• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 9,769 Views, 261 Comments

Love Until Dusk - MyLittleGeneration

After the Battle of the Bands, the Dazzlings left, defeated and very angry. Well, two of them. The other one was left, abandoned. She was Sonata Dusk. Until a boy comes by to her side. With Dusk Shine by Sonata, love comes by.

  • ...

The One Where She Worries

We were home, laying back on the couch, again. Sonata had a hand placed on my shoulder, and she laid her head softly on it. Her small smile shined the room up a bit, and I rubbed her shoulder. We were like a couple of cozy people snuggling against each other. It's been a week ever since the time I caught my eye on Adagio, ever since I made Sonata feel very afraid of what I was saying, what I saw.

Nothing went bad along the week, no worries from me, no worries from Sonata, no talk about it, but for thought, I still had it in mind... Her evil smile, with her damn spiky tooth... her figure in the dark woods, almost unnoticeable... You know what, perhaps there were some worries from me, but not publicly. Not in front of Sonata or anyone else. God, especially not in front of Sonata. Seeing her slightly tear up from what I was describing nearly crushed me in the inside, but I made sure to not let it happen again. I swore on it.

But though, I couldn't scratch it out. At least at this moment, and I don't know why. Throughout the whole week, moments of me and Sonata... everything was set on that. How sweet her smile was, how cute her laugh was, how pretty her eyes looked. Everything was bright and all around me and her. A date, us just talking, or us just snuggling on the couch like now. There was no thought of Adagio, no thought of anything or anyone else. Just Sonata. As if she was really something special to me, clearing my mind of all my worries... But now it isn't working. I... I don't know why.

Nothing's... diff- "You alright?" asked Sonata. I quickly shake my head to snap out of my daydream and focus on Sonata.

"Y-Yeah." I said, rubbing her shoulder to make her feel like I am alright. I lean closely to plant a small kiss on Sonata's forehead to make that statement show a little more.

"Okay..." she said, moving her head up to touch the top of her head to my chin. She lightly yawned, making me slightly blush. So cute how she-


A sudden flash erupted out of nowhere, and I get disturbed by it. My blood ran cold, and I felt a little tense. I showed a little odd movement, which meant- "You sure you're alright?" she asked, this time facing straight at me, eye-to-eye.

I let out a low sigh. "N... No." I admitted with guilt. "It's just..."

Sonata's eyes already seemed to be a little watery. "It's Adagio, isn't it?" Sonata asked, putting a finger under my chin. To lighten up the mood, she wrapped both arms around my neck, tightening the hold. "Just forget about it, alright, sweetie? You haven't mentioned it in such a long time."

"I know, I know," I said, "But for some reason, it's getting to me, now. Like, everytime I'm with you, it just... goes away. Like nothing. I only focus on you and I whenever we do the smallest things together, but now..." I laid back. "I don't know... I feel... different."

And suddenly, I get a disturbing flash, but it was no image or noise for a split-second. It was like a day-dream. On second thought, a god damn nightmare...

I suddenly find myself standing again, frozen in place, the only movement being my hands and head. I looked around, same damn area. A dark, eerie forest, and in front of me, two figures. Both didn't look at me, but rather towards each other. One had their head down, shaking, while the other stood tall, a smile easily noticeable.

Sonata was the one with her head down, and the smiling one... Adagio. The area was lit up more, and I could see her disturbing feature. Her cold stare, her hair all over the place, and the knife in her hand... a good dab of blood on it. I turn my head to look at Sonata, and she looked miserable. Hurt... Bloody... The same damn thing.

She fell down on her knees, and I could hear her crying and whimpering. Sonata's cuts were visible, right on the chest. Adagio toyed with the knife, and I was stuck there to just... watch. I screamed, "SONATA!"

And something happened. Adagio quickly snapped her head towards me, noticing my figure. She... She heard me? She walked closer towards me with the knife in hand, which scared the hell out of me as she got inches closer. Sonata still stuck to the ground, not budging her head towards me. The lone siren got closer and closer, the leaves and branches on the dirt cracking with each step she took, then finally, she stopped.

"Hmm..." she said. She tossed her knife in the air and caught it with the other hand. "I see you're back again."

"Fuck off." I snapped, clenching my fists. Still, I couldn't move my legs.

"Woah there, cutie," she said, "There's no need to be snappy. I mean, you don't wanna lash out and be some sort of monster again, do you?" I kept quiet. "I thought so. You wouldn't wanna hurt a pretty face like mine, you little bitch."

"Go away." I warned. "You... You hurt Sonata, you bitch! I think tha-"

"Be quiet, you." she ordered. "Maybe another cut on your girl could do the trick?" She aimed the knife at Sonata, but I shook my head violently. "Then be quiet." Adagio went close to my face, mere inches away from me. "Say... you're really worried. To actually have such an uneasy nightmare about Sonata getting hurt. Seems a little odd. Overprotective? Or could it be... something else?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh, you know, maybe you might be... thinking of hurting-"

"No, I wouldn't." I said. "I'm not intending to hurt Sonata at all! I love her, she's innocent, a-"

"Sure, sure." she said. "But you know what, if you are overprotective, you think she'll be alright with this? Being huddled with you dreaming of events of her getting hurt? You can't handle this nightmare, you can't handle any other. Who knows, maybe next week you can get visions of some drunk driver hitting Sonata with his car, or maybe a loose, rabid dog assaulting her on the bare neck."

"That's..." I couldn't have any words escape my mouth. Truly, I felt stunned. Could... No. Adagio can't be true about this. No way would I be so fearful of Sonata being harmed. To be ridiculously hit by a drunk driver or mauled by a rabid dog, not in real life, not in some random dream, not in a book. It can't be like that, but... I couldn't say anything.

"Tell me, if Sonata told you a story of her nightmare being you committing suicide because of a break-up, how would you feel?"


"If she told you that Aria burned you alive, what would you say?"


"If she explained the details of her recurring nightmare of me, Adagio Dazzle, cutting you every single place like a god damn psycopath, almost something you imagined when you dared to punch me, HOW WOULD YOU REA-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" I threw a huge fist, only for it to go right through her. Like she was just mist. But that doesn't mean she wasn't physical, as shown on the next part.

"Why you bastard!" She threw her knife, only to cut my bare arm. And the knife drew hard. Deep. Brutally. My arm instantly drew blood down the arm, almost like how Sonata's cut was. I never could imagine my purple skin being colored crimson. At least not this much. Not the only move, though. "How does that feel, huh?" She slashed my other arm just the same way, and I let out a painful scream.


"Maybe this can make you damn think, huh?" Another slash on the same arm.

"Wake up!"

Tears dripped down my face, but Adagio didn't seem affected by it. No guilt, no smile, just the same expression of anger. "Maybe you should be done with her-" She stabbed me right in the chest. "Before she's done with you."


"Shine!" I quickly snap out of it and look at Sonata, her expression easily terrified and worried. Tears built up, yet have not fallen. "Shine, listen!"

"Y-Yeah?" I asked. "What up?" I suddenly choked a bit on my words, which confused me a little. Why was I choking on my own... Suddenly, tears clogged my vision, making Sonata's detailed face of worrying emotion turn into a light-blue blob. I found myself crying. Right in front of Sonata.

"Why... What happened? You weren't doing anything, a-and I got worried, a-and you just started acting wild, and- and- and..." Her voice choked and she started crying. She clutched her collar, and looked at me. "You're really scaring me, Dusk..."

"I'm... I'm sorry." My tears felt cold, making me shiver.

"Dusk, what the hell... What's going on?" Her voice sounded more stable and controlled. "Just..." She ran her hand through my hair. "Just tell me what the hell happened."

I briefly tell her what has happened, what I just saw. Come to think of it, how long was I just there, what did it look like, sound like, was it fearful, horrible, or... I felt like I was losing my mind. This just... never happened before. "My God, Dusk..." she said after I explained. "Okay, it's... it's alright. I-"

I tug harder as I hugged her body. "I don't want you hurt, that's all." I said. "I... I just don't want you hurt... I don't know why it happened, I'm sorry I scared you, I just don't want you hurt." Tears still ran down my cheeks, much faster than Sonata's. I honestly was surprised. However, I don't know what was going on with me. One week, I'm fine, but now, I break down, sobbing in front of my girlfriend after a fearful vision, daydream, whatever the hell you call it. I felt like a child who just underwent a nightmare with the Boogeyman and wanting to sleep with my mother for being too afraid of sleeping alone. The hell kind of attitude is that from someone like me?

Sonata still ran her hand through my hair, but her phone suddenly vibrated. She took a quick glance at what she received, still making sure I was okay. "Oh, Rarity wants me to come over to her place." she said. She looked down on me. "Say... y-you don't mind if I head, right?"

"I don't mind." I said, totally regained. "Just... be safe." I scratched the back of my neck. She softly smiled, kissed my cheek, and headed towards the door. Before she left, though, I spoke out. "Sonata..."


"I'm very sorry if I scared you. Please, forgive-" Her arms, in a split-second, wrapped around my neck tightly.

"I do forgive you, Shiney." she insured. "And I love that you care, but for your sake, don't worry that much, alright?" I slowly nodded. "Good, I'll see you later, kay?"

"See you... later." I said, waving before she closed the door. I ran my hands through my hair. What the hell kind of scene did I make?

Author's Note:

Alright, I'm late. Very late. And screw me, right? I honestly got lazy, slow, and there really was no excuse, like work or whatever. So, if you hate me for being so late with this, feel free. I hope, however, that this makes you guys happy. This story ain't going to die. Not on my watch.

This. Will. Finish.