eyed Trixie, “Only little fillies get spooked by silly props in a maze.”

“We are little fillies.” Twilight pointed out, making Sunset roll her eyes.

“Whatever, let's move on. Once we're at the castle, I can take this dumb thing off and call it a night.” She added as she eyed her costume, getting mixed looks from her friends.

“Sunset, why don't you like Nightmare Night?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, Trixie wants to know too.”

“It's just not fun.” Sunset admitted, “I mean, the two of you are having fun, which is nice. But, wearing costumes, getting candy, that's not fun for me. It's just a waste of time.”

“What about scary stuff?”

“What scary stuff?” Sunset replied, “It's all props and 'spooky' noises. It's not scary.” She stated matter-of-factly.

“Says you. Trixie doesn't like the scary stuff.” Her eyes then widened before she added, “Not that The Brave and Powerful Trixie is scared. She does like the candy though.” She added as she lifted the bag hanging from her neck, popping in a sweet tart with a smile.

“I like both parts," Twilight said with a nod, "getting a little scared makes my heart beat fast. It's weird, but for some reason, it's fun.” She admitted, before looking to Sunset, “Do you want to head to the castle? Maybe one of Luna's attractions will have something that'll scare you.”

“...Yeah, okay. I want to see that.” Sunset admitted with a nod, “Let's go.”

“Hey, Sunny...” Trixie began.


“If you don't like candy, can Trixie have your share?”

“We'll see.” Sunset replied, getting a short cheer from Trixie, which died as they heard a particularly eerie wail coming from further up the road.

Twilight and Trixie both paused, the street ahead of them being poorly lit, easily concealing whatever caused the noise. Sunset eyed them for a moment, before rolling her eyes, proceeding forward without missing a step. The others caught up to her quickly, giving nervous looks around as they embarked upon the dark road.

Halfway across, the lone street lamp at its center flickered out. Sunset felt her friends move closer to her, making her roll her eyes again as she waited for the inevitable jump scare. Oh look, there it is.

The eerie wail came from right before them, revealing a glowing green maw, with a matching pair of eyes. The ghost's body was made of dark shreds of cloth, and it's glow intensified with its cry, making Trixie and Twilight scream as they hugged Sunset.

The orange filly stood there, unfazed, unamused, waiting for the charade to drop. The ghost eyed her for a moment, immobile, before the lantern flickered back on, banishing the vague details the costume relied on in complete darkness.

“Tch. You're no fun, Sunset.” A familiar voice stated as the large prop stopped glowing.

“No fun at all.” A similar voice added as a pair of colts stepped out of the 'ghost', getting surprised looks from Trixie and Twilight.

“Flimmy, Flammy!” Trixie let out, jumping towards the two colts, catching them offguard as she landed on them. She then started to pull at their cheeks as she gave them an unamused look. “Not. Funny!”

“Ow! T-Trixie, stop!”

“Candy!” she demanded.

“Okay okay okay!” They both replied in unison, getting a victorious smile from their assaulter as they both gave her a few pieces from their collection.

“All is forgiven~.” She said in a kind tone, nodding her head before looking to Twilight, who was eyeing the large ghost curiously. Lifting the cloth, she saw a wire mesh beneath, the entire frame resting on a small red wagon.

“Like what you see?” Flim asked with a proud smile, “Designed it myself.”

I came up with the idea.” Flam added, “And it's worked on thirty nine out of forty ponies.” He then adopted a slightly disappointed look as he eyed Sunset, who returned the gesture.

“Come on girls, I wanna see the castle.” Sunset added, making Twilight and Trixie share a look. Twilight then moved to Sunset's side.

“That was a good scare, you two,” Twilight said with a small smile as she looked to the colts, getting a brief blush from them, “just be careful messing with the light, or somepony might get hurt.”

“Only for you, Sparkle.” Flim replied.

“Lula, wanna trade candy later?” Flam asked Trixie, getting an eager nod from her, before joining her friends. The two colts waved goodbye, a gesture mirrored by Trixie and Twilight as they left.

“You shouldn't encourage those troublemakers.” Sunset said in a spiteful tone, making Trixie immediately glare at her.

“W-What do you think Cadance's costume is?” Twilight quickly put in, placing herself between her friends before Trixie said something antagonizing. It worked, making both of them adopt a considering look.

“I... don't know.” Sunset admitted, “She did say she was gonna match with Spike, so I really want to see what she chose.”

“Oooo, Trixie wants to know what Luna and Tell Tale are~!” She let out energetically, before she started running off a list a possibilities that the other two started to humor, as the three of them continued through Canterlot.

Though a big city, they were still able to encounter a few of their other friends. Candy, as well as short stories of what each had seen through the city were swapped, before they parted ways. Their bags growing heavier with each home they passed, Trixie found herself eyeing Sunset's bag more and more in anticipation. All the while, Sunset carried a bored expression, one that bothered Twilight, making the purple filly really hope that her friend found something amusing from the castle.

After an hour of traversing the town, the three of them were at the castle's front gates.

The castle looked nothing like it had yesterday. The garden was obstructed by a tall hedge maze, and what they could see from the castle beyond gave them reason to hesitate, even Sunset. White stone was somehow replaced with black. All the windows glowed with an eerie purple, or green light. There was a light fog around the castle, and the skies above were covered by clouds, blocking out the moon. The castle was old, but now it had an appropriate look to go with it, almost as if it were some castle you'd find abandoned in the heart of a dark forest.

Oh, and there were ghosts floating around the higher towers. There was also something big, possibly eight-legged, skittering along the eastern wing's walls. Needless to say, Trixie had an very apprehensive look on her face.

“Well, that sure is ... something.” Twilight said sheepishly, while Sunset adopted a grin.

"There's so much magic..." Trixie said as she looked at the castle, wide-eyed.

“Okay, I'm liking the looks of this.” She said as she approached the guards at the entrance, both dressed as Shadowbolts.

“Ah, welcome back girls.” One of them greeted, “You're welcome to the side entrance if you wish to bypass the maze.”

“Bypass?” Twilight asked.

“That's right. Invited guests, castle staff, and residents are free to skip the maze.”

“Trixie is fine with this!” She quickly said, walking up to the guard, whose horn glowed, raising a hidden latch. The floor before the front gate shifted to the side, revealing a staircase leading down into a hidden tunnel. “Coming?” Trixie asked as she eyed the others, getting a nod from Sunset.

“I've had enough of hedge mazes for one night.” She admitted, proceeding down the underground path, being quickly followed by her friends.

“Maybe next year,” Twilight said in a disappointed tone, eyeing the maze as it vanished from view. The three of them made their way through the tunnel, all of them adding another secret passageway of the castle to their growing list. The tunnel itself was sparse in decorations, besides torches that burned an eerie green flame. Reaching the end, a guard also dressed as a Shadowbolt opened the stone wall that stood before them, which opened up into one of the main halls of the castle.

“Just a little warning,” the guard began with a playful grin, “avoid the areas with red carpet. That's part of the Crimson Scythe attraction.”

“Wait, from Poor Poe's story?” Twilight asked excitedly, getting a small nod from the guard, before closing the secret passageway's door, leaving the three of them alone in the hall.

There were cobwebs covering everything, and the air smelled dusty, as if nopony had trespassed through here in centuries. Sunset eyed the windows, feeling as if something was off, though she couldn't nail down what.

“Does anypony else think that Luna went a little overboard with the decorations?” She asked as she started down the hall, going the opposite direction of their room, to Trixie's silent dismay.

“I kind of like it-” Twilight began, pausing in unison with the other two when they heard something hit the ground with a sickening thud. Turning to the noise, they saw Tell Tale's head. Resting on the ground.

“I couldn't agree more.” He said, making Twilight and Trixie take a surprised step back, Trixie letting out a small squeak as they stood behind Sunset, who was giving Tell Tale an amused look.

“It's about time you lost your head,” she said smugly.

“Nothing lost about it.” His head replied, the rest of his body coming around the corner, headless. “Are you fillies enjoying yourselves?” He asked as his body casually scooped up his head. When Trixie saw the rest of his body, she let out a small sigh of relief, before approaching him with a frown.

“That wasn't nice!” She let out as she pointed at his body, “Using magic to do all that.”

“I am a part of Princess Luna's Crimson Scythe event.” He explained as he casually tossed his head in the air.

“So, it's magic?” Twilight asked, getting a nod from Trixie.

“He's hiding his real head with some sort of magical cloth.” She explained, getting a smile from Tell Tale.

“Now now Trixie, remember what I said about revealing another pony's tricks?” He said, her eyes widening, before her ears fell.

“Sorry, Trixie didn't mean to. She forgot, and she won't do it again.” She promised, getting an assuring smile from the stallion, before he pointed in the direction they'd been heading.

“You shouldn't go that way.” He said, before adopting a more somber look, “That path leads to another world. One made to scare ponies who live dangerous lives. Such as the Shadowbolts.” He said, before unearthly scream was heard, coming from said direction. It wasn't haunted or forced, it was the honest cry of a terrified pony, making Trixie and Twilight share a look as Tell Tale's head nodded. “If you return to your rooms, you'll find a string of spooks more suited to your age.” He added, giving Sunset a small smile, which made her adopt a fierce frown. She turned her back to them, proceeding down the hall, while Trixie and Twilight hesitated.

“You two can go back, but I'm going this way.” She said stalwartly, making Twilight place a hoof on her chest for a moment, before following after. Trixie hesitated too, unable to call on the courage needed to face what ever terrors lay that way. However, before she could let her friends down, Tell Tale placed an assuring hoof on her shoulder.

“I can keep you company if you'd like. In fact, I think there's something you can do that'll be right up your alley, if you're interested.” He said, making Trixie appraise him for a moment, before giving him a small nod. He gave her a small smile, before looking back to the others. “Twilight, you should join us. I assure you, what lies that way is beyond terrifying.” He added, making Twilight hesitate again, before shaking her head.

“I'll be with Sunset, so I'll be fine.” She replied, putting on a forced smile before moving to Sunset's side, who was a little surprised by Twilight's words.

“Heh. Very well, you were warned. Be sure to tread carefully you two, and don't trust what you see. Few have made it out of Luna's funhouse and lived to tell about it.” He said, his tone making Trixie and Twilight seriously wonder if that were true. “Oh, and Twilight,” he said, getting her attention as he gave her a golden smile, “Your costume is perfect. I'm sure her highness will love it when she sees it.” He added, before waving them off.

“Later Sunny. Later Twily~.” Trixie let out, getting a wave from Twilight, before the two pairs split up. “Hey Mr. Tale, did you know there's a book named after you?” They heard Trixie ask as Sunset and Twilight turned around a corner, losing sight to their friend and teacher.

“...Twilight,” Sunset began, “Whatever we see, just keep telling yourself that it's a trick. There's no way we'll be hurt by whatever spooks Luna's made for her guests.”

“O-Okay.” Twilight replied as she adopted a determined look.

“He said 'Crimson Scythe' event.” Sunset pointed out as she glanced to Twilight, “I'm guessing you've read that one?”


“How's the story go?”

“Umm, let's see. Long ago, a Baron decided to host a big party, a masquerade party, as big as the Gala! But, only noble ponies were invited. This party happened during a bad storm, and many outside ponies wanted in, for shelter, but, the noble didn't let them. So, the nobles all had fun, while the ponies outside suffered.” Twilight's brow then furrowed as she looked to Sunset, “One of the attendees was dressed as a common pony, drenched from the rain. He wore a red mask, and the nobles were wary of him, but didn't throw him out. Something about the pony was unsettling. That pony was the Crimson Scythe.” She then hesitated before adding, “Before the night came to an end, all the ponies lost their heads, dying the carpets red.”

“A-And you read such a story?” Sunset asked in surprise, getting a happy nod from Twilight.

“I love Poor Poes' stories!”

“And the Crimson Sycthe. Who was it? Was he one of the ponies kept outside?”

“That's the best part of the story. Nopony knows. He disappeared with the storm. Was he a pony, or a ghost?” She asked, before nodding to herself. “Since that day, nopony has ever held a gala level party without the princess' permission.”

“You ... make it sound like it was a real event.”

“Well, isn't that how you're supposed to tell scary stories?” Twilight ask as she gave Sunset a confused look. Before Sunset could reply, they both then paused, feeling the ground squish beneath their hooves. Looking down, they saw the carpets were now red, wet, and warm. A notion that sent a chill down their spines. Sunset raised a hoof, seeing it dyed red.

“S-She really does go overboard.” Sunset said, getting an agreeing nod from Twilight as they stood closer together.

“Shouldn't we have seen another pony by now?” Twilight asked.

“They're probably in the ballroom.” Sunset pointed out, progressing through the hall, now at a slower pace as her eyes scanned their surroundings.

Along with the red carpet, the hall was lined with empty suits of armor on either side, each suit carrying a pike. The windows were broken, with little light dripping in from the outside. And, the torches were more dispersed, creating plenty of dark corners for only Luna knows to hide in.

Suffice to say, Twilight's hooves were shaking with each step, her mind repeating Sunset's assurance over and over as she tried to keep herself from flinching at each little unexpected noise. She looked to her friend, seeing a pony unfazed by their environment, making Twilight take strength from her fearless friend.

Sunset however, was unnerved. The first signs of fear were starting to chew at her stalwart stance concerning this holiday's dull nature. Proceeding further, they both paused when they noticed something truly out of place. Something was missing from the hall.

The double doors to the Ballroom were nowhere to be seen. Where they should have been, was the entrance to a perpendicular hall. Sunset frowned as she looked from the hall, to one of the windows, looking out into the hedge maze.

“Wait, when did we get on the second floor?” Sunset asked. When they entered the castle though the secret passage, they descended. “Wait, shouldn't we have ended up in the basement?” She added, making Twilight's eyes widen in realization. After entering the tunnel, there was no instance of them ascending. They should still have been below the garden. Which meant only one thing.

“We're lost!?” Twilight let out, eyeing the T junction they were at, her fear climbing she looked to Sunset.

“C-Calm down Twilight, we can just teleport down to the ballroom.” Sunset replied, her horn glowing in preparation to do just that as she visualized the grand room in her mind. However, her horn sputtered as she tried to make the leap, making her frown as she eyed the decor around them. The castle no longer looked like they remembered, so the destinations in their mind's eye no longer existed. At least, not tonight.

“Sir Tell Tale said we were entering another world.” Twilight said weakly, her ears perking up when they heard a noise coming from the hallway that should have been the ballroom.

Twilight took a step back as they both saw a tall figure. It wore a red mask that covered its entire face, even its eyes. A mask of one screaming in anger. It wore a dark red cape, its ends tattered and flailing in some unseen breeze. Hovering next to it, as if being carried by an unseen hoof, was a scythe easily as big as the specter was. The weapon lazily glided through the air, passing through one of the many suits of armor, cutting it down like it were made of butter. The Crimson Scythe took a step forward. Twilight took another step back, making Sunset place an assuring hoof on her shoulder.

“Twilight, it's okay. It's just Luna in a costume.” She added, standing in front of Twilight as 'Luna' approached them. A flash of lightning made Twilight jump, the rumble of thunder that followed signaling the patter of rain, making Sunset glance out the window to the storm. The storm that the ponies outside would seek shelter from.

“Sunset!” Twilight shouted, making her look back to 'Luna', seeing the scythe flying down the hall towards them. Sunset frowned as her horn glowed, swatting at the flying object. Her eyes then widened when it succeeded, almost with great ease. The scythe was knocked off course, burying itself in the wall. After a tense moment, almost with a will of its own, the scythe detached itself from the wall, before turning towards Sunset.

“H-Hey, Luna, that's not funny, using a real scythe.” Sunset pointed out. Still, the Crimson Scythe approached. The scythe began to spin, before hurling itself at Sunset. She frowned, now slightly annoyed, standing put as the weapon barreled towards her. A small voice in her head told her to duck, to knock it aside. She ignored that voice. It was all just one big scare set up by Luna, after all.

As the scythe almost reached her, Twilight pushed her to the side, making the scythe plant itself into the wall behind them, letting out a hallow ring of metal that sounded more like a moan of unearthly pain. Despite the noise, Sunset couldn't help but be acutely aware that now it wasn't just her hooves that was dyed red from the carpet.

“Twilight! Why'd you do that?” She asked in annoyance as she got on her hooves, before she paused. Her eyes spotted something on the ground that made her heart skip a beat. Her candy bag lay there, its side sliced open. Next to it, a lock of her hair rested, making her run a wet hoof through her mane, finding a chunk missing. She then slowly looked to 'Luna', wide eyed, as Twilight started to tug her friend.

“Sunset! We need to run. Now!” Twilight shouted, making Sunset eye her, as if in a daze, before her confusion was traded out for action. She eyed the scythe, which was trying to wriggle out of the wall. Her horn glowed, and the scythe snapped in two. She then threw the fragments out the window, before looking at the Crimson Scythe, who was now standing several paces away from them. Sunset glared at it as she grabbed the red mask.

“Luna! That was dangerous! Just what are you thinking!?” She asked, surprising Twilight with her anger as Sunset pulled the mask off. She then took a step back, a flash of lightning illuminating the fact that there was nothing behind the mask, nothing but air.

“Sunset, Twilight, get away from it!” A terribly familiar voice cried out, making Sunset's blood run cold as she looked up the hall, seeing Luna flying towards them as fast as she could. The fillies looked to the princess, her words playing through their heads in a moment of confusion. A moment that ended when the reformed scythe smashed through the window, swinging towards Luna at a breakneck pace. “RUN!!” She repeated, an authority in her voice that snapped them from their confusion, making them both run as Luna pulled several pikes from the suits of armor, using them to beat the scythe into the wall, sending cracks of the wall in the process.

The two passed her, who placed herself between them and the specter, who was busy casually putting its mask back on. “Continue down the hall, there's a room on the left, hide in there. It can't follow you there!” She divvied out, making Sunset pause, turning around to help the princess. “Sunset, go!”

“I want to help!”

“And what about Twilight!” She asked, making Sunset look back, only to realize Twilight was nowhere to be seen. “Go look after her!”


“I don't have the time for this Sunset!” Luna replied, her horn glowing as the scythe came hurtling towards her, making Sunset's eyes widened as everything disappeared in a flash of light. The princess had teleported her away, placing her in a small enclosed room somewhere in the castle, all alone.

Sunset blinked as she spun around, seeing that the room itself had only one exit, the room itself seeming to be some sort of resting area for staff members. There were very little decorations, being lit by a single, normal torch. The room was a welcome retreat to what had just transpired, making Sunset place a hoof over her heart as she wondered what became of Twilight and her teacher.

“L-Luna?” Sunset asked the air, any semblance of fearlessness now gone as what just transpired played through her head. “Okay, okay. Calm down Sunset. It's all just part of the show.” She assured, her heart beating fast as she tried to push away any silly notions that some ghost from an old story was actually haunting the castle.


Her ears perked at the sound. It came from behind her.


That one was closer. Turning around slowly, her ears fell when she saw the ghost from the story sharing the room with her. Its scythe was stained red.


It raised the weapon, making Sunset take a step back, her blood pumping as it took a step forward. “S-Stay away!” she shouted, her horn starting to glow as it took another step towards her, the scythe now swinging in the air in anticipation. “Stay. Away!” She screamed, closing her eyes as her horn shined bright, sending out a shockwave of force that blew away everything.

Tables were pushed. Chairs were crushed against the wall. The torch sputtered and fell from its holding. The walls cracked. The door blew open. The Crimson Scythe stood there, unaffected, as it brought its scythe to bear.

In her desperation, her horn let out another pulse, before it sputtered out.

Tables and chairs were flattened like pancakes. The walls blew out. And a certain gemstone nestled in the ceiling shattered. The Crimson Scythe disappeared, making Sunset eye were it stood, swaying on her hooves for a moment, feeling lightheaded, before she looked around fearfully. With the walls blown out, she could see into part of a now exposed secret passageway, as well as the hallway outside.

The hall looked fragmented. Part of it appeared like the hall normally did. White stone, intact windows, and a normal carpet. There was a dividing line further down the hall in both directions where the hall retained its Nightmare Night decor. An illusion's border.

Sunset blinked as she took this in, bringing a hoof to her mane. It was completely intact, no missing chuck to be found. Pulling her hoof back, she noticed a smell coming from the red liquid. It smelled of tomatoes. She smelled of tomatoes. Sunset slumped on her haunch, eyeing the broken room, her horn aching from the effort involved, as she let out a little laugh.

“S-See, just part of the attraction.” She said, letting out another chuckle, one of relief, as she eyed the destruction she caused. “Luna's gonna ground me when she sees this.” She said, finding the damage even more amusing when she considered Tell Tale's warning. Deciding to stay close to the room she ruined, she simply waited, and before long, she was found by the princess.

She didn't look much like Luna, but she was the right size for it. The Princess was wearing a old dark cloak, its edges tattered. She had make-up on that made it look like she was terribly wrinkled, and her mane was gray and white. The entire costume was unconvincing, as Luna was standing tall instead of hunched over. She eyed the damage, before looking to her student, who was giving her a sheepish smile.

“Well, I have to admit,” Luna began with a small smile, “It's been a while since somepony's defeated my illusion.” She said, before casually pushing aside some rubble with her hoof, “Good thing this isn't a common outcome.” She then looked to Sunset, an eyebrow raised. “I think you dropped this.” She said, presenting the bag of candy.

“Um, sorry about the room.” Sunset replied apologetically as she took her candy-bag back.

“It's just a room. What's important is that nopony was hurt from it.” Luna replied as she let out a sigh. Her horn then glowed as she started to part the rubble, pulling out a cracked gemstone with a small spell circle made in its interior. “These aren't easy to replace,” she mumbled as Sunset looked to her.

“Luna, what would have happened, had the Crimson Scythe gotten me?”

“Oh? You would have been teleported into the hedge maze outside.” She explained, before adopting sly smile, “A part of the maze that just happens to look like a graveyard.”

“And what about Twilight? Is she out of the attraction?”

“Not quite. Black Hawk is with her, in a safe room.” She then gave Sunset a curious look, “So, did you enjoy it? I didn't take you for one that would willingly partake of this sort of event.”

“I wanted to see if it'd scare me.” She replied, before glancing to the side almost, a little disappointed in herself. “And it did.”

“Well, it wasn't made for fillies in mind.” Luna replied in a chiding tone, “It was made for or heroes to enjoy a little harmless fear. Oh, and it is also for the nobles that like to hound me all year long.” She added with a small grin. “Did you drag Twilight into this?”

“Not quite. She wanted to go with me.”

“Well, I think you still owe her an apology for letting her tag along. Let's go, she's worried sick for you.” She added, helping Sunset to her hooves.

They both paused when a primal roar came from down the hall, making them both look, seeing a manticore filling up the corridor. “...That's not supposed to be there.” Luna admitted as her brow furrowed, making Sunset look to her in concern. The monster started to charge towards them, a hungry look in its eyes, making Luna stand in front of Sunset. Her horn glowed, a lance of light flying forth, cutting through the manticore like paper, making a popping sound as the illusion dispersed, leaving a now ruined manticore balloon in its place.

“T-Trixie's balloon!” said filly's voice cried out, leaving her hiding spot behind as she ran to the balloons tattered remains. Luna shook her head, a smile on her face as she approached the blue filly.

“Trixie... are you using the illusion my gems are making for your own amusement?” Luna asked as she raised an eyebrow, making Trixie freeze, before giving Luna an innocent smile. “I see, so that makes two that 'bested' it. What possessed you to do that?”

“Well, Flimmy and Flammy were having fun scaring ponies, so Trixie wanted to try.” She admitted as she looked to Sunset, “Mr. Tale said it was okay," she quickly added, getting another sigh from Luna. "Oh! There was this one stallion that Trixie's balloon chased down a hall. It was funny.” She added, getting a breif laugh from Luna.

“Come on you two, I think you've both had enough 'fun' for tonight.” She said as she started down the hall, her students following after her.

“Luna,” Sunset began, “why didn't you tell us it was an illusion earlier, when you 'saved' us?”

“I saved you earlier?” She asked, before shaking her head, “That wasn't me, Sunset, but another illusion.” She stated, getting a confused look from Sunset.

“Your attraction included a copy of you? Why?”

“To add a layer of realism. Had I known you and Twilight were in the attractions area of affect, I would have come sooner. I did not learn of this until Twilight made it to the safe room. By then, you had already destroyed the basement's break room.”

“Luna ... has anypony told you that you've gone overboard with this whole thing?” She added, giving Luna an almost chiding look.

“B-But, its so much fun scaring nobles,” Luna replied as she blushed.

As they conversed, Luna guided them without issue thought the illusion, leading them up a hidden set of stairs that brought them to the actual first level of the castle. Not that they could tell by looking, as Luna had to inform them. Before they reached the room Twilight was in, The Crimson Scythe appeared down the corridor. It started to approach them, but paused before getting too close, giving Luna a salute, before disappearing.

As they reached the room, the three of them could hear some indignant cry coming from somewhere in the castle, making Luna's ears perk.

“What was that?” Trixie asked as she quickly glanced from side to side, making Luna adopt a small smile as she pushed open the double doors. Inside the room, Twilight was drinking hot chocolate with Black Hawk, and the filly let out a small gasp as she saw her friends.

“Sunset!” She let out, teleporting into her friend, giving her a tight hug, making Sunset blush slightly.

“Hey Twilight. Sorry for dragging you into my mess.”

“I chose to come with you.” Twilight quickly replied, “So, it's okay.” She said, making Sunset frown at her, about to insist that it wasn't 'okay'. Her reply was cut off when the scream was repeated, making the three fillies look down the hall to its source.

A dark brown stallion, wearing wealthy looking clothes, now smeared red, was galloping towards them. He was chubby, and breathing heavily as he ran from the red specter that was several steps behind him.

“H-Highness! Save me from this ghost! There's so much we need to discuss. Like increasing taxes on the middle class-” He let out, before the scythe caught him, making him disappear with a silly little pop.

“Who was that?” Sunset asked, seeing a very wide grin on Luna's face, which was mirrored by Black Hawk.

“Why, I do believe that was Brown Muzzle.” She said, “What a shame. He was so close too.” She added, before letting out a small, almost sinister laugh. She then looked to Black Hawk, who prompt saluted her. “If you'll give me a moment, my students, there's something I need to discuss with the captain.” She said, getting a nod from the fillies as they moved aside.

Trixie went to one of the room's corners, and started filing through her candy, humming a little tune as she did. Sunset eyed Luna for a moment, before joining Trixie's side, along with Twilight.

It didn't take long for Luna to finish her matter with the captain of the Shadowbolts, who promptly left to carry out her orders. She then turned to her students, noticing that they seemed to be talking about something in hushed voices.

“What are you three whispering about, I wonder.” Luna asked, making them flinch as they gave her sheepish looks.

“I have a more pressing question!” A stallion's voice cried out from the doorway, making Luna flinch in turn as she looked, seeing Brown Muzzle standing there. “Princess Luna, what is the meaning of this!?” He asked, presenting a rolled up list labeled 'Excuses For Skipping Out of the G.G.G. '. Luna's ears fell as he took a step forward, making her take a step back. “I can't believe this! Just wait till the rest of the nobility hears of this! All this time, our highness has been intentionally avoiding our grandest of galas! Well, Princess Luna. What do you have to say for yourself?”

“B-Brown Muzzle, it's not nice to make accusations like that. I've never seen that list before in my life.”

“But Luna,” Trixie interjected, “that's the same list you keep in your desk.” She added, getting a horrified look from the princess as she eyed Trixie.

“You were saying, your highness!”

“I mean, that is-” Luna began, before she blinked. She then frowned as she swiped a hoof through Brown Muzzle, passing through him as if he wasn't there, making her turn to her students with a raised eyebrow, noticing that Trixie's horn was glowing.

“Gotcha!” She let out with a giggle, her smile mirrored by her friends. Luna looked over them for a moment, before joining in Trixie's laughter.

“Yes, yes you did, very good.” Luna let out, giving her students a proud look, before shaking her head. “Now, I think it's time the three of you called it a night, agreed?”

“Okay.” They said in unison.

"Oh, and great costumes," Luna added, giving Twilight a flattered smile. "I assume you all had fun?" She asked, getting a nod from each of them, before it was time to leave, and return to their room.

After returning, Sunset stepped out to check on Spike. To her complete dismay, Cadance and the baby dragon were both wearing costumes that made them greatly resemble herself. Their costumes were still stuck in her mind's eye when she returned to her room, where Twilight and Trixie were waiting.

“So, not only was Sunset scared, but so was Luna~!” Trixie let out energetically, her candy resting in a big pile on the floor in front of her.

“Yeah, that happened.” Sunset replied, almost distantly. “Good thing it was just an illusion.”

“About that,” Twilight began, surprising Sunset with another hug, “Thanks for earlier.”

“E-Earlier?” Sunset asked as she blushed.

“I would have teleported away from the Crimson Scythe if you weren't there.”

“Sunny's very brave~.” Trixie chimed, before eyeing Sunset's candy bag hungrily, “And honest~” She added, taking the bag and emptying the candy onto her pile. “It's good that Sunny's Sunny, seeing Flimmy and Flammy's face when she gave them that bored look was fun too!”

“Look,” Twilight added, “what we're trying to say, is it's nice that you can keep it together when things are scary. I... I'm gonna try to do that too, be braver, that is.”

“I-It's really nothing.” Sunset added, her blush deepening as she looked to Trixie, “And you better share that with Twilight.”


“And Twilight, thanks for coming with me,” Sunset said as she pulled herself away from her friend, “when I went into the red carpet area. It wouldn't have been the same had I gone alone.” Indeed, Sunset felt as if she wouldn't have kept it together as well as she had, hadn't Twilight been there. Her friend's fear gave her reason to stay strong. And her strength helped Twilight stay strong too.

“Uhh, you're welcome?” Twilight asked sheepishly, getting a nod from Sunset, making her smile.

“Come on Twily, let's swap out our favorites!” Trixie let out, going over their haul with her friends, as Nightmare Night came to a close.

Author's Note:

For you, dear reader, was this chapter a Trick, or a Treat?

For me, this was fun to write! I'm looking forward to next years. Maybe I should do Steven King next time?

I read a few of Edgar Allan Poes stories when I was in middle school. I only read them once, but they really stuck with me, and each of them were referenced in this chapter. Can you name all three of them?

Oh. About the chapter's placement. The Summer Sun celebration is coming next, so this chapter is out of order. I wanted it out before the holiday season was over, and there's a high chance that a Christmas Hearth's Warming chapter will come out before the Summer Sun chapters are finished. The chapters will be chronologically straightened up when the summer comes to an end.

The summer sun chapters will be about the trio making new friends during their first summer break. So sorry for the wait since the last update, and I hope you enjoyed this Holiday special. :twilightsmile:

I'm gonna try and shoot for updating this story every other Sunday starting today. So here's fingers crossed that I can hold myself to that.

Nightmare Night's true origins for the Trioverse will be revealed next time. I kind of want to do at least three NN chapters over this story's course. But, we'll see what happens.

Comments ( 42 )

A very enjoyable chapter. Great job.:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache:

I picked out Tell-tale Heart, and Curse of the Red Mask (obviously) but for the third: Pit and the Pendulum?
Really well done, may I have another?

A new chapter for this story is always a treat!

This was a fun chapter. I love Luna's revenge, er, I mean maze for the nobles. Nice little story within a story too.

Seriously though. This chapter has the [Dark] tag. You have been warned.

I thought I was prepared. I...*clutches chest* Wasn't. *falls over*

The scared fillies killed me with their adorableness.

For most of the chapter I was sure my favorite party would be Flim and Flam calling Trixie "Lula" and Flim crushing on Twilight. But that ending, where Trixie flips the table on Luna with that illusion of Brown Muzzle... :rainbowlaugh:

Shining Armor then noticed Sunset's costume, and she herself was giving him a small glare as she took in his. A glare that was also working to hide her blush.

Sunset, why you so tsundere?

“Ow! T-Trixie, stop!”

“Candy!” she demanded.

“Okay okay okay!” They both replied in unison, getting a victorious smile from their assaulter as they both gave her a few pieces from their collection.

Silly Trixie is most adorable Trixie

“I came up with the idea.” Flan added,

When did Flam become a pastry?:trollestia:

5/10 not bad but I see Luna going for something far far more terror inducing.

Oh you probably already have a Nightmare Night origin already planned out but I'm just gonna spitball an idea out.

What if after Celestia's banishment Luna herself was having nightmares that had a negative effect on everyone's dreams and Nightmare Night helped Luna stop having the nightmares or something. :derpytongue2:

Suffice to say, Twilight hooves were shaking
it's side sliced open
making Sunset eye her, as if a daze,
I'm want to help
It's scythe was stained red
as it brought it's scythe to bear
Uhh, your welcome

1. Twilight's.
2. Its.
3. As if in a daze.
4. I.
5. Its.
6. Its.
7. You're.

I'd say this was all of a treat. Loved the illusion with Trixie at the end especially. But I also think Trixie is the one inducing the most diabeetus in this chapter. Could be her cutesy carefree nature of answering, could be the candy she's consuming, could be both. We may never know.

Nice chapter, but there's some things you may want to edit.

Long ago, a Barron decided to host a big party, a masquerade party, as big as the Gala!

I think that should be "baron".

She then threw the fragments out the window, before look at the Crimson Scythe, who was now standing several paces away from them.


To her complete dismay, Cadance and the baby dragon were both wearing costumes that made them greatly resembled herself.

And I think that should just be "resemble".

... so... did you miss the entire point of mask of the red death, or... ? The Mask wasn't a person. He was the Red Plague itself. Somehow, someone infected had snuck in, and the entire party succumbed to the illness. There are so many other stories you could have used(The Pit and the Pendulum comes to mind as a great horror attraction), but you went with a weird "homage" to The Mask of the Red Death?

6526790 I don't get it. Are you confused that I didnt write it in a way you liked, or did you want a different story homage?


Well no, I just find it weird that you turned Mask Of the Read Death into, essentially, the Headless Horseman. Though you should totally have included Pit and the Pendulum.

No skeletons? Where are we gonna get the spooks and the scares with out sketons :D
Also it was wonderful 10/10 ign

Why did you skip chapters 7-12?

6531587 Those chapters take place earlier in the year. I wanted to put out the Nightmare Night chapter while it was in season.

6531591 OK, that makes sense.

This was a fun chapter. Sunset still hasn't given her friends an answer as to why she dislikes Nightmare Night.

“Hey, Sunny...” Trixie began.
“If you don't like candy, can Trixie have your share?”

Those priorities! :rainbowlaugh:

“H-Highness! Save me from this ghost! There's so much we need to discuss. Like increasing taxes on the middle class-” He let out, before the scythe caught him, making him disappear with a silly little pop.

Those priorities! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

We was wearing a light blue and dark blue jumpsuit.


Wasn't it Fright Night last chapter? I'm glad you changed it but like, consistency, man.

Also, I swear to god, if another character nods to herself, I'm gonna lose it. The only thing that line adds to the story is it unnecessarily interrupts dialogue.

I was interested to see how this would be written. I hoped this chapter would do a decent job of actually making the scary part actually seem dangerous. I was not disappointed. Good author, have a Pinkie:pinkiehappy:

“Tch. Dressing up like this,” Sunset began, “it's embarrassing. Why do we even celebrate this stupid holiday.” She muttered, getting a confused look from Trixie.

Yeah, it is a little funny that they even have a Nightmare Night holiday in this 'verse. It's been a while, though, maybe I'm forgetting how events occured a thousand years back.

Ahh, so comic book characters for Sunset and Shining, fun.

Sunset found the entire labyrinth to be tiresome and boring. Her only spark of interest gained when they came upon a room of metal walls in the center of the maze. There were figures of ponies cowering in fear, and in the center was a table, a swinging pendulem hanging over it. While Sunset found it interesting, Twilight and Trixie on the other hoof, let out a sigh of relief when they finally reached the mansion. Only to find that there was no candy, or answer, waiting for them at the door.

Really, it kind of figures that Sunset would find the pendulum table interesting. And what a disappointing noble. Fancy maze, but zero candy.

Flim and Flam, fun. It's definitely entertaining that Trixie used the opportunity to extort a bit more candy out of them.

The castle looked nothing like it had yesterday. The garden was obstructed by a tall hedge maze, and what they could see from the castle beyond gave them reason to hesitate, even Sunset. White stone was somehow replaced with black. All the windows glowed with an eerie purple, or green light. There was a light fog around the castle, and the skies above were covered by clouds, blocking out the moon. The castle was old, but now it had an appropriate look to go with it, almost as if it were some castle you'd find abandoned in the heart of a dark forest.

You know, I think that Luna might get just a little too into this. I'm slightly wondering if this is going to turn out to be a holiday literally celebrating herself.

Yeah, Luna is way too into this.

In her desperation, her horn let out another pulse, before it sputtered out.

Tables and chairs were flattened like pancakes. The walls blew out. And a certain gemstone nestled in the ceiling shattered. The Crimson Scythe disappeared, making Sunset eye were it stood, swaying on her hooves for a moment, feeling lightheaded, before she looked around fearfully. With the walls blown out, she could see into part of a now exposed secret passageway, as well as the hallway outside.

Really, nobody should be surprised when something like this happens to a unicorn as powerful as Sunset.

“Luna ... has anypony told you that you've gone overboard with this whole thing?” She added, giving Luna an almost chiding look.

Someone needs to!

“I mean, that is-” Luna began, before she blinked. She then frowned as she swiped a hoof through Brown Muzzle, passing through him as if he wasn't there, making her turn to her students with a raised eyebrow, noticing that Trixie's horn was glowing.

“Gotcha!” She let out with a giggle, her smile mirrored by her friends. Luna looked over them for a moment, before joining in Trixie's laughter.


Fun chapter.


The mental image of the hall of murals is amazing.

I'm particularly fond of that chapter.

Regarding griffin friends: I'm not sure. I mean, besides the fact that the griffin empire and griffonstone are better off in the trioverse compared to canon, I haven't put to much thought into it.

I'd imagine the griffon leader that Luna befriended isn't timeless like her, and passed away a long time ago.

There's a story here waiting to be written, and I don't know if I have the room to work it in at the moment. :twilightblush:

Hah, that was fun. And nice job, Trixie.

I absolutely LOVE this!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!'

7292570 It happens. It's part of being human. When characters have different names, in Chrysalis' case, I would use what ever name coresponds to her current form. If it's a diguise, use another name unless who she's talking to knows her secret.

good story I have enjoy it,

Just a shout out for this fantastic story!! Can't wait for more!!

Huh I just read a edger Allen Poe book before this

Sunset might be a good example of somepony a little too dangerous to try to scare for real.

one would think that twilights natural reaction is to nuke things with magic...

Will there be more to this one?:rainbowhuh:

Will this ever get continued?

Good chrysalis is in thumbnail this tells me that this will be good

Ahh its sad this never continued :raritydespair:

I'm really sad that this fic is dead. It's so adorable!:fluttercry:

8 years. It's been 8 years since my post linked in your comment. I think that's a record. Usually people quote stuff, 1-2, maybe 3 years ago. But 8? Congrats. That's a heck of an achievement. So long ago, I don't even remember any of this, not a single bit. Nothing. And looks like only had 1 chapter I missed, then poofed went the Author to never returned. Surprised with that unfinished state, you even wanted to read it. Especially with such a detailed comment too.

Well, I tip my hat to you, good sir or madam, for the wonderful 8 year old surprise.

“B-But, its so much fun scaring nobles,” Luna replied as she blushed.

First, adorable Trixie. Then adorable Sunset. Then adorable trio. Adorable Trixie again. Adorable Flimmy and Flammy. Adorable Twilight. Adorable Trixie. Adorable Trixie again. And now, adorable Luna. Any more adorableness you want to cram into this story?

I had more to say but lost what I had because of internet shenanigans. But I did want to point out that how well you wrote the younger Flim Flam brothers should be illegal. I'm surprised Hasbro hasn't issued a cease and desist notice for how accurately you write the character. You didn't interpret how Flim and Flam would be as children; this is Flim and Flam as children.

“H-Highness! Save me from this ghost! There's so much we need to discuss. Like increasing taxes on the middle class-” He let out, before the scythe caught him, making him disappear with a silly little pop.

It's a shame that that ghost is just an illusion.

Trixie went to one of the room's corners, and started filing through her candy, humming a little tune as she did.

I would've used the song Nightmare Night, but Children of the Night felt more like Trixie's speed. Especially when you take into account the the song is specifically about children.

For you, dear reader, was this chapter a Trick, or a Treat?

These chapters are always a treat.

It's an MLP AU fanfic. It ironically would make more sense to take that story and make a more literal homage.

In the Minecraft chapter.

I have been enjoying the trio verse so much lately (and was so shocked to see a random Battler profile picture appear haha). I understand you may be busy now, although I do not know if that’s true, but I hope someone is able to continue this story. If not this one specifically, then something like it in spirit.

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