• Published 25th May 2015
  • 6,367 Views, 38 Comments

Sneaking Mistletoe Kisses - socky_dude

A cold winter can always be warmed by a open heart

  • ...

The Party

Spike knocked on the door. It was a cold winter night. The snowflakes in the air sparkled like diamonds as the coldness swept around him in a tight embrace. He could feel the tiny crystals land in his spiky green hair. The whole feeling of winter, Spike loved it. It wasn't just being in the cold..... It was the beauty of it all. He could probably just sit at a window, watching the stars fall from the sky and land on the white floor. Spike was always the guy for the cold. But, as much as he loved the feeling, it was best not to freeze to death. So he threw on a purple ski jacket along with a pair of blue jeans, black converse's and black gloves.

Suddenly the door flew open, and an ecstatic Pinkie pie practically THREW him inside the barn. Applejack had agreed to let Pinkie throw the party at her barn, since it was so big AND she had a fireplace! There seemed to be about A MILLION people in front of the fire, shaking like leaves. But not Spike! Oh no he felt perfectly fine.....

"I'm so so sooooo happy you could make it Spike!!!" Pinkie jumped into the air, random confetti exploding everywhere. But, Spike had already gotten used to the fact the Pinkie Pie broke the forth wall...... a lot. The girl was wearing an average light pink winter coat, light blue skinny jeans, white boots, and fluffy pink earmuffs. Her curls bounced up and down as she walked alongside Spike, who was heading for the snack table.

"It's not a problem Pinkie! I always love coming to your parties! I only had to do a couple homework papers...." He replied. He couldn't arrive at the party along with Twilight because of his stupid math teacher...... who assigned 5 pages of work for winter break. Honestly.... 5 PAGES???? He thought that winter break was supposed to be a BREAK!! And when Spike gets homework, Twilight always makes sure that he finishes it THE FIRST NIGHT he gets it.

He could hear another person knock on the door. "Just a second!" Pinkie sang out, bouncing over to the door. "Why he- OH MY GOSH?!?!?! CHEESE????? CHEESE?!??!!?!?!"

Everyone turned there heads at the sudden screaming. What they saw was a baffled Pinkie, clutching onto her boyfriend Cheese Sandwich. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she cried into his hug. "I missed you so much!" She sobbed, which only made Cheese hold her tighter.

Everyone smiled and cheered for the two. It was always nice to see the traveler and his crazy shenanigans. And once the two got together, everyone was even MORE happy to see him, because that meant that Pinkie would be the happiest girl in the world.

"Well well well! She is certainly excited!" An elegant voice said from behind Spike. He quickly turned to see the most beautiful women he had ever laid eyes on.

"Hey Rarity!" Spike greeted, pulling her in for a hug. Rarity was wearing a long white over coat with a light blue scarf, dark purple pants, white boots, and light blue gloves.
Her hair was tied up in a perfect bun with a little diamond pin. She also wore a matching diamond necklace and diamond earnings. She definitely out did herself today!

"You look beautiful!" He complimented as he backed away from the pale girl, which received a chuckle from her.

"Oh! You flatter me so!" They both laughed as Twilight Sparkle walked up. She was wearing a purple pea coat, dark blue jeans, yellow boots, and a pink and white striped scarf.
Her purple hair was tied up into a ponytail with a pink scrunchie.

"Spike! It's about time you got that homework done! I would have gotten it done in ten minutes!" She said and poked the boy playfully in the ribs.

Spike rolled his eye's. "It was 5 pages with, like, 50 problems each! How long was it supposed to take me?!"

"Ten minutes....." Twilight replied, before smirking. Rarity couldn't help but chuckle at this.

"Twi.... you know how I am with algebra......" He mumbled.

"Yeah yeah I know!" Twilight laughed. Spike looked around, playing eye-spy, and suddenly spotted Fluttershy sitting on the couch near the fire.

"Yo! Fluttershy!" He called, grasping her attention. Reluctantly, she walked over slowly. She was wearing a light green turtleneck, light pink jeggings, brown little boots, and a pink and green beanie. Her hair was tied into a long side braid.

"Hi guys....." She whispered.

Before anyone could say anything else, Rainbow Dash randomly showed up OUT OF NO WHERE and scared the living daylights out of the group.

"RAINBOW DASH!!" Everyone shouted. Rainbow was laughing so hard, tears came out of her eyes.

"You guys should have seen the looks on your faces! PRICELESS!!!" She choked out between laughter. She wore a bright red sweat jacket, matching red boots, and white jeans with splattered rainbow colors.

But the others just glared at her. "Hahahaha..... ha....... what?" Rainbow asked noticing their dirty looks.

"Gotta admit Dashy, that was HILARIOUS!" Pinkie squealed before joining the group of girls.

"You would think so Pinkie..... You laugh at everything!" Spike said, and everyone nodded, even Rainbow Dash. Pinkie smiled brightly towards them.

"What can I say? I enjoy laughing! Hey, have you guys seen Applejack?" Pinkie suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Beats me! I sent her a BAZILLION texts and she still wont answer me!" Rainbow Dash said glancing down at her phone.

"Um..... You don't suppose she didn't show up..... do you?" Fluttershy wondered out loud. Pinkie shook her head.

"Why wouldn't she be at her own house?" Rarity asked, peering over at Fluttershy. The pink haired teenager blushed and said:

"Actually..... that does sound stupid doesn't it....."

"Girls, calm down. She's probably just..... doing something." Twilight suggested, trying to be the mature one of the group.

Just then, the sound of a door somewhere in the house being slammed arose in the air. Spike, turning his attention towards the noise, saw a sight that made his mouth drop to the floor.

It was Applejack. But not the Applejack he knew! She was wearing a brown, leather jacket that complemented her curves perfectly. Her hat completely matched the jacket, and was still resting atop her head. She wore ripped blue skinny jeans and leather boots that matched her jacket and hat. Instead of her hair being in a side ponytail like usual, it was hanging loose and free. It was unbelievable but Spike swore he saw some makeup on her face......

"Sorry everybody! Ah' jus' had to grab the cider!" The farm girl called out, shifting her way down the stairs. She was carrying five boxes of the cider all at once! The bottles rattled and clinked against the wooden boxes, spilling and sliding all over as she tried to make it down the stairs.

Suddenly, Spike sprang into action, rushing up the stairs and grabbing 3 boxes off the load.

"Thank ya' kindly Spike...... But Ah' don' need any help....." She mumbled, walking down the steps with ease now.

Spike smiled at the modest girl. "It's my pleasure A.J! If I hadn't gone up here..... You probably would have dropped all of these!"

Applejack chuckled to herself, finally making it down the stairwell. "Ah' guess yer' right...."

The two set the boxes down and the rest of the group walked over to them.

"We were just talking about you!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Yeppy doodle!" Pinkie snorted.

"OH MY GOD IS THAT APPLE CIDER?!?!?!" Rainbow screamed, cutting the rest of the gang off.

"Eeyup! We have enough for everyone to have at least 3 bottles!!" Applejack said cheerfully.

The whole group cheered at her statement, all except for Spike. He was gazing at Applejack, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks.

Applejack's hair looked so soft... he just wanted to touch it. It would probably feel like the nicest silk in the world! He could imagine running his fingers through it. Rarity's hair would probably be gross to run his fingers through, the way she uses all that stiff hairspray. But Applejack didn't use any of that stuff.... she didn't need to anyways! Wait.... this was weird.... Why was he thinking so solely of her?

"Helloooooo? Earth to Spike?" Rainbow Dash called out while Fluttershy waved a hand in front of his face. He suddenly snapped to attention, realizing that he was staring off into space, or rather, at Applejack.

"Ya' Okay sugar cube?" Her sweet country voice chimed, making Spike shiver. Her voice always had a cute little accent to it. The country flair of her could make anyone smile.
Wait.... Why was he noticing this now? It had always been in front of him. This was the same old Applejack! Why was he taking notice in her just now? Why was he taking notice in her AT ALL?

"SPIKE!!" Twilight screamed, finally getting his attention.

"Wha- ah- huh?" He stumbled with his words, blushing a bit darker.

"Is everything okey-dokey-lokey?" Pinkie screeched, putting an arm around his shoulders.

Spike gave Pinkie a confused look. "Erm..... I think so?"

The whole group all went silent, either coughing nervously or chuckling softly. "So..... Anyways....." Applejack let out slowly, breaking the awkwardness.

"Ah' worked extra hard for this apple cider!" She smiled and raised an eyebrow at the rest. "So Ah' hope you all are appreciative!"

"OH YEAH I AM!" Rainbow screeched.

"Me too!" Twilight added.

"Yeah! It's so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!"........ I'm just gonna let YOU guess who said that....

Rarity looked at Pinkie like she was an alien and slowly let out a "Ok...? Me as well....."

"I am too...." Fluttershy whispered.

Applejack then looked strait at Spike, her bright green eyes piercing into his soul. They were so bright it was almost criminal. It was IMPOSSIBLE for those eyes to be genetically possible! They were so deep, and yet so light. They reminded him of an emerald that Rarity once showed him. Clear cut, shining brightly, green.......

Suddenly Spike realized that he was taking WAY too long to respond.

"I! Um.... erm...... I totally appreciate you! I MEAN...... your um..... cider......" Spike spat out, trying to disconnect himself from the weird stares coming from his friends.

"Yeah.... Could you excuse me for a moment?" He mumbled before darting for the front door. Outside..... I need to go outside.... He thought.

But, before he could open the door, he could hear Twilight saying, "Don't mind him..... He's just probably stressed from all the school work....."

The tiny bits of ice brushed Spike's cheeks softly as he ran out the front door. The air rushed through him and pulled him through the orchard. The apple tree's loomed over him, the tops sprinkled white. It was truly a beautiful sight to behold, but this was not the matter at hand.

What the heck is up with me tonight? Maybe all that math went to my head.... Spike mumbled in his brain. He couldn't understand it. This was APPLEJACK! The same one he has always known. The same one AT THE PARTY!

~Oh? And what is the problem? I thought you liked the idea of love?~ A little voice in his head had whispered.

What? What the heck do you mean? Spike jeered back at the voice.

~Well.... You always were the one for Rarity.....~

Yeah? And I still am!

~OH SURE! You barely even SPOKE to her tonight!! ALL you have been doing is paying all your attention to that little farm girl.....~

Wh-WHAT?! Me..... like........ APPLEJACK?! But I like Rarity!!!

~Oh please..... you must at least think she is pretty....~

Spike blushed and leaned against a tree. It was true that he had been "checking her out" all night, but he didn't think he liked her.

Well..... Yeah..... but....

~AHA!!!!! Looks like Miss Rarity isn't the only girl on Spikes list! Ha ha! You are such a playa!~

NOW HOLD ON A SECOND!!!! Just because I think she is.... well... pretty.... DOES NOT MEAN I LIKE HER!!!!

~Oh? So you don't like her? I thought she was your friend....~

Spike face palmed himself for being so stupid..... or was it his self conscious? OH MY GOD!!! WHATEVER!!!!!

SHE IS!!!! But i mean 'love'!!!

~So, you do love her?~


~Hahahahaha! This is hilarious!!~


~Well, I'm you silly! Duh! So about Applejack....~


OK.... This wasn't helping AT ALL!!! Time to go back inside!!!! SCREW THE COLD!!!!!

Spike ran through the orchard, mindlessly dodging trees and apple buckets. He shook his head back and forth, trying to get rid of that annoying voice in his head. His eye's weren't even open as he stumbled over obstacles. He was on the edge of pure rage, NO!!! PAST THAT!!!! He swore he could see red when he opened his eyes.

CRASH!!! Well, that wasn't a lie.... Spike did see red..... a red barn.

Spike rubbed his sore forehead and gazed wearily at the barn above him. He cursed under his breath as he shifted up on his feet and wiped the slush off of his clothes.

"Hmmmmmmmm........ Hmmmm hmmmmm......"

Spike turned toward the open part of the barn, a melodic tune flowing through the air in short sweet hums. Curious, he followed the beautiful sound and peeked from behind the edge of the wall. A back was facing him...... The back of Applejack....

OH OF COARSE!!!!!! He jeered in his head. The last thing he would want to see right now......

But there was something different about the country girl, it was almost if all of her spirit was sucked from her. She wasn't ye-hawing or laughing or happy at all. She seemed calm and collected, something that rarely came from the teen. It was almost as if she were..... sad...... but she wasn't crying. She was holding a wooden guitar in her tanned hands and she strummed the strings softly. Spike wanted to leave, he wanted to just walk away. But now it seemed like that little voice in his head was keeping him glued to his spot. Suddenly, without hesitation, the farm girl began to sing a sweet song to herself, as if no one was watching. Her hands moved up and down the guitar and strummed a little tune to go with it.

[Sings Stronger by Kelly Clarkson]

Applejack sighed after she finished her song, and sat back on the bale of hay.

"That was a nice song...." Spike mumbled as he drew away from his hiding spot.

Applejack jumped up, her guitar flying off of her and crashing on the ground, producing a loud strum of the guitar strings. She winced at the guitar noise, and her face flushed a light pink.

"Sp-Spike..... What in tarnation are ya' doin' here?" She folded her hands behind her back, and rubbed the back of her leg with her foot. She was muttering something under her breath, and looked down so he couldn't see her face under her hat.

"Well.... I was just taking a walk..... when I heard you humming." Spike smiled and sat on the hay bale, his face the same color.

Applejack kicked the dirt and peered up over the brim of her hat. "Oh God..... Please tell me ya' didn' hear me....." She said, her face turning darker.

"Every word...... I don't see why you're so shy about it...... you have a nice voice..... besides... you sing in front of me and the gang all the time!" He uttered.

"It's not jus' that......" Applejack sighed once more, plopping down next to the younger boy. "That song..... it's me and Ma's song....."

Spike's eyes widened. He always knew that Applejack's parents were dead, but he never heard her HERSELF say anything about them. It was always the stifled whisper of his friends or the the mumbles of school mates. They would stare, chant, sometimes even mock.

"Look..... It's her..... the girl who's parents died....."

"Did you see that girl with the hat? That hat is her mum's..... she died along with her father...."

"Stupid orphan...."

"Parent less....."

"Ha! I bet if her parents were still around they still wouldn't love her!"

"I feel bad for her....... What? Talk to her?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

"I wonder if she's gone psycho yet...."

Spike remembered hearing all these remarks, and every time he would get a sharp pain in his gut. It was of remorse, woe, sympathy, and insanity....
He couldn't imagine stepping into her shoes. Having gone through all that pain and being forced to live with it.... And walk through the halls.... Just watching people point and stare. Some would be polite about it.... Most would shrug it off.... and others would torture her for it.....

He could remember the first time he saw her cry.....

"Haha! Look at the stupid little tramp! Want your mommy and daddy to come and rescue you?

The three senior girls all cackled and laughed at Applejack, kicking her, punching her. The poor girl finally fell to the ground, giving up.

The girls laughed some more. "You stupid fucking orphan! I guess you were always meant to give up!

They nearly doubled over into a laughing fit. Kicking the innocent girl until she bruised. Until Spike looked around the corner and saw the sight.

The boy threw himself between Applejack and the bullies. "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" He cried.

But all they did was laugh harder. "Oh yeah? And what is a bitchy little junior boy gonna do about it?" One of the girls jeered, flicking his forehead.

Before he could think, Spike could feel his fist sock her right in the mouth. Sure, people always said to never hit a girl, but what was he supposed to do?

The girl stumbled back, falling into the arms of her sidekicks."You...... You hit me!" She breathed like it was the most surprising thing that had ever happened to her.

Without another word, the girls ran from behind the school, to go home, like everyone else had already done.

Spike then focused his gaze on the bleeding girl behind him, kneeling down next to her.

"A-Applejack?" He stuttered, unsure of what to do or what to say.

That's when the girl looked up from the pavement. Her face was black and blue, her nose bleeding and tears stinging her eyes.

She stood up imprudently, and made an attempt to run away, but once she tried, she failed and crashed to the concrete.

"Applejack!" Spike cried in alarm, rushing to her side. Tears and blood stained the sidewalk as she sobbed on the cold ground.

"They.......... Mah' parents........" Applejack managed to speak out.

After that, Spike picked her up and carried her home. He may not have been the strongest junior... but he could at least carry Applejack home.

And at that moment, that's all that mattered to him.......

In reality, Spike and Applejack both sat in complete silence.

"My Ma always told me that the hardships made us stronger, helped us through the pain." She finally spoke, cutting off his thoughts.

Spike looked at the girl and smiled a bit. This was the first happy thing he had ever heard about Applejack and her parents.

"It helped me...... get over some thangs'...... an'........" She muttered, turning towards the dragon.

"She also said to hold the things we cared about..... never let them go..... even if it hurts..."

Spike stared at her, one of the first times that he could really understand her. She never FORGOT about her parents. She always held onto them.... even if it hurt her...

Applejack suddenly looked away, facing down. She did look flustered. Spike would be as well. He scooted closer to the farm girl, and placed his arm gently around her, as if he wanted to comfort her. He knew she would shudder and scoot away, or grab his arm and place it back to the side, like Rarity always does.

But, she didn't! She stayed there! She didn't scoot, shudder, or get up and walk away. She sat there, content in her little space. Rarity had never done that! She had always cut it off like it was a stupid gesture. But Applejack.... She never moved. This wasn't like Rarity at all..... Something about it...... just seemed..... right......

"HEEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO?????" A high pitched voice called, after a door a couple yards away swung open.

Spike immediately stood up along with Applejack, breaking the contact. He could feel his face getting warmer and warmer. The girl with the pink curls simply smiled, walking (or rather hopping) over to them.

"Hiya guys! Everybody's looking for you two! You've been gone for awhile!" Pinkie chortled before raising an eyebrow at the two.

"What are you guys doing in here?" She asked curiously, her radiant face flashing a look of suspicion.

"NOTHING!!" Spike and Applejack both said in sync.

Pinkie smiled even wider and bounced back into the room. "Okey dokey lokey!! Come on and join the party!"

Without hesitation, they both walked back into the barn. They both didn't dare to look at one another. But once they were in the hallway, Spike finally managed to say something.

"Well..... I uh....." Though it wasn't much..... STUPID.... STUPID..... STUPID!!! ~Well you aren't gonna get the girl if you act like that.....~ SHUT UP!!!!

"Yeah..... Look Spike... Ah'm sorry about that....." Applejack mumbled.

"Why are you sorry?" Spike asked, stopping in the archway leading into the main room.

"Well..... Ah' mean... Ya' shouldn' have seen me like that... It was dumb.... Ah' mean, why should ya' have to deal with mah' struggles?" She leaned against the side of the arch, finally looking up from her hat. She had a face full of embarrassment and utter regret.

"First of all, it wasn't dumb. You're allowed to have feelings! Second, I really don't mind! I put others needs before my own, I've never known anything else.... And when I saw you there singing that song..... It just didn't sit right.... I mean, you are always all excited and happy! So I sorta talked to you about it.... and well yeah.... That's what I did..."

Applejack smiled at the boy, replying with a "Really?".

"Really." Spike grinned back. He liked her smile....

Suddenly he noticed that the room was silent..... Which was strange. Parties are NOT supposed to be silent! ESPECIALLY not one of Pinkie's! He turned, and looked at the rest of the gang. Which only gave him even more concern....

Twilight was eying him, a smug grin on her face....... She was suggesting something..... Both Pinkie and Rainbow started to laugh at the same time, doubling over...... Pointing at them...... Rarity's face was of pure shock, her mouth hanging wide open to the point wear a fly could have flown strait in. Fluttershy was whispering something to her boyfriend, Discord, giggling a few times. As for the rest of the guests at the party...... They were doing the same things!

Spike looked over at Applejack, confused. But the farm girl was focused in something much more interesting, which was above them, her face twisted in horror and her cheeks turning red.

Spike looked up and gasped at the sight before him...... A rather ironically placed plant........ He could feel his face warm....


Spike met the gaze of the girl...... Both of there faces saying "Oh God......"

"Ah'.... uh......" Applejack started, shaking like a leaf.

"DO IT ALL READY!!" Someone shouted form the far end of the room.


"Oh come on! Don't rush them!" Rainbow managed to stop laughing and stared at the two. "Well?"

Applejack gulped and looked back at the boy standing in front of her. "Ah'..... Ah' guess we.... h-have to....." She murmured.

"It...... it is the rules......." Spike followed, staring at the shiny emeralds she called eyes.

"Just a quick one...." She whispered, her face as dark as beet, and Spike's face residing in the same color. He nodded.

He could feel his face inching closer, closer the her lips, which weren't puckered at all by the way. He closed his eyes and waited for impact...

Just a quick one.....

He felt his lips being slightly brushed, like a peach being rubbed against his mouth, and she pulled back. He was relieved, thinking it was over. But right as he opened his eyes, she LURCHED into him..... And this time...... her lips WERE puckered.....

OH DAMN IT....... ~This is hot!~ GO AWAY...... ~Alright! Wouldn't wanna ruin your moment!~

His eyes dashed around, trying to figure out what was going on. JUST A QUICK ONE! JUST A QUICK ONE! IT WAS GOING TO END ANY MOMENT!


But despite it all, it was very enjoyable. He felt like he was sinking into a pool of warmth and although he loved the cold, this sort of warmth was cozy and lovely.
His eyes taunted to stay open, but he forced them shut and pushed into her, kissing her back.

Apple pie..... he could taste apple pie..... Applejack's arms wrapped around his sides, and he ran his fingers through her long, golden hair. It was as soft as he had imagined, maybe even SOFTER! He heard her hat fall to the ground with a small pat, but he barely noticed. The whole world seemed to drain out....

Until some people started whistling and others made cat noises. And then Discord shouted "HEY GET A ROOM YOU TWO!!!"

Laughter filled the room as they both jolted from the kiss, eyes wide with anticipation. They both started giggling like little school girls, unsure of what was to come next.

"OH MY GOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH!!!!!" Pinkie squealed, jumping in place, making the whole room laugh again.

That was when Applejack walked to the front door, opening it wide and smirking at the teen.

"Spike?" She chuckled a bit before saying "Ya' comin'?"

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" The whole crowd awed, now all looking at the flabbergasted Spike, who was walking towards and out the door.....


Spike wasn't sure how long they were under that tree in the orchard...... And frankly he didn't care...

Applejack was curled up next to him, leaning on his shoulder and sleeping soundly. The stars twinkled in the sky as he looked at several constellations Twilight would always point out to him. The other stars lied by their feet, and blanketed around them. Like he said before, Spike loved the cold.

But he couldn't feel the cold due to the girl lying next to him.... And for one thing.....

He might just like her warmth more.......

Author's Note:

IT'S DONE.....

Comments ( 38 )

So damn CUTE, im almost died and I barely survived baby applejack- OH N0NO NO WAI-

While this is a good stroy I really don't like the whole 'kids making fun of Applejack for being her parents being dead'.
Don't get me wrong. Kinds can certainly be very cruel. But they tend to make fun of eachother for surface problems. Twilight was considered weird for always studying. Rainbow Dash was made fun of for always crashing, and Fluttershy was teesed for being weak and helpless. All of these are surface problems viewable to anyone and easy to make fun of.
I feel that Applejack would most likely be made fun for being a country bumkin more then anything else.

Do you have anyone proofreading these because I have found broke the forth wall, wont, and threeseniors just from a casual glance. If you do have one, then you should try to find a second person as well.
Also so many squeees!! Keep up the good work.

i sorta rushed through some of it... sorry....

11th place in top stories today!
Does a happy dance

Is there more chaps

Rarity's hair would probably be gross to run his fingers through, the way she uses all that stiff hairspray.

:rainbowlaugh: best thing I ever heard.

no no more, I do not know why i had it on 'Incomplete'

Such a sweet story.

Bravo. I loved every moment of this. I give this my David Crespo stamp of approval.


This story feels like the prequel of this story.
since this is humanized. Good applespike story anyway. :moustache::heart::ajsmug:

O////O does it now?.....

four hundred..... and sixty eight..... views.....

If you know about me, you know that I LOVE fluttercord. Like, a lot. But I also have a soft spot for this couple. IT'S SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :pinkiecrazy: :heart:

So true! How much hairspray DOES Rarity use to make her mane/hair like that? An impossible amount!!!!!!!!!!!!! :raritywink:

In this episode of Too Cute we have this

Dear Celestia I loved this. This was too cute AND it has my favorite pairing!!!!:moustache::heart::ajsmug:

Bravo sir, You have earned all my admiration for this wonderful piece of work.:twilightsmile:


Words cannot describe the joy I is feeling right now. What I'm trying to say is...


Have a moustache :moustache:

Oh crud, I'm dying. I think the feels killed me. But it was so worth it! :raritydespair:




Feels good don't it?

SOOO AMAZING! I would have never thought that someone like me would write a story attracting so much attention! EEEEE Thank you guys so much!!!!!

I know it's pretty amazing also your welcome.

*Looks up to see Incoming FEELS*

Oh dear...

Oh no. They're coming. I should have heeded that warning. OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG THAT WAS ADORABLE *squee*

Also... Five pages? Seriously what school do you go to? Mine would give three papers, a project, AND five pages of math


Well I just did a review on this story Review: Sneaking Mistletoe Kisses so yeah I liked this story but you can find out more about it there.

Awwwww........wait..... Did I just awww?:rainbowderp:

This was an okay read. The end scene from the archway and mistletoe onward was good but other than that it's pretty, unfortunately, forgettable. Though I did somewhat like how you did the bullying and hero's rescue scene.

100 LIKES??? OMG! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can't believe it!!

Just going through my stories to see if there are any new comm-


Spike and Applejack go to a winter party with all there friends .... and discover something no one would expect.....


Spike and Applejack go to a winter party with all there friends


winter party with all there friends

I am ashamed of myself

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