• Published 24th Dec 2015
  • 2,070 Views, 46 Comments

Doctor Whooves: The Changeling Invasion - Draconaquest

It's the holidays at Canterlot High, and The Doctor decides to pay Sunset a visit. However, things turn sour when The Doctor discovers a crack in time leading to Equestria. More importantly, it leads right to a Changeling Hive.

  • ...

Nowhere Left to Turn

Fluttershy hadn't done much during this whole ordeal. She was quiet the entire time. She didn't have much to say, you see. She was more worried about her animals.

The Doctor and Sunset returned, seeming oddly down. "Did you get the TARDIS?" Twilight asked as they walked in.

"It's been towed." The Doctor replied, sitting down on some boxes in a corner.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"A security protocol," Sunset explained, "the TARDIS dematerialized and could be gone for a while."

"Great..." Twilight groaned.

"While you were out a couple of us took the opportunity and looked around the school." Rarity said.

"They've got the entire school overrun, and they seem to have set up a base in the gym." Rainbow reported.

"We've got nowhere left to run." Sunset said, plopping down onto a beanbag chair.

"Except right to the Changelings." Pinkie Pie said, putting her fist into her palm, creating an explosion effect with her mouth.

"Maybe that's it." Fluttershy said.

"What?" Everyone, save the Doctor, asked.

"Maybe," Fluttershy said, standing up, "Instead of going head-to-head against them, we could just talk to them."

The group stood in silence for a few seconds before Rainbow Dash spoke up, "Ha ha, are you serious?"

Fluttershy just blinked.

"Really darling, it's completely insane!" Rarity scoffed.

"And awfully risky." Applejack retorted.

"It's crazy!" Rainbow said.

"But..." Twilight began.

"So crazy..." Sunset continued.

"It just might work!" the Doctor finished, jumping to his feet.

"You're not." Rainbow said.

"You're... you're going with my plan?" Fluttershy asked, grabbing part of her hair.

"Oh yes!" the Doctor shouted gleefully.

"But it's nuts!" Rainbow retorted.

"But, think about it Rainbow!" the Doctor said excitedly, walking over to Rainbow Dash, "Using brute force when we're highly outnumbered makes even less sense than just talking to them! Talking could get us somewhere!"

"Then wha' do ya plan on doin'?" Applejack asked.

"Get captured." the Doctor replied.

"Uh... what?" Applejack asked, shocked.

"Well, not captured exactly, but something similar." the Doctor explained, "I did something similar a few years ago, but if I get to chat with the Changeling Queen, I should be able to talk to them, and figure out their plans. If I can't, well it's been nice knowing you. Wish me luck?"

Everyone wished him some kind of luck, and the Doctor smiled. "You've been brilliant, all of you. Pinkie Pie, keep partying. Keep bringing joy to whoever comes along.

"Rarity, you're creativity is inspirational for people everywhere, so keep designing.

"Applejack, you're honesty makes you one of the most trustworthy people I've ever met. Whatever comes, stay that way.

"Rainbow Dash, stay loyal, and keep voicing your opinion. It can come off as tactless at times, but everyone around you know you mean best.

"And, Fluttershy. You're shy, introverted and you're a bit difficult to warm up to, but you are utterly brilliant. You came up with this plan. If it works, you made it work. You're brilliant you are, and stay that way."

The Doctor looked around the room. "If this is good-bye, then just remember that you are all brilliant, and never change. Sunset, Twilight, come on." And the three left the room.

"What did you mean, this might be good-bye?" Twilight asked, as the three began to slowly head down the hallway.

"This could be it." the Doctor said, sadly, "Our final adventure. I might not make it out of this."

"Why?" Sunset asked.

"Because, I have a way to solve this, but it could be my ending." The Doctor sighed. "It's been good though hasn't it, the time we've spent together?"

"I'd say so." Sunset said, smiling.

"I really don't know you all that well." Twilight sighed, "But, it's definitely been interesting. A lot of things would be different if you never showed up. I'd still be at Crystal Prep."

"You've definitely changed things around here, for the better in my opinion." Sunset said, "And, you helped me build confidence in myself. After the Fall Formal, I had nothing. And, sometimes it felt as though even my friends were ignoring me. After the Battle of the Bands, I had a little confidence, but there wasn't much there.

"When you showed up, and took me travelling, it changed me. My confidence level grew, and I believed in myself. I'd be a lot different if you were never here." Sunset reached up and hugged the Doctor. He hugged her back, tightly.

The Doctor let go, and smiled down at her. "Well," the Doctor began, "I suppose this is it. Thank you. Both of you. And... good-bye." The Doctor turned on his heels, and walked down the hallway.

There were two Changeling guards in front of him. He had a plan. It was a bit of a terrible plan, but there was no harm on trying. He stepped cheerfully in front of them. "Hello! Sorry to intrude, but I understand you're Changeling guards, and are supposed to ignore all human beings, am I right?"

The Changeling's hissed at the Doctor. "At least reply to me, you're not mindless drones."

"Yessssssss, thossssse were our orderssssssssss." One of the Changelings replied. It's voice sounded like glorified hissing.

"You have scanners don't you?"


"Then scan me." the Doctor said, stretching out his arms. "Go on." The Changelings obliged, "There you go. Ya see, bio-vascular system. Lower body temperature. I'm not human. Therefore, you can't ignore me. If you can't ignore me, you have to take me to the highest level of authority. And, you're highest level of authority is your queen, who is likely in the gym. So, tell me, am I right?"

The Changelings exchanged glances, before one said, "Come with usssss."

"Okay then, take me to your leader." the Doctor chuckled, "Yep, still fun to say."