• Published 29th Apr 2015
  • 8,045 Views, 113 Comments

Rising Sun - New Dawn

Naomi and Landon are major fans of the Okami games. Upon finding two halves of Divine Retribution, they get sent to Equestria. Finding themselves as the sun god and goddess, they decide to have a little fun.

  • ...

Three: Chaos Ensues

Cave of the sun

The wolf goddess yawned as she rolled from her place on the stone floor. Doing her usual routine of checking whether Celestia raised the sun or not then trying to wake up the smaller sun god on the floor.

But this time, Her routine went a little differently. A portal appeared just in front of her cave. Quickly jumping behind a stalagmite, She watched as something unexpected walked out. Rather, Two unexpected somethings.

The first was a white haired girl with weird technologic like clothes and a jewel on her forehead while the other was a man in a red cloak and black sleeveless shirt and pants. “I thought we were jumping in at the same time, Faith.”

“I just couldn’t help myself-.”

Faith’s comment was interrupted once her eyes laid sight on the small wolf pup in the room. In which to her, she saw a puppy. Going over to it, she softly began to pet it and soon hugged it in a loving embrace. “Awww!! Uncle Nicko, Can we keep it? I always wanted a puppy.”

“That’s… not a dog Faith.” Nicko warned his niece. “That’s a wolf pup. Plus, it’s mother is bound to be somewhere.”

The Sun goddess decided it was time to make herself known.

“You will NOT hurt Landon.” She spoke to them telepathically. Nicko was the first to turn around. Positioning himself between the Wolf and his niece. He recognized the wolf from somewhere…

“Oh boy… Faith…… Put the pup down…”

“But he’s so soft and cuddly…” Faith said with puppy dog eyes.

“Ngh… What’s going on… Huh?! Who are you?!” The small wolf shouts telepathically, struggling to get out of Faith’s arms.

“Aww… he likes my hugs.”

“Naomi! Help!”

“Wait…… Faith, put him down. I just thought of something.” The Rune Slayer told his niece. This time, she was compliant, setting the pup down back on the stone floor as Nicko sat down in a normal Lotus Meditation position as he looked at both of the wolves and their red markings. “I think these two are Displaced.”

“If you mean we were taken away from Earth then you would be spot on.” Amaterasu said mentally.

“The same thing happened to us, but on different circumstances. I’m Nicko Nocte and this is my niece Faith. It is a pleasure to meet you two.”

“Naomi Misuka.”

“Landon Ward. I don’t think I really like Faith…”

“Aww…” Faith moaned with eyes that would make Landon think he caused a little children to cry. Naomi swatted Landon with her paw as he wondered what he did wrong.

“Landon, we don’t say if we don’t like someone OUT LOUD!!”

“Meh. Not my fault.”

“It’s always your fault.”

Nicko sighed to himself as he comforted Faith and remembered something. “So, should we call you by your normal names… or by your god names. Amaterasu and Chibiterasu.”

“I don’t really care.” Naomi replies mentally.

“Anything but that.” Landon mentally deadpans.

“Alright then, Chibi.” Faith giggled at Landon’s reaction to being called that.

“Gaah! Loopholes!”

“Heehee… Sorry, it’s just easier if I say toned down versions of long names. It’s better for my memory since I’m not always good with it.” Faith replied. “It still reminds me of when we met Nelly.”

“You mean Neltharion?”

“Yeah, but I prefer to call him Nel. Not by his other nickname… What was it again?”

“Deathwing?” Nicko told her.

“Right, so anyways, where were we, Chibi?”

“I’m just going to ignore the use of that nickname.” The younger wolf sighed as he looked at the white haired girl

“Well, it’s either than or calling you Lan. Maybe Lando like that guy in Star Wars.” Faith chuckled to herself.

“Weeell, At least it’s better than Chibi or some of the other names he got in the game…” Landon says.

“Whatever you say, dude.” Nicko smiled, looking towards Amaterasu.

She looked like she was silently holding in laughter. The sun goddess quickly swallowed the laughter and cleared her throat.

“Right, So why exactly are you here?” She asks.

“Well, we came here through a Displaced token, which I believe happens to be for both of you.” Nicko said as he held out the Holy bone and Faith held out the Small Cherry bomb.

“I don’t remember seeing these…” Naomi mutters.

“Well, to understand it a little, it might require a bit of explaining.” Nicko started as he straightened himself up. “You see, Displaced means Dimensionally misplaced and if you know science and what not, there can be multiple dimensions of one place. Now, in this case, there are multiple versions of Equestria with each one having their own Displaced. But they could call upon other Displaced using what’s called a summoning token. However, a Token works like a magnet. Either you summon the Displaced you want to fight alongside you or you bring yourself to them on accident. Trust me, it’s happened before.”

“I think I understand?” Naomi replies.

“I kinda zoned out at the start…” Landon admits.

“Well, let’s make it simple. Think Final Fantasy summonings, but it working two ways. Not only can you summon them, but you can summon yourself to them.” Nicko said, hoping that it would help Landon get a better understanding.

“Ohhhh. ok. I feel foolish now.” He says, nodding his head.

“It’s okay. It’s a lot to take in when you meet another Displaced for the first time.”

“Last question, Who exactly sent us here?” Naomi ask.

“That… depends. Most people end up here because of a figure named The Merchant, but for Faith, the circumstances were different. She found a small pendant that went along with a costume she found in the attic of her home and then ended up in Equestria when she woke up.”

“Let see.. I remember… buying something then… It’s kinda blurry.” Naomi says, thinking back.

“You seriously can’t remember?” Landon asked.

“It’s been a thousand years!” She yelled.

“Hey, just out of curiosity, Where’s that Disk you keep on your back?” Nicko asked. “You know… I think the name was Divine… something.”

“Divine Retribution. I’ve figured out how to make it appear and disappear on cue.” Naomi explained, Making the reflector appear and vanish with a burst of light. The Rune Slayer nodded with a slight “Ahh.” as he saw the goddess perform the action. But soon, his hearing began to pick up something else. The sound of hooves.

“Uhh, Naomi? Were you expecting any early morning visitors?”

“It’s probably Sweetie. She said… sometime… I honestly don’t remember but she said she was going to visit.. Maybe? I was kinda busy at the time.” Naomi sheepishly replied.

“Oh great… More visitors that want to hug me.”

“I wouldn’t blame them.” Faith said. “You are so FREAKING CUTE!!!”

“I am not CUTE!”

“Yes you are!! You’re just not admitting it!!” Faith told the wolf as she quickly grasped Landon in another snuggle hug. “SNUGGLE!!!”


Nicko was trying to hold in his laughter as he watched Faith cuddle with the Wolf Child.

“I think Sweetie took another wrong direction…” Naomi sighs, hearing the hoofsteps get fainter.

“Should we go look? Or have Faith and Chibi go look- Agh!!”

As soon as Nicko stepped outside, his leg was caught in a lasso rope trap. As his sword fell down to the ground, he noticed three girls in the trees above him.

“Alright! We totally got one!”


“Oh great……” Nicko groaned as his coat fell off now.

Naomi stepped outside the cave and giggled.

“Wait… I’ve got a good one! Why are you just…. Hanging around?”

“Seriously…… Worst pun ever.”

“Hey girls!! It even talks Equish!! We’re one step closer to completing that Species Project for school!!!”

“Sweetie belle, Can you let my friend down?” The goddess says, stifling her laughter. The Filly, upon noticing this, tried to untangle the ropes. But due to Applebloom’s knot tying skills, this was harder than you would think. Naomi, sighing, used the Celestial brush and drew a single stroke to execute a Power Slash and cut the rope. This though, cause Nicko to fall on his head.



“It’s alright, I’ve had to deal with worse. Think about yourself running from a ticked off Griffonia because they see you as an intruder.”

“Eugh. Yeah… I couldn’t outrun them.”

“But, things toned down once my teacher settled things down.” Nicko sighed as he brushed the dirt off his clothes.

“Guessing another Displaced?”

“Yup. An Elder Dragon named Ryu.”

“OOOH! Girls, it knows a Dragon!!”

“You do realize I have a name right?” Nicko sighed as he watched Faith and Landon come out of the cave. Sweetie Belle turned, seeing the young wolf and the girl. Preparing herself, she soon pounced onto the wolf.

“NOOOOO! Not againnnn!” Landon cried. Faith though, used the moment to cuddle both of them at the same time, making Sweetie Belle giggle.

“This is so much fun!! Well, for me, but meh… Who cares?”

“I care!” Landon snapped.

“Hush, Squiddy.” Nicko said, hearing the wolf’s cries that hurt his ears as he was trying to adjust himself.

A green line then started to connect the two wolves together as Landon was sent flying out of Faith’s arms by the Vine technique. Sweetie Belle was treating the experience like an amusement park ride as she was floating in the air. “WHEEE!!!”

“That’s some filly that you made friends with, Ammy.” Nicko commented as he caught Sweetie Belle when she jumped from the vine.

“I honestly just saved her from a manticore. That’s all.”

“Well, she see’s you as more than that.” Nicko said, looking behind him as the sun was rising. “Which begs the question…… do your sisters know you’re out this early?”

“Uh… No…” Two of the three fillies answer. Scootaloo didn’t say anything.

“And what season is it Ammy?” Nicko asked as he turned towards the wolf. “Spring?”

“Early season 4 I think?”

“Wrong season, Naomi.” Landon muttered.

“Go jump in the Mermaid Spring.” She mutters in return.

“He’s asking what month it is, sunbutt.” The young wolf retorted before hiding himself behind Faith.

“Don’t you DARE associate me with her! She’s lazy and I’m not!”

“Uhh, Ammy?” Nicko interjected. “I hate to break it to you, but he is right. I was asking for what month it was. Because if it’s spring… then it’s harvest… and if it’s harvest……”


“Welp, That answers that.”

“Aww man!!” Applebloom pouted.

“Come on, let’s get you back to Sweet Apple Acres. You can ask me questions for your “Project” after you do your chores. How does that sound?” Nicko offered as Amaterasu walked alongside him. The other two Crusaders followed them, along with Faith and Landon, who was still scared after the freak out with Naomi. Applebloom though was happy as they soon came across the side of the barn on the famous Sweet Apple Acres property, where her sister was waiting.

“Now then, where the hay were-. WHAT IN TARNATIONS!?!”

“Uhh… Hi Applejack.” Applebloom squeaked.

“Land Sake, sis!! What were you fillies doing up this early!?” The Farm pony asked as his brother soon came out and saw the small group.

“We were… doing a project. The one for Ms. Cheerlie’s class.”

“At five in the morning?”


“On a sunday?”

“ ……… Yes.”

Applejack looked a lot different from the way Nicko remembered it. First off, she was an actual pony and not an Anthropomorphic one. Second, she was up to Nicko’s waist on all four of her hooves with her head going up to his elbows. But one thing was for sure, she was still the same mare he remembered the last time she saw her.

“And what did ya happen to catch this time?” Was the Element of Honesty’s next question.

“Well, it was less like catch and more like decided to come along-.” Faith speaking though, startled Applejack and Big Mac.

“Y-you can talk!?”

Nicko facepalmed himself as he and Naomi looked at her. “Nice job…”


“No use feeling sorry now.” Naomi mutters.

“It’s okay, Faith. Mistakes happen.” Nicko said. “Applejack, am I right? We mean no harm to your sister and her friends. She happened to find myself, my niece, and two friends of mine and we decided to help bring them home so they were safe.

“Where were you though?”

That… was a good question. The Cave of the Sun was where they were, but he didn’t know where the cave entrance was located. Was it in the Everfree Forest? Nearby the lake? Naomi soon answered that question.

“My home. No, You can’t know where it is. It’s protected by several charm spells to prevent robbers.” She deadpans.

“Okay, I understand your reasons for it. But something concerns me… With it being the Harvest, we have one major problem-.”

That’s when a series of howls began to echo in the distance and all of them began to see multiple pairs of green eyes.


“Let me handle this… Everfree monsters kinda respect me in a-” Naomi never finished that as she was tackled by one. Nicko kicked it off of the wolf and then used his magic to conjure a Wind Blade to destroy it.

“Faith, protect the fillies!!”

“Yes, Uncle!!” She replied as Moby and Remy soon formed by her side. With the skills she knew, the Code Nemesis put up an Atomic Shield that surrounded not only Landon, the girls, and Appleblooms siblings, but the Barn as well. “Stay inside the bubble, you’ll be safe for now.

Twin lines started to flow midair as the burst away in blue smoke. Rain began to pour down as Deluge took effect, Reacting like acid to the timberwolves barkskin.

“Nice job.” Nicko complimented Naomi. “You okay after getting tackled earlier?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” She replied.

“Alright. I’m guessing the rain is helping out by weakening them?”

“Should stop them in their tracks until it lets up.”

“Allowing us an opportunity to strike?”


“Alright, just tell me when.” Nicko said as he unsheathed his sword. Getting a good grip on it, he turned towards Naomi, waiting for a signal.

Drawing a single stroke across the Timberwolves, she enacted a Power Slash against them. In all of a sudden the marking on her coat faded and her reflector vanished.

“Oh crap. Ran out of ink. Deluge took it out…” She moaned.

She pawed the ground before shouting two words.

“WOLF FUUUUUUUU!!!” She all of a sudden ran up and without thinking tackled the timberwolves similar to what they did to her. Soon though, Nicko leaped in and caught Naomi.

“Get yourself refueled. I got this.” He told her as the Rune Slayer gripped his sword. Putting a rune on the blade, Nicko used the lesson on mastery Ryu taught him in a different way. Normally, he would have the magic explode from his hand or on his feet to make himself move faster. he then proceeded to strike a few of the wolves, leaving a mark of the rune on their bodies.

“Click… Click… Boom!”

One snap of the finger later and the runes on the Timberwolves became live explosives, detonating and annihilating them.


“Not done yet. We still got five more left.” Nicko told her, seeing five pairs of eyes in the distance.

“Alright... “ She mutters, stepping up with her markings back.

Seeing an opening a Timberwolf charged. What it didn’t take into account is the giant tree that had just sprouted out of nowhere.

“I’d watch out for that.” Naomi taunts the dazed Timberwolf.

“Is that some kind of mutation?”

“No. It’s bloom.” Naomi explains, Making a single dot pop up. Later in it’s place was another giant tree.

‘Oh I get it. The Celestial Brush.’ Nicko thought to himself. “Get them close enough and I can take them down in one spell.”

The sun goddess nods and takes a fighting position. The Rune Slayer gave her the nod of approval for her to commence her attack as he began to channel his power. Charging forward, she stuck with trying to attack the wolves head on with her reflector, despite not knowing how. Slicing those who got near, she eventually managed to get them in a group.

“Got them!”

“Alright. Now Ammy, Jump!!”

The Sun goddess was confused at first, but soon realized what he was doing as his hand made contact with the ground. Nicko’s magic surged as it sprang from the ground, hitting each of the wolves with the skill called Rising Wave, an ability that sends a series of magic blades forward in a rising motion from underneath the opponent.

“Woah…” Landon spoke.

“One, two, three… Just like that.” The Rune Slayer smiled as he sheathed his blade.

“You have one awesome uncle, Faith.” Applebloom told her as she lowered the shield.

“Everypony okay?” Nicko soon asked as he walked back on over to the rest of the group. But soon, he noticed something in the air. “Okay, who called the Princess Patrol?”

“Not me.” Naomi and Landon spoke at the same time.

“Something tells me it was your magic, Uncle Nicko.” Faith replied. “Back where we’re from, Yuri said that Unicorn’s and Alicorn’s can feel how powerful a caster is depending on how dense their magic is.”

‘Like Power levels in Dragon Ball Z…… Fan-freaking-tastic’ Nicko sighed.

‘Was your power over 9000?’ Naomi soon spoke mentally.


‘What part of Telepathy do you not understand?’

Nicko’s only response was smacking his face as Princess Twilight, Celestia and Luna landed nearby.

“Wassup Celly?” Naomi speaks like nothing happened.

“What happened? Don’t lie to me, Amaterasu. We felt the magic from Canterlot. So what happened?”

“If you must know, Timberwolves.”

“Timberwolves?” Twilight asked. “I’m sorry, but single word answers aren't helping us here.”

“Just Timberwolves happened.”

“Yeah, but they took care of them like Ka-Blam!! POW!! SMACK!!!” Scootaloo said, impersonating sound effects from comic books. “Both her and Nicko.”

“Forgive me, but who is this Nicko that you speak of, young Scootaloo?” Luna asked.

“You know, I’m standing right here, right?” The Rune Slayer said as he leaned back and put his arms behind his head. Celestia now looked at Naomi, narrowing her gaze to where she looked serious.

“Don’t blame me! They just came out of a magic portal!”

“And how are we to believe that? This little thing doesn’t look like he could-.”

Before Luna was able to finish her sentence, Nicko straightened himself as his expression changed. His magic kicked in as he conjured a medium sized rune in his hand.

“I am NOT a thing!! I am Nicko Nocte!! And you will FEAR MY LASER FACE!!

Faith now was the one to facepalm herself. “Oh brother… That was one thing I forgot to mention…”

“What’s wrong, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“My uncle is not a fan of being referred to by his height. This happened before when we met Chrysalis in another Dimension.”

Twilight’s ears perked up at hearing the last two words from Faith’s previous sentence. Looking at both her, Nicko, Naomi and Landon now, she was thinking something through.

“Uhhh… Yeah, I think we should go before she tries to experiment on us...”

Nicko sighed. “Trust me. I got this…”

“Got what?”

“So, Princesses, should we discuss this somewhere else? I believe the Apple Family rather not have us delay them from helping with the harvest.”

“He does have a point, Princess.” Twilight replied. With a nod, Celestia casted a spell and soon, Nicko, Faith, Naomi, and Landon found themselves in Canterlot and no longer on the property of the farm.

“Could you give us a warning before you do that next time?”

“Sorry, no can do.”


“Such a troll.” Naomi joked around, looking at Nicko.

“Welcome to Canterlot Castle. I must admit, this might be a little sudden, but I thought it would be easier to bring you here than anywhere else.” Celestia stated. “Now, Amaterasu, care to introduce us to your companions?”

She rolls her eyes. “I guess. The guy over here is Nicko, and the girl is Faith, His niece.”

“And where are you from, Nicko and Faith?”

“Would it be crazy to say another Equestria?” Faith asked. Twilight’s eyes widened as well as the princesses. “Too soon?.”

“They asked.” Landon said.

“Amaterasu…… explanation… NOW!!!”

“Calm down, Nick Fury. We’re getting there.” Nicko said. “My niece and I are Displaced. Short for Dimensionally Misplaced. There are others like us who end up getting themselves somehow sent to different versions of Equestria. Which is possible according to the Multiverse theory.”


Nicko sighed, rummaging through his bag and grabbing a series of papers. “Here, seems like you have some required reading to do. It’s a report from the Clover the Clever in my world that composed a theory based on what we're talking about.”

It took about ten minutes for the princesses to go through the papers and clear up some common miscommunication. Then, Celestia began to speak. “So let me see if I get this right… You two used a Token to come to our Equestria?”

“To put it lightly, yes.” Faith said, Sitting down and cuddling Landon again.

“Please stoppp!” Landon moans.

“But you’re so soft!” She says, petting Landon between the ears and massaging him.

“Why does that feel so good!” He yelps.

“Because you’re such a good puppy!!” Faith cheerfully said as she gives him a belly rub once Landon hit the floor.

“I gotta say, Landon looks adorable like that.” Nicko chuckled.


“DENIAL IS PROOF!!!” Faith announced, rubbing Landon’s ears some more.

“Since when does that make sense?!”

“You’re in Denial that you’re not adorable. Therefore, you think you are, you handsome pup!!” Nicko himself chuckled a little more at his niece’s logic. She reminded him of when his brother was younger.

“I give up! Just stop hugging me!”

“What’s the magic word, Chibi?”

Landon remained silent then muttered something unheard.

“I can’t hear you…” Faith teased, now proceeding to rub under Lance’s chin in a massaging manor.

“Gaaah! Pl...ease…” He muttered.

“Good boy!” Faith congratulated, setting Landon free. “See, a little bit of courtesy can go a long way.”

“Wow… Never thought you would be the Animal Whisperer…” Nicko said, surprised at how Faith handled the situation with Landon.

“I do the same thing with Grandma Ciela all the time.”

Now that got Nicko to laugh. Who knew that the same tactics worked on his mother?

“Probably should have mentioned this ahead of time, But Landon has an ego slightly bigger than Rainbow Dash. He denies it however.” Naomi snickered as she looked back at the Wolf Pup.



“I’m just going to take your crazy logic and throw it out the window.” Landon replied.

“Right… So where were we before we got all sidetracked?” The Rune Slayer asked, trying to bring the conversation back to the original topic before the chronicles of Faith and Landon occurred.

“I believe we were talking about the Multiverse?” Twilight stated, eagerly holding a quill in a telekinetic grip and wanting to write down notes.

“Ah yes. Well, each version of Equestria is different in their own way. For example, where I’m from, Celestia has a little brother instead of a little sister named Artemis. Also, each one differs depending on what world you enter. How we came here though is through these two tokens, which I believe belong to Amaterasu and Chibiterasu.” With this, Nicko took out the Holy Bone he held onto and also the small cherry bomb that Faith used earlier.

Landon burst out laughing.

“Is that a tiny cherry bomb?!”

“I believe so, and I think that one is yours…” Faith said. “It works out so well since you’re just as tiny as this.”

“I’m not that tiny! Am I?”

“Twilight, do you happen to have a mirror?” Nicko asked. The Alicorn nodded, Bringing in a wide view mirror so they could compare the height of the four Displaced. Out of all of them, Landon was indeed… the shortest.

“Oh come on! Back on earth I was the tallest out of all of us!” He continued on in a rant about their sizes.

“Oh zip it. I was this size when I first got here and when I was turned to stone. You have nothing to complain about.”

Twilight and the other Princesses blinked a little. “I-i’m sorry. Did you say “Turned to Stone”? Like by the elements?”

“Long story short, my brother and I were fighting a crazed maniac and when the Elements of Harmony tried to encase him in stone, the maniac deflected the blast towards my brother and I took the hit instead. Waking up seven years later, I find Faith and found out she was my niece and that my brother was her Father.”

Landon blinked. “Now that’s what I called being Stoned.” A faint rim shot was heard in the distance.

“Not funny, Mutt.” Nicko snarled. “Not funny.”

“I’m the only one here who gets to make puns.” Naomi growls. Faith herself joined the other two and looked down on Landon. All three were disappointed in him, but Faith was the one who expressed it in words. “Bad boy, I thought we teached you better manners than that!! Do you want me to leave you at Fluttershy’s?”

“I’m not a child! I’m twenty one! Quit treating me like one!”

“Technically, you are a pup.” Twilight pointed out. “Amaterasu is your mother, right?”

“HELL NO!” They both shouted.

“Right…… forget I asked.” The Alicorn said. Before she could continue though, Twilight turned towards Nicko now. “So Mr. Nicko. Before you go anywhere, can you give a demonstration of your magic?”

“Sure. Faith can demonstrate what she can do as well.”

“Okay, Uncle!” Faith happily replied, summoning both Moby and Remy from their standby forms.

“W-what was that?”

“Oh, I just summoned my Two drones. This is Moby and that’s Remy.”

“Pfft, you gave them names?” Landon smirked with a snarky attitude, only to be startled when the Drones began to speak.

“Why yes, pup. We’re Ms. Faith’s guides and guardians, fighting alongside her whenever it is necessary.”

“Most of Faith’s powers are technological based in which she can construct with the help of Moby and Remy.” Nicko explained as Faith revealed the Nasod Spears that were along her back like wings. “As for me, I use Rune Magic to conjure multiple kinds of spells. Some runes are explosive, while others create blades from magic.” Nicko demonstrated by conjuring a small rune and detonating it in the palm of his hand.

“So that’s what the magic is called…” Naomi mutters.

“Yes. I’m a Rune Slayer and Faith is what she calls herself a Code Nemesis. Not in a bad way, of course.”

“Huh. Interesting.” Twilight says, writing her observations on her scroll.

“There’s more… but a few of our friends would be considered troublemakers by your standards, Princess.”

“How so?”

Nicko sighed, taking out his cell phone and began to look for an Audio recording he caught of Amy when she didn’t realize it. “Let me warn you, things might get a little out of hand. This was basically her version of infiltrating the Changeling hive.”

He then clicked Play.

“Excuse me Ma’am, but we can’t let you pass.”

“Aww crap. Well this sucks. And just when we got this bus filled with foreign exchange students here for a field trip.”

“Oh really? Where are you from?”


The last comment was followed by the sounds of Amy and her sister mowing down a battalion of Changelings, one bug at a time. “Yes, my friend Amy can be quite… Random, if I do say so myself.”

“Really? I don’t see it.” Landon said.

Nicko sighed… “Exhibit B. When an Assassin tried to claim the life of Princess Cadence.”


“Now if you don’t mind, I’M GOING AFTER THAT CADENCE B*TCH!!” The audio continues to hear the clicking of multiple weapons as soon as the Assassin opens the door.

“Well, that’s just not fair at all…”

“I’m sorry, but…” Amy retorted. “We DON’T GIVE A F*CK!!!”

*BANG!!!* *BANG!!!* *BANG!!!* *BANG!!!* *BANG!!!*

With that, Nicko shut off his phone. “I think that’s all the necessary proof I need to show, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I’ll say.” Naomi chuckles.

“Yep. It’s gotten to the point where she does some things just to drive Celestia crazy… I mean, our Celestia, not you your highness.”

“It’s alright. It seems as we now have a better understanding of the situation. For now though, we should keep this meeting between ourselves. I don’t want to cause a panic with the public if word gets out about this.” The Princess said as Nicko assured her of his compliance, the Alicorn retreating to her quarters.

“Well, we should prepare to go as well.” The Rune Slayer. “But before we do… Naomi, Landon, we have something for you.”

“Hm?” Naomi replied.

With that, Nicko handed his token to Naomi and Faith did the same. “These are our tokens. You can use them to either come to us or call upon us when you need our help.” In her paw, the Wolf now held Nicko’s Mark of the Rune Slayer and Faith’s Nemesis Blade.

“Huh. Cool. Thanks.”

“Your welcome. Can’t wait to see you again soon.” Nicko replied as he conjured a portal using his copy of his token. Before leaving though, Faith turned to Landon. “Bye Lanny!!!”

“Bye.” Landon deadpanned.

Naomi rolled her eyes before waving a subtle goodbye with a paw as both Nicko and Faith faded away with the portal they created.

Author's Note:

Meh, Buck it. I got lazy, Didn't want to change the POV to Naomi's and kept it third person

Crossover with Of Magic and Machines. Looong overdue to publish. Like I said, got lazy.

Also favorite line during this crossover:

“Amaterasu…… explanation… NOW!!!” “Calm down, Nick Fury. We’re getting there.”