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To Infect and Corrupt

Comments ( 19 )

Hehehe. I love this. Poor shining...

A rare ship indeed, but one of which I wholly approve! Any alicorn x alicorn romance is a ship I support (as long as Nightmare Moon is not involved and no, Chrysalis is not an alicorn, she's a cockroach) and it's nice to have a story that explores the possibility of Cadance and Celestia being romantically involved. Despite the two being family and Cadance being the only family Celestia had until Luna's return, the show has done absolutely nothing to explore their relationship (to the point of stupidity, as in a Canterlot Wedding where Celestia couldn't even tell her own niece was acting entirely unlike herself). Any fanfic that takes up that challenge in the show's stead is a good one. This is one such fanfic. I wish it were more than just a one-shot!

Not to disagree with you, but there is a very interesting theory about Chrysalis' behavior that makes a lot more sense. Primarily that the only one she acted oddly around was Twilight.

But otherwise, I totally agree.

Looking forward to reading this. I'm reminded that the latest installment of "Who Rules" also had a sex scene between these two.

5897003 im curious what is the theory?

chapter 2, and fast XD

Basically, Chrysalis' plan was to discredit Twilight so that no one would believe her and the EoH would be taken out of play.

Excellent! The writing, the emotion, all of it played out perfectly, sir!

And I kinda find myself liking the Cadance/Celestia thing recently, too. :trollestia:


The best part?
This is able to fit into the Canon of the show :rainbowlaugh:


Objection to that theory: When Twilight complains to her friends about Cadence's actions, they knew what she was talking about, though they lacked the past experience to see the difference themselves, instead blaming it on pre-wedding jitters. Also, she refuses the Ladybug Dance right in front of Shining.

Proposition: Chrysalis adopted common Canterlot attitudes because she was at a loss as to how Cadence would react to these "commoners" she'd never met before, as far as Chrysalis knew. This implies that she kept up the facade for Celestia and Shining, because she was able to observe and imitate how Cadence acted while interacting with them. Queenbug is not good at improv, appearently.

That's no exactly true. They genuinely saw nothing that would not be unexpected from any bride. And she would have had to act like Cadance around Celestia, because she would have noticed something wrong too, and Twilight's parents, and any of the guards and other ponies who knew her.

Makes far more sense that she was trying to break-up the EoH by removing Twilight from the equation. Then, dropping her next to the real Cadance was in the hopes that she would kill the weakened alicorn for her, thus breaking Twilight even further when she realized what she'd done.


The problem you're experiencing here is, bridezillas are always brides, but brides are not always bridezillas. Having known how kind and caring Cadence was, going that far is out of character for her, and if she did, she would be repentant when it's thrown in her face. If nothing else, the simple fact that Cadence drove Twilight away far enough that she outright called her evil, regardless of how foalish it seemed, is a major warning sign. If nothing else, requiring an extensive talk with Twilight about her feelings. The fact that Twilight outright disappears immediately after is another. That nopony notices she's gone in the middle of a castle under lockdown is an impressive failing.

All of which supports my case that she'd convinced everyone else that she wasn't the one acting oddly. She had everyone so fooled that they were willing to side with her instead of Twilight.

And that's the last I'll say on this because I honestly just don't care. You believe what you wish, and I'll do the same.

To the author:

-Raises hir talons and blows a kiss- Muah! Perfect ending! A punchline so wonderfully, and sneakily delivered.

That was kinda hot. :twilightblush:

Its lovely to see someone actually write this pairing, excellently done, I loved how you handled the characters,their fears, their insecurities and the nature of Cadence's special talent.

Hmm. I have some newfound appreciation for this story. While the sex was maybe a bit on the mild side (many words were spend on the idea/anticipation of sex, but few on the sex itself), it was written beautifully. The tension and awkwardness felt real, and the way they overcame it believable. The pairing, of course, is also pretty original and interesting.

I think that the lack of cover art and the AU tag may be responsible for the low-ish viewcount. I've always felt that the AU tag was considered as a bit of a negative tag in most cases. I don't even think this story qualifies for it, which makes it a bit of a shame.

This is a very nice story.

This needs a bonus chapter from shining armors pov starting when he knocks on the door. I so want to know what his reaction to Cadance being in Celestias bed. . . . . . naked.

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